Take a look at Howard Dean swatting away Wolf Blitzer’s suggestions that the Democrats are involved in the Abramoff scandal. But take special notice of the enormous sigh that Wolf let’s out at the end, the look on his face when Dean wishes him a safe trip home, and the way he ends the segment.
It’s almost as if Wolf is dejected that his talking points are all lies, and that he can smell the end of right-wing rule in Congress. He seems profoundly saddened by that prospect.
What a classy smackdown! Love that little sigh/heh noise from Wolfie near the end, and Howard’s beaming smile is just perfect.
Great catch! Dean’s got it down pat. The commentators knees have to be a knockin’ when they do an interview with him these days.
I almost felt sorry for poor wolfie… almost.
Wold could have said, “Really? You checked the FEC reports? And nada? Zip? Zilcho? I wish my researchers had thought of that instead of just handing me a copy of Rove’s fax.”
Instead, we get a big sigh.
I’ve no doubt that was beind the shocked look on his face… and I think that’s the only reason the interview ended at that point… wolfie caught with has pants down…
Those are the most shameful ya know and I do believe he got one and I’m happy about it, that’s how sick this has all become!
I couldn’t get my windows media player to work and transcripts aren’t up yet however my first thoughts are that as usual the so called media from your comments on Wolfie(and all the others) are doing their damndest to tie the dems to this massively criminal repug corruption operation…and why are the media doing this? Other than being chickenshit whores for the WH? My underlying theory is that while Wolfie may not be getting paid under the table by the WH all the media-and make no mistake it’s ‘media’ now not news-heads have been given money by bushco and this money may have trickled down to all the talking heads on cable(and not cable)in form of higher salaries-and they know it.
Either that or the idea of real journalism, especially investigative journalism, has been so corrupted over the years that they(media talking bozos)have no idea what a real reporter is supposed to act like..the 5 W’s(not standing for 5 bush’s thank god)-Who, What, Where, Why, When? has gone completely out the window.
All they do now is a kinda of a pathetic he said/he(cause women are still missing from most of this unless you count Ann Coulter) said type bullshit and think that is presenting fair/balanced news with no input from them. I could go on tv and do that for christ sakes.
It’s not the liberal media or even the conservative media it’s the gdman stupid/ignorant don’t know the difference between their fucken jobs and that a blowjob isn’t impeachable or don’t care and have been bought off by the powers that be. And it was never pointed up more than with Dean mentioning the FCC(?)division and Wolfie completely ignoring that…my media player finally kicked in and what a stupid sorry excuse he is and that sigh was really pathetic.
Could we organize a National News Out Day(or week)like the Smoke Out campaign and hit the media in their pocket books that we’re sick and tired of this shit and not going to take it anymore?
Sorry I don’t have a link, but I wanted to let you know that Atrios has the transript – which I just printed for Mr. A.
Good Lord – this should be used in every journalism class out there – on how NOT to conduct an fair and balanced interview. What a crock.
The Video is also here in Flash 8 Streaming Technology if anyone is having trouble with other formats.
Dean, as usual, was most excellent!
I got the impression ‘Mr. Beardsley’ was more upset at Dean revealing him as the total fool and tool, which Blitzer has become, as well as displaying a total lack of competence to conduct an interview when it isn’t scripted, doesn’t fit his talking points and isn’t delivered from his usual perfectly controlled studio chair.
What an understatement. He looks like he’s just shat himself.
true belly-laugh of the day.
Delighted . . . but I think Wolfie should get the credit.
Ahhh, warms my heart to see Howard doing his job so well.
OT, but I want to makes sure everyone gets a chance to read this – NYTimes magazine has an excellent analysis of what’s at stake with the Alito nomination Our Presidential Era: Who Can Check the President?
NOT TimesSelect – if you go now, you can read it before it goes to the pay-per-view archives. (I generally go to “Print this article,” select all, save, and paste into a word doc for the keepers.)
Their Judging Samuel Alito editorial today rocks also.
Frank Rich’s excellent op-ed is available to all through [truthout here] also. (Usually he’s behind the stupid “TimesSelect” subscription wall also, but not today.)
Brain freeze; forgot to paste the link to Rich’s article here.
without giving her an advance description. When the pregnant pause, the sigh and sign-off came, she screeched like a little monkey and clapped.
I think Dean has Scored a Stewart!
I’m keeping this nugget downloaded as I think some quick comic relief is going to be essential this week, what with the Alito confirmation hearings and all.
I’m becoming addicted to that sigh of Wolfie’s. I’ve played it five times already. Damn it’s great to hear my boisterous laugh and especially gratifying that it’s at the expense of the complete nincompoop Wolf is.
Let’s all send him this link Abramoff Viewed as `The Middle Guy,’ Official Involved in Probe Tells TIME, Suggesting There Are Bigger Targets in Their Sights to help bring him up to date on the story.
..heh,..Abramoff, “middle guy”
Gov. Dean is a true find for the Democratic party. And with the emergence of Sen. Reid and Sen. Feingold, I feel much more confident about the future of the Democrats.
Dean has got to start faxing them out and other Dems need to start using these kind of clear, concise responses. They need to have a workshop and have everyone practice saying, “No, that’s not true,” until they can all say it matter-of-factly and somewhat sadly. Democrats need to start “singing from the same choir book”. Every chance they get, over and over until the facts sink in.
On the other hand, I think it’s going to be long time before Dean gets invited back by Wolfie. And that’s the real problem.
Classic Lakoff. Don’t take the bait (of distracting bullshit from “interviewers.”) Just keep changing the subject back to what’s actually important – hammering the truth, straight out.
Howard has learned this very well – you’re right that some of the other Dems that act as talking heads for the party need more practice.
Someone please explain to me why anyone should need to practice being an actual opposition party ready to jump on every little opportunity to tell the TRUTH.
The whole idea that they need to be schooled is appalling and outrageous.
Not jumping on you Janet, just frustrated as hell.
Agree and don’t know why this basic 101 playbook plan has seemed to have completely escaped the dems..you can’t win anything if you don’t have a strategy for anything.
Wolfie failed his mission to make Dean and/or Democrats look bad in a rather spectacular fashion. Gotta love it.
These millionaire media mannequins in DC never like to be upstaged or outpointed by their guests. They’re so busy preening in the mirror, so focused on “competing with each other” for the best access, the most compelling stories and the best ratings, that their little “mutual admiration society” actually prevents them from being responsible journalists anymore.
I’d be wiling to bet Dean won’t be getting too many invites from the cable news crowd for a while now, just to punish him for causing Blitzer discomfort.
I’d say: See the effects of plausable deniability in action, only now, when it’s absolutely undeniable that he is defending a bunch of criminals he no longer tries and sighs.
Man, how low can you go.
If anyone wants to see a transcript, I’ve got one posted at Howard-Empowered People.
Aside from appearing flustered, I thought Wolf look rather drawn, as though he was not well. Just me, or did anyone else think the same thing??
BTW Howard Dean seems better to me every time I see or hear him. I would really like to see him run in 08.
The sigh was a classic brainfart.
I watched that this morning. Wolf appeared to be frustrated and disappointed.
I just watched. I really don’t know why I bothered. It’s all so fucking pathetic.
Blitzer sighed because he knew he was gonna get an ass whoopin backstage from his handlers.
Just envision it, and you and sneak back there and someone hands us the whip and asks us we would like to give him a couple of licks too……smile brother! Every such accomplishment like what Howard managed right there is going to save this country and in the mean time stick with me and Damnit Janet and we’ll sneak our way into watchin all kinds of ass whippins – you know he has it coming for being such a led by the nose pussy journalist anyhow!
There was Howard totally giving it as it is and he kept his total cool. Hate to say it and not sure it ever ought to be so, but as my grandmother would always say “He’s become a great statesman!” Would it be too much to ask of one soul that he save the pussy ass Democratic party for four years and then run for President too. Everything is going to be so fucked up by 2008 Dean may be the only person who can tell us all how it is and unify the working class of America to bail our kids and our elderly out of the fucking mess from hell – God help us all I bet we never ever again allow another Presidential election to be stolen once we have to pay for our apathy toward what these fuckers stole! I really liked Ms. Dean what I saw of her, nothing false about her and here I’m asking that her husband literally save the free world twice over total. I hope she won’t miss him too badly.