FBC No Blue Skies Today
Hope the skies are blue wherever you are.

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Just 4 today, what are you going to do?
(originally the last post on the last cafe, duplicated (with a bow to Andi) here)
As long as we’re repeating comments from the early morning cafe, I’ll say again: Join me for the ritual morning FBC coffee?
Good morning, Andi. I just discovered your recipe for chicken soup w/matzo balls and it looks so nummy. Now I’ll have to drag myself to the store for ingredients… I want to try it with veggie broth. I’ve always wondered what matzo balls are and boy do they look mouth watering. MMmmmm.
And without the chicken, too, I assume 🙂 It won’t be traditional but I don’t see any reason why it won’t taste great.
Though it’s supposed to be almost 70 degrees today and remain warm for the next several days.
Here is a picture of my nephew in Hawaii over Christmas break. He had a great time.
Do you know where all they went?
I haven’t talked with her at length about it other than they really had a good time, the weather was perfect, and the plane trips and airports were a hassle between the wheelchair and security measures.
Good morning to all! Just finished an argument with my Repug co-worker who tells me that Democrats are weak and stand for nothing. I suggested that he tell that to my WWII veteran father who politically is probably somewhere to the left of me. At least I won’t need coffee to wake me up today now that my blood pressure is off the scale. Asshole.
No. Fucking asshole.
doesn’t keep you from getting to fully express yourself. Sorry you have to work with a fucking asshole jerk.
No, there is no filter on strong language. Yet.
If I died and came back as a cat, I’d be the chunky one on the left.
What a funny pic! I wonder how they got those suits on the cats, nevermind getting them to lay on their backs on the chairs?!
Tuna and Mouse
…they’ve tied their bathing suit tops underneath the chairs and then pegged the chairs into the ground. :o)
Even for tuna, mouse, and catnip I don’t think I could get my cat to wear the bottoms!
Safe and sound and in one piece. Boy, it’s icy out there.
Blue skies… Hmmm… Here’s what I have in the archives.
Mallow’s view, taken 10.13.2005 (view large)
Clematis, taken 9.24.2005 (view large)
Cosmos’ view, taken 9.24.2005 (view large)
Good. I was worrying about you.
Thanks for the blue skies. The bottom one is one of my favorites.
Ahhhhh. My morning Olivia fix. I love the top one best.
Thank you for your Peace Pilgrim series. I’m trying to absorb all the peace, like osmosis.
Olivia and Ovaltine, my two favorite things to drink in on a cold morning 🙂
I kept this page up even when turned off today (had to keep my land line open for school call) and your photographs… thank you…
Between that and Second’s “sweater nipples run in with the UPS dude” I won’t ever need medication for the blues 🙂
When you get the D70, the kit lens is very nice for general shooting, but you will have to spring for a macro lens too.
So here’s a funny story for you.
I put on a turtleneck sweater today and it had shoulder-nipples (you know, from the hanger) so I sprayed a little water on them and tossed the sweater into the dryer for a few minutes. Now, here in the south we have no basements, so my washer and dryer are in a little hallway next to the back door, which is half glass and has no curtains or blinds. So I’m standing there in jeans and a bra waiting for the shoudler nipples to heat up in the dryer and there is a tentative little tapping on the back door and I almost die of embarrassment as I see the UPS guy standing there holding a box of computer parts that my husband had ordered. Umm. yeah.
So now he’s got a story he’ll be able to dine out on for weeks. This year you should ask him for a Xmas tip.
I think his tip would be “put some damn blinds on the back door.”
UPS: Underwear Peering Service.
Morning, guys. Andi is that your photo at the top? It’s super. Do you have a Blue Dot photo you might let me put at the head of my Cafe tomorrow? I don’t want to ruin your joke, though, so don’t feel you have to offer one. I can just run with my usual boring stolen photos that nobody could possibly care about or enjoy as much as they would one of yours. But don’t let that influence you.
Yup, that’s my photo of the inlet to the lake at the camp that borders our property — sans blue sky 🙁
You’re welcome to a blue dot photo. Email sent.
OMFG!!!!!!! thanks for the term “sweater nipples” and that incredible story 🙂
I had a similar experience when we first moved to the old area down in Calif. I had just changed a t-shirt that just been puked on by a toddler (Danni) and I was rushing around trying to find another shirt I could toss on while I cleaned up the kid and the puddle. This takes place in the ranch style architecture of my home… meaning the kit, lr, dining room are all one BIG room with HUGE ASS windows to look in.
I thought I heard tapping but figured it was Wesley, he was a tapper, spinner and liner upper. Finally I raised up to say, “knock it off with the knocking” and it was our man in brown. ACK
However I had NO bra.
Not a cheery day – wet and gloomy…
Will ask the Goddess to guide the senators today to kick Alito’s butt verbally…
Have an 8:00 pst meeting….back shortly
I still can’t bear to watch the hearings. It’s not so much the nominee, but the lack of comprehension of the questioners.
I think I’ll find shop tasks today that require lots of pounding.
Something that requires a mallet sounds good to me.
God, I envy you. I’m having to make syllabuses. No way pondering how many lectures to spend on the endocrine system can compare with poundiing. Oh how I wish I could pound!!
students’ hard heads are for?
Well, there are of course times when I am mentally pounding them, but on the outside I am patiently explaining one more time . . .
And I am not saying – WHAT IF YOU TRIED READING THE INSTRUCTIONS – but rather, “I think you need to re-read this part . . .”
No, I want real, physical, inanimate objects that I can pound, like Gooserock has.
In that case I will allow you to pound the hard head of my high school senior. You know, the one with the IQ above 130 and the 2.0 GPA? I am at my wit’s end with him after 6 years of lecturing, grounding, bribing, rewarding, and finally, giving up and hoping some spark of motivation lit a fire under his butt.
The teachers love him. He’s a joy to have in class. He’s engaged and makes class discussions enjoyable. He just doesn’t give a rat’s ass about doing the work. This kid is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper (school pop. 1800) and he may fail English.
Here’s some inspiration – my daughter.
The one who did fail at least one class and hovered on the edge of failing most of them all through jr hi and high school. (“What’s wrong with a C? I passed didn’t I?”)
The one who dropped out of hi school after her jr year and then spent two years of tears and frustration finishing with distance learning and special drop out classes.
Who then went to work at a $6/hr job for 18 mos before attempting college.
Who just graduated last month magna cum laude in a field she loves and is going to graduate school in.
Advice, if that’s not presumptuous of me? Tell your son he needs to do whatever he has to to just get the blasted HS diploma. And that he’s going to really L-O-V-E college.
Fortunately they are on block schedule so if he doesn’t pull his English grade up in the final two weeks of first semester, he can take it again next semester, but he’d have to give up one of his electives.
Right now I’m worried about him getting into college with his abyssmal GPA…and also worried about him being able to regulate his time once he gets there.
When something is interesting to him he does really well, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a big turnaround in college.
I think some kids just don’t adapt to HS very well. This goes double for some of the brighter ones, like my daughter, and sounds like from here, your son. I can’t say that I blame them. Plus they’ve got so much going on just being adolescents and learning about all kind of things that don’t have anything to do with school.
But my daughter found that when she was free, in college, to pursue what really interested her and do the work without being micromanaged and given busy work -she suddenly loved school.
She also took some classes at the community college while she was working at that $6/hr job. That’s when she learned that time-management thing, and that she really loved college level learning. And she made A’s – so when she applied to the University, she was applying as a transfer student with a 4.0 GPA, not a HS student with a 2 point something.
And I think everyone should work a while (preferably at a low-paying, boring job) before going off to college. Motivates wonderfully.
Sounds like your son will do great in college – and I say that not just as a mom, but as a professor of 15 years.
Thanks for giving an old broad like me some hope.
I’ve been really scared about going to school myself. First, I have to make sure Wes is settled and buy a house LOL but… it’s something I know I need to do.
Long story short… there’s more to the story… LOL But thanks
No, I want real, physical, inanimate objects that I can pound, like Gooserock has.
Exactly — and I certainly had students who met this description back when I taught college composition 😉
See above.
During 9th and 10th grades in high school I purposely made blah grades (while interestingly being the features editor on the school paper) — because making blah grades was the easiest way I could think of to fit in. I might have kept right on doing it too if I hadn’t fallen in with a bunch of kids were reveled in being smart and freaky. This lead to a lot of other things a mother wouldn’t want to know about but it did fix my grades.
I’m not suggesting that this is necessarily has anything to do with his grades; it’s just another experience to throw out.
Another anecdote — my nephew was a C student all through high school. He’s an easy-going guy who just wasn’t competitive and likes the line of least resistance. A couple of years into college and he realized that there were things in life he wanted to do that were going to be affected by what he did now and he really changed his attitude.
I’ve been trying to “change his attitude” for him, which of course is stupid.
I really don’t worry about him in life because he’s so smart and sociable and catches onto things really fast. I just wish he’d approach his schoolwork with the same enthusiasm as he does his social life.
If he isn’t ready to go to college, I’d advise you not to push it. When I was teaching at the college level, I also worked as an academic advisor. This was at a branch campus of a state university and we were geared toward the older and often returning student. A lot of the people had gone to school without any desire but because they felt they were supposed to. Now they were ready and motivated and they did very well. My favorite and best student while I was there was a kid who had sat out for a year and a half after high school but who really had gotten “her shit together” during the time and was ready to go. After a year at the campus, she went on to the main campus and even qualified for a small academic scholarship based on her grades at our campus.
Hear, hear! What Andi said. Such a huge difference between the typical 18-year old right out of HS and one who’s done something else and then tackled college. Guess which ones I’d rather see in my classes?
I saw your post above and was just going to reply that we clearly on are the same wavelength.
I loved teaching older students — there never was an “inanimate object” among them (unlike an unfortunately large number of the younger ones); they were motivated, hard-working, and conscientious, a great combination.
I’ve taken several college classes over the past 10 years or so (at this rate I’ll be a college graduate about the time my last tooth decays out of my head)and the last one I took was a disaster. I mistakenly took a daytime class (philosophy/ethics) and I was one of the only adult students in a class with a bunch of sullen, bored 18-20 year olds. Class discussions didn’t happen because I was the only one who ever offered anything and then I just gave up. Next time I’ll go in the evening when there are more adults there.
my ideal for the perfect student.
He is soooo looking forward to college, but, in doing so, lost sight of high school! He’s been working at a restaurant for the past year making about $6 an hour, plus having a steady girlfriend, acting in the school plays, teaching himself guitar, etc. With all that going on I can sort of understand school work coming off as boring.
Thanks for the stories of encouragement. I think he’ll be fine, and if not, hey, I wouldn’t mind if he lived with me the rest of his life! 🙂
Thanks for calling me this morning while I still had froggybottoms in my throat. I love you!!!!
Misty, grey and foggy this morning in the metro DC area. I like fog, the way it softens everything and makes the bare trees look like black lace against the greyish-white behind and around them. It’s also been unseasonably warm for January — guess I shouldn’t complain about that too much!
Checking in on the live-blogging thread every once in a while, since I’m at work — don’t think I could stand to listen to them even if I could. I’d get too frustrated and stressed out. Have to keep some emotional distance for my own sanity. But I’m glad some folks are blogging it, because the media coverage sucks…
BooMan has asked for us all to help out with commenting and recommendations from our great diarists in the pond. Here’s something you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
DinSL’s is a hoot!! – go give it some love.
Now I must attempt to mentally focus enough to actually get some work done, for 15-20 minutes anyway. That seems to be my attention span today . . .
I haven’t slept…
The “newlywed” stage with the school for my son is over and I’m left feeling fucked.
Already, day two – not even full days, mind you and they’re in non-compliance. No aide, no to and fro facilitator… instead the resource room guy decided to let my son be unattended while getting his ID in a library and then having my son walk alone, unsupervised back to his class. No biggie to ya?? Well it is HUGE.
He went against a HUGE safety violation that even the redneck school understood.
I will not let some guy run “experiments” to see whether or not my son is “comfortable” enough to be a “big boy”… My son is a big boy and his comfort levels will not ensure he won’t be AUSTITIC. He was at the meeting, we have spoken with him EACH day since about SAFETY and NOT LEAVING HIM ATTENDED… and where and when will they get the to and from facilitator???
Now I have to play hard ball and DEMAND we go back to the 1:1 aide full time. This is a serious transition period in his life and this was not about some teacher’s idea of how to look great by making my son more independent…
This was about a SMOOTH Transition not about independence.
DAMN! Sorry. Ventage. I’m out. I get to sit by the phone today and see what the district does. Wesley is NOT in school today.
So they placated you during the meetings and the testing and now they’re in “mom is very overprotective” mode and want to test the waters for themselves instead of listening to you. Because of course they know more about him than his mother does. Just keep fighting, DJ, like you’ve been doing his whole life. Sooner or later the turkeys will get it and comply.
Sorry you have to go through this.
Exactly Second!!!!
There goes me ever trying to be flexible with a school again.
The shitty part is we really like the classes.. today was to be his first day IN those classes with the reg ed teachers. And he’s actually upset about it.
Oh and the special day class dude handed him a 1 inch by 1 inch memo pad to write a HTML source on… was he not in the same meetings where we said OVER AND OVER that his fine motor schools are severely lacking?? FUCK ME!
So now I gotta be a hard ass. Demand for the 1:1 which I think will be best since he has alot of advanced classes…
Okay I’m out for a bit… It’s Jams Bond time with eskimo pies for me and the kid.
Parents can’t win. They think you’re either in th eway or not doing enough.
What a fucking pain in the ass. How long have they had to get an aide lined up? And they couldn’t even do things right for 2 days in a row?
I know you can handle it, but it sure would be nice to get a break once in a while and have people do their job right without having to scream at them first, wouldn’t it?
The thing is – it’just one guy who apparently wasn’t listening he was supposed to get the facilitator.
they’ve known since first part of december and as my husband just called to say (he’s on his way back down to calif but did go with me to the district office this morning) that now they know.. .not to fuck around with us or our son.
Truly though I didn’t want to go speak to the man. Yesterday it hit me but I had to think about it and didn’t want to go off half-cocked… and ruin Wesley’s moment of “I did it myself” which wasn’t really a comfort thing to him at all. It actually shook him up and he was worried they’d make him walk home alone or not eat lunch and stuff. It shook him.
It’s a major thing – I mean the old school was cheaper and more fucked up.. but they KNEW you don’t leave Wesley unattended – too much can happen so quickly even iin the space of ten feet.
This is so crappy. I don’t understand why people are like this and are so egotistical to think that based on a day or two they know better than the parents who have a lifetime of experience with their child. My niece has Downs and my sister spent years and years fighting with school systems to make sure her daughter got what she needed.
But it does payoff — my niece, who is 23, is employed, has a life full of interests and activity (and you don’t want to cross her either ’cause she’s a black belt in karate).
At least it’s only one guy, and hopefully they know now that you and Wayne aren’t going to take any garbage from them. Good luck.
well that screwed with working on my inner peace thing today….instead I was sitting saying fuck fuck fuck and some other really unprintable words over and over again after reading what you wrote.
That just scares the crap out of me of what could happen to Wesley if some other teacher decided to ‘experiment’ with your sons routine and how things need to be done for him..
Hey you can vent all you want here, this is important gdamn shit-yeah I know my eloquence knows no bounds, right.
Hope to hell tomorrow will be a better day and that teacher gets his head out of his ass.
Saw this out the window, momentarily.

Just to show that into each life, some sun must eventually fall!
Now back to the shop. And my hammer!
Blue skies? Not exactly. Here’s the current window view of magnificent Wildcat Mountain.
Current temperature rests at about 32 F.
Somehow, the hearings provide an exceptionally appropriate soundtrack to the scene.
I may, however, venture outdoors a bit later, as this type of weather can offer some lovely imagery. It’s also true that my tolerance for Alito’s nasal Jersey drawl definitely has its limit — especially with southern wingnut twang as rhythmic counterpoint.
So pleased to see you all here, as always.
I find your non-blue sky scene rather inviting. Especially knowing it’s not that cold. I’ll be looking forward to any shots you take.
Thank you, Andi. Hopefully the drizzle now blanketing the valley will ease up rather than intensify & I’ll make it out.
Btw, I haven’t forgotten your request to see The Woodland Queen swimming in the snow. Here she is last year, enjoying herself enormously on her endless laps. She’d occasionally stop paddling about & simply recline in the snow. She wasn’t yet a mother then (in fact, she was still virginal). She’s far less outdoorsy nowadays.
It’s a really fun picture.
She was definitely fun to watch, for sure 😉
Unfortunately I haven’t been out with my camera today. Rain began in earnest late this afternoon & continues presently; lovely fog has made way for darkness.
Well, back to the hearing ..
Black Pootie Club 🙂
I’m honored, DJ. Thank you. She’s actually the fifth in a series 😉
So glad to know your day’s ended on a brighter note.
The autism resource specialist, who has a son on the spectrum herself, called me to apologize as the last meeting it was clear to all that wes was to have a 1:1 aidetp – that safety during this tranistion for him was of the utmost concern and that possibly notetaking or some other avenue would be sought for his delay in writing….
The rsp dude’s supes are ON IT now and have advised him of our need to meet and make decisions as a team on Wes’ behalf NOT just placate the parents and go off on your whims.
Starting tomorrow, he’ll have a full-time 1:1 aide, cafeteria inclusion assistant, and the autism expert will be checking in on matters physically no less than once a day for an month when we’ll have another team meeting.
She was aghast that none of our concerns were treated with any respect. She said that everyone else at the table was on the same page. Sometimes teachers feel they need to do things their own way… no matter what evidence is brought forth.
Hey… did I mention that his PE teach/coach is a martial arts expert who was an orginal Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle??? Haven’t met him yet as he’s been ill. But hot damn, that’s the other class Wesley is super excited about. We love the turtles. He also likes his science teacher and his advanced math teacher.
So we’ll see… actually we won’t SEE… we’ll remain vigilant.
xoxo thanks for your ears///eyes and your hearts.
Oh goody! Glad it worked out.
For now. 🙂 I’m totally whacked now. Very emotional as I didn’t sleep, maybe about an hour total. But at least I didn’t hurt or maim anyone. I stepped back, thought and then went in for the jugular.. naw… I went to the people’s who job it is to be “on it”.
Nuther meeting in a month but… this way we’ll have valuable input from all not just some promises whispered about.
I feel like such a dork for thinking it could have been as good as it seemed at first. however, I was “on it” I swear it. Dunno.. just about to fall over. ((((Second))))) sweater nipples LOL
This is great news but I know you are right that you will have to stay on top of them (now, there’s a good image).
And on your comment on going back to school upthread, let me just say “You go girl!” One of the courses I taught was creative writing; I’d have been overjoyed to have someone like you in the class.
Andi 🙂 for the longest time I thought… and had been told I was stupid. Even had a math teacher call me “blonde”. Please realize right now I’ve had less than an hour’s worth of sleep so I’m el sloppp than usual…
but all my life I felt like I was trying face problems from the ass end. It always seemed my mind had to work double time to just arrive at what others took for granted. Now I’m NOT NOT NOT disabled or anythig like that. But while having my son tested for tons of “stuff” in the beginning years, I took a test alongside him at a HUGE “expert” place about dyslexia. I had always thought that was just about getting letters mixed up. No. There are various forms. I’m a space cadet LOL meaning I’m spatially “off”. Reason I can’t hold columns of numbers in my head to add/subtract. Things just won’t stay “up”. I don’t get much in mybrain unless I DO read it. Spatial dyslexic who is also a visual learner…. hows that for “blondism”? LOL
Seems like understanding the problem is a big step and the other one is not letting it hold you back — something I’m sure you will never do.
I have a friend who had struggles like yours and found out late in life that she was dyslexic. Along the way she managed to become the chair of the university drama department — even though she still can’t spell for shit.
this is the first time I’ve ever “come out ” about it.
What’s weird is I READ READ READ and I love to write (typos are just really laziness/hurriedness) what screws me up is trying to do stuff “in my head”. Recipes and fractions.. fuck it! Directions especially verbal directions – screw it.
my husnband has learned that when he asks me car directions he knows I totally suck at left and right in the car (I suck at GIVING directions, too, it seems) the little trick of using your thumbs to show “L” for left.. I’ll hold up my left “L” (first finger and thumb) and still say “turn right. He’s learned to live with it LOL
what’s wild is that most of our cousins, I learned later on, also had various forms of dyslexia. Most were born left handed and they’re religious zealots parents “forced” them to eat with their right… etc. But apparently they are the ones who can’t read letters or numbers. Also caught later on in life.
Me… I’m just looking at life throught the ass end of things and ALL of it outside of the box.
Golly, you sound just like me (fractions/sums/recipes/directions/’head stuff’)!
I always figured I was just basically disinterested.
Occasionally lately I’m switching letters in words around a little & I’ve written it off to fatigue.
This is enlightening to me — thank you.
Dyslexia is commonly misunderstood as a spelling problem blown out of proportion that can be solved with training. In fact dyslexia is neurological in nature; people with dyslexia process information in a different area of the brain than people without it. Visual dyslexia can be identified by letter and number reversals, as well as the tendency to mix up numbers in a sequence, such as a phone number. Auditory dyslexia causes the victim to hear certain sounds or groups of letters as jumbled or heard incorrectly. Some dyslexics also have dysgraphia, in which they have difficulty expressing words on paper.
Many thanks for the info, DJ. Definitely something I’ll be looking into, as I basically know nothing about the condition.
As for now, time to step back from the computer a bit & purge my Alito earworms with some housework.
Thanks again.
alot of this is what suprised me about myself when confronted. Except for the bedwetting and the reading. HOwever I do have traits in my reading style… tricks I have yet not realized.
I held fast to the fact that since I enhaled books I was just merely one of those people whose memory and math weren’t “my thing”.
PS I know nothing about this Davis Dyslexia inst… was just trying to find the characteristics that “made sense to me”. Not ALL of them, mind you, but many that went “oh yeah… that’s totally me” I don’t think I’m “disabled”… just my brain is completely out of my mind 🙂
I can relate 😉
Thanks very much for the link!
Now I’m a floodgate LOL I leak it out and WHOOOSH…
This all transpired at the center in Santa Rosa. I had arrived with my son and asked directions to “somewhere” within the bldg. The assistant noticed some telltale signs that they call “tricks of the trade”. Little things that help one get on with things. I had no idea I was using “tricks”. So later on she asked if I had problems reading and I was all, “hell no, I love reading” and she asked something that stopped my breath….
“Can you do simple math in your head?”
ACCCKK how’d she know that?? That was a dark, deep secret…
But later I learned that I had tons of “tricks” up my sleeve (left or right? that I just created along the way.
So long sotry longer – it’s scary about going to school.. but THIS TIME no fucking teacher is going to call me “blonde” or “stupid”. Do you know how smart you have to be to create your own tricks and not even know it? 🙂 ROFL
do simple math in my head. It is a struggle for me to do it on a calculator. So I sensibly leave it to professionals. Or people who can add and count because of some brain disorder that I am fortunate enough not to suffer from.
You are very intelligent, Janet, and anyone who suggests to you otherwise fails to see the tell tale tricks that count. 🙂
What nut made the phone touch pad ONE WAY and then the calculator pad the exact opposite?? That’s just to mess with people isn’t it? 🙂
They need to invent PHONER ID, so I can make sure I call the person I am meaning to call. ACK! Speed dial doesn’t cut it cause I can never remember what number goes with what name.
I always told myself that Math/numbers, sequences was just a thing I had to muddle along with because MY BRAIN was too “Busy” with important stuff such as art, language, reading and drama. 🙂
There’s nothing much I can say here but trust yourself because you know what you can do and what you want to do.
Only advice I’d give is to start cautiously — take a class in something that greatly interests you and that you feel confident about. Make yourself feel good.
Nah… I still don’t know what I want to be when I “grow up” 🙂
I want to make commercials 🙂 I want to brainstorm. I want to get paid to come up with ideas to make something EVERYONE wants. I want to make people laugh.
I’m thinking of marketing and poli-sci… it’s all gonna be writing.
One day, I’ll finally get my story about how to really cure monsters in book form. My personal demon that I keep procrastinating away. ARGH
Hey, I’m in your same boat but several years older. Ack!!!!
Taking classes doesn’t have to be about a career. I’ve got a Masters in English and I’m a computer consultant. To me going to school is about enlarging the your ability to learn how to learn.
Honestly, my brain is so befuddled lately, I don’t know if it’s pre-menopausal fuzziness or depression or what. I’m forgetful, can’t concentrate, can’t think of the right words to say. It’s scary.
I’m not doubting how you feel but you aren’t coming across that way in anything you write. Are you peri-menopausal? Because I know when I went through that there were days when I felt that I couldn’t string together three coherent words — I don’t think it was actually the case but I felt that way and I was having a terrible time sleeping which certainly didn’t help.
I think technically I am peri-menopausal when you consider that means the ten years prior to menopause which happens at about age 51 and I’m 46, though I’m still like clockwork.
Seriously, I used to be such a great writer, and now I get so damn frustrated because it’s like I use the same 48 words over and over and over. And I can’t remember things that my kids swear happened even just a few years ago. I’m afraid if I went back to school I’d look like an old dumbass.
Don’t “go back to school” then; just take one class and ease yourself into it.
You make it sound so easy. Obviously you don’t know how I can turn even the simplest thing into an impossibility with negative self-talk. It’s amazing.
I’m frustrating to deal with that way because people make good faith, common sense suggestions and I systematically bat them down.
but how many of them are as dogged about it as I am.
None. And certainly not as kind.
so what course do you think you’d like to take spring semester? 😉
funny you should ask…I just checked and spring semester started last week.
Okay we’ll be shooting for fall because summer school is not time to start.
Though there might be some nice continuing ed course of a few weeks you could take as a sort stick your toe in the water exercise. I’ve taken a couple of those and they were a lot of fun. (dogged, dogged me).
Ok, but I can come up with tons of excuses between now and the fall. 😉
Watch me bust each one of them just like I have this margin.
that’s how I’m going to start out… like The Wiz
For Second!
ease on down ease on down down the road
don’t you carry nothing that might be a load!
There are no right words… just keep hanging a left and you’ll get around to it 🙂
It is scary. And more and more I feel compelled to go to school. Something inside is pushing me, reminding me… it’s like doing the hammster dance with a tutu on in the intersection while everyone else is on the “path”.
But… I figure there a few other happy hamsters out here dancing and doing their thing enough so that “they” can run us all over… at least not all at once 🙂
Well shit DJ how am I supposed to be all serious and mother hen if you’re going to plant visions of hundreds of dancing hamsters in my head.
In tutus no less.
See — you supply your own proof that you against your claim upthread.
I’ve read that 15% to 25% of the population suffers from some form of dyslexia or another, and many never realize what it is.
I have reverse strokes when I print. My up is down most of the times and my crosses are from the other side than what normal beings use. My “x”s are out of this world, baby ROFL.
People always said I had the same style as my father. Now I wonder about him….
Other than that I’m just the delightfully unique spacial cadet 🙂
Psst!!!! I can legitimately say.. “it’s all in my head” LOL
Did I miss Happy Hour?
How could we get happy without you. This round’s on me.
Herpes Hour 🙂
Come on over to the new Lounge.