All Night and into the Morning at the Froggy Bottom Diner
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
We’ll be really happy to see you.
That’s like a shot from a movie – any movie with a dog as the star.
he is a star, with or without a movie 🙂
So, in his dressing room, does he like milk bonz or snausages?
Biscuits — hah. His contract specifies cheese.
I bet that Velveeta doesn’t count.
He may be a mutt from the humane society but he has very high standards.
What a terrific photo, Andi! Instant cheer. Thanks!
Our pleasure — really because the sunny day in that photo was today.
Have you been able to get any snow photos?
I’m sure the sunlight in the photo adds to the happy feeling it gives me.
Unfortunately, I haven’t gotten outside with the camera lately. Weather continues terrifically bleak & chilly (despite the sun’s brief appearance yesterday), with rain & sleet as opposed to lovely snowfall. It’s not too pleasant out there.
I hope it clears up soon. It was so nice to have the sun out all day today.
I’ll bet! I think I’ve forgotten what that’s like. Can’t remember the last time I saw a sunset.
Thanks for your kind wishes. Forecasts are for relatively pleasant weather by late next week.
I love that photo. Wonderful.
See y’all later, or tomorrow. I’m off to read the Economic Hitman book.
(Been listening in my car to Lies My Teachers Told Me.)
(Click to enlarge.)

Stiff winds blow up the Sound this afternoon letting seagulls park in mid-air. The Olympic Mountains are nowhere to be seen.
Below, twa totos tackle 30 knot headwinds.

Aunty Em, Aunty Em!
Thanks for the belly laugh! It’s been a while 🙂
That’s a truly lovely photo up top, Gooserock. I’m not much of a traveler, but I’d definitely call that an inspirational image 😉
And those certainly seem like two stalwart pups! They don’t seem to mind the breeze at all.
in the creative or active sense like AndiF or Dada and numbers of the other contributers here. I just take what’s in front of me. Oh, but then I am willing to try some stupid camera tricks like shooting thru my polaroid sunglasses!
I was a small boat sailor for many years and often crewed on offshore boats. We owned an older 30 footer for a few years in Ohio before I lost my computer career.
I look at a scene like this and my blood pressure drops a good 20%. It makes me able to understand the military commander and trial-lawyer types who think more clearly as people attack them. I wilt when aggressive people attack me, but a good strong blow is like home.
I hear you — & I’m also quite pleased that you’re sharing your photos with us! The difference between what’s in front of you & what’s in front of me is part of my great appreciation for your work.
being in the same sentence as dada but really I just do what you do, carry my camera along and take pictures of what’s in front of me. It just so happens I have a whole forest to play with.
And you and Puget4 both take a lot of great photos.
Headin’ Downtown to grab some dinner and catch some live music…here’s a sunset from the… “I don’t recall”…archives
Wow! That’s all I’ve got – wow!
Absolutely beautiful, dada. Thank you.
Another one for my revolving screen saver file…which is where almost all the pictures from the Cafe end up…interpersed with my rather obsessively large numbers of pictures of Colin Farell and art from the poster shops.
I’ve just finished typing one of my exams and my printer is acting up. Grrrrr.
It took me all day to create one exam, in between playing aad surfing on-line. Only four more to go.
To inject a bit of seriousness here…Riverbend finally has a new diary up. And sounds like things are just getting worse all the time(surprise).
And not so serious. Because of the great print of Night Hawks up on top I was wondering if anyone wanted to go to one of the online postershops, or Art and show us what some of your favorite artwork is…and if I knew how to do that I’d do it myself. I really have to get with it and learn that stuff andi. My sister’s computer is still down by the way(long damn story and she is so pissed)so she hasn’t been able to print out that outline.
Also thinking if you wanted to email me and start with some basics like what the HTML codes mean down below here would probably be a start for this computer illiterate.
The html below the comment window shows you the legal tags that you can use in a comment but you don’t need to use any of them. And to do the froggybottom cafes you don’t have to use them because all you have to do is copy the example cafe and paste in the diary. While we are waiting for your sister’s computer to come back up, I’ll work on a step-by-step help how to do a diary for you.
Back to the html codes, if you want to use them, here’s some you might like:
to make things bold you would type <strong>bold</strong>
to make things italic you would type <i>italic</i>
you would type <blockquote>to put things inside a box</blockquote>
I feel like such a dolt and glad you guys are hanging around waiting for me to get this stuff in my head. It’s kinda driving me crazy that I can’t just read something once and ‘get’ it..although I know most other people don’t either.
You are welcome. I learned this stuff because people helped me so I’m glad to do my bit and share that knowledge. And you’re right, most people can’t just read something and immediately get it; we all stumble around. So any time you have a question about HTML or other webby stuff, just ask me and I’ll give it a shot (or hunt down katiebird who is really good at web things).
italic andi
part of the problem is the fact that all those <> etc look like some sort of algebra or math to me and I failed, failed failed that subject…or any math subject basically…just looking at that kind of stuff gives me an instant headache.
You can always think of them like I do.
> Alligator mouth open to the left
< Alligator mouth open to the right
Okay wanna make some text in color?
To get this:
Type this:
<div style=”display: inline; color: blue;”>blue text</div>
thanks so much andi-doing this one or two at a time without seeing them all lined up together makes a lot of difference…and like the alligator suggestion.
I have to take off and probably won’t be back here tonight. I have a very bad habit of not eating until sometime between 8 to 10 at night and it’s almost 9:30 here so I’d better go find something to eat before I wither away.
Thank you very much for the link to Riverbend. Personally, I’m very glad to know that she’s still able to post.
My favorite painting is “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali and here it is
I like that too because it makes you stop and think and wonder besides being visually arresting. When I was much much younger that painting would have left me completely puzzled as to why that weirdo painting could even be considered art.
Luckily for me I somehow got very interested in art in just the last ten years or so in a bigger way. That’s not to say that I know much about most artists and art but I am learning….very slowly but it’s fun.
but Monet is probably my favorite artist.
I like that, one of my yearly diary calendars was all Monet paintings, each month a different one of his paintings. Although I tend to like more primitive type art and primary colors.
My favorite works of his are the series he did of the Rouen cathedral.
Here’s the latest installment of the official baby of the frog pond.
Of course, I’m sitting here smiling as if Andrew can see me!
I so look forward to these images, Toni. Thanks.
Sniff says that obviously he isn’t the only star and he is willing to share his cheese.
Andrew will even eat the cheese that Sniff drop on the ground. That is if I don’t catch him first.
Of course, Sniff dropping the cheese would just be a ploy so that he could “clean” Andrew’s face when Andrew bends down to get the cheese.
(smile) I can just see it — like a scene in a movie.
from a nice nap on the couch?
A nice nap and then we discovered “What’s Up Doc” almost from the beginning. Very funny, really very funny movie. And lots of old San Francisco scenes.
To my mind it is the best movie the streisand made and the only time I ever liked ryan o’neal
And the great Madeline Kahn! She really held everything together. Neither Streisand or O’Neal are anywhere near as funny.
She was a genius. She was so funny in Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein.
(smiling) She really was. And fearless.
On the happy thought of Lili Von Shtupp singing “I’m so tired”, I think I’ll take my tired body off to bed.
Talk to you tomorrow.
I once heard an interview with the guy who does voice-overs for movie trailers. He was very funny. I can hear him now (in a very deep and over exaggerate voice)-
“In a world where the world’s cutest baby and the world’s cutest dog share cheese, happiness can be found.”
This is first step in your slow march to the realization that Andrew needs a walter the farting dog all his own.
when several broadcast majors popped in and proceeded to “announce” all the graffiti. I almost tore something sitting in the stall trying not to laugh.
He is STILL way too cute!
I am sure that’s what some starry-eyed girl will say when he’s a teenager. I just hope that he doesn’t believe his own publicity too much.
Alas, ’tis time for all woodland creatures to seek their beds for the night.
Goodnight, all! See you soon.
Agreed. I have been typing all day. I have a little more typing tomorrow and yet still more grading.
May dreams of Tom DeLay in prison strips lull you to sleep.
I’d like a cup of joe, a cheesburger with fries and a bunch of quarters for the jukebox so I can play Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison and Seanead O’Connor singing “Nothing Compares 2 You.”
It’ll be a few minutes while we brew a fresh pot, are you sure you wouldn’t rather have something else?
can I have an Aqua Libre, a spinach salad with red onions, black olives and some feta cheese, some dark rye bread with a little lite butter,
I BOOKED OUR JUNE VACATION!!! At least the cruise part — Royal Caribbean actually lets people book their trip online, bypassing the travel agent. And I knew what I wanted, having been on a cruise before. Wish I’d done it sooner; we were down to only about 6 rooms in the category/deck we wanted. The best part is that we’ll be cruising the Inside Passage on June 21st, so we’ll be on board ship to celebrate the spouse’s 50th birthday.
Need to set the rest of our itinerary soon; we’re still debating whether we’ll have the time to stop in Portland for a few days to see my niece and Damnit Janet, or if we’re just going to concentrate on Seattle since we haven’t been there in like forever. Got a little time to decide, but can’t take too long…
Time to turn in soon — tomorrow is mega-laundry day as we prepare for immersing ourselves in technology at this week’s MacWorld Expo… 🙂
We’re over here.