tune in at 7:45 PM and listen to Armando. Trust me, the sound of his voice will surprise you.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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OH WOW … i quickly sent an e-mail to everyone who knows him.
P.S. Who is Benjamin Stove?
not just coburn and brownback, but graham too.
Wow. I wish I had a basement.
P.S. For anyone who’s sick they missed him — and, HEY MAN!, he is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! — he’s perfect for this! — you can listen to the archived MP3 here:
Air America Place archive for Majority Report
(It’s usually up quickly — so check after the show’s over at 7pm PT.)
except on Friday nights — usually don’t get the Majority Report and Randi Rhodes feeds up till Saturday… 🙁
(I subscribe to just about all the AAR show podcasts through iTunes; usually out and about when the shows are on except evening, and the local station drops power so the reception sucks after dark. 😡 )
I’ll give a listen on my iPod tomorrow morning on the way to SF for first day of MacWorld… 🙂
Sounds like a lawyer.
Doesn’t surprise me that he sounds so calm and reasonable compared to his “Blog Persona” which is more rabid and outrageous at times.
Sounds like a lawyer.
He is.
Good, crisp comments. Perfect for radio .. no long ramblings….
Interesting… Not only the sound of his voice surprised me, but that he talked in full sentences — not staccato bursts — and, he didn’t say ‘fucking’ once. 😉
What is up with the extra music on the streaming AAR broadcasts? On the one hand it is nice not having to listen to so many commercials, but on the other hand, I wonder if this is a sign of revenue stream problems? Is it a lack of advertising? Or is it that they are no longer sending local NY ads out over the internet? Anybody know?
A couple of years ago, some union or trade group or something — I want to say ASCAP but I’m sure that’s wrong — got a measure passed into law that mandates triple payment of royalties for commercials aired over the Internet if those commercials used music that was under the control of that particular group.
Yes, that’s right, it’s completely insane. The response by most of the stations I know about that didn’t stop streaming altogether (which I think was part of the plan) was to just stop airing commercials over Web streams. I know that KPIG started airing extra songs during the commercial breaks, and when I listen to baseball games via the MLB web site many but not all of the commercials are replaced by dead air.
Personally, I have no more problem with commercials during an Internet stream than I have with commercials during an over-the-air broadcast. No less, but certainly no more.
Anyway that’s my guess as to what happened, and I will admit that it is a guess and could be wildly off the mark.
and they are full length, typically anti-Bush or anti-war songs. And, I listen on the radio, rarely do I stream.
I have been wondering why this was, and a wild guess I had was that they were trying to make a more entertaining listen, perhaps for those in the car/office who don’t particularly enjoy non-stop political talk.
It is not something I would have chosen (extra full-length songs out of commercial break), but the song choices are fine — if they are going to go with songs.
I don’t know what it would have to do with ASCAP or other agreements; I just wanted to point out that it is over-the-air also, not just streaming.
And all along I just assumed that he sounded like Squidward. (from SongeBob) 😉
Here’s a link to a diary from over on the orange site from last June when we had a special impromptu NYC meetup because Armando had let it be known that he was going to be available that evening.
He was far more reasonable in person than his persona on screen would have one believe, and didn’t antagonize anyone who was there (not that anyone really seemed to be trying, though).
The best picture of him is the last one in the text of the diary proper (sixth down from the top).
He’s older than I would have thought. Hmmm.
But he’s only in his early forties. At some point long ago, I think he’d mentioned in some post what years he was in law school, which he attended right after college.
He may look a bit older because of all the fights he picks (both online and in his real life as an attorney).
I give up. WHich one is he in the list?
Never mind- I heard him as I was making lunches. Cool and articulate.
Sixth picture from the top. Grey hair, glasses. And a true Latino. He was a pleasure to talk to in person. Articulate. Passionate. A genuine progressive.
The diarist on Kos was right. You, my dear, are gorgeous!
And. . .if ask is out there . . . please don’t be angry . . . but that picture kinda looks like an occupant of the Oval Office. (But I’m sure it’s only because of the angle of the photo.)