We’re Just Taking It Easy
Lying Here Reading in Bed
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
We’re is fully stocked but it is self-serve tonight.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
as Puget4 has been held over at her Away Job for an extra half hour. Something about new computers. Ri-i-i-i-ght–whoever’d swallow the line that new computers could cause a hangup?
Meanwhile we hit the jackpot this afternoon just in time for dog walk. Here’s a view from a high point in our area, looking out across our typical winter green grass onto the Sound towards partly-shrouded Olympic Mountains.

Felt just like mid to late April back east.
Incidentally, I gave canned mackerel a try as a substitute in tuna salad and it’s great. Plus at $1.50 a pound it’s half or less the price of tuna. Throw in some tasty crunchies, a good dose of sweet pickle relish, and olive oil instead of mayo, and it’s cheap, tasty & friendly to several kinds of diet.
Gorgeous. That’s all I have to say.
Music, movies, politics, sex, photos, ice cream, books, storytelling, the sun, clouds, the ocean, a great friggin’ hotel room … ah, my favorite things. On a rotating scale so as to ward off boredom.
That’ll be the day. I got my wish to live in interesting times.
Then there’s work. It’ll probably be an afterlife before I’ll have the luxury of books again.
We’re getting to the point in our craft biz where we need more output. So like any good Americans who can’t find what they need in China or the 3rd world, we’re about to upgrade to computer controlled machinery. This is for equipment for the arts.
So now I need to function in three technological epochs.
brief definitions, por favor?
My father farmed with horses, and he’s still running the snowblower down his driveway.
Wonder how many technological epochs he could lay claim to?
Horsedrawn farming goes back into biblical times, but maybe his plow & tools are all industrial age. We had horsey farming into the 20th century.
I’m working with Rennaissance arts, industrial age construction hopefully using information age computer controls. Web & email in any case.
Local time – 02:00AM
I don’t mind, you can go ahead and still read …
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
These days if I’m up at 2:00 a.m., it’s nearly a sure thing I’m reading. Ah for my younger days when it would have been a sure thing that I was partying.
double dose of thanks again to you 🙂
Okay I have a date with two kids and James Bond. Like, Oui, I’m beat.
I don’t know what I’ve done that deserves so much thanks but if I’ve done something that makes you want to thank me — well, that must mean I did something good for you and that makes me I’m glad.
Have a good evening with the kids and saying “Bond. James Bond.”
YOu didn’t “DO” anything.
For being you 🙂
Remeber, we aren’t human doings – we’re human beings 🙂
and human Marmots 🙂
waiting for you?
::impatient toe tapping and sleeve pulling::
Dad called on my cell so they were tugging and pulling on that 🙂 Speaker phone is such a cool feature.
I guess the thanks is for you being there for your friends. I see you with Second and others… and although no one in their right mind would ever convict me of being an introvert or shy LOL… your ways got me to “open up” a bit about something that pertains to me. NOt autism, school, or George Fuckwad Bush. Open up about how I tick and why I’m still not sure how I do tick 🙂 Just that I do.
I think only 3 people on this planet knew of my worries about going to school and always defending my “abstract” style.
Ackk I must be tired. I’m typing and I can’t shut up!!! Okay off to Burgerville USA and then back to conk out. I hope the kids go to bed early tonight. Something about “Plans” and “Laid Mice” right?? 🙂 We’ll probably be up all night tonight giggling and playing hot lava monster. GRRR
Peace you guys!
you just had to go and put jimi in yer sig – when are we having that beer!? it sounds like we need to haul gooserock and susanhu down to join us!
“come out” in the other cafe as dyslexic, but I am a fantastic reader and I will read you a bedtime sotry, Oui, as you drift along to la la land. Then I’ll do my witchypoo voice and freak you out and keep you up for the rest till the ending where you’ll beg me to read you “more more more” 🙂
One thing I did do this week is I offered up my services as a volunteer theatrical reader for the elementary school.
Goodnight Oui! Take care my friend.
Thanks for the drink in the other cafe — I was getting ready to respond when (yet another) work emergency came up.
But please, buy yourself one on me. (You know I can’t do pictures.)
Home from the tech wars…will have to wander over to the earlier cafes and see what was missed.
Dropped the car off at the dealership today for some major work — will come to about $1400, but it should keep the car in good running order for about 2-3 more years at least, especially if we want to do some short driving trips (haven’t been down to Monterey in, like, forever). Spouse suggested we take a cab because I looked tired, but Lazy Ass me actually insisted on walking home! I am tired though — will go change into PJs, make myself a big salad and heat up the frozen dinner bought last night, then probably turn in relatively early (since we’ve been up till about midnight the last couple of days, anything would be considered early)…
Wow, that is major work. You definitely deserve to put your feet up and relax.
I hope no one minds, but I am going to take this big table in the corner and grade some papers. Just tea tonight, too much work to do.
Spread out — its pretty empty tonight. And go easy on them — lots of constructive comments but lean towards the higher grade.
I usually end up grading on a curve.
That’s fine as long as someone else is driving.
My compliments on giving him such a good set up line. It was nice of you.
I try, thanks.
put that reply in the wrong place.
Well as long as I’m here, did you get any decent weather in St. Louis? It was crap here.
It was better today than yesterday — yesterday it rained all day. Today, it was partly cloudy. Which, these days, I celebrate as much as if it was sunny.
just got back from seeing Brokeback Mountain. Great movie. We’re still in the after-movie discussion stage. So that’s it. It’s great for a comment. but definitely worth seeing.
Also saw Capote a couple of nights back. Philip Seymour Hoffman was superb. He’s my prediction for an Oscar for best male actor. I definitely recommend Capote too.
We’re goin’ nuts on movies now, since once MsNDD’s online classes start, free time is very limited, nearly nonexistent.
Besides, if you don’t go see them now, they’ll all disappear from the theaters by the middle of February. Thanks for the recommendations. Katiebird will be happy you liked Capote.
I mentioned that to Katiebird last night after you turned in early, ha!
So that’s it for tonight’s comment. It’s great. And definitely worth seeing.
Saw Joe Wilson and Jim Marcinkowski, candidate for Mi. 8th. yesterday. Wilson was so impressive and open. Marcinkowski has a tough task trying to take down three term Mike Rogers, but has CIA background, and worked as an assistant prosecutor in Oakland Co. Marcinkowski was actually in Valerie Plame’s class when they both entered the CIA. He has been on the tube a couple of times last year supporting the Wilson’s over the outing of Valerie. He is also, like Wilson a former Republican. He Spoke of the damage done to our middle class by this administration, as well as his concerns about national security. It should be a very interesting race in a traditionally Republican district.
Sounds interesting. I would like to have talked to him about Valerie Plame.
He answered about all of the questions I had in what looked like an extemporaneous 20-30 minute introduction of Jim Marcinkowski to the assembled Dem faithful. Afterwords, they hung around for quite a while before heading to a neighboring county in the district for a repeat performance.
The picture at the top of the page reminds me — what’s the date of the next book group discussion? I bought the book but I’m not sure whether to read it or the book for on of my “live” book groups first.
Thanks. Guess I’m stuck reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe first.
Ohhhhhhhh my, I didn’t know there was a book group. Now you’ll never get rid of me.
What’s the book WE’RE reading now?
I’m so excited, wow. I’m so easy I know, don’t tell anyone.
Hope you check and see this.
We’re reading “Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything your American history textbook got wrong” by James W. Loewen.
won’t you come spend a few moments with Paul Craig Roberts?
Hun Huur Tu – they’re faboolus!
who runs this blog:
they’ve got both my blog and action alerts listed as “syndicates,” but i have no idea who it is…
What are you going to do today? Stop by Eat 4 Today and tell us about it.
Oh, and Hugs to everyone! I’m so frazzled with my collapsed computer & new computer & temp computer — and soon work computer. . .
That I’m just barely here. And I’ll be gone until after work soon (although I’d love to see the Thursday cafe)
Unfrazzel yourself.
I think I read earlier what happened to your computer and it’s funny the exact same thing happened to mine before Xmas.
Have a good day at work.
{{{Family Man}}} Thank you!
Good morning, kb.
I got an email from Puget4, made her an admin, and gave her some info, including using ftp site (I just gave her my login info).
Coffee for you and Family Man?
Perfect! And the coffee is perfect also. I’m about to disappear for the day (I’m trying to get out of the house in time to walk for 1/2 hour before work!)
Thank you very, very much and have a grand day!