2 1/2 oz. vodka
1/2 oz. apple schnapps
1/2 oz. pineapple juice
splash of cranberry juice
Shake and strain into a martini glass; garnish with a thin apple slice.
CDs are in their regular spot next to the stereo
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
Love Love Love Rev. Horton Heat!!!! Got to see him up close and personal in Petaluma. Even got not ONE but TWO unsolicited and very sweaty thugs from Jimbo (bassist) he couldn’t keep his hands off me LOL I swear!! Anyways where was I…?
Hey, buddy do you got the time?
No I don’t got a watch can you spare a dime,
But I got two olives and a couple of limes,
Guessin’ that means it’s martini time.
The Martinis that brought you the loss,
I didn’t even ask or care what they cost,
I lost my job for no reason or rhyme,
Guessin’ that means it’s martini time.
Martini time (vodka ice shaker!),
Martini time (olive or lime!),
Martini time (gotta have glasses!),
Make it with a layer of ice this time.
Dirty, dry up, or in between,
From the very first sip you know what I mean,
When you’re out with a babe you don’t nickel or dime,
Guessin’ that means it’s martini time.
Martini time (vodka ice shaker!),
Martini time (olive or lime!),
Martini time (gotta have glasses!),
Make it with a layer of ice this time.
It’s martini time.
I live my life for a layer of ice
Just like those poured by my bartender vice
Any taste of vermouth would be really sublime,
When you have a good martini time!
It’s Martini time (vodka ice shaker!),
Martini time (olive or lime!),
Martini time (gotta have glasses!),
Perfectly poured and top of the line.
You – R.E.M
Amelia – Joni Mitchell
Another Saturday Night – Sam Cooke
Wat’s New – Karrin Allyson
Pre-Road Downs – Crosby, Stills & Nashk
Vou Com Voce – Dominguinhos
Hotplate Heaven At The Green Hotel – Persuasions
Hello, Goodbye – The Beatles
Brian Boru’s March – The Chieftains
Only The Song Survives – John Hiatt
Well when you consider that the first record I remember buying was a 45 of Buddy Holly doing That’ll Be The Day, I’ve been working on building that range for a pretty long time.
Buddy Holly doing That’ll Be the Day. . .Oh how I loved that song!! My first 45 was Carl Perkins doing Blue Suede Shoes. Elvis never topped it. If I remember right, my second, bought the very same day at Katz Drug Store in KCMo, was Chuck Berry doing School Days.
My best memories are all tied to the radio — there was a radio station in Indianapolis that played rock ‘n roll but only at night and my aunt (who lived with us) bought me a clock radio that had a timer so I could go to sleep listening to the music.
I’ll go along with ‘You Send Me’ as a pretty sexy/dreamy song. And an old old song by Jo Stafford-‘See the Pyramids Along the Nile’ always gets to me. Then again quite a few of my parents old records did..like ‘Embraceable You’ or ‘Stormy Weather’, ‘Kiss Me Once and Kiss Me Twice, Its Been a Long Long Time’ to name a few. A song by Player from the late 70’s? called ‘Baby Come Back’ sets me off also. Blue Moon sung by anyone.
And by the way where’s the Chocolate Martini’s? or did someone else already drink them all up?
Advised her assistant that if she votes for Alito for SC that Mr. and Ms. Cat will never donate to her campaigns and will actively work for ANYONE that opposes her in a primary.
Now…back to work…energized from threatening to kick a Senator’s butt out of office for the wrong vote.
I’ve Committed Murder – Macy Gray
Cookie Jar – Jack Johnson
Love and Peace or Else – U2
Take your Mama – Scissor Sisters
Cinematic – Erin McKeown
Fallin’ – Kim Richey
Kiwi and the Apricot – Keller Williams
Lying From You – Linkin Park
In the Morning – Norah Jones
Peace and Love – Fountains of Wayne
You don’t know what I know
and I don’t know a thing
when we hit the sweet forever
we’ll know everything
There’s no need to worry
so we’re giggin’ under fire
here’s your hat, what’s your hurry?
do what you desire
Black Dog Blues Black Dog Blues
if the devil don’t wag this world
then why you cats all out there all a lickin’ his shoes?
When accountants count their blessings
and the checks are in the mail
we’ll put a poet in the white house
lock the lawyers up in jail
leaving love to love’s dominion
let the busybodies be
’cause while their busy with their bodies
our soul’s be flowing free
Some go for the money, some go for the buzz
but it’ll be the sweet forever soon enough for us
Kenneth Patchen said it, now I’ve sung it on to you
if the devil don’t wag this world
then why you cats all out there
a lickin’ at his shoes?
I’m listening to a Frank Zappa Crossfire interview from 1986 (by way of Suburban Guerrilla), where he’s talking about the threat of fascism in the US…you can listen/watch here if you’re interested.
it’s truly representative of my listening tastes: 75% old-timey Americana, 20% heavy metal, and 5% rap/world/other.
Want to see who in your office is a racist wingnut? Play some of Nusrat’s Qawwali devotional music out loud. People’s faces will tell you right away.
I first heard Nusrat on the “Dead Man Walking” soundtrack, singing with Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. The two songs they sang together literally give me chills, every time I hear them.
You’ll be happy to know that I’ve been listening to a ton of Avenged Sevenfold lately. M.I.A. from City of Evil is my current favorite, both for the excellent guitar work and the very relevant lyrics.
I’m drinking vodka in white grape juice. Basically, I’m a wino and out here in Armpit, NC, they don’t do whine-drinkin’. The grocery stores have vast aisles of beer and malt liquours and tiny sections with dusty wine bottles. The first bottle I bought here was so old it had turned to vinegar. So I hit the ABC store.
Martinis make me angry if I have more than one of them. I get drunk too fast and don’t enjoy any feeling of relaxation like I do with wine. I can drink glasses of wine at 9-13% alcohol and feel my muscles relaxing. So I hit on this 10% vodka in grape juice combo. The juice is a lot sweeter than the crisp whites I prefer but hey, you get by with what you’ve got.
I’m off of Hwy 64 about halfway between Raleigh and Nag’s Head. I am so pining for a Whole Foods store but I’d have to drive an hour and a half to get to the one in Raleigh. <sigh> The nearest Barnes & Noble is 45 miles away. <heavy sigh>
By comparison, Falwell’s Lynchburg seems like a veritable paradise of organic produce and meat sections. The Community Market there was astounding. Like I’ve said before, I’ve moved back in time to circa 1965, Redneck Southernland. I’m in the twilight zone. Women here still tease their hair and use spray laquer to keep it in place. Hubby is so happy here; he feels like he’s gone back to his adolescence in Macon, GA. I just feel isolated from modern civilization. But, that’s okay; it’s going down the tubes anyway. I’ll grow my own organic veggies and have my free-range chickens and my buds here in the Pond. Geez, I’m feeling down tonight…
I just moved from an area like that!!! SJCT come move nea r Portland, Or π
I found today a New Season’s food store where stuff is.. well it’s organic and not load up with anti-biotics!! In the parking lot was a van with a bumpersticker that shook my world.
No child left behind unless your child is autistic.
and it had a url to it… I’m not alone! I have food I can feel good about buying and no more teased hair or “damn dirty nazi liberals” slurs thrown my way.
And I have not ONE but TWO barnes and nobles nearby and a a Powell’s bookstore just minutes away!!!
Portland has been calling my name for about 10 years now but I’m joined to Hubby and his work has brought us here. During the transition on his work, I kept saying, check Portland! And he would, but no jobs were there for him. We’ve got a great house here and a great garden plot so I am going to be happy. I’m very adaptable.
Sounds like you have some interesting people-watching opportunities there in Armpit. I have friends about an hour away in PA, and we used to always get a kick out of the time warp back to the 70s where they lived.
I can understand the down thing.
What kinf of chickens are you getting? My silver-laced wyandottes are pretty, but the buff brahmas were sweet birds.
I refuse to let Hubby order the chickens until he’s built the coop and scratching yard. I don’t want adolescent chicks mucking up my kitchen floor! Plus my cat would go crazy with terror. She’s an urban rescue cat and has never put a foot on dirt in her entire life. When I open the door, she cowers from the fresh air. Chicks would drive her insane.
When we order, we’re getting six blue/green egg-laying Araucana females, six brown-laying Rhode Island Red females and six tan-laying Barred Rock females. McMurrary says the last are a good double-use chicken and put on enough fat to be a roaster instead of stewer.
Plus 2 Araucanas roosters which I think are trouble but Hubby insists because he wants to breed. He’s going to have to build a separate ark for his surviving rooster and his harem because nothing turns me off eggs more than a blood spot on the yolk. Yuck!
A neighbor in a single-wide back off the road across from us raises mainly roosters from the sounds I hear in the morning. And I know what that means; he’s breeding fighters. If Hubby gets friendly with him, I’m going to have a hell-raising, foot-down fit!
My redneck brother used to raise cocks and pit bulls for the fights until he had a moment of enlightenment and disavowed such. Otherwise, he’s still a ditto-head asshole.
I’m going to watch “The Wedding Planner” with J. Lo. That’s how far in the dumps I am. I need fantasy.
My ex-husband had an araucana rooster…until it jumped on my then-4-year-old’s back to spur him.
I gave my accidental roosters away last time; one of them won a prize at the poultry show with his new owner. They had terrorized my hens, wouldn’t allow them up to roost at night would chase them away from the water, they were so awful.
In case you don’t know it, this is an Alternate Reality Game getting started. So if you’ve ever wanted to play one, here’s your chance. Warning: it’s more addictive and obsessive than political blogs — if the story is good and this one looks promising.
A couple of years ago I was deeply involved in ARG’s to the point that I made artifacts for a game and played the role of a major character. Um, let me explain that: In some games that are real world objects that players go out and find and it makes the alternative reality all that much more real. I made a statue of a wizard and some stones with fairy engravings. har.
As a character, I got emails from players and answered them in character. Then, I would go to the forums for the game and read what the players thought about me, um, my character. It got confusing because I’m a down-to-earth hippie chick and my character was a bleach-blonde never-too-rich-or-too-thin antiques dealer. And a bitch! I serious bitch.
But she had reasons for being a bitch and ultimately the players really liked her — which was double-weird. So many players got attached to her that the game was re-scripted so that she could be redeemed at the end.
So Benjamin Stove is calling to me. Forget about politics, he says, get involved in a fantasy. Is there a difference, really?
I need these, too. It has been raining alot here in the great northwest. π I’ll just clip em all in my hair and voila – a new style. The Barfly Hair Net π
My iPod had been kicking me out of my random 10 shuffles, as it’s recharging now. Here’s my complete one for this evening. And Bu is just so damn cute, and so looking like my Jasper. I’ve no new pics of her tho’, so nada…
Friday Random 10:
Blue Monday – New Order
The New Year – Death Cab for Cutie
Lunch Break… – The Moody Blues
Shopping for Blood – Franz Ferdinand
Kiss of Death – New Order
6′ 1″ – Liz Phair
Jesus is Just Alright – Doobie Brothers
A Forest – The Cure
Zither – REM
Alan is a Cowboy Killer – McLusky
McLusky is pretty wild and fun. I’ve a huge amount of eightie’s influence in here tonight, obviously…
Endocrinology starts Monday night. And I planned ahead and set up my workload so that I would be working on only endocrine-related projects for the next month or so…which will make my life much easier.
Well I had to lay some smack down this week on the special day class guy… and after that it’s been better. Wesley is even starting to GASP “thinking of liking it” π
I think once they learn that he’s a student FIRST – their job gets easier.
Another problem then that crops up is they begin to equate inteeligence with neurological stability and it just isn’t always the case… at least not with him. But he looks happier today π
Just in time for a long week – nother schedule change for the little dude ACK! But I’ve been prepping him on this since Monday.
A little Damnit Janet sits ontop of a young Supersoling’s roof and casually plugs and unplugs his TV antennae thus causing him to scream and rage at his tv, jump on the sofa while using foul language.
Damnit Janet is amused and inspired to see shapes in the clouds while down below….
&^%$$ Neil is on why is &^^&^% gawd damn TV what the (&^^%% ios going on?!?!!? ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ahhh it’s back on… whoooooooooow… or for cripes sake what is (*&^^ happening?!?!?!?!
Tee Hee :)Scene from my favorite foreign flick “Amelie”
So glad you’re getting some Rush Respite dear one π
Was that you on my roof in 1976?
If I’de known it was you I would have joined you up there and we could’ve shifted the shape of the clouds together.
You are the dear one ;o)
Then come home and watch a hockey game while listening to Rush π
Truly, ever see “Amelie”? It’s FANTASTIC. Subtitles but … oh wait.. it might be considered a “chick flick”. Anyways, it’s one of my top 10 favorite flicks if I had to list em out, whcih I couldn’t ever really do because I’m not that organized.
Gawd I would love to get 4:20 with you and attend a peace concert in celebration that all these Red Regime pigs were tossed out and a whole NEW government for the people by the people was being formed…
Big, long ponytails and even bigger brown eyeglasses. Red long-sleeved shirt with blue stars on it and a white-knit vest with Mickey Mouse and Goofy crossing the Deleware.
It was the Bicentennial… not in my wildest dreams or maybe I knew already that I’d be taking my mickey mouse self across the nation to meet up with you π
It was written in the clouds. See? Right up there.
Little Evil One ;o)
What’s it gonna take to get you to San Diego on March 31st?
A Bootrib meetup without Damnit Janet is risking the miss-alignment of the universe.
I hadn’t thought of it because of all the crap this week up here… and now it’s the 31? I’ll have to read the thread. You’re going to be there?? Damn!!!! That’s reason right there to go. π
My turn to cross the country ;o)
They don’t make a country wide enough to keep me away from the Frogs I’ve come to know here.
…and you have the most warts of all LOL
Possession – Sarah McLaclan
Man of Constant Sorrow – O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack
My Girl- Temptations
What’s Goin’ On? – Marvin Gaye
Come a Long Way – Michelle Shocked
Master Blaster – Stevie Wonder
I’m Not Down – The Clash
Talkin’ About a Revolution – Tracy Chapman
Wrong Side of the Moon – Squeeze
So. Central Rain – R.E.M.
I don’t think I want to know what VH1 “W” is. Maybe replays of Bush picking his nose at the ball game with Laura?
So are you saying you like HOCKEY?
Me, I’m a sick Rangers fan. I miss the Messier, Leetch, Graves, and Richter days. But this years team is looking pretty good so far. They kept pace with the Wings for a while too. I have low expectations lately!
Dear Mama – 2Pac
Coming Back to Life – Pink Floyd
M.I.A. – Avenged Sevenfold
Analogue Bubblebath – Aphex Twin
Holy Wars…the Punishment Due – Megadeth
Largo – Handel
The Funeral Portrait – Opeth
Sound of Silence – Simon and Garfunkel
Canon in D – Pachelbel (yeah, yeah…I know)
Pieces – Sum 41
So uhh, right. I like rap, heavy metal, classic rock, contemporary rock, and classical (with a strange affinity for the baroque period…)
Love Love Love Rev. Horton Heat!!!! Got to see him up close and personal in Petaluma. Even got not ONE but TWO unsolicited and very sweaty thugs from Jimbo (bassist) he couldn’t keep his hands off me LOL I swear!! Anyways where was I…?
“sweaty thugs”???? LOL – that would be Janetspeak for Sweaty HUGS.
It’s Martini Time
Hey, buddy do you got the time?
No I don’t got a watch can you spare a dime,
But I got two olives and a couple of limes,
Guessin’ that means it’s martini time.
The Martinis that brought you the loss,
I didn’t even ask or care what they cost,
I lost my job for no reason or rhyme,
Guessin’ that means it’s martini time.
Martini time (vodka ice shaker!),
Martini time (olive or lime!),
Martini time (gotta have glasses!),
Make it with a layer of ice this time.
Dirty, dry up, or in between,
From the very first sip you know what I mean,
When you’re out with a babe you don’t nickel or dime,
Guessin’ that means it’s martini time.
Martini time (vodka ice shaker!),
Martini time (olive or lime!),
Martini time (gotta have glasses!),
Make it with a layer of ice this time.
It’s martini time.
I live my life for a layer of ice
Just like those poured by my bartender vice
Any taste of vermouth would be really sublime,
When you have a good martini time!
It’s Martini time (vodka ice shaker!),
Martini time (olive or lime!),
Martini time (gotta have glasses!),
Perfectly poured and top of the line.
It’s martini time
It’s martini time
You – R.E.M
Amelia – Joni Mitchell
Another Saturday Night – Sam Cooke
Wat’s New – Karrin Allyson
Pre-Road Downs – Crosby, Stills & Nashk
Vou Com Voce – Dominguinhos
Hotplate Heaven At The Green Hotel – Persuasions
Hello, Goodbye – The Beatles
Brian Boru’s March – The Chieftains
Only The Song Survives – John Hiatt
That is a pretty wide range you have in our 10 list, AndiF…
Well when you consider that the first record I remember buying was a 45 of Buddy Holly doing That’ll Be The Day, I’ve been working on building that range for a pretty long time.
Buddy Holly doing That’ll Be the Day. . .Oh how I loved that song!! My first 45 was Carl Perkins doing Blue Suede Shoes. Elvis never topped it. If I remember right, my second, bought the very same day at Katz Drug Store in KCMo, was Chuck Berry doing School Days.
Them was the days, my friend.
My best memories are all tied to the radio — there was a radio station in Indianapolis that played rock ‘n roll but only at night and my aunt (who lived with us) bought me a clock radio that had a timer so I could go to sleep listening to the music.
I can only aspire to that type of range… :::sniff:::
Will Jim have an ice-skating mix for us later?
Hey, a little under 20 years from now, you’ll be the old fart with the wide range of music π
Jim had a bad week at school and is sending himself to stand in the corner for execessive grumpiness.
Early this morning (6 A.M.) some radio station was playing Sam Cooke’s greatest hits uninterrupted. That was a nice way to drive into work.
I think ‘You Send Me’ is one of the sexiest songs ever. And ‘Having a Party’ is one of the most fun.
I think that 2 new Cooke biographies have been published this past year. I’ve been meaning to check the library to see if I can find one of them.
I’ll go along with ‘You Send Me’ as a pretty sexy/dreamy song. And an old old song by Jo Stafford-‘See the Pyramids Along the Nile’ always gets to me. Then again quite a few of my parents old records did..like ‘Embraceable You’ or ‘Stormy Weather’, ‘Kiss Me Once and Kiss Me Twice, Its Been a Long Long Time’ to name a few. A song by Player from the late 70’s? called ‘Baby Come Back’ sets me off also. Blue Moon sung by anyone.
And by the way where’s the Chocolate Martini’s? or did someone else already drink them all up?
Called my dear Senator’s office in SF –
Advised her assistant that if she votes for Alito for SC that Mr. and Ms. Cat will never donate to her campaigns and will actively work for ANYONE that opposes her in a primary.
Now…back to work…energized from threatening to kick a Senator’s butt out of office for the wrong vote.
I called our boy Arlen’s office in disgust this afternoon.
Pressure works…and Feinstein knows she could be in trouble…
I’ve Committed Murder – Macy Gray
Cookie Jar – Jack Johnson
Love and Peace or Else – U2
Take your Mama – Scissor Sisters
Cinematic – Erin McKeown
Fallin’ – Kim Richey
Kiwi and the Apricot – Keller Williams
Lying From You – Linkin Park
In the Morning – Norah Jones
Peace and Love – Fountains of Wayne
Gotta go play some music…later
That Bu Girl sure is pretty!
G’night, dada!
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! I’m gonna have to share that okay?? Okay.
BTW I have to get a disk to upload my pix again. I have black labrador with the sweetest chocolate brown eyes.
Is that your dog??? What great eyes!! Gotta use that phot too to go with the song. XOXOX THANKS
…just give her props…she’s very fussy about that…:{)
Flat coat retriever-Aussie Shepherd mix…“Pumpkin” colored eyes…beautiful girl she is!
I’m listening to a Frank Zappa Crossfire interview from 1986 (by way of Suburban Guerrilla), where he’s talking about the threat of fascism in the US…you can listen/watch here if you’re interested.
Nusrat, Stanley Brothers, Elizabeth Cotton, and the Beastie Boys all in one list? Wow…
it’s truly representative of my listening tastes: 75% old-timey Americana, 20% heavy metal, and 5% rap/world/other.
Want to see who in your office is a racist wingnut? Play some of Nusrat’s Qawwali devotional music out loud. People’s faces will tell you right away.
I first heard Nusrat on the “Dead Man Walking” soundtrack, singing with Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam. The two songs they sang together literally give me chills, every time I hear them.
For real π Great idea!!
Do it while wearing a pink t-shirt, beter yet a pinnk CodePink t-shirts. those wingnuts heads will IMPLODE!!!
Excellent choices π
You’ll be happy to know that I’ve been listening to a ton of Avenged Sevenfold lately. M.I.A. from City of Evil is my current favorite, both for the excellent guitar work and the very relevant lyrics.
I’m drinking vodka in white grape juice. Basically, I’m a wino and out here in Armpit, NC, they don’t do whine-drinkin’. The grocery stores have vast aisles of beer and malt liquours and tiny sections with dusty wine bottles. The first bottle I bought here was so old it had turned to vinegar. So I hit the ABC store.
Martinis make me angry if I have more than one of them. I get drunk too fast and don’t enjoy any feeling of relaxation like I do with wine. I can drink glasses of wine at 9-13% alcohol and feel my muscles relaxing. So I hit on this 10% vodka in grape juice combo. The juice is a lot sweeter than the crisp whites I prefer but hey, you get by with what you’ve got.
Where is Armpit, anyway? I’ve noticed that Currituck is, um, a little on the red-necky side when I drive through there every summer…
I’m off of Hwy 64 about halfway between Raleigh and Nag’s Head. I am so pining for a Whole Foods store but I’d have to drive an hour and a half to get to the one in Raleigh. <sigh> The nearest Barnes & Noble is 45 miles away. <heavy sigh>
By comparison, Falwell’s Lynchburg seems like a veritable paradise of organic produce and meat sections. The Community Market there was astounding. Like I’ve said before, I’ve moved back in time to circa 1965, Redneck Southernland. I’m in the twilight zone. Women here still tease their hair and use spray laquer to keep it in place. Hubby is so happy here; he feels like he’s gone back to his adolescence in Macon, GA. I just feel isolated from modern civilization. But, that’s okay; it’s going down the tubes anyway. I’ll grow my own organic veggies and have my free-range chickens and my buds here in the Pond. Geez, I’m feeling down tonight…
I just moved from an area like that!!! SJCT come move nea r Portland, Or π
I found today a New Season’s food store where stuff is.. well it’s organic and not load up with anti-biotics!! In the parking lot was a van with a bumpersticker that shook my world.
No child left behind unless your child is autistic.
and it had a url to it… I’m not alone! I have food I can feel good about buying and no more teased hair or “damn dirty nazi liberals” slurs thrown my way.
And I have not ONE but TWO barnes and nobles nearby and a a Powell’s bookstore just minutes away!!!
Come Come Come π
Portland has been calling my name for about 10 years now but I’m joined to Hubby and his work has brought us here. During the transition on his work, I kept saying, check Portland! And he would, but no jobs were there for him. We’ve got a great house here and a great garden plot so I am going to be happy. I’m very adaptable.
Well you can always come and visit π But so glad you’re happy there with hubby.
You could always club him over the head and drag him cave-woman like style to Portland… just a thought π
Sounds like you have some interesting people-watching opportunities there in Armpit. I have friends about an hour away in PA, and we used to always get a kick out of the time warp back to the 70s where they lived.
I can understand the down thing.
What kinf of chickens are you getting? My silver-laced wyandottes are pretty, but the buff brahmas were sweet birds.
I refuse to let Hubby order the chickens until he’s built the coop and scratching yard. I don’t want adolescent chicks mucking up my kitchen floor! Plus my cat would go crazy with terror. She’s an urban rescue cat and has never put a foot on dirt in her entire life. When I open the door, she cowers from the fresh air. Chicks would drive her insane.
When we order, we’re getting six blue/green egg-laying Araucana females, six brown-laying Rhode Island Red females and six tan-laying Barred Rock females. McMurrary says the last are a good double-use chicken and put on enough fat to be a roaster instead of stewer.
Plus 2 Araucanas roosters which I think are trouble but Hubby insists because he wants to breed. He’s going to have to build a separate ark for his surviving rooster and his harem because nothing turns me off eggs more than a blood spot on the yolk. Yuck!
A neighbor in a single-wide back off the road across from us raises mainly roosters from the sounds I hear in the morning. And I know what that means; he’s breeding fighters. If Hubby gets friendly with him, I’m going to have a hell-raising, foot-down fit!
My redneck brother used to raise cocks and pit bulls for the fights until he had a moment of enlightenment and disavowed such. Otherwise, he’s still a ditto-head asshole.
I’m going to watch “The Wedding Planner” with J. Lo. That’s how far in the dumps I am. I need fantasy.
My ex-husband had an araucana rooster…until it jumped on my then-4-year-old’s back to spur him.
I gave my accidental roosters away last time; one of them won a prize at the poultry show with his new owner. They had terrorized my hens, wouldn’t allow them up to roost at night would chase them away from the water, they were so awful.
In case you don’t know it, this is an Alternate Reality Game getting started. So if you’ve ever wanted to play one, here’s your chance. Warning: it’s more addictive and obsessive than political blogs — if the story is good and this one looks promising.
A couple of years ago I was deeply involved in ARG’s to the point that I made artifacts for a game and played the role of a major character. Um, let me explain that: In some games that are real world objects that players go out and find and it makes the alternative reality all that much more real. I made a statue of a wizard and some stones with fairy engravings. har.
As a character, I got emails from players and answered them in character. Then, I would go to the forums for the game and read what the players thought about me, um, my character. It got confusing because I’m a down-to-earth hippie chick and my character was a bleach-blonde never-too-rich-or-too-thin antiques dealer. And a bitch! I serious bitch.
But she had reasons for being a bitch and ultimately the players really liked her — which was double-weird. So many players got attached to her that the game was re-scripted so that she could be redeemed at the end.
So Benjamin Stove is calling to me. Forget about politics, he says, get involved in a fantasy. Is there a difference, really?
Skip the blends, skip the umbrellas…on my way home and it has been a Scotch kind of week.
I’ll toast to meeting BooTribbers in San Diego
I’ll toast to Booman in SF maybe sometime this summer
I’ll probably have a 2nd drink to forget about the clueless Senators in Wash DC and the idiots that write the news.
Have a good evening all…I’ll check back in a couple of hours….
You can have a drink with me π
But I like the umbrellas and pieces of limes or oranges and MUST HAVE those marochino cherries floatin in thar somewhar π
I’ve got an extra umbrella here for ya, DJ!

Why thankee thankee CabinGirl π
I need these, too. It has been raining alot here in the great northwest. π I’ll just clip em all in my hair and voila – a new style. The Barfly Hair Net π
I’m in the process of moving 30 or more gigabytes of files from one computer to another. sigh.
And Mary’s not here so I can’t ask her, but mister katiebird says she got a lot of email messages from you fabulous people today!
My iPod had been kicking me out of my random 10 shuffles, as it’s recharging now. Here’s my complete one for this evening. And Bu is just so damn cute, and so looking like my Jasper. I’ve no new pics of her tho’, so nada…
Friday Random 10:
McLusky is pretty wild and fun. I’ve a huge amount of eightie’s influence in here tonight, obviously…
We have a group on both our lists! There’s probably a rip in the space-time continuum somewhere.
Joni Mitchell was on one of my previously-attempted-lists… Oh well. Maybe next time. π
No, no — we can’t have that. If we had an overlap of two, it would probably mean the end of the world as we know it.
I’ve just been getting into Death Cab for Cutie lately. I’m very impressed with them, I really like their sound.
Death Cab is really really good. I think of them as a more mature indie type of band. They are really good. Did I mention that before? π
This was just what I needed at the end of a long week and the start of a long weekend of grading odds and ends of papers and exams.
I think we all needed that picture after this week!
Any classes this semester CG?
Endocrinology starts Monday night. And I planned ahead and set up my workload so that I would be working on only endocrine-related projects for the next month or so…which will make my life much easier.
Plus, that will make your classwork that much more relevant.
Pure Joy!!!! Thank you for sharing this!!! Gawd, I wish I could hug and squeeze him and YOU!! ((((Toni))))))
How is your sone doing in his new school?
Well I had to lay some smack down this week on the special day class guy… and after that it’s been better. Wesley is even starting to GASP “thinking of liking it” π
I think once they learn that he’s a student FIRST – their job gets easier.
Another problem then that crops up is they begin to equate inteeligence with neurological stability and it just isn’t always the case… at least not with him. But he looks happier today π
Just in time for a long week – nother schedule change for the little dude ACK! But I’ve been prepping him on this since Monday.
Thanks for asking π
They’ll get to know him. Sometimes it takes time.
The picture is perfect and so is he. And fortunately my cute-o-meter is in the shop for a tune-up or it would have exploded.
I almost posted a warning, just for your machine.
Just how completely excellent is that?!
Makes me wish for the days when my baby moonkees ;o)
were small enough to give a bath in the kitchen sink.
Uh oh
Crank up the speakers!
Rush concert on VH1 Classics
Conform or be cast out!!
Neil Peart
What a drum GOD
Limelight is one of my all-time favorite songs.
Me too.
I’m thinking it’s no coincidence they’re Canadian ;o)
A little Damnit Janet sits ontop of a young Supersoling’s roof and casually plugs and unplugs his TV antennae thus causing him to scream and rage at his tv, jump on the sofa while using foul language.
Damnit Janet is amused and inspired to see shapes in the clouds while down below….
&^%$$ Neil is on why is &^^&^% gawd damn TV what the (&^^%% ios going on?!?!!? ARRGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ahhh it’s back on… whoooooooooow… or for cripes sake what is (*&^^ happening?!?!?!?!
Tee Hee :)Scene from my favorite foreign flick “Amelie”
So glad you’re getting some Rush Respite dear one π
Was that you on my roof in 1976?
If I’de known it was you I would have joined you up there and we could’ve shifted the shape of the clouds together.
You are the dear one ;o)
Then we could’ve headed down to the store and talked some old guy into buying us a 40 oz. and I always had a joint.
We’d be set.
Then come home and watch a hockey game while listening to Rush π
Truly, ever see “Amelie”? It’s FANTASTIC. Subtitles but … oh wait.. it might be considered a “chick flick”. Anyways, it’s one of my top 10 favorite flicks if I had to list em out, whcih I couldn’t ever really do because I’m not that organized.
Gawd I would love to get 4:20 with you and attend a peace concert in celebration that all these Red Regime pigs were tossed out and a whole NEW government for the people by the people was being formed…
I watched the Garden retire Mark Messier’s #11 last night sponsored by Kleenex LOL
Sister…I’ll go anywhere with you :o)
Sharks shut out the Sens and Messier caused flooding in the arena π Glad it happened for him!
I had just had my first school picture taken.
Big, long ponytails and even bigger brown eyeglasses. Red long-sleeved shirt with blue stars on it and a white-knit vest with Mickey Mouse and Goofy crossing the Deleware.
It was the Bicentennial… not in my wildest dreams or maybe I knew already that I’d be taking my mickey mouse self across the nation to meet up with you π
It was written in the clouds. See? Right up there.
Little Evil One ;o)
What’s it gonna take to get you to San Diego on March 31st?
A Bootrib meetup without Damnit Janet is risking the miss-alignment of the universe.
I hadn’t thought of it because of all the crap this week up here… and now it’s the 31? I’ll have to read the thread. You’re going to be there?? Damn!!!! That’s reason right there to go. π
My turn to cross the country ;o)
They don’t make a country wide enough to keep me away from the Frogs I’ve come to know here.
…and you have the most warts of all LOL
Those aren’t warts – they’re my “booty marks” π
Hey.. there’s tequila in San Diego! No blue laws there.
on my MP3 player tonight
Possession – Sarah McLaclan
Man of Constant Sorrow – O Brother Where Art Thou soundtrack
My Girl- Temptations
What’s Goin’ On? – Marvin Gaye
Come a Long Way – Michelle Shocked
Master Blaster – Stevie Wonder
I’m Not Down – The Clash
Talkin’ About a Revolution – Tracy Chapman
Wrong Side of the Moon – Squeeze
So. Central Rain – R.E.M.
I was just wishing for that Michelle Shocked CD today…mine had an unfortunate incident involving a thunderstorm and an open car window.
I know we’re closed here, but that’s a great list!! π
They’re playing your song ;o)
Ha! I can’t figure out the comcast remote control thingy so again I’m making Wesley work the tv. Wes, find VH1!!!
Wes find Sens v Sharks!
Wes find CSPAN! π
Oh Damn
It just ended
The remotce control and all things digital master just informed me that we only have VH1 “W”
I have tv for my movie library and HOCKEY.
I don’t think I want to know what VH1 “W” is. Maybe replays of Bush picking his nose at the ball game with Laura?
So are you saying you like HOCKEY?
Me, I’m a sick Rangers fan. I miss the Messier, Leetch, Graves, and Richter days. But this years team is looking pretty good so far. They kept pace with the Wings for a while too. I have low expectations lately!
Oh he found some more Vh1’s!
No worries MTV and VH1 always play those things into the ground. π I’ll catch it later on
That’s okay, it was just on my MP3 player. We don’t get VH-1 in Canada, just Much Music.
Dear Mama – 2Pac
Coming Back to Life – Pink Floyd
M.I.A. – Avenged Sevenfold
Analogue Bubblebath – Aphex Twin
Holy Wars…the Punishment Due – Megadeth
Largo – Handel
The Funeral Portrait – Opeth
Sound of Silence – Simon and Garfunkel
Canon in D – Pachelbel (yeah, yeah…I know)
Pieces – Sum 41
So uhh, right. I like rap, heavy metal, classic rock, contemporary rock, and classical (with a strange affinity for the baroque period…)
Man it’s hard to limit it to just 10 π
HAHAHa =Iam listening to ‘It’s hell being God’s gift to women’ -Limelite- this is XM radio -dyin here laffin- this is their folkie cahnnel.
Whenever you’re ready.