Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
drambuie and beer? ick
Finally a clear table for grading-mania.
Katie!!! How are you?
I’m fine — about to stretch out on the couch (with a laptop and my invisible Drambuie)
Do you have enough pencils. Can I get you a Coke?
Nothing to drink, but some popcorn would be nice. Thanks.
That’s, Who Is Benjamin Stove? There’s a thread over there where everyone is saying where they saw the ad and there are maybe 3 Kossacks, one of whom didn’t know it was an ARG until he googled it. LOL!
So I commented a head’s up for BoomanTribune.com. This is a very well-funded game. From the comments I read, it’s being advertised all over the web, not just Leftblogtopia. So it’s got some kind of corporate backing and that usually leads to some kind of product promotion — a movie, a book, a malt liquor, who knows? I’ll play along until I find out and probably get disgusted.
It’s well written and paced out — updates will come every Thursday — so it shouldn’t be too all consuming. So far, I suspect, half the forum members are actually coming from “behind the curtain,” as we say in ARG-speak. That’s means they are part of the team putting out the game, aka, “Puppet Masters” who pull the strings of the players.
Isn’t the correct form of that question “huh?”?
LOL Katiebird!!
You’re so funny :o)
Funny and slow (an odd mix) — I never notice ads. Except I just noticed the headline on that one.
Ahhhhh! An Ad!
Who is Benjamin Stove?
Haven’t you paid attention when Booman asked you to click on the ads to support the site? I’ve bought from Powell’s and now I’ve made sure WIBS? knows their money drew in one sucker from here. I draw the line at ordering Absinthe, however, altho I am sorely tempted.
Why don’t you ask me to explain what an ARG is? I’d be glad to give you a brief history of this form of internet diversion. Actually, it can be very enjoyable and you might like to play along with me.
Oh, I notice, I notice when he says that. And I’d be happy to click the links. But, I have this mental block — I don’t see ads.
I follow the powells links. Sometimes. But, I get scared by the prices. This thing about buying from Powells & not Amazon has resulted in my actually checking books out from the library again.
It’s such a drag to have to go downstairs to pick them up when my holds come in.
Not seeing ads is a superior talent and one that should never be compromised. You bought a mug; you’ve been good.
I’ll tell you a secret. I also buy from Amazon. I can’t stop myself.
okay so sometimes you’re bad. And when you’re very, very bad, you’re good.
I’m probably the only one here who still does that sometimes.
Nope. I still use them on occasion.
I sent you an email.
I got my book from Alibris this week, about a week earlier than they promised! Very cool… π Haven’t unwrapped it yet; still sorting through all the techie books I bought this week (25% discounts are very hard to pass up, especially on tech books which usually run about $30 each…).
Alibris, I keep meaning to go there!
Okay, I’ll bite. What is an ARG?
Definition from wiki:
Full ARG Wiki Article
It’s 9pm and I’m so confused already…
north is up
south is down
east is right
west is left
all better now?
But what happens if I turn around? π
My mom’s directional skills are like that… Front = north, back = south, right = east and left = west. Thankfully, I did not inherit those!
is to never turn around.
I have a plan (uh oh) that might solve this problem.
If you and I stand back to back then we’ll both be facing forward which according to Mom is North ;oP All we need are mirrors ;o)
LOL!! OK, so if we’re both looking in the mirrors, we’ll be looking south, right? No, left… Good grief. Now I am utterly and completely confused. Tee-hee.
you’ll be looking north silly, and I’ll be looking at you :o)
Shhh it’s a secret here
Ahhhh… the method to your madness. Now I get it… π You’re still the silly one.
Pass this on to your mom. If you are totally lost but know that you are in the northern hemisphere, sit down and wait until lunch time. Sit with your back to the sun. Doesn’t it feel nice and warm? Oh, by the way, you are facing north.
now that makes two of us
Good, I’m not alone. π
Not an unusual state of being…
If JimF and Puget4 are still around, answer to their question of the last cafe re new Intel iMacs: I spent a few minutes with the 20in iMac on Day 1, after that was not able to make it through the 10-deep throngs surrounding all the Apple displays. From what I can tell, it does seem to be a lot faster; I scrolled through iPhoto and did a few other things. Tried to keep my drool off the keyboard — we plan to have one of those in our home within the next month. I was actually impressed with the Mighty Mouse — though it’s been out for a while, I hadn’t really had my hands on one till this week. Love the scroll button, but the multi-button config will take this one-button girl some time to get used to. π
Didn’t get out to shop today; ended up sleeping while the spouse camped out on the computer. We hope to get out early morning tomorrow to grocery shop, then I can get dinner started in the slow-cooker and we can go out and do the stuff that we didn’t do today.
Got to go compose a response to a column in today’s SF Chronicle; one of the business writers is giving a big “ho hum, who cares?” to the Intel Mac announcement, and I want to tell him why folks should care…
I just upgraded to OSX Tiger (I’m slow that way), and have one of those fancy new mice…but now I need some fun widgets for the dashboard…
Anybody have any favorites to recommend?
Uh-oh, techie talk. My parents (in FL) just bought a new computer and I have already gotten two calls today. I love them, but… I am not a serious techie.
That’s why I have a mac…I can fake it with a minimal effort. π
whenever I get a call from my mom that starts “why does …” I know I will be pulling the hair from head within five minutes.
So far, I still have my hair. But, they’ve only had the computer one day.
My mother already drives me crazy with her cell phone, her vcr, her dvd player, and her answering machine. If I ever let her have a computer, Jim already has my permission to have me locked away permanently.
about the Dashboard — people either love it or hate it…
If you’ve just upgraded to Tiger, head over to Software Update and download 10.4.4 — that’s the latest Tiger update; it added a few more widgets and improved some of the previous ones.
I like the Weather widget that’s included with Tiger, and the latest Tiger update added an ESPN widget that’s great for a sports nut like me. Other widgets that I’ve downloaded from Apple Downloads that are cool are the World Book “This Day in History”, CNN.com (gives the latest headlines, and opens the full story in Safari when you click a headline), and Yahoo! Local Traffic (that one’s especially good for work Mac users who need to check commute options before leaving the office). I haven’t wandered over to see what new widgets are out there; screen real estate is at a premium on the 14″ iBook. I’ll probably grab a bunch of stuff for the 20″ iMac once we get it in. π
MacWorld was freakin’ awesome, as always, but I’m exhausted… π Consensus amongst the assorted experts is that it may have been the best one in the past 3-5 years. The Mac faithful who’d feared that MacWorld was turning into iPodWorld were reassured; there was a good division between Mac hardware/software and iPod gear.
Now I’ve got to get to the Apple Store and pick up the new copy of iLife… π
I’m mostly pysched about being able to just squeeze the mouse for Expose, since I usually have about a million windows open at once and keep flipping back and forth between them. I like the weather widget.
Since Andi and I are on dial up, fancy features of both Windows and OS X get turned off. I wish I could recommend some “can’t live without” widgets, but I can’t.
Please complain to SBC for us. I think they’ve put us on their Do Not Call list. Maybe someday we’ll get broadband at the little house in the big woods.
I have to confess, I’m not sure what I’d use the dashboard thingy for, except the weather and the “stickies” one for project lists…
I don’t think we have SBC here, but we do have fiberoptic now.
I got one that is a red rubber ball that you bounce around the screen, and one that does a continuous fireworks display. Oh, and the astronomy picture of the day from NASA.
Obviously I value the fun and decorative over the useful!
Is it the David Lazarus piece that you are going to respond to? It seems to be the conventional business journalistic position to take at this time. Business Week, Forbes and now the SF Chronicle have published articles negative toward Apple or its stock in the past week. It believe “talking points” aren’t used only in the political world.
it’s the Lazarus piece — it always bugs me when business folks get all negative about Apple, because if it wasn’t for Apple, Windows users would probably still be stuck with Windows 3.infinity. π (Oh, and according to David Pogue, Windows Vista is practically a carbon copy of Tiger, with a few name changes for “innovation”.)
I’m not a complete Macolyte/Windowphobe — I understand that Windows machines have their place in society, they just have no place in my household. I can let the spouse loose on the iBook and know that there’s not much he can do to destroy it; he’s the only person I know who can crash a Windows system just playing Minesweeper… π Goal for new computer is to actually teach him more about it, or at least get a good keyboarding program so he can participate in the online forums that interest him, like some of his transit-related maillists. (My mom insisted I learn to type in 8th grade; it’s about the one suggestion she made I’m glad I listened to.)
If you haven’t seen these videos yet, they are a hoot.
That is funny!
of Karaoke in this cafe. In order to save it from charges of deceptive labelling, and to bring the perpetrators to justice, my protest will take the form of my own personal rendition of the beloved and unfortunate ballad “Muskrat Love” made famous by the equally unfortunate duo Captain and Tenille.
I will not, however play upon the accordion.
::applauds:: Yeah, some karaoke!
This is really very disturbing DT.
Been up since about 4:30. Doh!
I’m trying to get the coffee to replace the Black and Tans I put away last night ;o)
Might explain some of my silliness upthread from last night ;o)
It’s finally snowing here on the No. Fork of Long Island and I’m very pleased with that.
Sunday cafe here.