First, form a circle. We first call on BooMan to enter the HEART of our circle. BooMan, we feel your pain … we will chant, and bring you strength! The Panthers’ 23 to zero win over the Giants is devastating. (Really? No score? At all? Nary a face-saving field goal?) But know that you gave all you could as a fan …
And, on the ‘morrow, we must gather up all our warriors’ and warrioress’s might!
The nomination of Samuel L. Alito, we must slay.
Warrior priestess Janet Strange has created a DIARY with all the contact information we need. And we have the SERIES of 12 diaries (this link goes to High Priestess CabinGirl’s 12th diary that has links to the previous 11) that each contain a pre-written letter you can send to your senators.
We are strong from our Warrior Women workshops (safe with foam-padded swords, just like wussy liberals!)! The men are strengthened, focused, and purified from their Pure Warrior Ministries workshops (who knew?!) !
Chant! “No, No, No Scalito!” (More clever rhymes heartily welcomed.)
And let’s come up with all our best ideas. Insidious plots are encouraged! We go forth on the morrow AS ONE!
. . . that that picture next to the reference to my diary resembles me* about as much as the other one does BooMan. Though I do much like being called a warrior priestess.
You guys should recommend my diary so the info is handy on the rec list!
[*Me on the left – ‘Leezy on the right]
I didn’t THINK your diary told us we needed to have dirty faces in order to oppose Alito. I MAY address you oh high priestess? I grovel before you.
We atheist priestesses are very egalitarian. Address whenever you like. I bow before the sharer of this excellent dog poem. gathered 300,000 signatures in their Anti-Alito petition — in a day!
They’re shooting for 500,000, please sign if you haven’t already:
Move’s stop Alito petition
People for the American Way have sent over 60,000 letters to the Senate:
Save the Court Petition
American Rights at Work also
Oppose Alito Petition
Defending the Constitution’s Stop Alito Petition…
Democratic anti-Alito petition:
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA is also getting in on the party:
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
Great guidelines for Writing to Your Elected Officials.
[From the American Geriatrics Society, but hey, that’s the thing about these internets – you never know where you’ll find good info.]
How do you hotlist a diary?
Click on that plus sign next to the title – it will then appear under the box with your name on it in the upper right of BooTrib pages. It will stay there until you remove it. (The plus is now a minus – to remove a hotlisted diary, click the minus.)
Many thanks Janet.
I have so many diaries hotlisted I nearly burned the entire blog!
There is no such thing as a silly question…
Only silly answers. 🙂
Already hotlisted all of them…
We should be making a point to find some offensive details of the hearings daily to have a good reason to call them all everyday.
Fillibuster should be the keyword used in every call.
I have vonage so I can burn up the phone everyday and it won’t cost a peeny more than I already pay.
Definitely! Let’s all work together on that, so we have a list to use for repeat calls/complaints. I have Arlen’s phone number memorized (it’s 202-224-4254 if you needed it).
I just sent an e-mail to family and friends with a link to this diary by Cedwyn
I also asked them to send the e-mail to other people and to contact their senators.
Great idea! Just keep putting the word out there as much as you can, and make it as easy for people to participate as possible.
And also include the link to my diary (or just copy the list) in your emails.
All of the above +++
Give me an F! Give me an I! Give me an L! Give me an I! …
(it’s our only shot, i think)
I’m aiming for . . . “never gets out of committee.”
Not out of the question, maybe. R’s are on the ropes at the moment – probably a lot of them don’t want to have to choose between their wingnut supporters who will crucify them for voting against Alito and the more sane R’s in their state who will turn against them if they vote for him.
Which could happen if the drumbeat heard in today’s NYTimes editorial gets louder.
If they can get a couple of R committee members in bluer state to vote against him in committee, they’ll be saved from having to make that choice.
I hope the pressure is already starting . . .
My concern is that they decide that the Alito fight will take the heat off the Republican corruption for a while, and try to push him out of committee for a floor vote just for a distraction. They’d rather scream about “obstructionist” Dems than their own thieving and dishonesty.
Then again, maybe their hubris will be a little less than usual (what with the NSA pying and Bush’s misuse of recess appointments and other misdeeds of late), and they won’t feel comfortable trying to foist a rightwing extremist on us. I sort of doubt it, though.
Boxer’s Pac for Change petition is still up – maybe Specter could still be convinced to do the responsible thing and investigate spygate before proceeding with Alito’s nomination.
If mr. preznit has such a flagrant disregard for the law, why in the world should we trust his recommendation on interpreters of the law? Especially when said interpretor leaves the interpretation up to mr. preznit anyway via “signing statements.”
sca-lee-toe has got to go!
I have a lot of pent up frustration right now just waiting to unleash itself on some sorry ass, wanna be S.C Judge.
Let me at em!
My daughters want a piece of him too.
d.c rallies, etc:
and they’ve got them all across the nation!
instead of fading in amongst the rest:
that’s the PFAW’s report on alito: “No one to the right of Alito on this court”
Well, I know you are being amusing here, Susan. But your diary brought to mind the movie “Last Samurai” with Tom Cruise. Kinda schlock, I know, but pretty moving for schlock, if you’re into Zen and things Japanese.
This fellow Alito just strikes me as so profoundly unAmerican in his views, all the way along, that I just can’t imagine this being America anymore with him on the bench. It would just result in a proto Royalist restoration. This country is already being run solely for elites and he would just seal the deal.
Do we need to fall on our swords and bet all to prevent him his rise to SCOTUS? Filibuster? I don’t know, but I am leaning in that direction. I wonder if anyone else is.
The scariest thing about Alito is not his anti-abortion views (which are scary), but his embrace of the principle of absolute executive power. I’m going to plug myself only because it’s late and I am snockered on several glasses of wine – so go here only to follow the links to Glenn Greenwald’s site. He recently pinch-hit for Digby (in case you missed it) and really knocked the ball out of the park. His posts on the “ideology of lawlessness” that is the hallmark of the Bush Administration are cogent, comprehensive and really, truly scary.
Alito is another foot-soldier a la John Yoo, trying to establish a legal beach-head for the worst sorts of executive abuses.
On mark, Other Lisa.
I haven’t read that piece but you have been saying how great it is. I’ll do it right now.
If you read the entire “12 Days” series linked above, you’ll see that there is almost no one who shouldn’t be offended and scared by Alito’s positions and decisions. I think it’s clear that if he makes it out of committee, a filibuster is the only thing to do.