Even before the revelations of NSA spying, it was clear for sometime that Bush,Cheney and Rumsfeld have considered the American people the biggest impediments to advancing their worldwide agenda.All their efforts have been directed toward reversing the Vietnam Syndrome which, they have felt makes the American people leery of overseas adventures. The PNAC document identifies this as a major source of weakness and believes that a cataclysmic event such as a Second Pearl Harbor would be necessary for Americans to support an overseas war.

The 9/11 event which fit the bill of a New Pearl Harbor, fulfilled the wishes of the Grand Triumvirate and let them embark on their War on Terror with full support from the terrified people.A huge psychological war was launched with the active collaboration of the mainstream Press and Media to continue the assault on
the sense of security of Americans.This included coded terror warnings, timely release of videotapes of Bin Laden, the Anthrax Scares and other pseudo scares.

That psychological war was followed by a program to deliberately impoverish the American people heightening their sense of insecurity through active encouragement of outsourcing, running up huge deficits, reckless spending on defense programs and huge tax cuts for the wealthy.

In the third prong of Bush’s war on Americans he has blown back the external wars home and has deployed all the agencies of government under his command including the FBI, CIA, NSA,IRS against those who oppose him politically under the guise of fighting the War on Terror.He has even had apologists like John Yoo claim that he is entitled to torture prisoners both domestic and foreign as the Commander-in-Chief.He now claims that he has unfettered authority to do just about anything he wants.In fact, his depraved indifference to the loss of life and property in New Orleans could be seen as a foretaste of things to come if he is able to get away with his trashing of the Constitution.

With what he and Cheney have revelaed in the past few weeks, it is certain that the NSA’s capabilities have been used since 2000 in the major events that have shaped this presidency: the stealing of elections,the 9/11 event,spying on Democrats and any others who question their policies.In effect, we are seeing Richard Nixon on steroids, and it helps to recall both Cheney and Rumsfeld are admirers of Tricky Dick from way back when.

History has played a cruel joke on all of us when we are forced to think of Nixon’s regime as the good old days.