Looking at the cat and mouse drama that is being played out at the Alito hearings, one looks in vain for a grain of truth in what Mr.Alito says and one comes up empty handed time and again.In each instance, whether it is Alito’s opinions on Roe vs. Wade, or Presidentail powers or judicial restraint, he found it necessary to lie in order to conceal his true aganda much in the same way Bush did during his campaign in 2000 claiming to be a Compassionate Conservative, then a Uniter not a Divider and then a Peacemaker.All of them, of course, were lies designed to hoodwink the voters.In that Bush and Alito certainly share the pedigree of Richard Nixon and Kissinger who claimed they had a plan to bring peace in Vietnam and when the second election was imminent claimed once again that peace was at hand.

That brings me to my current rant on why telling the truth would be suicidal to the Republicans. Whether it is economic policy or domestic issues or foreign policy, Republicans do not have a policy as such but a chameleon like ability to twist reality in their favor.Thus, we have supply side miracles of tax cuts providing surpluses when the exact opposite is true.Yet, repeating the same crap has become a reflex action among Republicans.Evidence or absence of it as Rumsfeld is wont to say,has nothing to do with it.Faking sincerity is all that is needed.To say that Bush knows next to nothing about anything would ensure political suicide for any Republican or a DINO like Lieberman, so it is necessary for them to say that he is the greatest.Ad Nauseam, ad infinitum, ad absurdum.

Instead of injecting a strong dose of reality into our politics by telling the truth like Robert Byrd, the Democrats appear to be in a collective stupor which makes them complicit in Bush’s malfeasnace.They have not even managed to summon the will to call for Bush’s impeachment in the face of his defiance of the constitution.

No wonder the people are perplexed by our representattives.Or are they deathly afraid of going against a system that has become so corrupt that it resembles a criminal gang? Each man thrown up for office by this gang seems to be  a made man in the criminal sense, whether it is Bernard Kerik,Alito, John Yoo,Michael Chertoff.No wonder truth telling would be seen as a suicidal act in this menagerie.