It seems apropo at this point as the abolishment of Roe v. Wade seems to be a stark possibility with the Alito nomination, and Chief Justice Roberts already installed, to share a story of what it is like to be a woman in Canada and how your right to your own body is treated.
Having lived in the States for almost 12 years and having friends and myself go through this process in both countries, the contrast is shocking. And as I watch a friend go through an unplanned pregnancy now, in Canada, it saddens me to no end what my sisters to the south have to contend with.
So here is a hypothetical tale of what you would experience if you were in a situation in Canada where abortion may be an option for you (if you didn’t realize at the time you were at risk and didn’t just walk into a pharmacy and buy Plan B over the counter…):
- Go onto the web for the city government (lets use Toronto as an example). Open the pdf that talks about “Abortion Options”
- Call the hotline to find out where there is a clinic near you. Speak to very nice woman or man who is more than happy to help (in language of your choice) & advises you to ask questions re: the type of procedure, if it is fully covered by OHIP or if there is a clinic fee of $60 as a few of the clinics charge over and above the OHIP coverage (yes folks, our health care pays for abortion procedures)
- Call clinic, speak to other nice woman or man and tell them that you would like to schedule a procedure. They ask requisite questions concerning when you last had your period and schedule you for an appointment for an ultra-sound, blood work and counseling on the procedure with a nurse for a week from the day you called. Also discuss the different types you can have (i.e. asleep/ not asleep)
- Have appointment. Get appointment for the hospital procedure. Get low cost birth control or counseling on birth control options.
- Go to hospital. Have procedure. Get some pain meds. Go home & rest.
- If needed, call the counselor at the clinic with any concerns post-procedure
No stigma. No shame. No pressure. No payments. No nutjobs screaming or shooting at you. No ‘notifications’. Just you, your choice and a network of health professionals & your government ready to assist you and let you know what your options are.
Your body. Your rights. Your tax dollars at work. Because you are a full citizen and not property, or full of sin.
Contrast that with the US and… well… I’m sorry. Fight on. And on. Don’t give up. For all the future generations of women.
Of course, things aren’t as easy in more rural communities as you may have to travel a bit of a distance to get a procedure done, but you can get it done if that is what is right for you at that point in your life.
Sounds entirely too sane to repeat in this American freak show of a country. Have I ever mentioned how blissful it is to cross the northern fucking border.
Puts a whole new meaning on the term: “Civilization” in America….eh? ; )
Glad you brought this to view spidey….great comparison for the oh-so smug repugs…KUDOS..
peace lady…
I can’t think of any major issue on which Canada doesn’t look better than the U.S. Boston Joe is right — going across the border (permanently) looks more attractive all the time.
Well, there’s the weather, for one…. I sure wish we could grow oranges and avocados here. But, apart from that….
I live in the midwest so I’ve got no weather advantages either.
Yet another good reason to move to Canada. It is sounding better and better.
I’m glad to hear your friend is in good hands. As it is, it’s a hard enough situation to be in; she needs love and support. It’s a good thing she’s surrounded by a community that knows this and is willing to provide it.
On the comparison to the United States, call me naiive, but I’d still like to believe that there’s a good majority of compassionate people down there. The problem is, I think, that they’re too often marginalized or frightened into the shadows by a vicious, vocal, and powerful minority.
From what I’ve read, that’s pretty much it. The vast majority of Americans want compassionate, very left-wing policies. But they’ve been told over and over by the big media and Hollywood that these things “don’t work”, and that being liberal is “bad”.