(I found this through Pope Guilty’s diary over at dKos)
Truthout’s Jason Leopold wrote an article today providing evidence that the warrantless wiretaps began shortly after President Bush was inaugurated. Leopold’s sources say that the domestic spying program began shortly after the NSA distributed their recently declassified Transition 2001 document in December 2000.
Leopold writes:
What had long been understood to be protocol in the event that the NSA spied on average Americans was that the agency would black out the identities of those individuals or immediately destroy the information.
But according to people who worked at the NSA as encryption specialists during this time, that’s not what happened. On orders from Defense Department officials and President Bush, the agency kept a running list of the names of Americans in its system and made it readily available to a number of senior officials in the Bush administration, these sources said, which in essence meant the NSA was conducting a covert domestic surveillance operation in violation of the law.
James Risen, author of the book State of War and credited with first breaking the story about the NSA’s domestic surveillance operations, said President Bush personally authorized a change in the agency’s long-standing policies shortly after he was sworn in in 2001.
Note that this completely destroys a couple of the right wing talking points and justifications.
First and foremost, the bogus idea that 9/11 could have been prevented by this spying program no longer holds any water at all for obvious reasons.
In addition, if the wiretaps were taking place this far back, then another oft-cited argument is also smashed : that Bush has authority under the President’s war powers to conduct this program. We were not at war before 9/11.
Thanks for posting about it.
while it is true that We were not at war before 9/11., I’m pretty sure the Repubs considered themselves at war against us….
Now that you mention it, I guess back then even I was at war…with Christmas 😉
Fortunately my staunchest ally, St. Patrick’s Day, calmed the waters between us. Christmas and I now share a wary but mutually beneficial relationship.
and make sure you mention that Clinton never eavesdropped. That should kill another talking point
Thanks, ejmw!
I had just finished reading it over at orange w/most of the comments.
Take note of this entry’s two final paragraphs, we need to hammer those arguments home.
“This revelation comes from the NSA’s recently declassified Transition 2001 document.”
This report has a publishing date December 2000!
Reading through document of 35 pages, I couldn’t find anything shocking. Pages and info blanked was in the budget section, which seems logical.
page 17
Electronic Surveillance
(U/FOUO) It is very likely the 107th Congress will continue to investigate the issues of electronic surveillance and privacy, both in the areas od commerce and law enforcement and possibly foreign signal intelligence. At an open hearing before the House Intelligence committee in April 2000 on NSA’s electronic surveillance activities, the Director, NSA and the DCI testified that NSA operates under the rule of law and does not commit industrial espionage. However the FBI’s introduction of a new electronic surveillance tool called CARNIVORE led to hearings and legislation on the use of the tool in law enforcement or national security investigation. At the close of the 106th Congress no legislation that would harm NSA’s collection was enacted.
page 32
(S) Entering the 21st Century, global networks leave the US critical information infrastructure more vulnerable to foreign intelligence operations and to compromise by a host of non-state entities. This vulnerability extends beyond classified and national security networks to th private sector infrastructure on which all depend. At the same time, because of communications environment described above, availability of critical foreign intelligence information will mean gaining access in new places in new ways … xxx blanked alinea xxx …
page 33
● EPIC – Carnivore FOIA Documents
● National Imagery and Mapping Agency ¶ National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
You’re right, I read through the document after posting the diary, and there isn’t anything shocking (though there were a few things that had rather ominous implications).
I think Leopold was using words in the document to bolster the cases of what his other sources were telling him.
I am going to edit the diary to make that clear. As I have it now, it does sound like this is a DSM-type smoking gun thing, and by itself it certainly isn’t.
Thanks Oui!
It’s still worthwhile reading as the Intelligence Community has its own dynamics and doesn’t care who is seated in the Oval Office or has a majority in Congress!
The planned and by now implemented integration between government and industry IT infrastructure and the partnerships in 4 IT areas is quite ominous! Still RECOMMENDED to read.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Yes, that was the part that raised my hackles as well.
I’m also very curious what was redacted from this paragraph on page 32:

It is a Bush transition team report to brief him before he took office.
I beg to differ in opinion, Bush cannot change NSA policy during transition period or give new directives.
Derived from:
NSA/CSS Manual 123
Dated: 24 February 1998
Declassify On: X1
The original report is 35 pages, the inlays with Transition 2001 may have been added when this official report was handed out to Bush-Cheney transition team. That’s all.
Report is clearly a responsibility of the Clinton presidency.
Due to Extraordinary Circumstances…
Because the election outcome remained “unclear and un-apparent” due to the battle for Florida’s 25 electoral votes, official transition activities were put on hold for over a month. Not until December 15, 2000 did Thurman Davis, the Deputy Administrator of the General Services Administration, hand Vice President Elect Dick Cheney the electronic key card to the official transition offices. The handover represented access to ninety thousand square feet of office space in a building just a couple of blocks from the White House, and $5.3 million in federal funds for the transition effort.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Thanks, Oui, very interesting links.
Gonna delete my diary and add it to yours! I didn’t see yours on the “recommended list”… CM1 🙂
Have yourself an eyeful of revelation courtesy of Jason Leopold:
That’s right!
BEFORE 9/11…
Not long after he was installed as Dictator in Chief by the most activist decision ever handed out by any court in the USA ever, BUSH AUTHORIZED ILLEGAL SPYING ON AMERICANS!
All of his rehotoric about “congress authorized war powers”, which did not make bush’s view of “broad powers” legal regardless of how many times he repeated it, was all just smoke and mirrors to distract from the fact that BUSH AUTHIRIZED ALL OF THIS ILLEGAL ACTIVITY BEFORE 9/11!
Considering the whole situation had already alarmed even the conservatives in America, I wonder what they will be thinking now that they know the illegal spying had nothing to do with 9/11?
Today we hand the freepers and neochickens of this country their own heads on a platter… To be displayed prominently beside the head of their favorite dictator and self-admitted felon bush.
I liked your diary, too, as well as emjws. 🙂
My basic rule of thumb: If there are comments in my diary I will leave it… If there are none I may as well dump it in the one that was posted previously.
The whole idea is to build on ideas anyways. This one is already full of useful info. (And a little less sensational than my “Kick them in nuts!” attitude! lol)
Great comment/diary, ConnecticutMan. I didn’t have a lot of time to throw this diary together, but thought that it was something people should know about. Thanks for fleshing it out some more!
and emotions.
Thanks for adding your contribution here!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Gee, what’s a guy got to do to get Impeached around here??
Well you know … sorry about that!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Get a bj from a woman other than his wife???
Do you really think that the theocons would be okay with him getting a bj from his wife? I guarantee that Clinton would’ve been hit with impeachment proceedings no matter who the woman in that room was.
What a guy has to do to get impeached?
Maybe if he grows a pinochio nose or runs away with an intern to Bonaire. Nothing else works. He’s the telfon boy-king.
And did you notice it’s not one of the big maven “MSM” reporters doing the true investigative digging here, keeping Bush’s feet to fire?
If he were to issue an executive order mandating universal health care and a Living Wage as human rights, he’d be out in an hour.
And did you notice it’s not one of the big maven “MSM” reporters doing the true investigative digging here, keeping Bush’s feet to fire?
Is anyone really suprised by that? Said it earlier in one of susanhu’s diaries–we are the media!
≈ Cross-posted from diary by The Maven ::
Gonzales to Testify on Domestic Spying ≈
In the committee’s secure hearing room where any use of info will be illegal
© Patrick S. Poole – 1999/2000
NOTE: The publication date of this paper is 1998, so it does not reflect the changes made to FISA by the 2001 Patriot Act, nor considers the FISA Courts decisions and policies since that time.
For my more recent thoughts on this subject in light of the recent New York Times article, see this blog entry, FISA, ECHELON and Much Ado About Nothing (12/23/2005), and for a response to Hugh Hewitt’s misrepresentation of this paper, see this blog response. Also see my 1998 paper, ECHELON: America’s Global Surveillance System.
● NSA Russell Tice Warns Domestic Spying Program Is Sign the U.S. is Decaying Into a “Police State”
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
“Bush authorized illegal wiretaps pre-9/11?”
So did:
Bush I
and probably Eisenhower as well.
Maybe Truman too, for all I know.
BET on it.
The operative trick word here is “authorized”.
If you do not not tell someone NOT to do something (the results of which you or the people and organizations of which you are the supposed head use regularly and to great effect), are you not authorizing them to do so as long as they do not get caught? (The “Don’t ask, don’t tell” gambit.)
If you believe otherwise I’ve got two woids for ya, and they ain’t “Happy Birthday”.
J. Edgar.
Two more.
BET on it.
This has been going on for YEARS.
The ends justify the means. These people really believe that. And if a President is too damned stupid and/or innocent to really understand what is being done in his name…is THAT any excuse?
I think not.
How about one who is too AFRAID?
Those are not visions of sugarplums dancing in these peoples’ heads.
That a sitting US President can be blatantly assassinated by the same forces that are doing this kind of wiretapping (I mean…BLATANTLY. On purpose blatantly. Do you think that this plainly forged “picture” of Lee Harvey Oswald holding the Carcano that supposedly killed JFK…I say “supposedly” because the misdirection of the whole magic bullet idea was just another part of the same message, as was the plainly fixed Warren Commission…that this forgery was the result of sheer incompetence???!!! Please. It is a message, to those who can read it. And the message reads “We can do whatever we damned well please, and we do not even have to hide it very deeply. Do NOT fuck with us.”)
So ALL of this wha wha wha about “wiretapping” is just the usual set of liberals holding their habitual blindfolded circle jerk party about yet ANOTHER so-called outrage.
Get real here.
Wake the fuck up.
The PermaGov does whatever it fucking well FEELS like doing, and HAS done so since President Eisenhower woke up one day and realized that Allen Dulles had him checkmated. (Ike called it the military-industrial complex. They killed his successor.)
And the President/Administration/call it what you will can either use their info or not. Or somewhere in between, which is where most of them sit.
Q-How do you get elected to the office of President of the United States?
A-Sit on fences.
Nothing new here, except that now…as was the case in the Reagan, Bush I, Ford and Nixon administrations…we have a President (a VICE President in this case.)…who is really in charge, has deep, DEEP roots into the secret PermaGov, and will use any means necessary to get his way.
ANY means.
Bet on THAT too.
The peaceful triumph of rule of law?
Do not make me laugh. It hurts too much. That is a fiction promulgated by Hollywood movies like “A Few Good Men”. In the real world, Nicholsons’ s Colonel would have had Cruise’s snotty-nosed Harvard brat lawyer so stymied by the full force of the PermaGov that he would have ended up driving a Good Humor truck in Tulsa Oklahoma or someplace for the rest of his life.
Or dead, if necessary.
Maybe…maybe if he was backed by DISSIDENT parts of the PermaGov the way it appears Patrick Fitzgerald is being backed today…MAYBE Cruise’s character might have had a shot.
So…let’s get real, here, folks.
This is business as usual, and the U2 was some PRIMITIVE spy shit compared with what they’ve got now.
If they felt secure in eavesdropping on Martin Luther King Jr.’s bedroom performances in the ’60s…what the HELL do you think that they are doing with your phone calls if they so desire today?
Wake the fuck up.
This is a WAR.
InfoWar I.
No sense even FIGHTING it if you do not know that it is on.
BET on it.
Here is one of the next control methods that will be a result of the tracking systems integrated in all computer systems.
They will take this down to prosecuting individuals with copies of legally owned software on multiple computers….get ready.
If you wish to respond to this, please go to the diary I just posted.
Bush? Wiretaps? You think this is NEWS???
Same thing, only a little bigger.