Hey, Hi There!
Glad to see you.

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Get your self
and a
(ummm) Good Morning!
Are you awake or just up?
I hope your plans today are to relax and enjoy all you have accomplished 🙂
I can’t tell yet. That first article will tell the tale, since I’m over at Eat 4 Today typing like mad.
Should I try to by e4t.com?
I guess that settles whether you are going to relax.
e4t.com already exists.
Who is domainsponsor? Are they one of those places that buys domains hoping someone will pay a lot for it?
Dunno. I just went to it. It appears to be a small directory of paid for links.
Nyst ssibve that sithe ifs eofir ppictue.
How I type before having the thing in the first photo.
Easy for you to say ;o)
Good morning Kansas
Morning, super. I read downstream that you have to face an irate client today. How could anyone possibly be mad at you once they get a look at your work?
Good luck with that. 🙂
about typing like that is that no one can disagree with what you’ve said.
Last night, when you taught chocolate ink
I learned, too, thank you very much,
I want to intersperse Peace’s words with brief comments of my own (or other’s own)and that will help me do it.
(It’s not that I’ve never been “taught” this before; it’s just that it slides off from lack of enough use.)
I hope I never see one,
But I can tell you this right now:
I’d rather see than be one.
Ah yes, I wrote “The Purple Cow”
I’m Sorry now I wrote it
But I can tell you Anyhow
I’ll Kill you if you Quote it!
I snagged your “selection code” for that, but when I tried it I got all kinds of forbidding frowns from the Code Gods. Would you mind giving me your code to use?
Question, and please don’t feel cowed by it. If you have to chew on your cud a bit to come up with an answer, feel free. How come I can type the words red, green, yellow, orange, or blue and get those colors, but certain other colors, like hifalutin purple, I can’t?
Here are the supported color names: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow. For all other colors you should use the Color HEX value (e.g., #800080).
So I could type in purple but I used used the value because it works in any browser.
The bare minimum you need to do color is a “div” tag with a style attribute containing ‘color=some_color’ as in
<div style=”color: purple'”>purple words</div>
Of course the style attribute can contain all kinds of other settings to change the look of the text. And to find about more about that you should go have lunch with kb.
Get all your color info here
I never want to see that color again. It gave me a headache.
Which one, SN? The teal? (The last one.)
Not teal. Aqua. Bolded. It was the bolding that probably did it to you. Sorry!
That sounded way crabbier than I meant it to be….I will qualify it by saying I almost always have a headache, but the last color really hurt to read.
Good morning there :o)
Been up since six. I’ve already got Stairway to Heaven going, drumming along with Mr. Bonham. Think I might play it again ;o)
Today I’m having steak and eggs with lots of strong coffee and a Camel or two in honor of the dearly missed Infidelpig. I see him though.
Ahh…just found Clannad, theme from Harry’s game.
Even more than Rod Stewart’s astounding “just let your inhibitions run wild” — is the “Stairway” line
Strong drink and mayhem, more likely!
Speaking of Celtic music, we have some very early Clannad vinyl albums from before they were new age-y, with numerous songs in Gaelic, and most of them identified in the liner notes with the Gaelic forms of their names.
One song contains an equally implausible line where the girls parents urge her to marry the piper.
Good Morning to all.
Coffee, Coffee – I need Cooooffffeeeeee! 🙂
Hope everybody’s day is starting out nice and calm.
So far, so good. Though I am expecting a call from an irate customer any sec now. Good to get it out of the way early.
Glad to hear it.
I’m still stumbling around for my Cooofffffeeee.
Hey it’s self-serve — IOW, “Get up and your own Cooofffffeeee” 😉
Well since you put it that way. Would you like a cup too.
Put me in my place, I can tell ya what. 🙂
Oh since you are so nice about it. I’ve moved the coffee maker right next to your table.
Are you kidding. I’m still trying to learn the press one button coffee maker.
This one looks like a great gadget though – I’ll give it a shot.
I probably wouldn’t have a clue either but I love the way it looks.
Makes want to stick my head in there and see how much melon juice I can squeeze out of it!
(laughing out loud) I’m glad I wasn’t drinking coffee when I read this!
I agree and you have great taste.
Well I’ve had my coffee and I’m off to start the day.
Hope everybody at the pond has a great one.
Professional stumbler here. Shame I can’t make a living at it ;o)
I’ve had too much coffee now along with the music. Kinda mixing it up.
Procol Harum
Bob Seger
The Byrds
Moody Blues
Jimi/Little Wing
Moby Dick!! Wake up!!!
Procol Harum – Haven’t thought of them in a long time. Might just have to go looking through some albums.
Work Eat Sleep. Work Eat Sleep. Work Eat Sleep.
Try to get a cup of coffee? I ordered a cup three cafés ago… and I’m still waiting.
Try to get a cup of coffee? Serve yourself!
Try to stay grumpy? Look at the smiling dog looking up at you in the hay loft. Just try to stay grumpy. You can’t. You just can’t.
Wake up? You must be mad, man/woman/automaton/whatever…. I’ve been up for almost 20 hours! Just six to go and then I’ll go to sleep.
Try to sleep? Hah !!! After 6 cups of REAL coffee that I drank while waiting for your Cyber-Coffee how can I sleep? And when I lay down I see words and numbers and I’m clicking 4’s instead of counting sheep!
It being an un-hosted café, I just thought I’d drop this comment on the un-table. And should it drop to the un-floor, I do hope there’ll be someone in much, much later to dispense with it.
Thank you and good morning/night.
This reads like stream-of-consciousness poetry.
Or, more likely given that he hasn’t had any sleep, stream of unconsciousness.
a toy of my youth, when just one computer filled a room the size of a basketball court
What are you going to do?
As I said over at your blog, just for today I’m not going to play a computer game I’m addicted to.
What I am going to do is go to the Nelson-Atkins gallery, with a couple of friends who suggested it, and follow Vern Barnett around as he points out hidden religious symbols in art work. Reminds me of a book I recently skimmed that showed Masonic, astrological, and other “occult” symbols in Washington D.C. landmarks and gov. buildings. They’re “hidden” to the modern eye until somebody knowledgeable points them out.
I love Sunday Afternoons at the Nelson-Atkins. It’s the best place to be. I’m filled with envy.
I used to come back from college now and then without telling anybody but my parents that I was in town, and then I’d go hang out at the Nelson for hours by myself. It was like a balm to my frazzled self, esp. the Chinese temple and that stone “atrium” on the first floor, far west.
Good to know I’m not the only one with a computer game addiction. I hadn’t fallen for one in a long time, but this one’s been wasting copious amounts of time at my house lately . . .
Just for today, I think I’m going to make myself fax some senators before I’m allowed to play . . .
[Whorin’ and pimpin’ for Lee and me. I’ll make it up to you guys with dog pix.]
Just 4 Today:
I’m going to be as happy as I possibly can. Wear those shiny shoes I kept in the closet for a year. Waiting for what occasion?
And I’m not going to worry about my worries. My worries will be there whenever I feel like picking them up. Which is later, man.
Like the boss expects an enormous project to be finished Monday morning when she only gave it to me 8PM Saturday night. Hah !!
Just 4 Today:
I had a turkey sandwhich for breakfast, and it was the best !! Then for lunch I was too stuffed to eat a turkey dinner. So tomorrow morning? Well, there’s no law against it… Turkey dinner for breakfast. Good plan.
And, oh yeah, you must have guessed. Just 4 Today I’m going to be as silly as silly. Considering the alternative….
And I’m going to use ul’s instead of blockquotes whenever and wherever I want. Like now!
Mornin, everyone….thanks AndiF for that code link, I have been looking for it in my bookmarks and couldn’t rem. title of the page…
Katiebird, I checked out your site, very nice.
I will be working today on moving, hope to have it all done by Mon. night and will spend first night in new place….I will be offline after that for I don’t know how long, maybe a few days only….fingers crossed.
I’ll be thinking of you all, in between knashing my teeth over not being able to go online. lol
Have a good day everyone.
Thanks Diane! I’ve been very pleased and excited by the response. I hope we can live up to the promise of this first weekend.
And — I hope this last phase of your move goes well. I’m impressed with the gradual way you’ve managed it. It might make the adjustment easier.
We’ll be sending you love!
I’m calling to you from down here so you don’t have to be around that headache-inducing color again. I’m really glad you said that, because it shows we (I) need to be aware that certain overly-vibrating colors can be painful for a lot of people to have to look at. Still sorry you had to be the guinea pig though.
Headaches, yuk. My mom had terrible migraines for many many years. Menopause finally cured her of them. I think she’s still grateful every day she doesn’t have one.
Gosh, I didn’t think anything could make me look forward to menopause, but not having migraines might just do it for me!
Actually, I’m just jealous of your ability to type in color. I might have to give it a try because it looks so cool.
No matter what happens with the migraines, the pleasure of throwing away that last box of tampons
There should be some kind of party for just such occasions…and a Hallmark card. They’ve got one for everything else.
And at the party people could give things like coolmax t-shirts to sleep in to wick away the night sweats.
I definitely think there should be some sort of Party for when menopause starts..kind like a bar mitzfah(sp).
As for night sweats…I’ve had them all my life and now realize also this is part of my neuro problem..gee I’m taking too much today I think about my medical problem but so many of my symptoms mimic many of these other problems.
I always thought my night sweats were due to the fact that I’ve always had bad dreams to nightmares-don’t think I’ve ever had a good dream and I dream all the time…well anyway I recently started going through menopause so I was getting hit doubly hard with night sweats and hot flashes..oh fucken joy…and put off for over a year trying hormone therapy. However the hot flashes were making it hard for me to breathe so broke down and got hormones and now I wish I had done that right away….it’s improved quality of life immensely. (I tried all that over the counter stuff that was supposed to help hot flashes and they didn’t do jack shit by the way).
As for Headaches or should say Migraines they are awful..a headache is completely different from a migraine. I used to get them at beginning of period usually lasting for the first 24 hours and be pretty much incapacitated. Got them at other times also and of course doctors don’t really know what causes migraines..some people do have triggers for them like chocolate(the horror)or other foods. But they still seem to have no clue as to what ’causes’ them to start with.
And sorry to say for me this neuro disease causes depressed breathing at night inducing monoxide poisoning thus causing waking up with a Migraine and that’s just too much fun for words.
I’m sorry you have to wake up with a migraine. What a way to start the day!
I get regular old tension headaches most every day and then about 2 or 3 times a month I get a whoppping migraine that lasts for 2 days or so and nothing works on it. This is a big improvement because I used to get them way more often. My default setting is headache, so much so that I really don’t notice it sometimes. Just keep myself stocked with Excedrin.
Thanks for the thought SN. Although guess I should qualify that this doesn’t happen every day…sometimes it’s every day for a week then not again for maybe 5 days..no rhyme or reason to which nights will or will not do this.(the reason being that the nerve damage around lungs is causing muscle damage which means lungs don’t breathe out properly especially when lying down due to the weak muscles)
My first thing to do if I do wake up with beginning migraine is to breathe and try and blow out the bad air trapped and sometimes this works-if not I do have migraine meds.
I didn’t know when I was younger that there was any difference in migraines vs regular headaches and would always wonder why my headaches seem to incapacitate me while others with ‘headaches’ could go to work etc. Or had people telling me I just must be a big baby or couldn’t take pain(which isn’t true)…anyway with regular headaches people do not throw up/see weird things/have balance problems even and other assorted problems associated with migraines. I literally went blind for about ten minutes when I was younger due to ‘headache’ and that was really freaky…which of course was migraine not the ordinary crappy type headache.
People who don’t get even regular headaches very often have no idea how draining and dehabilitating constant headaches are to say nothing of migraines can be. Even after the migraine is gone it can take several days to get over the effects to the whole body.
Here’s your reward for saying nice things, one from the previous surprise sunshine the afternoon of Dec 26;
Blue skies and snow-covered trees. Really gorgeous and not an easy shot to take.
Your pictures are so pretty I just want to step right into them. (Of course if I did I would die of hypothermia because I have no shoes on and no coat and I’m sure its really cold up there).
hey, you quit just when it was starting to get interesting…
Actually our “heat wave” continues. It’s 27F at this moment. But the last few weeks have been more like spring than winter with temps usually in the low 20s to high 30s.
Normally we would have had many lows below zero, but we’ve only had a couple so far, and only -1, -2 at that.
Lately the lows for the night have stayed above 12F.
So, no winter so far, only spring! And I’d be delighted if it weren’t for the global heating reality.
Was it as cold as it looked?
Shooting that much bright white and not losing the details is difficult. Great shot.
Actually no, at least relative to normal ND temps. The temp that day was probably around 25F, which would not be defined as cold for this time of year. And then there was no wind that day, which is really the defining factor in determining “cold” around here.
“Shooting that much bright white…” now that you mention it I’m somewhat amazed myself. I was using a Nikon Coolpix 3200, my first digital. And I’m becoming more and more impressed with the possibilities of digital. (The major handicap so far being limited to 8X12 enlargements, due to the max on file size, and no macro feature, and limited zoom.) So I’m looking forward to moving up in the digital line.
Prior to the digital I was using a 35mm, Minolta, Maxxum 2xi, with a 28-200 Promaster lens, with # 50 Velvia slide film, and tripod.
Then I find out it all gets converted to digital before the print anyway. Then my rewind button jambed so two rolls of expensive Velvia rewinded themselves on insertion. So it needs to go to the camera Dr. In the meanwhile the Nikon is with me almost all the time as it is small and easy to carry.
Compliments coming from you and Andi are especially appreciated. I very much enjoyed a tour on that link to your photo site. Mrs NDD and I were oooiing and ahhhing through the whole set. I’ve even been to some of those places, Banff for one, but not been out on the trails as extensively as you guys obviously have.
I invite you to tour the North Dakota Badlands to take the photo tour, see the link menu on the right hand side of this site. Then stop by my ND Bootribbers’ B&B in eastern ND. There’s lots of photo ops throughout ND if one avoids the Is, I-94 & I-29.
A group of windsurfers being careful about what they asked for, as 40 knot winds drive into the north Sound from the Pacific through the Straits of Juan de Fuca.
It’s not rainy or foggy. That’s pure salt spray mist.
I took this picture several years ago in weather very much like what we’ll be having these next few days.
Now I really need my cuppa tea!
Argggh. I’ve been struggling with an introductory diary for Eat 4 Today. But, it sounds boring, boring boring.
And dull.
How can a topic so thrilling possibly be as dull as I’m making it today?
Step away from the keyboard, little bird. You are tired. Your creative well needs refilling from the great outdoors or something, anything, that sets you free for a while.
Go to the Nelson and stare at artwork. Take a walk. Rake a leaf. Go to a movie. (Going to matinees revives me.)
I was reading about the ministers that broke into the Senate hearing room and “anointed” the chairs for the Alito hearings. I was laughing but my husband didn’t think it was funny at all! Next thing I knew he says, “Angry soldiers break into the Senate and cock rub all the chairs, all the chairs have now been properly anointed!” Eewwwww, I think he’s a little stressed today!
Did these ministers really bless the chairs? These people are waaaaay over the top.
How utterly grotesque & perverted!
(Meaning the ministers, naturally.)
One more day of typing exams. I make the exams for each mof my classes slightly different, so little picture taking phones can’t work.
I have my MP3 player on shuffle and here are the first 10 songs that played
A Question of Lust – Depeche Mode
F.M. – Steely Dan
You Are My Sunshine – O Brother Where Art Thou? soundtrack
The Times They are A-Changing – Bob Dylan
You Haven’t done Nothin’ – Stevie Wonder
Baby Love – D. Ross and the Supremes
ABC – the Jackson 5
My Baby Just Cares for me – Nina Simone
Killing me Softly – the Fugees
Monkey Gone to Heaven – Pixies
Toni, that Nina Simone tune is one of my absolute favorites. What an interesting setting you’ve placed it in! Wonderful.
I have been trying to diversify my musical tastes, so I am constantly checking cd’s out of the library and downloading songs I like. I library is still pretty heavy with punk/alternative music. Little by little I add new types of music.
Wonderful! Good for you.
Almost every type of music made in the past century or so is accessible to us in some form — so why not sample as much of the wealth as we can? To my mind, the music of the world is a living portrait of the human spirit.
Here is what I was listening to while I skated today.
song / artist / album
Henry / Keb’ Mo’ / Slow Down
Blue in Green / Miles Davis / Kind of Blue
Promises / Lyle Lovett / The Road To Ensenada
Jelly Jelly / Roscoe Gordon / The Real Blues Brothers
Knockin’ On Heaven’s Door / Luciano / Is It Rolling Bob?
Maria Maria / Santana / Supernatural
Handouts In The Rain / Cowboy Junkies / Early 21st Century Blues
The Things I’ve Gone And Done / Carrie Newcomer / The Gathering Of Spirits
Never Enough / Bob James & David Sanborn / Double Vision
It’s 2 A.M. / Shemekia Copeland / Wicked
Temptasyon / Mediaeval Baebes / Mirabilis
Naufragee Du Tendre / Kate & Anna McGarrigle / French Record /
Loving You Is Sweeter Than Ever / Susan Tedeschi / Hope And Desire
‘Ama’ama / Israel Kamakawiwo’ole / Facing Future
I never thought of having to do battle with cell phones.
Trying to get stirring around here…we have to go out and get new cell phones (we’d let them lapse during a time of low fundage, never got around to reactivating them), do some grocery shopping, put away Christmas crap, and do a mega-load of laundry so I have clothes to wear this week.
Will be offline for most of the week; making the daily trek to SF for MacWorld Expo. Actually attending one of the Users Conferences too; finally able to promote myself from peon “Exhibits Only” status, so I’ll be hopefully in the audience on Tuesday to hear Steve Jobs say, “Oh, and one more thing…” when he makes the announcement that takes everyone totally by surprise. 🙂
Time to get to work…
Hey, hello all. Great to see you, as always. What wonderful, wonderful images I see today! Thanks to everyone who’s added their sunshine & clear skies to yet another thoroughly dismal Catskills day — during which I reconfigured the plumbing yet again due to ice blockage.
Here’s to the coming spring & its snow-fed budding!
Reconfigured the plumbing? You’re Wonder Woman, that’s what WW is for!
Thanks for the thought, SN — but it’s really a very simple set-up. No choice but to deal with it myself, anyway 😉
When I got divorced I was so proud of myself because I changed a ceiling light fixture and replaced several wall outlets. When I was married I never would have attempted to do anything like that. It made me feel like that Helen Reddy song: ‘I am Woman Hear me Roar!’
Brava, SN! Good for you. Why should the men have all the fun?
To be honest, I’ve yet to fiddle with electrical outlets — so you’re one up on me!
is relatively safe providing one takes precautions. The oldtimers always told me to keep one hand in the back pocket if there’s a chance the wires may be “hot.” This keeps you from holding a ground, like some metal at the sink at the same time you’re, say, sticking your fingers into a toaster… ah just for an example.
The jolt the body may receive depends greatly on how well grounded you are when some extremity touches the live wire.
Be brave and be cautious both with electrical stuff, but please people leave the gas/propane appliances for the experts. I’d give examples, but I don’t feel like being sad today.
Thanks very much for your advice, NDD. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’ll have opportunity to use it.
When this type of work was required in the past, there was generally a more experienced individual on hand — ergo I side-stepped that particular leaning experience, unfortunately.
but I s’pose there’s some leaning involved, too.
And now, to the dishes I go. Hi ho, hi ho.
use my email at any time with regards to repairs on anything but gas appliances.
Not that I know everything, as I consider myself a Buckminster Fuller comprehensivist, rather than a specialist.
What answers I don’t know I’d access some people who would know. I’ve found rural handy-people are full of useful tricks.
Thank you! That’s very, very kind of you. Much appreciated!
And I say this as a MAN who has never dared to roar into a ceiling fixture.
Well, now I do really feel proud, in retrospect!
Finally able to stop by for a cup of that self-serve coffee. I had a few friends over for brunch this morning and I planned to get up early(ish) to get ready. But I came home from game-night at my sister’s with a really upset stomach and was up a great part of the night. ugh. But I felt better by morning – just dragging. So it was a little bit of a rush to get everything ready before they showed up. I’m finally cleaned up from brunch and have done most of my other chores and ready to put my feet up.
On another topic — you younger people. What’s with the whole “what’s goin on” mode of address. When I was young I was taught to say “how do you do” and was also taught that the proper response was “fine, thank you, and you?” (even if things weren’t fine). Now everyone under the age of 35 greets me with “what’s goin on” and I have NO idea what the appropriate non-response response is. I always say, “not much” and they look at me like I’m really really out of it. Anybody know the etiquette?
I’m still getting used to ‘How are you?’ as a stand-in for ‘Hello’.
ya think that’s bad, well, it wasn’t too many years ago ’round these here parts when we asked each other, “How’s it hanging?”
btw; everyone in the rural areas of ND always say, “Fine”, no matter what’s been happing in the lives, or how many mastectomies they’ve had…
It doesn’t really call for a response, so the best thing is to just turn it around on them and say “hey, how’s it going.” It’s more a statement than a question.
But I always thought it would be fun to launch into detailed description of some bowel ailments or psychiatric problems you’re having.
That makes sense. Last week when one of “them” walked into my office and said “what’s goin on” I decided that I didn’t like him nearly enough to put any more effort into an appropriate response so I ignored it and just looked at him and said “what can I do for you?” . I felt sooooooo rude but he didn’t bat an eye — unlike when I try to come up with some appropriate response. So I should just learn to be rude and I’ll be fine?
was a question my insurance man asked me when happened upon each other driving on some gravel road in the middle of no where, he says, “Where are you at, now, then?”
Well, I’d been living in N CA most of the time for several years, so the question sounded much more peculiar to me than it normally would have.
So, being the smart ass, I said, “Standing right here in front of you.”
He just shook his head disgustedly, “Well, you know what I mean.”
So then I had to give him a straight answer as to where I was at now then.
Come round here.