Ride All Night and into the Morning
on our Carousel
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Put your quarter in and take a ride.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Take that, orange place!
What is this?
It looks like a macro shot of a praying mantis with dandruff.
ha ha, and thanks for my second belly-laugh of the day.
old pickup truck or delivery truck
Bonnie and Clyde’s getaway car?
actually you’re in the right decade.
I feel like I’m playing that game — warmer, warmer, colder, ice cold! (I’m sure it has a name.)
It was the truck the Joads took to California? Oh that’s right — the Joads aren’t real.
Let’s see ..
A post-modern art installation, cleverly implementing natural processes & a conventional literary metaphor for death (snow), which addresses the closure of the ‘American century’?
My landlord’s back yard?
Color me clueless!
hey, you might be on to sumptin’, ya don’t suppose Christo and Jean-Claude passed through E ND and covered all this stuff with some sort of white substance???
Color me doubly clueless, NDD. Is Jean-Claude someone I should know about? Does he have some sort of special relationship to white substances?
This duo of installation artists have done some really amazing things, surf Christo and Jeanne-Claude when you’ve got a few minutes.
Thanks for the link. Out of touch, I am indeed.
well… we’re all out of touch with some things, but few will have the experience of that you are having now being in touch with nature… btw, did you find “Arctic Dreams” yet?
I’ve checked out reviews on it & seen it at Powell’s. Now for the pennies.
Thanks again for the recommendation!
Are they the people that did the orange “gates” in central park made of fabric?
You’re right, maryb — I checked it out OL. Also, Jeanne-Claude’s last name appears to be Javacheff, not Killy.
and I had the good fortune to be able to visit NYC Central Park for 2 days during their installation exhibit. I would highly recommend seeing anything these two do. Even adults in Central Park were playfully euphoric, handing strangers their 100s of $ cameras, “here take my picture.” It was a great experience.
The Gates
next installation is
Over the River
I’m guessing a 1930sish something pickup truck repainted John Deere greeen.
wow, Mr. Prosaic.
You’ll probably win.
What’s the prize anyway?
Hadn’t really decided yet, but the last winner got an 8X10 photo of one they had commented on, not the one they guessed upon.
So far _Fs are pretty close, but what they’d do with another photo on the wall is beyond me… wall paper?
And seeing as how we’re getting up in numbers of comments I feel inclined to spill the beans soon.
So any last guesses?
1947 Chevy?
Chevrolet’s radically different 1947 Advanced Design light-duty trucks represented a sea change in pickup design and appearance.
not ’47 however
Which year is it? Is it yours?
Boran2 gets tricky and asks NDD a direct question thinking he will fool her into answering. Let’s listen in folks and see how NDD plays this one.
I don’t spend enough time here to know any better. 😉
you never know — sometimes direct is the way to go. Let’s try it —
I don’t know NDD — what is it?
ah hah, fooled you too, but I’ll take that as a compliment. I’m not a her, and not intending to convert either. (Although I’ve known a couple of men who did that, but I’m not so inclined.)
you did fool me — amazing. I actually try not to envision people’s gender unless they disclose it to me but I guess subliminally I did. Must have been the bathtub gin. 🙂
Elliot Ness’s car?
Old ambulance? Although why it would be green, I don’t know.
cafe could flip at any minute, and although some were close, there doesn’t appear to be a clear cut winner today.
Answer: 1938 1 1/2 ton Chevy Grain Truck
It is in the family yet, and now disintegrating back to nature in the shelter belt [trees around the farmstead] near it’s former home and work place.
It had no hoist, so to get the wheat out I had to shovel it by hand when I was 15-17. So we only used it for a load when everything else was full.
This is as close as I could get googling;’38 Chevy
Okay, here’s some dog pix to make up for my shameless whoring of my diary listing everything you need for contacting Judiciary Committee members in one handy location.
This is where we went walking this morning. Not as lovely as Andi’s backyard – It’s a flood control greenbelt in my “little boxes” suburban neighborhood – but I’m grateful to have it.
Bo doggie loves to be able to run around leashless
and I love this old wall.
(Bo has to let everyone know he’s been here, natch.)
It looks like a very pleasant place to take a walk and the photo invites you to come along.
Bo’s a very handsome fellow.
Thank you, JS — both for your link & for sunny images of a happy, healthy pup!
want … dog…
what kind of dog is Bo?
Hmmmm . . . don’t know exactly. My daughter rescued him and his sister from neighbors that were puppy abusers. His sister looks like an Australian shepherd with Bo’s coloring while he looks more lab-like. We’re guessing that they’re lab mixed with either an Aussie or a border collie.
My daughter kept Mali, his sister, and conned me into taking Bo. Never been so happy to be conned. Don’t know how I’d get along without him. (Along with the Brainless Cute one – the miniature dachshund, Kerouac. Also one of my daughter’s rescue jobs – she found her “on the road” 😉
That’s got to be one of the best names for a hitch-hiking pet I’ve ever heard!
Well, that’s the kind of thing you get when you send your kid to a liberal arts magnet school. Plain knocked my socks off when she told me the name she’d come up with.
It’s brilliant, bless her. I’m inspired, as well: I’ve yet to name a young kitten who was born in the closet & came out late, with an unusual tail & a solemn gaze. Maybe I’ll call him ‘Ginsberg’ 😉
Oh yes, you must! Too funny.
to take the dogs for a walk.
btw, I’m still looking for the dog in the first picture.
Invisible dog? No, actually, just setting the scene.
It is quite lovely in there, and there’s a pathway into it only a half a block from my house. Really, really feel lucky to have it – not too many neighborhoods like mine have this kind of green space in a city.
The geology here is karst, so there are some caves there too.
I don’t have a dog to share — but I have dog’s poem:
said to tell you that was a great poem and they know good literature when they smell it.
Great Picture!
I’m glad they appreciated it. It’s from a book called “Unleashed: Poems by Writers Dogs” edited by Amy Hempel and Jim Shepard. Maybe one of them will get it for his or her birthday.
Is the book available in s beef-basted edition?
I’m sure that would be a special order and I don’t know if Powell’s would be able to accomodate that request.
Encore for the doggies:
Priceless! I’m enjoying these quite a bit.
Actually, my own companion, a black feline, has just dashed off her own poem & is currently reciting it to me:
Alas, alack, you’ve yet to do the dishes!
The bowl from which I eat smells shamefully of fishes!
Thou shameless wench, step to the kitchen from your desk
For the china and the cutlery are looking quite a mesk!
Far be it from me to ignore such carefully crafted rhyme (despite the odd pronunciation). See y’all later!
wow, your cat is creative. You should publish her collected works — I’m sure the royalties would be enough to pay for the storage of all your books!
Quite a fine idea, maryb. Of course, being contrary, as soon as I propose an edition of her poetry to set off expenses, she’ll switch to conga-playing.
However, she has offered us a parting haiku:
What care I for books?
I cannot chase their long tails
Nor gnaw their tootsies
3 dogs check the schedule to see whose turn it is to wear the brown wig.
That was awesome!
That’s truly wonderful. Thanks for sharing it!
Thanks for the dog poem. I force my sixth graders to endure a poetry unit in literature. They moan and groan and always seem to respond to the pet poems. This year I am going to build the unit around Sharon Creech’s Love That Dog and my perennial Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle: And Other Modern Verse.
I’ve never heard of either of those — but thanks for pointing them out, they look interesting. I hope your 6th graders like them. I never liked poetry until I became an adult.
Although, when I was in 6th grade my favorite poem was The Highwayman. Riding, riding, riding …
re: pic #3
To a boy the outdoors is a urinal.
Alright, I’m jumping in here with both feet cuz I was asked and encouraged so nicely and besides, Kansas made me do it.
I’m sure I won’t be shy once I get over this initial hump and then you’ll all be very sorry when I refuse to shut up.
You may come to rue the day but by then I’ll be able to tell you, “I told you so, I told you so, I told you so.” That’s even though I’m not the type to tell you “I told you so.”
Thanks to everyone who told me it’s cozy and warm and swell here. Thanks for the gentle nudging.
Welcome, caliliberal! Hey guys we got some fresh meat, I mean a newcomer!
Glad to see you here and hope you’ll come by often. Like tomorrow. Kansas and Andi talked me into hosting and I’m not sure I have anything witty or interesting to say.
Lol … fresh meat indeed. And may I just say, I’m not feeling so shy now because the host seemingly has nothing witty or interesting to say. Whew, now I can relax because I seem to lose my sense of humor online and all witticisms escape me. Now I know I’m in very good company.
Hey SN — you going to have a theme tomorrow night?
I give you great credit for volunteering to host on a MONDAY night — I’m usually dead tired on Mondays. I’m either comatose or a chatty cathy (because I’m overtired).
See, that wasn’t so bad. Now you read all the comments and give everybody a 4. You give everybody a 4 even if you think “hey, my dog’s cuter than her dog”. Doesn’t matter.
And, you could tell us where you’re from. I guessin — and its just a guess — california?
Nothing much gets by our maryb.
Oh, and recommend this diary, too, and by the time you’ve 4’d everybody and recommended, and commented on the comments to your comment, you’ll be an old-timer.
Well, except the fact that you’re famous.
I bet he lets YOU call him Duncan.
I can’t tell you how much you guys make me laugh with all this…
Yep, born and raised in California, lived here my whole life. I’m a California girl through and through.
Okay, I’m rolling my sleeves up here and giving 4s out because I think we all need to be to be told we’re excellent especially during these less than stellar times. Also because I’m a computer nincompoop, so much so that for months and months I couldn’t figure out how to give the parent comment any rating at all. I’m just so darned pleased I finally figured it out I’m still catching up. So 4s galore no matter how cute the dogs are.
We really need a “5” rating for when Teacher Toni posts pictures of baby Andrew, or when Olivia posts her macro flower pics.
And just so you know, my kids are hideously ugly, but you must 4 them when I’m hosting or I won’t serve any coffee.
I’m so glad to see you back at BooTrib.
I hope you’ll grace us with some of your wonderfully expressive writing.
We gotcha now! And now I’ll keep my end of our bargain, with pleasure.
I really like your sig line.
is that now that you’re here, you have to sing a song.
And post a recipe, and at least one picture of a pet.
Or a landscape.
And you have to dress in a colorful national costume when you sing the song.
We are all waiting eagerly, with popcorn.
and diet soda.
This has me so giggling. Esp. the national costumes.
caliliberal, I can already tell you’ve got a great sense of humor, but on days when you don’t think so?. . .Ductape and Second Nature, not to mention everybody else, are sure to say things that set your humor humming. And anyway, is there anybody more popular than she who laughs at OUR jokes?
Okay, now that I’ve recommended the diary, giving out 4s to everyone, tried to keep up with the comments to my comments, and laughed my friggin’ ass off, I’m feeling right at home. No more shy gal, nope, those days are over.
Two things I’m really, really bad at are singing and cooking so I have to reckon you know someone I know who filled you in on how really, really bad I am. And since I have to sing a song you have to listen, and the song I’ve chosen is “Music of the Night” from Phantom of the Opera, so it will not be a happy little easy ditty that’s over in a minute, your ears will be scorched by a voice that should never go out in polite company for over 5 long, arduous, excrutiating minutes. AND, since I have to wear a national costume I will have my less than ample busom in a push up bra striving to create a cleavage that takes a village to raise. As is the case with all Opera divas, our costumes always expose our Godgiven or not so much breasts.
Well, thank God you didn’t choose the one DuctapeFatwa chose which was Whitney Houston’s “I-ee-I will aaaaaaaalllllways love you”…while wearing a babushka and little else. We 4’d him, of course, out of politeness, but it was rather lacking in originality.
My turban always comes loose when I play upon the accordion.
My ignorance is showing; I thought it was a panflute and a babushka. Remember that, when wearing little, it can be quite dangerous to play the accordian.
a cleavage that takes a village to raise–lol. Although that could be taken either way. I think there’s probably a small Tyrolean village under Dolly Parton’s bra, and all of them are sweating and straining. And singing, of course. (No offense meant to Dolly Parton. I love DP.)
As a gentleman, I will of course avert my eyes.
I believe the pushup bra is the national costume of Texas?
You gotta watch those doors. I’m in lurk mode and not commenting much until the end of the month, but had to surface to say hi and shower encouragement on some whose starting a new writers group. Hope you have many fruitful meetings and much writing is accomplished.
No fair taking a break for work reasons when it really means you’re just too lazy to comment.
Second Nature knows us toooo well.
caliberal — I’m so glad you made it over. I love newcomers! It means I get to tell my favorite stories again.
just been absent for awhile and she’s a terrific writer — remember the email I sent with the unbelievably beautiful comments on Jim’s waterfall picture, that was caliberal.
Andi, you are so kind, you have humbled me especially since we’re in the company of a truly gifted writer like Kansas. Your words are so generous, thank you.
just very honest. I was glad to see that you’re going to giving that talent a workout with a writing group — especially if you were to occasionally give your work a trial run here.
May I say that I’m feeling warm and fuzzy all over because of the amazing welcome by you all at the Cafe. My heart truly runneth over. When I first walked through the door I was as nervous as a virgin at a rodeo but now I feel like a pro at a brothel, it just seems to fit.
Well, I’m glad you finally got up the nerve, because I’ve enjoyed your writing and would love to see more of it. 🙂
That is really so sweet, thank you. I’ll definitely be writing more and sharing it.
Come to the new Cafe!