The need remains for oversight by Congress of the private firms receiving huge gov’t contracts to guard sites and personnel in Iraq, among other places.  I have been looking into Triple Canopy since it hired a relative, currently in Iraq.  Other questions about this company were raised last month.  
   It treats its American employees much better than it does its Latin American security force, though the  food is good for all.  Some 200+ Peruvians are paid about $1000 a month (and no rotation) under year-long contracts.  Most guard the U.S. embassy under construction in the international (“geen”)zone in Baghdad. Work outside the zone has been offered for $5000 a month.
  Promises made at recruitment/signing of contract have not been kept:
 1) instead of 8-hour shifts, they work 12 hours a day, plus mandatory daily exercises;
 2) after 9 days of work they receive only 1 day off;
 3) the promised English classes do not exist;
 4) the promised computer access turns out to be 20 minutes on very slow machines;
 5) medical attention is practically non-existent.  
    Management blows off these & other problems brought to its attention.  About 60 Chileans quit & returned home.  Two Peruvians have died (one reportedly from leukemia, the other reportedly hanging).  That any remain under these conditions, including what is for them extreme cold, is testament to the terrible economy south of the border.
  Congressional oversight is warranted because of the effect on foreign affairs of the company’s labyrynthine recruitment and training practices, causing a ruckus in parts of Latin America (it helps to read Spanish).  Anyone putting his life on the line to guard our embassy deserves decent medical care, not arrogance.
  This is my first ever blogging.  Helpful hints welcome.      
Those who went to Iraq were recruited by an ad placed by a Peruvian company for 3D Global Solutions; the ultimate employer was Triple Canopy, now headquartered in Herndon, VA.

A contingent of 200+ Peruvians was recruited for similar work via a Peruvian company, Wackenhut-Peru [], for 3D Global Solutions; the ultimate employer was MVM, Inc., headquartered in Vienna, VA.
They left mid-November 2005 for Kabul, Afghanistan, and returned Dec. 28, 2005, their contracts suddenly terminated for no stated reason. One of their number was Martin Jara, the man strangled Dec. 2, 2005.