In the diary Bush authorized illegal wiretaps pre-9/11, ejmw wrote:

Truthout’s Jason Leopold wrote an article today providing evidence that the warrantless wiretaps began shortly after President Bush was inaugurated.  Leopold’s sources say that the domestic spying program began shortly after the NSA distributed their recently declassified Transition 2001 document in December 2000.

Once again…this is not news.

This is…and HAS been at least since J. Edgar Hoover’s time…simply business as usual.

Read on for more.
“Bush authorized illegal wiretaps pre-9/11?”

So did:

Bush I
and probably Eisenhower as well.
Maybe Truman too, for all I know.

BET on it.

The operative trick word here is “authorized”.

If you do not not tell someone NOT to do something (the results of which you or the people and organizations of which you are the supposed head use regularly and to great effect), are you not tacitly authorizing them to do so as long as they do not get caught? (The “Don’t ask, don’t tell” gambit.)

And/or…if you have pet judges who will give you any damned warrant you wish (“The fix is IN” gambit) any time you wish, is THAT not “authorization” on a certain level?

If you believe otherwise I’ve got two woids for ya, and they ain’t “Happy Birthday”.

J. Edgar.

Two more.




BET on it.

This has been going on for YEARS.

The ends justify the means. These people really believe that. And if a President is too damned stupid and/or innocent to truly understand what is being done in his name…is THAT any excuse?

I think not.

How about one who is too AFRAID?

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Those are not visions of sugarplums dancing in these peoples’ heads.

That a sitting US President can be blatantly assassinated by the same forces that are doing this kind of wiretapping (I mean…BLATANTLY. On purpose blatantly. Do you think that this plainly forged “picture” of Lee Harvey Oswald holding the Carcano that supposedly killed JFK…I say “supposedly” because the misdirection of the whole magic bullet idea was just another part of the same message, as was the plainly fixed Warren Commission…do you really think that this lame forgery was the result of sheer incompetence???!!! On the part of a group of people who have not been caught and punished for this crime 40+ years later? Please. It is a message, to those who can read it. Put this photo together with maybe 20 other black and whites from the same period, ask any group of five year olds which is the fake and see which one they choose. Really, people…wise up, here.) And the message reads “We can do whatever we damned well please, and we do not even have to hide it very deeply. Do NOT fuck with us.”

So ALL of this wha wha wha about “wiretapping” is just the usual set of liberals holding their habitual blindfolded circle jerk party about yet ANOTHER so-called outrage.

Get real here.

Wake the fuck up.

The PermaGov does whatever it fucking well FEELS like doing, and HAS done so since President Eisenhower woke up one day and realized that Allen Dulles had him checkmated. (Ike called it the military-industrial complex. They killed his successor.)

And the President/Administration/call it what you will can either use their info or not. Or somewhere in between, which is where most of them sit.

Q-How do you get elected to the office of President of the United States?

A-Sit on fences.

Nothing new here, except that now…as was the case in the Reagan, Bush I, Ford and Nixon administrations…we have a President (a VICE President in this case.)…who is really in charge, has deep, DEEP roots into the secret PermaGov, and will use any means necessary to get his way.

ANY means.

Bet on THAT too.


The peaceful triumph of rule of law?

Do not make me laugh. It hurts too much. That is a fiction promulgated by Hollywood movies like “A Few Good Men”. In the real world, Nicholsons’ s Colonel would have had Cruise’s snotty-nosed Harvard brat lawyer so stymied by the full force of the PermaGov that he would have ended up driving a Good Humor truck in Tulsa Oklahoma or someplace for the rest of  his life.

Or dead, if necessary.

Maybe…maybe if he was backed by DISSIDENT parts of the PermaGov the way it appears Patrick Fitzgerald is being backed today…MAYBE Cruise’s character might have had a shot.


So…let’s get real, here, folks.

This is business as usual, and the U2 was some PRIMITIVE spy shit compared with what they’ve got now.

If they felt secure in eavesdropping on Martin Luther King Jr.’s bedroom performances in the ’60s…what the HELL do you think that they are doing with your phone calls if they so desire today?


Wake the fuck up.

This is a WAR.

InfoWar I.

No sense even FIGHTING it if you do not know that it is on.


BET on it.
