I am now recovering from bronchial pneumonia after ignoring cold symptoms that turned into a sinus infection and got worse. It is my understanding that I am susceptible to pneumonia, as I have had it before. Also, I smoke (quit for ten days and am going to do it again–this time I really mean it!!!)
Have also had a hell of a battle w/Medicaid, trying to get info re: the Medicare rx plan. FINALLY found out the info that I needed and now, of course, there is some sort of screw-up w/that Medicare crap!!!
That was on top of the battles that I was having w/joke rehab (vocational rehabilitation) and, I was also in a car accident that could have been a hell of a lot worse. I was NOT hurt.
Anyway, I found out a lot, who my friends really are (everyone has had some “false friends” that they are better off without), a lot about myself, specifically, what I really want to do w/my life, and what type of person I am.
Being sick does that to you. When I am sick, I am one of those people that wants to be left alone to die in peace and mourn the fact that I am not. Sure, compassion and consideration are nice, but don’t bug me. I have lost count of the number of times that I had to say to someone, “I am sick/hoarse. I am not yelling at you.”
My ex-husband was one of those people who wanted to be fussed over constantly when he was sick and I had absolutely NO patience w/him. (That’s probably one of the reasons that I got a divorce!) Once, when I was sick, he actually called in sick from work to stay home and take care of me, if you can believe that. The following day, I yelled at him to go back to work. (He actually asked why I was mad at him.) Talk about a wimp!!!!
Anyway, that is why I have decided to write a bit. I feel a bit better, but I have a dr.’s appointment tomorrow. So I am making this short and sweet and taking a poll.
Here we go:
Good News!
Remember my friend who was job hunting?
She has been working since last Friday!!!!!
Glad to hear she found something! (Hope you’re feeling better too…)
Not 100%, but I’m getting there.
I want everyone to know how sick I am, but then I want to be left alone. And I like to act like a martyr by continuing to do all of my daily household chores, but everyone must know that doing so takes every ounce of energy I have and thus, they must admire me.
My ex-husband always insisted he had The Worst Cold Anyone Has Ever Had, and he would go to bed for 3 days, all the while I had the same cold and was taking care of 4 kids. Sheesh.
Just the opposite. In addition to wanting to be left alone, I get MEAN! There are people that just don’t understand that combination!
But now I am wondering if that characteristic that each of us described is common to ex-husbands?
I believe it is common in all men. Can you imagine if they had to give birth?
Never had kids or want to. So I’ll take your word on how painful childbirth is. Come to think of it, you could be right about it being common to all men. Wonder if any of the guys here will admit to it?
I couldn’t let this go by without saying something. Just that I haven’t figured out what the something I want to say is yet.
Just so you know that this one individual, nonconformist man, guy, future ex husband whatever, is paying attention ;o)
Oh, you know it’s true! If it wasn’t you wouldn’t be at such a loss over what to say. Men are big babies about being sick…they want their mommies.
Glad you’re paying attention, and I didn’t mean to offend you, it’s just my observation. BTW…I grew up in a house full of girls, and went on to have 3 sons of my own, so I have lots of subjects to study. 🙂
Mommies are the ones who turn their subjects into big babies ;o)
Then when the guinea, I mean subjects grow up and try to pull away, the Mommies pull back. What’s a big baby to do? Defy the Mommie?
Me, I just don’t want to hear about how much sicker you are than me if I happen to mention that I’m sick. That pisses me off about people more than most things. There’s always someone else with a bigger boo boo and you better be paying attention to it.
I’ve been trying to perfect that Mommy pull-back technique to no avail. My guys are growing up and leaving the nest. I wish I could have raised them to be more dependent on me instead of confident and self-sufficient. Damn my awesome parenting skills! 🙂
There’s always someone else with a bigger boo boo and you better be paying attention to it.
You got that right! Guess I should have added I don’t give a damn to the poll!
I’m like that too — except when I’m really, really sick when I don’t even care if anyone knows I’m sick, I just want them to leave me alone.
patience with people who in their ignorance, do not realize the world revolves around me.
people who in their ignorance, do not realize the world revolves around me
Haven’t laughed this hard in weeks! Thanks DF!
LOL! But of course….
You are the sun, after all.
I don’t mind some help when I’m really sick (ie, if someone will make the run to the store and get more tissues or medicine or a couple cans of soup, or take the time to fix something like soup for me..). But otherwise, I mostly prefer to be left alone to be miserable in peace. I can tolerate feeling crappy much better if I don’t have to be sociable at the same time….
Help sounds good, but that would require me to communicate my needs to them and I don’t want to talk to them.
Just like me! I’m a combnation Get Out Of My Face and STFU! My poor cats were hiding under the bed–we were drivng each other nuts!
Depends- I remember being thrilled at getting to have my wisdom teeth out because it meant I got to be away from my preschooler for three whole hours. I just lay back and enjoyed the silence.
After childbirth I just wanted to be left alone and not have anybody fuss with any further parts of my body.
I suppose I’m the “hole up in privacy” kind of person, when I’m sick enough to get it. This fits my life- especially since my first sentence was “Leave me alone.”
Calling it a nite. Last thing I want is a relapse. Thanks for all of your thoughts.
clinic and pay the paltry sum for the pneumonia immunization. I did, and haven’t had it since. Used to get viral pneumonia about every five years, getting worse each time.
While the shot doesn’t protect from all viruses. it does protect against all bacterial pneumonias and is lifelong, requiring a booster after 10 years.
Like you, I’m a curler-upper-and-let-me-die. The thing is, viral pneumonia makes you feel like death’s really what you want when, honestly, you just want to get well again.
I didn’t know it until I stumbled on mr katiebird, but it turns out I like someone to make a huge pot of chicken soup so I can heat it up whenever I want it. I like having someone in the room who doesn’t talk much, but talks to me just enough.
And I always want everyone to know I’m sick and “poor baby me”. I am the type to go to bed for 3 days with a cold. I don’t know why, I get completely knocked out by them. Is there some line where what I call a cold is really the flu? Because people come to work with these delicate sniffles they call a cold. But, I get these things that wrack my lungs, nose and brain. I got bronchitis 3 times last year. I could no more work through a cold than build a space ship.
I guess I’m a wimp.
There are colds and there are colds. You had the latter.
I just wish they were pronounced differently, because when you call in sick to work, they both sound the same. Although, I guess my voice doesn’t. I’d love to get the first one (a cold) instead of always the second (a cold).
It’s pronounced “code”, as in “Eh heh veh code, en wun beh ehn tuh-deh.”
I grew up in a family in which illness was unacceptable. As a result, I used to feel guilty whenever I was sick. Too guilty to ask for any assistance or care. “I’m sorry I’m sick…I know I am to blame and blah, blah, blah.” And then I had cancer. I had to learn, though difficult, that I was not to blame and that it’s okay to ask for and expect care when I’m ill. Now, when I’m not feeling well, I EXPECT my mate to take care of dinner and chores and give me space and peace to heal…without guilt.
It depends on how sick I am:
If I have a bad cold/flu but can still go to the bathroom on my own and fix myself a can of chicken soup, then I want to be left alone. The mere presence of another human being who is well irritates me. Whenever someone crosses my path and suggests that I should give up smoking, I snarl at them, “Oh really! Are you telling me that you never get a cold or the flu?! Riiight, I thought so.”
On the other hand, when I am gravely ill, so sick that I don’t even realize I need to go to the nearest ER, I desperately need someone to take care of me. I’ve had a few illnesses wherein I was so feeble and delirious someone had to be there to spoon broth into my mouth. I’m very meek then and pitifully grateful for any assistance.