All Night and into the Morning at the Froggy Bottom Diner
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
The bar is fully stocked, but it is self-serve tonight.
Don’t forget to feed the meter, this is a tow-zone.
(4s accepted in place of quarters)
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Ready when you are!
I’m ready!
You certainly are!
I’m ready for bed…g’night all.
Hey, you stole my line.
See everyone later.
Good night Teacher Toni!
I want to be Miss Mamie. I’m secure enough to do drag when appropriate.
I admit, you sent me googling with that reference…TV shows from the early 70’s are a little before my time 🙂
But I don’t doubt that you’re prepared to dress in drag, if the time is right.
Good night CabinGirl!
As the full moon rises oer the city of the damned

all I hear is <crickets>
in Froggybottom land…
Hi, dada!! Fantastic photograph, did you take it tonight?
I’m watching Letterman, Jake Johannsen is on tonight, I think I love him.
Not my pic…it’s one I picked up somewhere that’s been floating around on my desktop file for awhile…seemed apropos.
I don’t have tv so I’m at a loss as to current programs…in fact, haven’t had one for almost 11 yrs…don’t miss it…and I will resist the temptation to go all <blue dot> about it :{)
Peace kb
Tonight hubbo came home and told me a story- they have one- count em -one -black guy working with them now. And they are rebuilding a replica of the ‘GODSPEED’ which was one of the original ships to bring colonists to VA.Well, this man said–“I can’t work on that boat, I hear the chains rattlin down there”.
Isn’t that frightening?Isn’t that tragic? Isn’t that just effing typical of the way we lose track of the past that affects others every single day?
Living here,in this semi rural part of the ‘Old South’ where everyone is very polite,but they damm well better know their place.
I loved it that this guy said that. YEAH.
Seen the arrow on the doorpost
Saying, “This land is condemned
All the way from New Orleans
To Jerusalem.”
I traveled through East Texas
Where many martyrs fell
And I know no one can sing the blues
Like Blind Willie McTell
Well, I heard the hoot owl singing
As they were taking down the tents
The stars above the barren trees
Were his only audience
Them charcoal gypsy maidens
Can strut their feathers well
But nobody can sing the blues
Like Blind Willie McTell
See them big plantations burning
Hear the cracking of the whips
Smell that sweet magnolia blooming
(And) see the ghosts of slavery ships
I can hear them tribes a-moaning
(I can) hear the undertaker’s bell
(Yeah), nobody can sing the blues
Like Blind Willie McTell
There’s a woman by the river
With some fine young handsome man
He’s dressed up like a squire
Bootlegged whiskey in his hand
There’s a chain gang on the highway
I can hear them rebels yell
And I know no one can sing the blues
Like Blind Willie McTell
Well, God is in heaven
And we all want what’s his
But power and greed and corruptible seed
Seem to be all that there is
I’m gazing out the window
Of the St. James Hotel
And I know no one can sing the blues
Like Blind Willie McTell
Copyright © 1983 Special Rider Music
Columbia Records
Good to see you, BTW — think we’ve been two ships crossing in the night lately…
Had a wonderful (though exhausting) week at MacWorld. Learned quite a bit about making my pictures better, so plan to dazzle you with my work in the coming months. Also picked up some software and a few new toys, plus plans to order some additional toys. 🙂 LaCie has a new “Rugged” portable hard drive that would be perfect for traveling, and since I actually gave in to temptation and bought myself a digital video camera 🙂 I’m going to need the hard drive space.
Now I need to work on recovering from the annual “MacWorld Meltdown” — the spouse and I have pretty much decided that we’re going to stay over in the city next year, to save the 2-hour round trip transiting and give us more flexibility.
See you folks in the AM…
nice to see you too cali- i just get worn out sometimes
Well,I get so tired of being angry,so tired of fighting,and so damm tired of being ineffectual,I have to take breaks,or go crazy.
Good morning Pond dwellers! Where’s the coffee? Anyone still here? Just dropped in to say the vote has been cast for the Meetup in Del Mar/San Diego for March 31st weekend. I am beyond excited at the thought of meeting so many of you then and seeing old friends!! I will post a diary on Monday with information for hotels, things to do etc. I know SallyCat is looking to do a two hour Sea kayaking adventure in LaJolla which is ten minutes away. Others are just looking to relax on the beach, go to the world famous San Diego Zoo(kids love it, big “kids” too). Anyway, up early so thought I would drop this in here. Hope you all have a marvelous weekend! GO BEARS!!
Can I just mention that the San Diego airport is one of the easiest places I’ve ever flown in/out of?
Can I just mention how much I’d love to see your face at the SD airport?
Yes, CG you are right on the airport here and Super…good job, keep at her…lol! I did some checking this morning and I am starting to think that renting a house or condo(if possible for only two nights, some have a minimum of 3 nights to a week)and all pitch in as it would be cheaper. Will do a diary Mon/Tues with links after I have done more research. Then it’s up to you guys. Is it March yet?
YOu should probably also check whether there’s anything going on at the convention center then, because that can drastically affect the cost of everything…
Oh, and did you tell everyone that the little bar from TopGun is actually right there in the middle of San Diego? 🙂
I personally like heading over to Coronado by boat with a bicycle and playing on the beach when I’m there…
OKAY!! ;o)
now I’m getting the feeling that some certain someone is toying with me ;o)
That is fun to do weather permitting. The whales usually have started migrating back up to Alaska from Baja/Sea of Cortez for the summer about that time too.
From Fran’s European breakfast at Eurotrib today:
Thanks for passing that along.
Wise words for a rainy Saturday morning.
Thank you for sharing this, CabinGirl. Very elegantly expressed — & perfectly sensible.
Good morning! Hope everyone’s set to enjoy the weekend.
Weather here in the mountains is thoroughly putrid today. Heavy rains began very early this morning & will likely continue throughout the day. Combined with the, incredibly high temperatures in recent days & attendant snow-melt have caused flood warnings for at least three mountain counties. I hear the ‘Mad River’ raging down in the valley as I write.
I can only pray that any flooding won’t be severe. Many folks here have yet to repair the enormous damage done to their homes & businesses by last spring’s floods.
Tomorrow night should see a return to seasonably chilly temperatures of the low ‘teens, with wind chills dipping to 0.
Such is our woodland life!
I shouldn’t post ’til I’ve had at least one full cup of coffee. Above should read: ‘Combined with the rain, ..’
Oh, this ol’ river keeps on rollin’, though,
No matter what gets in the way and which way the wind does blow,
And as long as it does I’ll just sit here
And watch the river flow.
— ‘Watching The River Flow’, today’s Dylan earworm
Flood warnings in the mountains bring back memories of a night experienced in the Catoctin mountains in Maryland a dozen years ago.
We got 7 inches of rain in a couple of hours if you can believe it and the little creek in the valley turned into a raging monster. We lost a nearby neighbor that night when her car was swept off a small bridge that crossed the creek. The same bridge we had driven over less than half an hour before her on our way home from an Orioles game in Balt.
I’ll never forget the look of terror in her husband’s eyes when I saw him searching for her the next morning. They found her a mile down stream later that day. How tragic.
My God ..
Yes, I can definitely believe the intensity of that kind of rainfall. We experienced very similar conditions here last April — a full winter’s snowfall combined with absolutely torrential, continual rain & downstate water management failures to create the worst regional flooding in 50 years. At least four people were killed, generally always as a matter of poor driving judgement.
Good morning froggers :o0
Super’s Saturday rainy morning list:
Dire Straights…..Brothers in Arms
Rage Against The Machine…Wake Up!
John Lennon………Imagine
The Beatles…..Here Comes The Sun
Soundgarden…..Burden In My Hand
Fiona Apple…..Love Ridden
Deftones…..Knife Party
Aqualung….Brighter Than Sunshine
Pink Floyd…..Wish You Were Here
Radiohead…..Karma Police
My “secret weapon” happy tunes playlist:
The Sweetness – Nerissa and Katrina Nields
Tell Everybody I know – Keb Mo
Slung-Lo – Erin McKeown
You Dance – eastmountainsouth
Good Day – Luce
Time for Me to Come Down – Amy Rigby
We’re All in This Together – Ben Lee
The Littles Birds – The Be Good Tanyas
You Can Love Yourself – Keb Mo
Anniversary Song – Cowboy Junkies
Peace and Love – Fountains of Wayne
If You won’t Hang Around – Amy Rigby
Easy People – The Nields
I’m on Your Side – Keb Mo
Sweet Spot – Linda Ronstadt and Emmyou Harris
Soulshine – The Allman Brothers
I’ll have to run through your list CG.
As you can see in my list, I’m a little conflicted this morning ;o)
Maybe it’s the weather. Maybe not ;o)
Come to the new cafe!