Folks, there’s a change a-coming across this nation of ours and it’s going to be a political thirst for the leadership of someone who is plain-speaking, stands out and above the dirty-money, wishy-washy, triangulated, corporate-funded, sock puppet career politicians who currently populate far too many government positions of power nationwide.
Here’s my choice for a breath of fresh air.

From the Boise Weekly comes this collection of Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer quotes:

    The Quotable Schweitzer

    DECEMBER 7, 2005
    The Boise Weekly

On open government: “We have not only open government, but open door. On the first day in office, I invited the press in, I showed them the key to my office, and I threw it away. I told them, ‘This door will never be closed.'”

On biodiesel: It just doesn’t make sense for farmers to produce wheat, being subsidized by the federal government, shipping that wheat to the Middle East and everywhere else, and meeting boats on the high seas delivering oil.”

On the Iraq War: “After Every one of those [soldier’s funerals, I recommit myself that we will not buy oil from sheiks and dictators and rats and crooks from all over the world. It’s time for us to be energy self-reliant.”

On being governor: “There are very few other jobs where you are expected to know for an entire state what’s biting, where they’re biting and what they’re biting on. But I do.”

On Plame-gate: “‘Scooter?’ What kind of a name is ‘Scooter’ for a man in the White House? Of course he can’t keep a secret!”

On coal burning energy: “Here’s what you do: Crush it, ignite it, and then you create high pressure steam which turns a turbine. Then, here’s the secret: You build a stack, really high, high enough that all the mercury and the sulfur and the carbon dioxide that you can put up that stack goes to somebody else’s community.”

On the deficit: “I’d like you to look over at your spouse and see if there’s a little twinkle in the eye. Because we need more children to pay this thing off. A lot of them.”

On the rationale for Iraq: “Democracy in the Middle East? Let me tell you something: You know who our allies are there? Saudi Arabia: king. Kuwait: king. Jordan: king. Amman: king. Bahrain: king. The list goes on. All kings.”

On China: “They have coal, and if they burn that coal in the old technology like they want to do right here in the Magic Valley, they will destroy the planet with both mercury and CO2. If we get clean-coal technology right, and we get them that technology, we might be able to save their country and our planet.