[CNN is chatting this up … From the diaries by susanhu … and don’t miss JPol’s huge story below!]
Prelude to a frog march? This just in via a phone call from a friend and the NYT:
Embattled Rep. Tom DeLay decided Saturday to give up his post as House majority leader, clearing the way for new leadership elections among House Republicans eager to shed the taint of scandal, two officials said. (Emphasis mine.)
Surely going back to being a lowly backbencher can’t hold the same allure for Hot Tub Tom, but for now, DeLay will remain a member:
DeLay intends to remain in Congress, these officials said, and plans to seek a new term in November.
Once upon a time, someone like DeLay would already be planning his lobbying career, but after Abramoff … well, maybe not.
Do you have a link? I’ll try to find one if I can.
The Times’ link not working? Let me try again… link.
It’s an AP story, filed about 12:30ish. A friend of mine tipped me off b/4 I found the story, which I didn’t even see yet up on the Wash Post.
Opps, I missed that, sorry. I was just so happy.
And I was so happy until I forgot to add the link to Hot Tub Tom. I’ve always preferred that moniker–it is so much more accurate.
I first saw it at CNN around 12.25 (EST). Again at 12.30, reported as breaking news.
Ah, here it is again.
“House Republicans are keen for change in leadership to remove any hint of scandal” (somewhat paraphrased).
are playing CYA.
When I lived in Galveston-before the redistricting- DeLay was abhorred-no surprise that his new!! district encompassed the errr- wealthier part of the island.
I’m sorry I wrote such a short diary, but this little tidbit was too good to pass up.
Now–if I could only bring popcorn to watch the leadership fight…
We should sell tickets a give the money to homeless shelters, Katrina survivors, Iraqi vets, Iraqis, or a number of other people screwed by the Republicans.
Here’s a link to CNN
WASHINGTON – Embattled Rep. Tom DeLay decided Saturday to give up his post as House majority leader, clearing the way for new leadership elections among House Republicans eager to shed the taint of scandal.
Two officials said DeLay, R-Texas, was preparing a letter informing fellow House Republicans of his decision. These officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they did not want to pre-empt the formal announcement.
Congressman Tom DeLay is seen in the 331st District Court in Austin, Texas on October 21, 2005. About two dozen Republicans have promised to sign a petition calling for elections to permanently replace DeLay as majority leader in the House of Representatives. Jay Janner/Pool/Reuters
● AP/Ipsos Poll: Democrats 49% Favored over GOP 36%
WASHINGTON – In an ominous election-year sign for Republicans, Americans are leaning sharply toward wanting Democrats to take control of Congress, an AP-Ipsos poll finds. Democrats are favored 49 percent to 36 percent.
The poll was taken this week as Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty to tax evasion, fraud and corruption charges and agreed to aid a federal investigation of members of Congress and other government officials.
About a third of the public, 34 percent, approves of the job Congress is doing, and nearly twice as many, 63 percent, disapprove, according to the poll of 1,001 adults taken Jan. 3-5.
● Congress Report Doubts Bush Justification of Domestic Spying
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The US Congress’s research arm has reportedly concluded that the Bush administration’s justification for eavesdropping without warrants “conflicts with existing law and hinges on weak legal arguments.”
“The Congressional Research Service’s report rebuts the central assertions made recently by (President George W.) Bush and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales about the president’s authority to order secret intercepts of telephone and email exchanges between people inside the United States and their contacts abroad,” The Washington Post reported.
The findings have prompted Democratic lawmakers and civil liberties advocates to repeat calls for Congress to conduct hearings on the monitoring program and attempt to halt it.
“It appears unlikely that a court would hold that Congress has expressly or (implicitly) authorized the NSA electronic surveillance operations here,” the authors of the report wrote, according to the Post.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Here’s the ABC NEWS link.
Thank you! I have to run some errands but will be back soon. This was just too good to keep to myself! :<)
Oh, and Happy New Year to one and all! I’ve mainly lurked with a comment here and there since the holidays b/c I’ve had no time to really engage as normal.
Susan, how are you these days? Though I don’t “know” you, (or anyone here, now that I think of it) I think of folks often during the day, and hope you’re well.
OK–gotta run. Will be back soon!
Delay isn’t “embattled.” He is under indictment for being a crook.
Bye-Bye Tommy. We’ll see you in 2 to 5 years.
Her latest column is a good one (as always).
More Texan sleaze and stink
Read the rest for such priceless insights as:
Charles Kennedy stepped down today as well. I thought his parting words were extremely pertinent.
I smell some hot burning wires..Delay’s announcement coming so soon after the news item broke that Duke Cunningham was wired..the firm Alexander Strategy Group/Ed Buckham, CEO, that’s Delay’s former chief of staff helped by Abramoff, that bad penny, paid Christine Delay $115,000 for consulting fees.
Just wonderin’. Nice weekend everyone. Watch the popcorn.
(hat tip Laura Rozen warandpiece/NYT) http://warandpiece.com/blogdirs/003439.html
Doesn’t look like he’s smiling now… 😉
I, on the other hand, am grinning from ear to ear…only thing better would be to see him in an orange jumpsuit (or whatever the Texas prison color is).
Wonder if this means he’s having doubts about the results of the trial, especially in light of the Abramoff flip? He’s already lost all the attempts to speed up the trial…
Oh I think that when Newt came out and advised tommy boy to step down that was the final straw. Seeing how newt has still got the power in the congress (house)since he had to step down for his goings on too. It is a vicious cycle here my friends…just a vicious cycle. I trully hope and pray that this all comes out in the end to show us that our reps and sents. ahve been on the take for a very long time and they need to all give up the throne. Bless their little hearts, as fat lady sings would say….;o) I feel the best is yet to come…..hoping so anyhow…
Oh, Newt is just laughing his whole, entire ass off because DeLay and others stabbed him in the back a few years ago in a clumsy overthrow attempt in 1997.
I’m sure he’s really, really enjoying said spectacle now.
Oh I know you are right on with that one! I just had to stay it…:o) I heard newt the other day comenting on this topic and thought to myself of the circumstances this has all come about! It is way toooo funny IMHP…I meant my statement as a snarking mannerism.. sorry I didnt imply that along the way. You are absolutely correct!
And I thought the biggest laugh I’d get for the week was Duke Cunningham wearing the wire.
I just thought I’d bring up said story–it was funny then, and even funnier now!
Well blow me over mates! I have been out all day and just read this grand news. Burb Tommy, Burn.