All Night Long at the Froggy Bottom Lounge
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Party on, my friends, the night is young!
Nine of our 23 diaries today received either no comments or 1 comment. That’s a lot of neglect. I hope that people will spend more time letting people know what they think of what’s they’ve gone to the trouble to post. </nag>
(hanging head) I’m sorry (sniff)(wiping nose with sleeve)
Wow — its like getting homework. And its funny, I was just thinking today that some of the diaries were getting TONS of comments today. Kidspeak’s diary has 45 comments and kansas’ diary has 76 comments. Guess I’m a glass half full kind of gal — now I know what Booman is.
In love with Christine Todd Whitman?
I think he’s still pissed that we insinuated that he had a crush on her.
You know, I just went to look at the diary list and you know something? I have a full time job that requires me to do a lot of reading. I’ll be damned if I’m going to spend my free time reading something I’m not interested in. People are free to write diaries, sometimes they get read, sometimes they don’t. Not my problem.
did you see that pantsuit? It was snappy.
You needed a longer nap.
Sorry, that was pissy. I’m just in a bad mood because I just heard that Jack Snow (Rams announcer)died — of a staph infection.
No worries. I used to it. I’ve been catching it ever since I made that offhand comment during my speed typing. I’m lucky I didn’t say anything else for people to rib me about.
Sorry about the Ram’s announcer. I know it hurts me when my favorite announcers die or retire.
Phil Rizzuto is still kicking, but he retired 10 years ago, and Yanks games have never been the same without him.
I hope that our ribbing you won’t make you hesitant to transcribe in the future. It’s all in good fun. And I didn’t say so earlier, but I really appreciate you (and those others who helped) keeping we cube-dwellers up to date on the hearing haps.
I don’t mind at all.
It’s amusing. Especially because I have been an opponent of the GOP in the NJ Gov’s mansion since nursery school, when I occassionally went to Morven (the then Governor’s mansion, (now it is down the street at a place called (no lie) Drumthwacket), to play with one of the Byrne boys.
Brendan Byrne was the Dem governor of NJ back then, and they named the place the Nets and Devils play after him (for a while).
Names aside, I have to say that Drumthwacket is as stately a mannor as I’ve ever seen pictures of (including 1600 PA Ave.).
I think it’s unfortunate that all of the sports arena names have gone up for sale to the highest bidder recently. It really destroys a link to some regional history.
High appreciation seconded!
I remember the SF Giants announcers talking to him occasionally when they’d go through St. Louis — his son JT just recently left the Giants to go play for the Boston Red Sox.
My heart and prayers go out to the Snow family.
(In quick this morning — early day for MacWorld so I can get in line for the keynote…)
No, I didn’t. Unfortunately, all streaming video (and audio) is blocked off from me at work, and I don’t have TiVo so I can’t watch when I get home.
I was, however, cracking up in my cube reading that thread.
and will be most of the week…I will do my best, however (if the spouse doesn’t lock me in the bedroom to make sure I get an actual proper night sleep…).
Self-serve bar!!! Woohoo!!!
Or if you’d like, I can tend the bar for a little while. Any special requests? This is what I’m drinking.

Not all of that I hope! š
Well, it was about 2/3 empty when I started tonight. I think I may have another glass or so to go…it’s been a fun night š
Hey, everyone — just stopping by after yet another utterly dismal Catskills day. Hope you’re all faring well. Me, I’m busily working to remove the Scalito hearings & attendant unease from the front of my mind. A fairly wild wind whips through the trees above, sending piles of snow crashing to the roof with the sound of breakdancing bears. Tomorrow: temperatures near 50 degrees predicted for our valleys. Incredible.
Isn’t this weather crazy? It’s supposed to get up to about 47 here (Ann Arbor) later this week. Ridiculous.
We generally don’t see anything much above freezing between Christmas & Valentine’s Day, so this truly seems odd to me. Two years ago at this time, we were craning our necks to see 10 above.
This is global warming, apparently: not consistently above-normal temperatures, but extremes.
Yup, we’re in the same boat. I can’t believe we don’t even have any snow on the ground right now.
This was taken last year at almost this exact same time (though in Chicago):

I have a feeling that we’re probably in for at least one more nasty bit of snow this year.
I’ve got quite a few of those myself š
We’ve still got at least a foot of snow on the ground from December, but it’s become incredibly pocked & sloppy. I’d certainly take cold, clear sunny weather over the present murky humidity. Even our chipper wintertime birds seem subdued.
We’ve pretty much lost all of our snow in the last week or so.
The squirrels are back out in full force, digging up acorns to last them through the rest of winter.
And believe me, there are some fat squirrels here in Ann Arbor š
I agree, I’ll take cold and sunny over semi-warm and murky anyday. I don’t know what it is, but having the sun out just makes for a … errr, brighter day š
Yes, it does. Even temperatures close to 15 below seem more bearable with a bit of sunshine (as I can personally attest).
I’m agreed with you, too, that there’s certainly quite a bit of heavy weather still in store for us. I certainly hope your squirrels have a sense of that, too.
I don’t see very many squirrels at all in our part of the woods, though they do appear down on the valley roads, lurking along the roadsides. I think I’ve seen more flying squirrels right here than any other type.
This is about normal for here (Puget Sound), although in the high 40’s to low 50’s we’re running probably 5-10F warmer than usual. Green grass is normal. Low ceilings are normal.
Grey is definitely normal!
I sailed around the midwest colleges years ago including U Mich, UW Madison and Marquette, and I recall very cold falls and springs. UW’s Lake Mendota is or was an iceboating hotspot if that’s not too much of an oxymoron. I believe a sailing iceboat broke 100 mph in the late 1800’s there.
Living in northern Ohio we’d definitely expect snowy winters in the 50’s and 60’s.
anyone else still hanging around?
Do any of you have any fun travel plans?
I have to admit, I’m pretty pumped up right now. I’m heading here on Saturday:

I’ll be there for a little over a week. I don’t know how I’m going to make it through this week.
Not to worry — I have a sense that the week will fly by for you.
No travel plans whatsoever here — aside of the distance from desk to bed. Pleasurable, but not what I’d actually call ‘fun’ š
I envy you your journey to friendlier climes than mine.
I’ve found that the travel from desk to bed is MUCH more fun than the travel from bed to desk š
Personally, I’d generally agree — unless there’s a stop at the coffee-grinder involved.
Maybe that’s part of my problem…I’ve been caffeine-free for about 5 weeks now.
I think I actually have an easier time waking up in the morning though…it’s weird.
Makes perfect sense to me, as you’re not stressing out your adrenals with coffee any more, ergo your energy is generally better.
I wouldn’t mind trying a bit of time without caffeine some time. I don’t believe I’ve taken a break since puberty.
Speaking of energy, I’m actually fading as I write. I’d best retire before my nose hits the keyboard, no?
I think it took me about 3 weeks to cure myself of the habit…I pretty much went cold turkey.
I’m off to bed as well. Good night!
Good night to you as well — & if I happen to miss you this week, I hope you thoroughly enjoy Acapulco!
Congratulations, too, on your ‘cold turkey’ success!
AMC’s starting “You Only Live Twice.” It’ll be a late night for this froggy!
I’m nibbling on breakfast (can you nibble on cereal?) and sipping coffee.
And (shameless blogwhoring) I’ve posted the first Just 4 Today page over at Eat 4 Today.
Is there something you’ve been meaning to start tomorrow? How about starting it Just Today? Share it with the rest of us and we’ll help keep you focused. Just today.
Good morning, oh shameless blogwhore. Are you feeling better? You “sound” like you are.
I’m feeling ok.
I think you need a patented Mother Hen cup o’ coffee.
Actually? No, my tummy hurts.
I’m sorry. I thought you sounded a little subdued.
BTW, my comment on the front page was in the wrong post. Your ‘today’ Just 4 Today post isn’t on the main page.
I know, and I thought about another way to try it. It’s there now.
Yup, there it is.
Any assignments for me today, boss? I did find a Role manager plugin but I wanted to see what wordpress had to say about roles first and I tried several times to get to the documentation pages yesterday and got an error each time. I’ll try again today.
That sounds interesting. I’m hoping nothing dramatic shows up.
I guess I could go ahead and download that role manager and install it at the test site, though I probably won’t have time to do it until late afternoon.
And I will check in on the site during the day in case you don’t feel comfortable doing that today.
That would be wonderful (and early afternoon or anytime, is fine for experiments).
Come on over to the new cafe, coffee is being served