kansas, would it be appropriate to link to the literacy site on the day you do the BooBook Diary? For everyone to do a daily free click to help put books in the hands of kids in this country.
Click every day for free!
Remember the magic of your first book? Perhaps you were nestled in the arms of a parent, or sharing a giggle with a friend. Whatever your first memory of a book, books are a powerful tool; they stir the senses, inspire the imagination and spark a love of reading that can last a lifetime. But what of children who have no books? The Literacy Site gives you a way to share the magic of books and promote the love of reading among children who might otherwise never discover the joy of their first book.
Your click on the red “Give Free Books” button at The Literacy Site generates books for children in need, funded by site sponsors and provided through our award winning charity partner, First Book. In the last three years, First Book has distributed over 20 million books to children in hundreds of communities.
Copy the url of the web site.
Create the ‘a’ tag with an href that has
the url in it followed by the text the people
will click on and then close the tag.
So what does that gibberish mean. Here’s an example:
Go to <a href=”http://www.boomantribune.com”>Booman</a>.
I KNOW I have some form of SAD because when I go too long without sunlight I’m really CRANKY. I bought one of those reading lights that emulate natural sunlight and it helps some. But not as much as real sun.
I’m seeing the glow pretty clearly from here — but I understand what you mean. I’m still resigning myself to the fact that I can’t truly convey the marvelous things I see with my little camera. The human eye brings so much more to the scene.
Thanks. It was the Canon sd500. I don’t use the nikon very often — I’m skeered of it. Though I’ll bet if Jim had been along with the Nikon he could have gotten a shot that really showed the glow of the white bark.
…you saying that about not using the Nikon. Have you and Jim ever taken shots of the same subject, then compared the quality? (Or is that just totally geeky?)
We haven’t had both camera out together so we haven’t tried it but we probably will at some point. Given the quality of the optics on the nikon and Jim’s ability to “mess” with the exposure, etc. I doubt the canon will look as good. But I’d guess with both of them in auto mode and a straight-forward shot, they’ll be equivalent. It’s the difficult shots where the difference will show.
Yes, that’s my kind of dog. Curled up at my feet while I’m reading a book.
I’ve been working on becoming a dog aunt — but my sister (very sensibly) says she wants to wait until spring, when the weather is consistantly warmer, to get a new dog. Better for walks, etc.
If only there was a pet that liked to eat dog hair. Gross, I know. But practical. Between the dogs and the hypothetical pet, you’d never have to vaccum again.
cause then you have to run the damn vacuum over the speck, fluff, or whatever you’re trying to suck up with the danged contraption.
I kid you not…. I have been a lazy fuck and have actually ran the vacuum over an object at least 10 times before I will “bother” to bend over and pick up the offending rug matter and put it IN the vacuum tube thingy to try and make the vacuum more effective…
But… I like the waves it makes it the run afterwards. then… the dog rolls over the rug ruining it all untill the next month I vacuum…
You people are making me miss my cats, which I lost in the separation. I haven’t lived w/o cats in my house (except in college) in my entire life. I love my newf but he doesn’t do stuff. Cats keep things interesting. Much better than TV.
Tons of black pooties just waiting to be rescued.
(this particular photo that I snatched from a friend off of Kos drove my son NUTS. N.U.T.S!) He wanted some more rescue cats immediately!
these pooties were all spoken for. The guy is a animal doctor and these were a friends kittens. He got one of the five (yes there are five in there) If they hadn’t been taken, I was actually thinking of adopting one. My son FELL HARD when he saw these 🙂
Cripes, (((CabinGirl))), send that one in for the visual dictionary for the word, “PERKY” 🙂 He’s so perky he could anchoring the morning news in most states. 🙂
That’s Phoebe, my son’s shih-tzu. She is the closest thing to a cat…she purrs to get your attention, and catches mice and shrews in the yard. She’s a trip.
(And yes, DJ, she is almost TOO perky…she gets me up at 5:30 every morning…
Kitty, who is a grateful rescue cat, stayed on the couch with my son after his first bike crash which was JUST AFTER his dental surgery nightmare. She was cheering him up while the watched a James Bond Marathon. (actually I think that’s a mid-yawn… but shhhhh don’t tell anyone)
kansas, would it be appropriate to link to the literacy site on the day you do the BooBook Diary? For everyone to do a daily free click to help put books in the hands of kids in this country.
Click every day for free!
Remember the magic of your first book? Perhaps you were nestled in the arms of a parent, or sharing a giggle with a friend. Whatever your first memory of a book, books are a powerful tool; they stir the senses, inspire the imagination and spark a love of reading that can last a lifetime. But what of children who have no books? The Literacy Site gives you a way to share the magic of books and promote the love of reading among children who might otherwise never discover the joy of their first book.
Your click on the red “Give Free Books” button at The Literacy Site generates books for children in need, funded by site sponsors and provided through our award winning charity partner, First Book. In the last three years, First Book has distributed over 20 million books to children in hundreds of communities.
Here’s a link to the Literacy Site
andi, thanks and continuing my computer literacy program-tell me how to do a link like that would you please.
Copy the url of the web site.
Create the ‘a’ tag with an href that has
the url in it followed by the text the people
will click on and then close the tag.
So what does that gibberish mean. Here’s an example:
Go to <a href=”http://www.boomantribune.com”>Booman</a>.
which will get you this:
Go to Booman.
ok here goes… Literacy Site.
You know I really can’t thank you enough for making as you said this gibberish make sense to me.
Congrats! So when are you gonna break down and write a diary? I could use a rant room 🙂
Great idea, Choc. This is the first I’ve heard of that site.
A little exercise and we’ll all keep up our part of the Just for Today efforts at Eat4Today website…
Personally I think purple is a better head band color….
that is the funniest picture — my face looks like that too when confronted with exercise.
Ooo, that is funny. And probably one pissed kat.
Thank goodness I found you — it IS happy hour isn’t it. Well, it is in my time zone. I can at least take a break until I get paged again.
Hi everybody, how was YOUR day?
just hiding today
Hiding from the boss and my staff
Hiding from the students with payment problems
Hiding from the Alito hearings
Too many things all at once today….
I won’t tell anyone where you are.
Got room in there for one more pussy?? Namely, me?
I’ll bring maple bars or something. What a cozy way to watch a hockey game. Sharks versus AWWWWTOOOOWAAAAAH 🙂
There playing just down the road from me right now!
They’re … not there. (I due no how two spell.)
Don Cherry is in your neck of the woods then. 🙂 No score yet in the snd period.
It was a beaut. Break-away.
Jonathan Cheechoo is a beaut : )
He has the crazy legs celebration thang going on good. Just watch… he get one in tonight. 🙂
…but Hasek stopped him. Cheechoo has a bunch of family down from Moose Factory to watch him. They’ve got bright poink signs that spell out his name.
Thornton just scored btw. 2-0.
I think Joe got an assist on that. Thornton’s trying though. Damn!!! Good game!!!!
Love the CheechPink peeps 🙂
they’re going to have to repaint those pipes. Thornton and Ekman keep hitting them.
DAMN!! GOOD GAME!!! I love watching your Sens!
Speaking of pissed kats.
Plenty of room here with Kitty. She WAS watching a hockey game when I snapped this a while back.
Bookcase full of books and a black kitty!
I really miss my old lady…one of these years I’ll get another…but after 19 years she was irreplaceable…
Naw that’s our music cds. We couldn’t get all our books in this apt 🙂
I forgot to do this in the morning. Good thing you can still recommend and comment on past diaries! (hint, hint) 😛
Here’s something you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
We had blue sky today too! I just realized how improved my mood is. Hope yours sticks around.
Your blue skies I meant — not that you’d been in a bad mood.
s’okay — I’ve definitely been feeling cranky and the blue skies cheered me up.
I KNOW I have some form of SAD because when I go too long without sunlight I’m really CRANKY. I bought one of those reading lights that emulate natural sunlight and it helps some. But not as much as real sun.
Boy, do I know what you’re talking about! But ever since moving down south™ it’s gotten much better. Now I’m bitchy all year round.
Bitchy is a hands-down winner over cranky.
Hey, she always wins!
from years ago…
b Beautiful
i Intelligent
t Talented
c Charming
h Happy
y Young at heart
Now feel free to use the word any time you want.
b badass
i imperturbable
t tactless
c cynical
h hell on wheels
y yup that’s me
Okay we’ll rotate which one we use…
I kind of like yours as well – it goes with the “I have PMS and a .357 – what do you want?” bumper sticker.
I’m sorry I wasn’t here for the bitchy discussion, but never again will I view bitchy as a negative thing. You bet yer ass I’m bitchy!
I can tell you’re not yourself Andi because you haven’t Thursday dog blogged.
want … dog … pictures…
see below
My goodness what did you start — I left for a 1/2 an hour and came back to a menagerie. Not that I don’t love it — but my goodness.
That’s a truly wonderful image, Andi.
Somehow I see music in all your woodland photos!
Thanks. I’m actually disappointed in it. The white bark of the sycamore tree was glowing in the sunlight and I didn’t capture that.
Yes, I’m so disappointed that you didn’t catch the glow of the bark. <rolls eyes> High standards much?
I’m seeing the glow pretty clearly from here — but I understand what you mean. I’m still resigning myself to the fact that I can’t truly convey the marvelous things I see with my little camera. The human eye brings so much more to the scene.
This is beautiful. Which camera did you use?
Thanks. It was the Canon sd500. I don’t use the nikon very often — I’m skeered of it. Though I’ll bet if Jim had been along with the Nikon he could have gotten a shot that really showed the glow of the white bark.
…you saying that about not using the Nikon. Have you and Jim ever taken shots of the same subject, then compared the quality? (Or is that just totally geeky?)
We haven’t had both camera out together so we haven’t tried it but we probably will at some point. Given the quality of the optics on the nikon and Jim’s ability to “mess” with the exposure, etc. I doubt the canon will look as good. But I’d guess with both of them in auto mode and a straight-forward shot, they’ll be equivalent. It’s the difficult shots where the difference will show.
I’m so sick of Alito and democrats afraid to filibuster.
On the good side, the weather here has been in the upper 50’s, and all the snow is gone.
Don’t ya just love global warming?
Heh heh, I like the look in the lower picture. If you DON’T rub my tummy I’ll chew up all of your shoes …
says you don’t need those two troublemakers; he’s the dog for you.
Yes, that’s my kind of dog. Curled up at my feet while I’m reading a book.
I’ve been working on becoming a dog aunt — but my sister (very sensibly) says she wants to wait until spring, when the weather is consistantly warmer, to get a new dog. Better for walks, etc.
So I will continue to live through the pictures.
If it weren’t for her shedding, the malamutt would be the best snuggling dog ever — she’ll even let me use her as a pillow.
If only there was a pet that liked to eat dog hair. Gross, I know. But practical. Between the dogs and the hypothetical pet, you’d never have to vaccum again.
It’s a fairly new invention, you might want to look into it.
Don’t listen to her, Andi! Pretend you never heard the word. Vacuuming sucks.
When vacuuming doesn’t suck … it totally BLOWS.
cause then you have to run the damn vacuum over the speck, fluff, or whatever you’re trying to suck up with the danged contraption.
I kid you not…. I have been a lazy fuck and have actually ran the vacuum over an object at least 10 times before I will “bother” to bend over and pick up the offending rug matter and put it IN the vacuum tube thingy to try and make the vacuum more effective…
But… I like the waves it makes it the run afterwards. then… the dog rolls over the rug ruining it all untill the next month I vacuum…
DJ is on the premises!
“Buddy” I think that’s Manny’s dog. Cute dog.
in his “debut” in Kansas’ diary. 🙂
I think he’ll stick around till we all can “clean up our acts”
Hi!! I’m here!! Sort of I’m typing on little laptop keys and I haven’t got a mouse I’ve got this little pad thing.
But, I miss you guys — so I’m here for a bit.
Did I miss anything exciting?
Other than the giant squid that climbed up the golden gate bridge and ate a couple of cars, the tore apart the transamerica building, and stole some sourdough crab roll sandwiches, about the only other of note was that I taught kansas how to do ™ © and ®
Very quiet day.
Hey, I didn’t hear about the sourdough crab roll sandwiches. How’d I miss that?
I think they are keeping that part very hush-hush in order to avoid a panic.
I missed you while watching the People’s Choice Awards. I thought for sure you would be watching too.
Still a little bit of work time here, but at least I managed to find some coffee. Hard to decide among all the treats, though.
I can’t seem to find the disk that came with my sony cyber shot that makes it so I can upload pictures. (new harddrive and all) any pointers?
it’s time for:
Whose Furry Family Member Looks the Most Stoned?
Blitzed may apply as well.
Or shit-faced wired?
You people are making me miss my cats, which I lost in the separation. I haven’t lived w/o cats in my house (except in college) in my entire life. I love my newf but he doesn’t do stuff. Cats keep things interesting. Much better than TV.
Lots of kitties are awaiting you, Booman.
Sorry ((((Booman!))))))
Tons of black pooties just waiting to be rescued.
(this particular photo that I snatched from a friend off of Kos drove my son NUTS. N.U.T.S!) He wanted some more rescue cats immediately!
Aren’t they great! They look to be in terrific shape — so lively, too. Truly hope they find the good homes they deserve.
these pooties were all spoken for. The guy is a animal doctor and these were a friends kittens. He got one of the five (yes there are five in there) If they hadn’t been taken, I was actually thinking of adopting one. My son FELL HARD when he saw these 🙂
Good to know they’re taken care of. Unfortunately, there’s no lack of kitties (or pups) who aren’t.
Goodness gracious, great balls ‘a fire!
That’s one gorgeous tabby.
going for the alien eyes look:
What kind of dog is that? Really cute!
It’s a little grey and white one, Second 🙂
Cripes, (((CabinGirl))), send that one in for the visual dictionary for the word, “PERKY” 🙂 He’s so perky he could anchoring the morning news in most states. 🙂
That’s Phoebe, my son’s shih-tzu. She is the closest thing to a cat…she purrs to get your attention, and catches mice and shrews in the yard. She’s a trip.
(And yes, DJ, she is almost TOO perky…she gets me up at 5:30 every morning…
Wow — quite a beautiful feline friend you have there, DJ! Definitely a happy camper, too.
This one’s for WildernessWench 😀
Kitty, who is a grateful rescue cat, stayed on the couch with my son after his first bike crash which was JUST AFTER his dental surgery nightmare. She was cheering him up while the watched a James Bond Marathon. (actually I think that’s a mid-yawn… but shhhhh don’t tell anyone)
Fabulous photo, DJ. Absolutely wonderful. Thank you!
They sure know where the hurt is, don’t they? My cats have always been terrifically responsive to those requiring their special attention.
Bud, after hitting the hookah with Marmotdude
Awwww! I love his eyes; he looks so intelligent and gentle.
… is my favourite blog-pet. Give him an extra treat from me next time ManE. 🙂
maybe after his nap
…give him a hug and a kiss too! {{{Bud}}}
That sure seems like an appropriate name for him, Man E 😉
Oh, those eyes. How can you resist when he looks at you?
did I mention he’s an acrobat?
and raise you a pootie and a lovebird.
I’ll raise your lovebird 2 buff brahmas and a cochin…

Ok, I fold.
Bu-bu-but I still have pictures of 2 more dogs and 2 more kinds of chickens to post…
I have a life-size ceramic dog named Reginald, but I can’t get him to sit still to be photographed.
(I don’t really have any good pictures of him)

But your kid is darling!
Why, thank you!
The dogs and kitties are cute, but no one could call a chicken cute.
The chickens are all about the social interactions between them, rather than cuddly cuteness. 🙂
I’ll take your word for it.
not only is it stoned … it’s made out of CEMENT! 🙂
Much easier to clean up after.
I heard he finally taught the pooch to “STAY” 🙂
A terrific big dog in a small dog package!
I love Liberals Dogs 🙂
They look so happy
Wow! I stepped away for a while and we zoomed up to over 100 comments. Ready for the new place?
LINK: Open all night.
Don’t forget to unrecomment this wild thang on your way out the door!