Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
i can’t make it in March, but I might come out West sometime this year. Maybe Vegas, maybe SF.
BTW- NBC just reported that we fired a bunch of hellfire rockets at Zawahiri. I gotta walk Boo, but someone should find out what they are talikng about.
Today, according to Pakistani military sources, U.S. aircraft attacked a compound known to be frequented by high level al Qaeda operatives. Pakistani officials tell ABC News that al Qaeda leader Dr. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden’s top lieutenant, may have been among them.
U.S. intelligence for the last few days indicated that Zawahiri might be in the location or about to arrive, although there is still no confirmation from U.S. officials that he was among the victims.
Eighteen people were killed, according to the villagers who said women and children were among the fatalities. But Pakistani officials tell ABC News that five of those killed were high-level al Qaeda figures, and their bodies are now undergoing forensic tests for positive identification.
Pakistani officials tell ABC News that the bodies of the five suspected al Qaeda figures will be recovered at first light in Pakistan, but it will still take a day or two for any kind of positive identification. U.S. officials in Washington did not provide a comment.
(1) We’re finally supposed to get our annual allotment of snow, maybe an inch, here overnight. So I’ll admire it for the two hours it lasts before melting. Last year all we got were flurries, maybe twice – forsythia were blooming by Valentine’s day. @#%# global warming!!
(2) Since it’s going to snow and no one south of Maryland knows how to drive in snow, and the road crews either don’t exist or have no idea what to do for snow either, I’m planning to stay inside, post a nice long diary this week for the “New Environmentalism” series tomorrow and talk it over with Egarwaen, etc. Maybe jazz jam will get a little more action than last week (sigh).
(3) Catch up on reading
(4) Pay bills (today was payday)
(5) Maybe clean out the “junk closet.” Or not. It’s about four feet from the computer, and I may get sidetracked hanging out here instead. 🙂
I go to my local paint dealer instead of Home Depot. In the long run it has been cheaper and less stressful = better paint, faster service, helpful people.
AND Home Depot is a red company….buying blue keeps getting easier and easier!
Well Laura Bush was on CNN today saying she believes we will have a woman Prez within the next two election cycles AND she really LOVES Ms. Rice. Are they pumping her up already?
Oh my!
I just saw the latter part of the interview and got really nauseous. First, she tried to deny that the country is divided.
When asked if there was anything the pResident could do to heal the divisions she responds that this is what he does every day, that as president, he cannot afford to be devisive (paraphrasing).
She is evil, I hadn’t really thought so before, but seeing her dodging and denying made it so clear. She is turning into her MIL and the public should know.
When Boo and I stepped out, two girls told me I might not want to walk my dog since there was a lot of gunfire in the neighborhood. Sure enough, we were only halfway down the block when the sirens started. Soon there are cops swarming all over and an ambulance. Someone got shot a block from my house and a nice Lincoln Continental didn’t do too well either. They’re looking for shell casings right now.
So are most Pro athletes. Plummer opposes the war in part because he was a close friend of Pat Tillman who was killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire, and who also apparently opposed the Iraq war.
from his sister LeeAnn back in the late 1970s at San Jose State — it was funny that she was at SJSU, their dad Jack was the coach of the SJSU football team, and the Spartans kicked the Cardinal’s ass every year. 🙂
Plus I’ve gotta root for Tom Brady — I hear he’s a bit on the right wing side, but he’s a Local Boy (out of Serra High in San Mateo)…although it pains me to think that the 49ers passed on him in favor of…Giovanni Carmazzi???????
Writing stuff. It has finally dawned on me that the book won’t get written if I don’t get writing. D’uh. So having run out of excuses and delaying (oooh, bad word) tactics, I am going to un-blog, again, and get to work.
But first, I’ll have to look at the Benjamin Stove ad? “What does the painting mean?” it asks. The thing looks like a giant sand trap to me, and I don’t even play golf.
I think the place I’m staying at the first 2 nights has wireless internet…if so, I’ll try to post something in the FBC while I’m down there (ahh, traveling in the digital age 😉
Head to Apple Store to pick up some of the stuff I fell in love with this week
Watch football
Install new software I picked up today, and play with digital video camera I got yesterday. 🙂
Watch football
Visit in-laws; take brochure for John Lennon Songwriting Contest to unreconstructed rocker bro-in-law, and deliver digital photography books I bought for dad-in-law (he bought himself a digital camera for Christmas).
Clean apartment and do all the other crap that got ignored this week while busy at MacWorld
Oh, and did I mention watch football? 😉 (Picking Colts, Patriots, Seattle and Da Bears…)
too damn new in my book…yeah, they’ve probably been around longer than I think, but in my mind, they’re still an “expansion team”…and it reminds me too much of my beloved SF Giants being punked by the Florida Marlins many moons ago…
Oh nothing….
Changing the oil in the ManEegeeMobile?
Attempting a medieval colostomy operation on yourself?
Capturing rainwater? And pure grain alcohol?
I’m getting closer on the last one, aren’t I?
the contraption does the trick, I may be attempting all of the above.
hope you have a mop and some moist towelettes ;o)
a word that I can never say without cracking a smile.
In answer to your post: Nah, but I may have access to a street-sweeper.
Watching my grandleezy play basketball Sunday morning and then watch Da Bears kick some ass! Hey Boo, are you coming out for the gathering in March?
i can’t make it in March, but I might come out West sometime this year. Maybe Vegas, maybe SF.
BTW- NBC just reported that we fired a bunch of hellfire rockets at Zawahiri. I gotta walk Boo, but someone should find out what they are talikng about.
Quick-checked the Google, Yahoo, NBC, and CNN websites: nada. (3:45 PST)
(1) We’re finally supposed to get our annual allotment of snow, maybe an inch, here overnight. So I’ll admire it for the two hours it lasts before melting. Last year all we got were flurries, maybe twice – forsythia were blooming by Valentine’s day. @#%# global warming!!
(2) Since it’s going to snow and no one south of Maryland knows how to drive in snow, and the road crews either don’t exist or have no idea what to do for snow either, I’m planning to stay inside, post a nice long diary this week for the “New Environmentalism” series tomorrow and talk it over with Egarwaen, etc. Maybe jazz jam will get a little more action than last week (sigh).
(3) Catch up on reading
(4) Pay bills (today was payday)
(5) Maybe clean out the “junk closet.” Or not. It’s about four feet from the computer, and I may get sidetracked hanging out here instead. 🙂
Some exciting life, eh?
How ’bout you?
Redecorate my bathroom…
Spouse gets BIG brownie points – he has the day off and has stripped all the wallpaper for me!
Tomorrow – change the grout color, go buy paint…then go party with friends all evening.
Sunday…paint and then re-hang curtains, etc.
Monday…long hot bubble bath in re-done bathroom!
Sorry – not a guy space – it has white lace shower curtains!
Hey Sally…I am painting too but the idiot at Home Depot gave me the wrong color so now back to Home Depot to make it right. That’s always fun!
until after the holidays….
Bathrooms are fun to remodel…small and quick!
I go to my local paint dealer instead of Home Depot. In the long run it has been cheaper and less stressful = better paint, faster service, helpful people.
AND Home Depot is a red company….buying blue keeps getting easier and easier!
Haven’t decided what I’m doing yet but the funnel up top looks like a worthy challenge ;o)
This link has a bit of good news on a day that feels a little like a (temporary) setback.
Ney’s a cooked goose. We like that kind of news now don’t we?
I’m not big on appetizers. I like to go right for the meat, but this little chickenhawk wing is kinda tasty.
On right now:
Should Kentucky remove a bust of Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders from its state capitol?
Yes 17%
No 83%
You know what to do. (And if you do, can you tell me?)
On right now:
Should Kentucky remove a bust of Kentucky Fried Chicken founder Colonel Sanders from its state capitol?
Yes 17%
No 83%
You know what to do. (And if you do, can you tell me?)
I can’t believe that! And worse, I’m just not sure if he should he stay, or he should go…
Well Laura Bush was on CNN today saying she believes we will have a woman Prez within the next two election cycles AND she really LOVES Ms. Rice. Are they pumping her up already?
Oh, Lordy!
If that happens we might all be singing a new tune.
Not this girl….too cold sweetie. How about Costa Rica. Land is cheap!
I knew someone who did that…here.
Let’s go!
That is soooo cool.
And I remember enough of my high school Spanish to cover the essentials, like:
“me gusta mucho”
(I like it a lot)
“Cuantos cuestan los boletos”
(How much do the tickets cost)
“Estoy infermo”
(I’m sick)
and of course:
“Donde esta el bano”
(where is the bathroom)
BTW, how do you do accents, tildes, and upside-down question-marks here?
I’d rather join liberterian / small govt / no govt crowd in Idaho…and fight from the hill country….
Oh my!
I just saw the latter part of the interview and got really nauseous. First, she tried to deny that the country is divided.
When asked if there was anything the pResident could do to heal the divisions she responds that this is what he does every day, that as president, he cannot afford to be devisive (paraphrasing).
She is evil, I hadn’t really thought so before, but seeing her dodging and denying made it so clear. She is turning into her MIL and the public should know.
When Boo and I stepped out, two girls told me I might not want to walk my dog since there was a lot of gunfire in the neighborhood. Sure enough, we were only halfway down the block when the sirens started. Soon there are cops swarming all over and an ambulance. Someone got shot a block from my house and a nice Lincoln Continental didn’t do too well either. They’re looking for shell casings right now.
Holy Crap Batman…ooops I mean Booman! Get back in the house!
It’s okay, the next shooting will probably in a rival neighborhood. Tit for tat, and all that.
That’s scary.
Isn’t Booman armed?
Can dog slobber stop bullets? 🙂
Have you seen BooMan’s slobber up close?
Praying my Broncos (whose QB, Jake Plummer btw opposes the war) beat the Patriots.
You’ve just given me another team to root for. unless anyone else can say that their quarterback opposes the war.
Hint, hint, Alohalezzy ;o)
This is where I draw the line my friend. When it comes to football I leave politics alone for a day…lol! Love ya sweetie! GO BEARS!!
Praying my Seahawks beat the Redskins (‘cept the Hawk QB is an idiot Bushite).
So are most Pro athletes. Plummer opposes the war in part because he was a close friend of Pat Tillman who was killed in Afghanistan by friendly fire, and who also apparently opposed the Iraq war.
For a QB in Denver that is against the war I’ll cheer for them.
Only time I cheered for Denver was when Elway finally quit choking during superbowls by quitting.
Elway – the original slow, white Bronco…
Met Elway when I was working for the airlines. He’s an egomaniac ass!
from his sister LeeAnn back in the late 1970s at San Jose State — it was funny that she was at SJSU, their dad Jack was the coach of the SJSU football team, and the Spartans kicked the Cardinal’s ass every year. 🙂
Plus I’ve gotta root for Tom Brady — I hear he’s a bit on the right wing side, but he’s a Local Boy (out of Serra High in San Mateo)…although it pains me to think that the 49ers passed on him in favor of…Giovanni Carmazzi???????
Go Seahawks..why did you leave the AFC west?
Writing stuff. It has finally dawned on me that the book won’t get written if I don’t get writing. D’uh. So having run out of excuses and delaying (oooh, bad word) tactics, I am going to un-blog, again, and get to work.
But first, I’ll have to look at the Benjamin Stove ad? “What does the painting mean?” it asks. The thing looks like a giant sand trap to me, and I don’t even play golf.
Tomorrow morning I’m leaving on a jet plane…going here:
Lucky Dawg
You better bring back lots of pictures.
I think the place I’m staying at the first 2 nights has wireless internet…if so, I’ll try to post something in the FBC while I’m down there (ahh, traveling in the digital age 😉
I like Chinese food.
Hey, me too.
But I’m slumming tonight with some LoMein.
And Thai food. And Mexican food. And Italian food.
Other than that, not much planned… 😉
I knew I loved you Cali…Da Bears gotta win. Been playing the old Superbowl Shuffle all week!!
too damn new in my book…yeah, they’ve probably been around longer than I think, but in my mind, they’re still an “expansion team”…and it reminds me too much of my beloved SF Giants being punked by the Florida Marlins many moons ago…