Welcome back!

This week we are starting with a new project.  Well, perhaps “starting” is too strong a word.  I’ve been too bsuy blogging things nonrecreational and put this together at the last possible moment.  So, this week I have a photo from which I will paint starting next week.  The photo is below.

The photo (not mine) is of a mesa in the Zuni pueblo in northwestern New Mexico.  I believe that this is Black Mesa.  I have been there several times and the setting is striking.

It is prominent when entering the pueblo and becomes no less so as one continues through.  The mesa dominates over the mostly single story structures comprising the pueblo.

Zuni is a great place to visit if you are in the area.  I have found the people very friendly.  There is a old church that one can visit.   It is also the place to buy authentic Zuni fetishes (carved stone animals) and inlaid jewelry, both of which are pueblo specialties.

Here is a funny story from one of our travels.  We entered one shop which sells jewelry, fetishes and artifacts.  The woman behind the counter engaged my wife and I in a conversation.  Subsequently, she idnicated that my wife resembled a relative.  My wife, rather pale of complexion with very dark hair, is of Hungarian decent.  She remains amused to this day.

I have actually painted this scene many years ago in miniature.  I will be painting it in the coming weeks on an 8×10 canvas.  I will once again paint it step by step but with somewhat more clarity of process than our last work, the Cape May scene.  

I hope that you will join me on Saturday mornings.  See you then.