Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Water, water everywhere.
Brown County, IN?
And where in Indiana are you?
(BTW, if you run across IndianaDem, he is also from Brown County)
(South Bend–Go Irish!). I am now living in Idaho, hence the Hoosierspud moniker.
Can’t wait till the playoffs tomorrow. I’m a fan of both the Colts and the Bears.
Well I’m sort of jealous (because I am a hiker) but I don’t think I could ever convince myself to leave.
I post a lot of picture if you’d like to indulge in a little hoosier nostalgia you can see them here and here.
and he mountain bikes. The hiking is awesome. There is a state park here on the edge of town and I sometimes take my hiking gear to work and drive there for a hike before dinner. I’ve got pictures on a Webshots page, but I don’t have time this morning to figure out how to link it.
Brown County is so pretty.
We’ve been here since 1979 and I am hooked on living in a hardwoods forest so while I’m really tempted by the west (we particularly like to hike in southern Utah) I’m going to stick to just visiting.
But I’ll definitely look forward to getting to see you pictures.
Lovely image, Andi. Yet again, very lyrical.
Water everywhere here too — as I noted in the last cafe’, a flood watch is in place here for three mountain counties. I can almost tell when a flood watch is in effect by the sound of the Neversink down below.
Whatever water breaches the banks of streams & creeks should turn to ice late this afternoon, too. I’m glad I won’t be on the road.
but we’re still waiting for some pictures π
As it happens, I’ve just been down to the pond with my camera π
Couldn’t stay long (taters on the boil).
It’s amazing how much snow has melted in the past few days — we had at least 8″ on the ground on Thursday. Almost all my usual pathways through the property are small creeks today; temperature rests at around 40.
Those are two wonderful photographs. Getting the exposure right when you have such high contrast is difficult. I can post many failed attempts for proof but I won’t.
Jim — I love it when you stop by — it’s good to see you! Can you come to the new cafe?
Thanks for your compliment, Jim! Glad you like the photos.
Re exposure: I rely on Photoshop a bit.
Coffee — I think I need more coffee, what about you?
Brewing the second pot right now :o)
Good morning Katiebird. I got a chance to check out your new site a couple of days ago. Nice job and good for you. I’ve seen it linked in lots of places so far.
supersoling, thank you very much! We’ve had a fantastic response. But, I didn’t know that people were linking to it — That’s great news!
Thanks for letting me know.
I think it should be noted that your new site meter only reflects your stats since you put it up, and doesn’t include the days that went before. Am I correct in saying that even before you put up the site meter you’d had over 500 visitors? In about four days?
kansas!! Thank you for saying this, here’s a link to a screen print of all except the first day or so.
As of midnight last night we had 887 visitors! And that was in 8 days. (wow?)
Now, I just have to make sure we have something for people to read and do when they get there! It’s not like there’s a cafe or anything yummy to offer.
More Eat4Today Blog Stats:
There are currently 27 posts and 260 comments, contained within 24 categories.
260 comments! I really can’t believe that.
Good Morning
I’ll just take some coffee this morning.
It’s drying out here and the worst weather is gone.
Katiebird I visited you daughters site yesterday and it looks great. It’s amazing how she can find that stuff. And eat 4 today just seems to get better and better. Congrats.
Family Man, Thank you very much!! I’ll tell her (she’ll come back, won’t she? Her dog is here. . . ) when I see her.
And I really appreciate your thoughts about Eat 4 Today, I think it’s going to be a very valuable resource. Everyone has been wonderful — great articles & comments and lots of registered users already.
G’morning! Can’t I just twitch my nose and my house will be magically cleaned?
Anybody watch Battlestar Gallactica last night? I want to talk about something.
I take you aren’t in the mood for a discussion of the role of the grand inquistor in the brothers karamazov.
That’s right. Who has time for trivia?
We find that the twitch works like a champ–
but only for messing the house!
So that’s what I’ve been doing wrong.
Well if I lived closer to you I’d offer to come over and do your cleaning…cleaning for me is kind of a zen experience(not all the time mind you)where I can get out frustrations while satisfying my slightly anal cleanliness thing-discounting of course the fact that my cigarette smoke sorta mucks up that whole clean and fresh smelling apartment thing.
It’s really windy and rainy here. That makes it a little easier to concentrate on all the grading that I have to do.
I’ll take some vanilla tea, please.
Good morning! I’m having a large coffee even as we, umm, speak.
What are you going to do today?
Actually feeling fairly well, considering I’m recovering from MacWorld today…
Need to make the shopping list and get out there and get groceries; after a week of mostly eating out, it’s time to really get myself back on track; I need to be in halfway decent shape by the June trip so I can take lots of pictures and movies.
KB — was going through some old files to make space for the new software I bought, and came across this little ditty I got back in my Weight Watchers days; it might work for your site somewhere:
(POUND 23)
My appetite is my shepherd; I always want.
It maketh me sit down and stuff myself.
It leadeth me to my refrigerator repeatedly.
It leadeth me in the path of Burger King for a Whopper.
It destroyeth my shape.
Yea, though I knoweth I gaineth, I will not stop eating
For the food tasteth so good.
The ice cream and the cookies, they comfort me.
When the table is spread before me, it exciteth me
For I knoweth that I sooneth shall dig in.
As I filleth my plate continuously,
My clothes runneth smaller.
Surely bulges and pudgies shall follow me all the days of my life
And I shall be “pleasingly plump” forever.
I plan to check out your site in more detail in the coming weeks — I have some recipes that you and your readers might enjoy.
Okay, time to get myself stirring…
At Macworld, did you get a chance to play around with either of the new MacIntels? Everything I’m reading about them says they are very fast. Since I still rely on some programs that run in Classic, I won’t be upgrading any time soon; I’m just curious.
We just got new macs at my Away Job….the new i-mac
G5. Awesome piece of equipment. Fast as lightning and tons of fun things on it too.
From what I’ve read, the iMac G5 is a great machine. Walt Mossberg in the Wall Street Journal said it was the best computer on the market or something like that. As my friend Alan taught me to say 45 years ago, use it in good health.
Just thought I’d share this.
OMG. Gee, I guess they had to let him out of jail so he could be on the SC.
That made me laugh…a hard thing to do while dealing with a good dose of mouthy 13-year-old boy this morning…
I was just thinking….
and hoping….
that if there is a heaven that Stevie Ray Vaughn is sitting on a cloud there ripping out a beauty of a lick.
last night who had some very interesting things to say about the Iraq, US lifestyles, our prison system, etc.
See Kathy Kelly
Okay, you can tell me here. Who else IS on your Top l0 speaker’s list?
dang, I just knew you catch me… sooner or later, hah!
[not ranked, although I would put Bucky first]
1. R. Buckminster Fuller (everyone knows Bucky, right?)
I’m fortunate to have heard him twice
2. Willie Nelson (not actually as a speaker, of course)
I was sponsored by a farm/ranch/environmental group,
so I got a one on one chat with Willie before a
concert once
3. Gene Sharp (50 years research on nonviolent methods)
see sig line
4. Lech Walensa (leader of Poland’s solidarity movement
more later… need caffeine, my non-virtual coffee group is waiting patiently for my arrival at Ristreto Coffee & Tea
What a great list. And now you have inspired me to finally check out your sig line. So see? Aren’t you glad I asked? π
Howard Dean is on my list. Truly. Also Gloria Steinham. Never have I seen any other person so talented at “turning away wrath,” and speaking calmly and non-defensively and bravely and truthfully right into the face of rage.
as I have heard him at a rally here when he was running for the nomination. And I heard John Edwards here too, both very impressive speakers. But then I thought, no, the politicians have to be in their own category.
Since what the politicians have had to say doesn’t match up to the depth of thought and analysis represented by the others.
I would make an exception for Jimmy Carter, who I have a tremendous respect for. So I do not intend to pass up a chance to here him speak.
And what’s interesting about Carter is I have no doubt he’d be comfortable visiting over coffee in any small town or city cafe anywhere in my state.
I sincerely believe what’s in my sigline is likely to be the only remedy for converting this fascist trend back to some recognizable form of democracy. Thanks for checking it out.
I was always amazed by how calm she seemed to be able to stay while stating and talking about the hard truths of the whole continuing culture of oppression of women during the 70’s/80’s. She was quite my hero. And her book ‘Outrageous Acts And Everyday Rebellions’ is always worth periodically rereading or perusing. The essay on ‘If Men Could Menstruate’ is priceless as the saying goes. I just was looking at it again as I’m writing this and it still holds up for today even though it was written in 1978. And by the way why is something strictly to do with women’s bodies such as menstruating and menopause have ‘men’ in the beginning of the words..why isn’t it womanstruating and womanpause?(to say nothing of course of the word ‘women’ itself)
She also certainly gave lie to that stupid stupid idea that feminists were all ugly women who were either ‘diesel dykes'(another idiotic expression) or just couldn’t get a man.
You’ve been very fortunate, NDD!
is very easy to take for granted. It’s sometimes difficult to break out of one’s cultural bubble (provincial thinking), and gain a larger perspective on other parts of the nation/world.
I encourage the 20s bracket to get the heckola out of ND, for any length of time, to another state, another country, anywhere… Every time I’ve left my home area I’ve learned something new.
Actually N CA was another country. After living there for a several years I was relatively comfortable with a wide variety of ethnicities.
The rural areas of this state have been, and are still homogenously “white”. The major cities, such as Fargo, have a much greater ethnic diversity than ever before. So the current generation won’t have to travel to experience that aspect of life.
I gotta go take another look at your photos for today! There’s a mystery to them that’s hard for me to put into words. But I do like them. And I’m still thinking about that close up of yours of the running water, stream bed, and snow.
Thanks very kindly for your thoughts on the images, NDD. I’m just sharing what’s in front of me π
I fully appreciate what you’re saying regarding cultural & environmental ‘insulation’. Can’t help but think that this ‘insulation’ is what informs a wrong-headed, blindered political/cultural world-view on the part of so many of our countrymen. It’s a shame that this basic ignorance has been taken advantage of so fully by the political powers that be, as they infuse this reinforced myopia with basic animal fear as a matter of policy.
Of course, the issue’s a bit more complex than my characterization & certainly worth deeper discussion than I’m able to indulge in at the moment. Chores (as well as time) wait for no one. The day’s rain has currently changed to sleet, as well. Hot diggity!
I’ll order an omelet, with lots of feta, artichokes, green peppers… I really hope you FBC has an omelet maker. Mine is at work. I’ve made omelets, but people laughed, until they found a use for them… frisbees, whooopppeee!!!
I usually hold off for brunch.
We’ll have heart-healthy tuna & mackerel salad heavy on the sweet pickle relish & a little olive oil instead of mayo, and if I’m lucky shopping in a while I’ll be able to add a pair of my beloved Saturday raw local oysters.
Tonight will be leftover codfish & tofu shortcut paella on brown & wild rice, with plenty of steamed fresh brocoli.
Snack food through the day will include smoked salmon, pickled herring, carrots, celery, and a little fresh dried fruit.
Meanwhile, as Puget4 begins to stir, time for my 2nd cuppa Earl–Earl–Earl, Earl of Grey–Grey–Grey!
I see the weather’s predicting 40 knots & rain changing to snow coming in off the Lake over Cleveland. Happy shovelling you eastern suburbs! Meanwhile here in Puget Sound we’re well on our way to breaking our record 33 continuous days with rain, and we may go on to pull a Full Noah.
i’m at a hotel in dallas and their breakfast was lame-o-rama. at least the juice was good.
: (
i hope everybody got to read my interview with paul craig roberts – should i post it here?
I’ve been doing my small part for women’s history types by limiting my trips to the Orange Empire, so as not to increase their site stats. π And I know there are other folks here that feel the same way…
Took me a few seconds to figure out what ‘The Orange Empire’ was without using Cedwyn’s link. It’s definitely been a while.
Interestingly enough, the site now seems a bit too crazed for me (after 2+ years as a ‘super-regular’).
reduction in several perspectives among the orangemen.
Some day when I’m feeling especially stalwart I’ll pay a visit to the lair of the orangemen, see what vibes, besides the bickering, I can pick up.
Do you recommend full body armor or just a flak jacket?
Yes, absolutely. Please post it here.
Second that, and please remind everybody who he is and why his words are remarkable, coming from where they’re coming from. It’s a terrific interview and deserves wider readership.
Third that request Cedwyn, fine west coast coaster that you are. In that vein…..I have to ask, can you come to San Diego for the SoCal Bootrib meetup?
I’d personally love to share the three C’s with you again ;o)
Coffee, cigarettes, and civic protest or at least civic kinship ;o)
sorry for the delayed reply…travel, yadda yadda. i would love to come to soCal. i’m just broke. we’ll figure something out. maybe susan hu and damnit janet and i could cruise down or something!
This is one of the ways I love the left coast!
From several neighborhood shops we scored two local oysters top right, clockwise around to several red miniature octopussies, pickled herring, seaweed salad, my own tuna/mackerel salad and some naughty hot blue corn chips.
A perfect prelude to an electric football game (Washinton AC vs Washington DC).
I’d like that plate any time of the day, breakfast, lunch, dinner; or if you’re in the boonies, then it’s breakfast, lunch, dinner, lunch, and supper, then lunch again before turning in.
I just have to share this. I bought a cholesterol home-test today to see if my wacky diet is doing any good for me or not. Official doctor test isn’t until early February.
Results show 199 which is down from 288 at the end of October!!! I’m really excited. It’s still too high for someone already showing damage but I’m so excited to think that diet will help at all!! This was about a 1/3 reduction.
My brunch as different from Gooserock’s was oatmeal plus 1/4c oatbran added and a scoop of G’s tuna-mackerel salad. Delicious!!
Amazing. Excellent news, Puget4. I’m very pleased for you!
Are they expensive?
We found it at our local drugstore in the pharmacy area. $13.xx It’s a one time use only sort of thing. So at $13+ per test you wouldn’t want to be doing it very often. But we really wanted to know if the diet was helping.
Puget4, I think it’s wonderful and it would probably be worth it once a month or so. (I saw the complete information over at Eat4Today Thanks!).
E4T! I will look for one, it sounds like a good idea!
The link in my comment takes you to her write-up.
I consider it quite the accomplishment that I can see it is a monitor, and even read some of the words on it. π
Drawing of a woman
Kinda kewl…patience grasshopper…patience
Thank whoever guides this universe for having an eye for beauty
wrt the visual arts, I know a genuine surprise when I see one.
–And a sketch as performanc art definitely grabs my attention!!!
And double-wow. Fascinating from a number of different perspectives… Thanks for the link!
Dada! This is one of the most remarkable things I have ever seen. Is it your drawing? Totally awesome! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Gorgeous! Inspiring! Incredible! Jaw-dropping! I can’t say enough superlatives!!! Thank you!!!
That was incredibly fucken cool!
After spring-like temperatures for the past few days & nearly incessant, heavy rain for the last 24 hours, it’s grown colder by ten degrees in the past hour. Temperatures tonight could see the low ‘teens, with wind chills to -10 & wind gusts to 50 mph.
What is our Mother telling us?
In any case, time to brave the downpour & fetch water/firewood before dark. This damp chill makes it nearly impossible to feel warm & comfortable. Almost makes me wish for my own natural fur.
Another great shot, fun to see your view of nature.
Re: Great Goddess, this weather!
We haven’t had a real winter storm at all this year.
We did have sort of a spring type, very nasty rain/ice/snow storm, power outages, etc back around Thanksgiving time.
In fact we’ve had so little of a normal winter it’s almost spooky. I’m trying really hard to enjoy it, but I know too much… so that makes it difficult.
Seconded. My feeling exactly.
Thanks for compliments on the image. It was absolutely pouring at the time (my poor little camera is traumatized yet again) & I thought the effect was ok.
Now we’ve got a sleet/snow mix, terrific wind. Hope the region doesn’t lose power — many folks are on electric heat, unfortunately.
With the high winds & sounds of rushing water from the river & creeks, it’s pretty exciting in here! (I’m drying out currently.)
We had the rain this morning too…51 degrees, until about an hour ago, when I headed out for my walk. By the time I got a mile down the road, the wind had picked up incredibly (it’s howling), and the temperature was plummeting, so I gave up after 3 miles (there’s a lot of trees with old dry limbs here…)
Sounds wise, CG.
Thank you. Thank you. I asked for pictures and then I left so I wasn’t here right away to shower you with my appreciation but I’m back and I’m so glad to see this pictures and the other two. They all are so good at setting a mood. The shot I love is the one that has the woods sharp and clear in the foreground and shrouded in mist/fog in the background.
It’s been pretty amazing out there today — easy to take evocative pictures.
Many, many thanks for your encouragement & appreciation, Andi.
I’ve saved many of your photos to my picture album which is also my revolving destop screensaver.
That’s quite a compliment, c i. Thanks!
Another great shot.
Did you do any post processing on it?
Seahawks ahead 14-3,
Ooops, 17-10 and we just lost the ball. Drat!
And the redskins just missed the field goal…yay!
YAY!!!! We won!!!!
Come on to the clean tables!