Lautenberg and Whitman introduce Alito because they are from Jersey. Poor Lautenberg.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Lautenberg is so shafted. Corzine left him holding the bag.
Hey Booman,
I thought Senators did introductions by choice. Would you explain WHY, other than geography, Lautenberg introduced him, and what did Corzine have to with it??
Thanks for the edukashun!
Hi Grandma M,
Sen. Lautenberg explained that Corzine was in the middle of his transition from Senator to Governor of NJ and couldn’t be there to introduce Alito.
Lautenberg was definetily not too comfy being there. That was pretty obvious.
Thanks Supersoling. But I guess I do not understand the procedure. Why would either Lautenberg or Corizine be the ones to introduce Alito if they did not desire to do so? Why wouldn’t they choose someone like Sen Hatch or another right winger to introduce Alito?
I do not understand why someone whp comes from the same state, but has a totally different viewpoint, should be forced to introduce someone they disagree with.
Specter is amused to watch Frank squirm as he attempts to praise Alito.
Specter asked Lautenberg whether he wanted to recommend Alito and he declined.
Christie Todd Whitman did recommend him. She has a snappy red pantsit on. Very nice.
Says she is there to discuss President Alito’s appeasement, achievement oops
I think Christy’s got the Harriet Miers sharpei face thing starting…is that a Republican woman thing?
maybe Booman is right but I personally think he has a crush on her.
It’s a Jersey thing.
fuck that. I just liked her pantsuit.
Bullshit. You’d be the first man I ever knew who said he liked a woman’s pant suit. (A mini skirt, yeah … but a pant suit?) You think she’s hot … admit it …. and I wish she’d come over to the light (she could go that way).
I dunno, I think I look pretty damn hot in a suit… I don’t call it a pantsuit because men don’t and they certainly aren’t wearing skirts with their jackets… not sure what I call a suit with a skirt tho’, maybe just that? But I digress from me being hot in one… 😉
Kinda like the Jackie Brown look… sexy, powerful and Hepburn classic… works for me, screw what a guy thinks abt it… although I have had a few compliments in my day… 🙂
Guys look (your word here) in a skirt ;oP
blatant man-skirt bashing.
Oh no. I’m simply asking for interpretations.
In other words, fill in the blank ;oP
Oh Shit! I’m laughing to hard to think of anything to say.
One of my friends used to babysit for her…maybe she’d introduce them? 😉
I’m laying off now. Booman’s seeing red ;o)
No shit. He hasn’t e-mailed me since my snarky remark in yesterday’s “warrior” story about the Giants game. (He’s pissed. I can tell.)
How come we didn’t hear what Feingold was wearing?
I thought he was wearing a loincloth? 🙂
He has those hair wings too that Andy Garcia has, and my husband also! Purrrrrrr
Whitman is pro-choice, BTW, but you would never know it by the fact she is supporting his candidacy.
I wonder what favor she gets for this? Seriously.
Whitman is going through the motions. She urges him to be confirmed. Privately she hopes he is hit by a bus.
Your Wishful Dumb Blonde Fantasies?
Just because she’s blond doesn’t mean she’s dumb. There is other evidence that she is dumb.
from even though I’m a brunette who dyes my hair auburn. I know many many smart blondes…….but of all hair colors who can be stupid and still be heard at the hearing of a Supreme Court Justice Nominee it would be blonde damn it. I have just come to accept that in life. If I get stupid tomorrow it’s the soup line for me without a little bleaching.
Now up: Alito
Sam…tell me a story
tanked on Xanax? Is that his wife?
Looks like his sister
how fitting ;o)
You’d have to be tanked on Xanax to sit through that, wouldn’t you?
It’s really a test of sanity to sit through these hearings. So far all the supreme court justices are insane because any sane person would have run screaming from the room about half way through listening to those blowhards.
Hence Coburn’s comments about schizophrenic court decisions…
I’m just a prisoner trauma bonded to the love of my life! Gee and let’s women leave the house alone since his mom.
went to public school and PLAYED BASEBALL with his friends.
getting to second base is NOT playing baseball.
I bet he was 25 before he got to second base.
I knew you didn’t mean Booman — is he even 25 yet?
I guess that’s why he thinks strip searching little girls is okay.
He saw people behaving irresponsibly there? He’s fucking gay and repressed! I swear to Jesus he’s fucking gay and repressed to even say such a thing about college. College was about a lot of books, trying to not piss your parents off with your grades, trying to find enough money to eat real food and getting some good ass….where’s the next party?! He’s a fucking repressed gay!
Schumer, face in hand, holding on for dear life, looks thrilled to hear Sam’s Story
OK I’m going to have to turn on cspan again.
went to Princeton U. where he would not have felt comfortable in previous years. He thought many of the elitists that went to Princeton acted irresponsibly compared to his working class roots.
But that didn’t keep him from joining a group that wanted more slots left open for the children of alumni.
He thought many of the elitists that went to Princeton acted irresponsibly compared to his working class roots.
That sonofabitch. My fist just about went through the TV set when he said that.
He is snide.
He is cold.
He can barely contain his sneer.
(And, if he’s referring to the anti-Vietnam protests, I have news for him: While many came from privilege, a hell of a lot of us did not! There was me, the token farm girl at Stanford. Most of the really creative, curious people were from working-class backgrounds … the long-haired, experimental types. Most of the rich elite types were snots with bleached blonde hair who didn’t lift a finger for any political cause.)
he grew up in Hamilton (white Trenton) and went to Princeton, and I grew up in Princeton and moved to Hamilton. So, I kind of know the dynamic he is talking about.
I suppose … but what a damn odd thing to bring up in such a short speech … except, I guess, it was “code” for “those fucking liberals won’t get to me.”
btw, some of the BEST people I met in college went to the best prep schools — Andover, Groton — they were incredibly serious and diligent young men who cared deeply about political issues. In fact, it was they who got me to go against the Vietnam war, even though it took them two quarters to do it. Most of them had no airs. You’d have never known they were from money.
Then there were the types like Page Lee Hufty of Palm Beach who oozed oil money (Standard Oil).
where our motto is “Non sibi,” not for one’s self. And Princeton, “in the nation’s service.” My family was not and is not affluent–I could not have attended either but for the generous aid I received.
While my Andover roommate is now House Majority Counsel (Ken Starr’s old job), the majority of my classmates from both schools have dedicated themselves to careers in charitable institutions or in related work that I consider to overlap with altruistic public service. These are the people who really make you feel inadequate at reunions, not the CEO of
Princeton was and is a liberal institution. Daily Prince polls have consistently shown the student body to vote Democratic. But there are many who prefer the F. Scott Fitzgerald days–Samuel Alito is one.
I just have to speak up, because I think both these institutions are good ones, and having Princeton dragged through the mud as a result of Alito’s CAP membership is frustrating.
he’s a little nervous. Voice is a little quaky.
humanizes him — the public will like it.
sexually repressed gay judges Republicans who want to sit on the Supreme Court, and the Republicans want them too! If we get them some good therapy will turn into real people?
Does he have a teleprompter or is speaking extemporaneously from notes?
this guy is boring me.
He’s speaking from his internal script.
A little nervous? That’s putting it mildly. This is the first time I have heard him speak. I am bored to tears and he is a non charismatic speaker. I know I am biased but this jerk literally turns my stomach. So much fo my lunch!
Cabin the Elder thinks he’s creepy too.
And what’s with the head tilt. Guy is just too weird.
Oh my God! He’s done? People really want this guy on the Supreme Court for the next 20-30 years? Unbelievable.
They will resume tomorrow at 9:30 am. Round one will give each Senator 30 fucking minutes to question Alito about his love of all that is wrong an evil about this country.
Well done
Coburn fucked Alito good I think. Perfect timing
Thanks for the great job all. See you tomorrow! ANy drinking games scheduled for tomorrow? I just may break 25 years sobriety for that!
eh, eh
Just kidding…no worries. If I was to drink again it sure as hell wouldn’t be over this asshole. Now if he gets the vote, that’s a different story…lol!
short and sweet — that was smart. Spent most of his time talking about his family. No one is above the law, no one is below the law. I think he played it very well. Tomorrow will be the test.
i need a nap
You deserve a nap — excellent synopsis. It was like we were there.
Me too but this gal has to go back to the office:(
You did a great job. Thanks!
Go off to your own little sanctuary and think about Christy!
you’re in a funny mood Tracy. Busting my balls.
Since I consider you my most trusted source of political analysis and in touch with what really goes on up there on the Hill, I’m usually soooo sucking up. Couldn’t help though you know with all the Christy stuff.
Hi – what did I miss?
Good way to wrap it all up.
What key chromosomes did not get passed down from Floyd Abrams to his son Dan?
(Woeful analysis.)