Froggy Bottom Lounge – Happy Hour!
Foul language and crude behavior encouraged!
Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!
Please be considerate and use the ashtrays provided.
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
Hey, you think those Crest White Strips are working? Do my arms look fat in the above picture? I just didn’t know what to wear!
You and I could be twins! Isn’t that little black dress perfect for every occasion?
“Newcomers welcome, your first drink is on us!“
Does that mean body shots?? Whooot! I’ve got da belly and shot glasses.
Even though it sounds fun, you really don’t qualify as a newcomer. Ah, what the hell! Drink up!
Booman’s taking a nap and won’t notice any wild things we do in the cafe — live it up, break the rules. (I don’t think Booman the Dog will squeal on us.)
Rules? We don’t need no stinkin rules here in the Lounge!
I meaaanntt
the newbies (ala AC/DC) could have a drink on ME π
midriffs up!!
I think the young lady in that picture is waiting for Eddie Haskell, Wally, or Lumpy to buy her another drink.
Oh yeah. I’d bet on Lumpy. What a player he was!
High hopes this morning were dashed that a certain warmongering, torture justifier would have his foot amputated… via the neck. π
I’ve been awol due to a virus, bloodhound that is, and Damnit Ryan was in town and welll… shit… it’s just been super busy. But I’ve missed you all.
My son totally impressed the testers and teachers today. I think they had his “special fred sched” all ready and he blew them away. He’s going to be in ADVANCED regular ed algebra and geometry classes. His reg. ed math teacher thought he was “brilliant” and would be a delight in her advanced math class. It’s a new beginning, folks smile.gif Just doing a few hours here and there because they’re not quite ready for him. They have to totally revamp their plans. I was so happy, I was walking on air. I keep telling people, he’s smart and in some areas “gifted” it just he’s autistic and needs someone to facilitate getting him to and fro classes and helping him navigate the cafeteria. The rest… is a cinch… well sorta…
Huge victory for the little guy today smile.gif Having him ace the hardest teacher’s one on one exam… was akin to raising the Stanley Cup.
Hey, this computer is hella slow still (something is amiss with the apts. jack/phone line or somethin) it’s always something eh?? So I probably won’t be doling out the fours. I’m playing ketchup mega time here.
Just been wicked hectic here, but regardless you’ve all been in my dirty thoughts.
340 emails… DAYAAMMMNNN. Gotta go get my daughter. She LOVES her new school!!!
I am so excited about Wes! Finally someone sees how brilliant he is. This sounds like such a great school for him, and a perfect move for your family.
the thing about Wesley is… he hasn’t changed – he’s always been smart and tries hard… it’s just now we aren’t dealing with CA special ed.
I’m so glad you’re back — I’ve missed you & worried about how your family was doing after the move.
I am so thrilled by your news! Really — actually happy.
It is so good to get out from under an institutional mismatch. Because that’s a hopeless situation.
(smiling for Wesley)
Thank you! I was able to bounce in a few times around Christmas but even that was hit or miss. I have so much catching up to do with everyone’s brilliant diaries. I felt like such a “smudge” missing Rub’s diaries and the Alito 12.
Now your diary… I have so much reading to do I’m surely to go crosseyed. Again thank you so much for the positive vibes.
So damn happy about the news about Wes DJ. Boy, have I missed your “spunk” around these parts.
As far as foul language and crude behavior? I’m fucking mooning y’all right this minute. How’s that?
Hey I showered today. π
Mooning us all?? Damn, Leezy’s got back!!! π
Ewwwww! I’ve missed your disgusting sense of humor.
Spunk, not funk. Great news about your son. If schools try hard enough, they can find places for all children. That’s why parents and teachers who are ready for a fight need to team up.
Boy am I happy to “see” you. And even happier to hear that things are going so well.
Can’t wait till you are really settled in and can lead us all down into the gutter where we belong.
Marmotdude has been hibernating because the weather here is so lousy but I’m sure he’ll give that all up once he knows you’re back. I think he wants to go on a road trip with you to go windsurfing on the Hood River.
I’m such a sick and twisted case… I’ll hear a tune or jingle and my mind does a marmotdude rendition of it. It’s a curse. π
I can not wait till I’m settled in… and then we’ll have to move into a house ROFL. π
((Andi))) missed you and the blue dots.
I hope you are writing these jingles down — though I think you are going to be hard-pressed (hmm, interesting phrase) to top the Marmot Balls Xmas carol.
Cripes I didn’t even think to save the Marmot Balls jingle. But your Christmas Card/Wreath was a gutbuster!!! π
I can only imagine what the Easter card will be. Marmotdude dryhumping bunnies and chicklets?? π
Now there’s something to look forward to!
Jan 9th – Clean off your Desk Day
Jan 10th – Cuddle with Someone Special Day
Jan 11th Amelia Earhart’s Solo Flight across the Pacific
created that search button:
Marmot Balls
Marmot Balls
Don’t jingle the same way
A hairy hold
Cause when it’s cold
They won’t shrink away. HEY!
Thanks – I AM sick! π
Now.. promise me none of you will write that on my gravestone when I pass away…
another good reason for me to go through with cremation and have my ashes planted under a fruit tree.
Mourner akes a bite of the apple and remarks… Janet sure is juicy this year. π
That is wonderful news about your son. Peace and love to all the Damniteers.
Nice to see you again, too!!!! Peacekateers to you and yours as well.
That is wonderful news about Wes!
It’s nice not to have to fight for everything sometimes π I might actually get to go to college earlier than expected, eh??
You know, there is something very wonderful about finally being in a place where you can send your kids off to school and not have to worry about what’s going on there all day. I’m so happy that you’ve moved somewhere where everyone can do well!
We’re still in the “Newlywed” portion of it all.
Been at this too long to not expect to get fucked somehow , someway – ya know?? π
But is nice to see people doing their jobs. Instead of going along with what they had in mind for starters, they are changing gears and putting some thought and back into it. Was nice to see for a change.
But the ever joysful soul I am… I’m still leery. I’ve still got my Super Woman cape on jessss in casssse I need to do some major ass kicking. But I’d druther my energy went to more important matters…
I dunno.. masterbation?? π
Master who?
should be altered a bit in my humble/horrible opinion.
The whole point of masterbation is to take the Mr. out of the equation at times, correct? π
Muserbation? kinda like that one
How about zzzzzzzizzzerbation.
is already an “azulism” π
scissorbation: the act of cutting out coupons with the delusion that you’ll actually remember to bring them with you to the store when you go shopping.
must …. wait… until… 4:00 … to ….fo … into …lounge — hey wait a minute. That’s amazing. That’s ME! Sitting at the bar in my cocktail dress with a cocktail in front of me. How did that happen? Where’d you get my picture?
Easy, Mary. Bush authorized me to go into your personal photo storage. Hope you don’t mind. At least I picked one where you had clothes on.
I’m glad it was photoshopped to make me look thinner.
OK, the Bush Administration can kiss my ass. How’s that? π
You go girl.
I’d call that a very good start!
He no can do that….
seeing as how his head is already wedged up Hitler’s dead ass.
Oh my god….I’m going to have that image in my head the rest of the day I fear-and wouldn’t that make for a wonderfully sick T-shirt picture!
So very fucken happy to hear how Wes is doing and that has made my day, dammit…and glad to see you here.
You sent me an email, and I’m not sure I responded or what… but it made me all teary-eyed and feel loved π Thank you so very much.
I’m glad you like the term “crime scene sex” π I’ve always liked it, too.
Oops… I showed my mom how to get here last night. Damnit Ryan got her a laptop last week… she never even has used a PC or that WebTV before.
She LOVES it here and is lurking and reading. She totally digs you guys. Not sure she’s read all my diares but I know she read the one about the support the troops one. She’s still having a time of searching, and using a laptop.
There you are you evil little huggy person :o)
What a nice surprise to see you here.
Oh wait….HI MOM!!!
OK cool.
Put your mind at ease right now because you responded to my email in less than an hour I think….the only sad/selfish part for me was the fact that you’d be moving a lot farther away from me and we’ll probably never get to meet up.
And cool that your Mom is becoming a lurker..hey Janet’s Mom- a big HI to you and enjoy your time here.
My sister-also a lurker-loved(and could relate) the ‘crime scene sex’ phrase also. Then again if you can’t relate maybe you’re a wee bit too fastidious. Of course in another one those unintelligent design deals it seems that having your period also corresponded with being particularly horny-or was that just me?
Okay folks – time to put this in here – Alohaleezy and I have batted a couple of comments around in the West section about meeting up on the West Coast.
I’m game for a couple of weekends in March and will go down to So. Cal for the trip.
Anyone else want to play for a day or so?
Utah instead? We’re going to be hiking in the Paria Wilderness and/or Grand Staircase Escalante NM
Everybody can come hiking with us and we’ll take scads of Blue Dot pictures.
That would be so fun! Wouldn’t it defeat the purpose of you and Jim getting away from it all to have scads of bootribbers there mugging for the camera?
The right kind of fun with the right people is just as good as good as any amount of getting away from it all.
I’ll just have to wait for the next batch of breathtaking photographs instead.
That sounds great – although I think we are leaning towards places with an airport nearby…
Besides – you get me to the Grand Staircase and they’ll have trouble getting me back on a plane to SF
Hey, there’s probably an airport in St. George that puddle jumpers land at (well not too many puddles, but at least potholes in the sandstone).
As for leaving the Grand Staircase, I can’t help there. I have enough trouble dragging myself away.
Stories to tell about that town…something about baby bottles and toddlers in the middle of a dance floor.
…..oh yeah and a $10 cover charge to hear a disc jockey for line dancing and no alcohol served….
I understand why the locals drive 40 minutes across the state line into Nevada on Saturday night….next time I’m down that way so will we…
I think you might not have been to St. George lately. It has grown hugely — actually out of control I would say.
But of course it’s just a place to get through to get to the places you really want to go (which sure ain’t Nevada — at least not that part).
About 5 or 6 years ago…on a trip through to 4 Corners, Durango, then up to Telluride.
Ah then, you probably got a good look at what has happened to it. I can’t get over how much it has grown since we first saw it (’92).
BTW, sorry for the distracting the real get together discusion — probably some sort of passive-aggressive jealousy π
Me too. Maybe one of us (preferably one of us with some initiative) should try to get a middle-of-the-country meetup planned.
We are looking down towards SanDiego or maybe up the coast closer to LA
Coast would be good in March or so…San Juan Capistrano up to Santa Barbara would make me happy…
I am hoping all you folks will make some exception for the lady that doesn’t leave her town or fly….
So Orange Co., is my vote.
mar. would be good, cause Shirl can schedule for that time, I think…when she is going to visit me.
I’m getting very jealous now. This is just crazy talk.
Laura, can’t you come then, we would love to have you…..think about it…. it would be a wowzer for Shirl and I that’s for sure.
Keep us all up to date on your plans, and I’ll definitely think about it. There are very few things that could make me get on an airplane, but you and Shirl are two of them.
Would I qualify as one of the few things ;oP that could make you get on an airplane?
cuz I’ll be going that way too it seems.
Gee, that depends, Super. You thinking about going to CA?
It’s been demanded of me basically. Shirl say’s she could come to NY but then how will I see Diane? So it looks like I’m gonna shoot for it.
. . . me is Mar 12-18. I’ll go anywhere y’all are getting together during that week.
After getting to meet Tracy and Lee last summer, which was like totally fucking cool, I crave more RL BooTribble interactions. (Please, sir, can I have some more?)
Seem to have lost a “for” between the subject and the message . . .
But y’all knew what I meant, right?
That is how I am feeling right now when I read about the froggy get-together in CA. I think the Midwest region needs a little party. I will even bring Andrew – as long as we aren’t meeting in a bar.
Ha ha everybody — WE GET ANDREW. (Can we have some dogs too?)
I am sure that we can convince Andi to bring her puppies.
I’m pretty sure Andi could bring her dogs, especially if it’s on her property π
The place to do this would be Chicago. Because Southwest flies into Midway everyone should be able to get relatively cheap flights, no one would need a car, and downtown Chicago is a great place.
OTOH, I do happen to live in a tourist area and there are all sorts of rental cabins around.
Really cheap now since the planes at Midway take you right to your hotel these days ;o)
Sorry there.
I once had to sleep on the floor at Midway. No food. No drinks. A couple smokes. Nightmare till morning when they brought out some coffee and I found out that the Yanks had won the night before. Other than that it was a real good trip ;o)
Don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve been there but the main terminal has been spiffed up considerably in the last couple of years. Of course, I can’t name any airport that I consider a charming place to spend time.
They were in the middle of renovations when I was there at the end of Sept. 2001. Right after 911. Flying in those times was interesting to say the least. I remember waiting at the gate and watching the people watching this couple who looked to me like Pakistanis maybe. The husband was wearing a Turbin and the looks on the passengers faces said all I needed to know about where we were all headed. I felt so bad for them that I made a point just to smile at them as an attempt to let them know that we weren’t all pissed at him and freaked out.
The worst part of the trip was sharing space with the guys I was with. One of my boat customers and his little Long Island entourage. They kept wanting to do little bomb in the middle of the floor gags with their luggage till finally the Nat. Guard came over and searched us. Nice. What a bunch of assholes. I couldn’t wait to get away from them.
Katiebird are you lurking? Are you watching the critics choice awards? George Clooney — sigh.
I never heard of it! George Clooney, what?
OOO mister just found it!! Phillip Seymour Hoffman!!!
Thanks!! Just in time!!
That was completely unplanned. I had no idea that Philip Seymour Hoffman was coming up — I’m glad you caught it.
So now we’ve got two tvs going in the room (well one is actually a computer with a tv connection) so we can finish watching Las Vegas.
The power of the Internet, Mary I would have missed that. Thank you!!
I’ve been watching and I haven’t seen any film editing awards. (Of course, I could have missed that category.)
You don’t have tivo so you can back up and check? My dear, this is an absolute requirement for every slacker wannabe.
Nope, no TIVO. And no cable or satellite. I’m fairly lo tech.
We went back to Las Vegas (bad us). Who got Best Picture? Or Director?
The gay cowboys got best director and best picture
Damn those gay cowboys!
Where’s George? Network?
It’s on the WB. He got a special award for filmmaking. Julia Roberts presented it.
Is Ductape lurking?
Check your email!!
I did! check yours π
And check again!!!
He’s around. I just did a search on ‘comments by’ and he’s made comments recently in the open thread and another diary.
Thanks! I didn’t think of that — good idea.
Anyone mind if I close down the Lounge? Time to put up the overnight cafe?
Looks like a good time to me!
Fine with me. I’m about done for the night anyway.
You were a mostest hostest!
It is the creepyest show, I’m shaking.
It’s one of my favorites, but this one is really bothering me. I don’t need to see a woman hung up like a side of beef.
The girl talking to the evil ghost in the library scared me. And I’ve been shivering ever since.