This is a letter I shared with pretty much everyone in my address book. It is from my heart. I’d like to share it with those who are not yet in my address book. Those who I hope soon will be.
I will be making archival, museum quality prints from my journey available to those who wish to purchase them and support the project.
If there is a special photo you love and wish to share with the generations and loved ones please contact me.
Forgive me if I have breached etiquette and protocol in making this plea. But, I am a firm believer in the power of asking.
Dearest Fellow Traveler,
I am writing to share some recent developments in my life with you.
I have departed America upon an important journey. During the afternoon of New Years Eve I left Chicago for San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. I am going to follow the Zapatistas “Other Campaign” throughout Mexico for the next six months. As a documentarian, photoethnographer and participant.
The Zapatistas, led by Delegate Zero (Sub Commandante Marcos), are spending the next six months sharing their message and “listening to the voices of the simple and humble people who fight”. Not a lot of “rah rah” political rallys and hellfire speeches. But rather, a conversation and dialogue.
My own project, which I am calling the “Other Project” not only documents the Zapatistas, but stand as the personal travelogue of a documentary photographer. I am just an ordinary man with a camera. Every day I meet interesting people with extraordinary stories to tell.
This is a trip that began without a plan. It was planned at one point, fell apart, then simply happened. Sometimes in life, one just has to show up and figure out the rest later.
For anyone who has read me, you know I have a passionate, albeit fanatical, socio-religious world view. I know this makes some people uncomfortable and I’m not exactly everyone’s cup of tea. But, I simply cannot make this journey without your prayers and support.
I invite you to travel along with me in words and photographs.
As you may or may not know, I am a person with a life challenge. I have CNS sleep apnea and severe epilepsy. So, the logistics of this trip are a bit more challenging than for a non-disabled person. I have made the difficult decision to travel without my devoted Service Animal, Mara. At times, I know it will be difficult. But, I have an indomitable spirit. With your help and support I promise to persevere to the end, wherever it leads.
This is an important, once in a lifetime opportunity. I would regret it all my life if I didn’t do it. A man needs to step up once in a while trusting in God to sort it out. I have faith in the goodness of humanity. I have faith in your humanity.
I am reminded of the Hungarian pistol shooter, Karoly Tacaks. He won the Gold Medal at the Olympics in 1936. He was the best pistol shooter in the world. Just prior to WWII Karoly lost his right hand in a military training accident. Karoly disappeared from the face of the earth. For years, no one heard from him or of him. In 1952 he showed up at the Olympic Trials. He had learned to shoot with his left hand. He went on to win the Gold Medal.
If you’d like to come along, please walk with me from time to time at…
..where I’ll be sharing fragments of the journey.
The point of any personal journey isn’t necessarily to arrive, the point is simply making the journey.
Let’s not miss the opportunity…
Please remember the intentions of a most unworthy photographer in your prayers and well wishes.
To keep up with news of the “Other Campaign” on the ground reference this excellent site:
PS While I unfortunately cannot respond to every email individually, please email me privately seaghn(at) and I will respond as I am able.
PPS To my beloved members of Spunn, I will return to finish what we started. We still walk the path to Burning Man hand in hand.
Many blessings on your journey, Seaghn. May the spirit of strength in balance walk with you.
I am looking forward to seeing your photography. I am sure with y our determination and willingness of presentation of the truth, we all will see things that will be most exciting. My thoughts are with you always.
Stay well and safe.
Good luck. And thank you for sharing. Every day is an adventure. Enjoy it.
One of life’s biggest gifts is an opportunity and recognizing that opportunity when it presents itself.