Britain Germany the United States and possibly France are preparing for war against Iran. They are covering up their participation in torture and focusing on those whistleblowers who expose them. Europe is moving to the right.
The Attack on Pakistan should put an end to the speculation. It’s part of the softening up campaign for an air war in Iran. There has been no outcry from any Democrat over the attack on a supposed ally in the imagined War on Terrorism.
This is exactly the Israeli model of doing business. Terrorize. Kill. Control. The Israeli model is self-destructive. Israel is a fascist state and America is modeling itself after it. Israel is a grim enterprise that should never have been formed in 1948. Its history is one of deception and greed. Take a look at a map of where the Israeli settlements are in the West Bank. It looks like a metastasizing cancer. They are everywhere, how can the West Bank ever be a Palestinian State? The answer is ….it cannot. All of what we are witnessing is a result of the formation of the State of Israel in 1948. It should never have happened. You cannot compensate the horrible atrocities inflicted on Jewish people (and many others) who were slaughtered by Germany by punishing the Mid-East which only opposed the Allies politically because they were largely occupied by Britain. This should have been a problem for Germany, not the Palestinians. Israel is a fact now. Nothing can change that. I don’t think their status should be attacked. But the truth of how it all began should be recognized. Israel should be criticized just like any other state. There is precious little criticism of their victimization not only of Palestinians but of America. Jack Abramoff is a prime (but small) example, as he collected charity money from NATIVE AMERICANS and diverted it to Israeli settlers in the West Bank for the purchase of weapons to be used against the Palestinians. What kind of contempt is that of America?
Now the Germans are returning to their fascist tendencies in supporting the United States in its mad dash toward nuclear war.
It seems to be the earnest desire of Condoleeza Rice and others to use low yield nuclear weapons against Iran. This is another example of a strategy to soften up the public to the use, or threat of using larger Nuclear Weapons. Nuclear weapons are the only weapons the United States can really threaten any nation with. The U.S. military is largely incompetent and incapable of fighting insurgents as seen in Vietnam and now Iraq. Only very small nations with little or no Army and history of warfare are effected by the U.S. military.
The attack on Pakistan might further weaken Musharaff’s position and open the way further for radical fundamentalists to take over Pakistan, a nuclear power. U.S. policies just seem to make a bad situation much worse. The CIA is said to have had information that Ayman al-Zawahiri was in one of several houses in Pakistan along the border. So anybody in these houses gets killed. Any information the CIA has can, it seems, always be counted on to be wrong. Their arrogance is infinite.
It appears that the European governments have been marching in goose step with America all along. They have presented their opposition to American policies to the public and supported those same policies in Iraq in private. Shame on them.
Citing a US government official, the TV channel said German intelligence officers in Baghdad had supplied information about a restaurant in the Mansur district of the city which the Iraqi leader, Saddam Hussein, was said to have frequented on the eve of the US-led invasion. The US military bombed the building killing 12 people. .
Now things are much worse in Germany with the election of Merkel who openly supports the United States aggressive military posture, while complaining for public consumption about Guantanamo detainees.
Before Mrs Merkel’s visit, the Bush administration said they viewed Germany’s new conservative leader as a strong partner who could help bridge differences. .
Germany and France will now unite behind the United States for an air assault on Iran.
The chief diplomatic difference in the planning of an assault on Iran now is the stronger possibility that France and Germany which opposed the invasion of Iraq could back limited military action against Iran. Britain, France and Germany have come together as the “EU3” to restrain Iran’s nuclear program over the past two years.
…the Germans are returning to their fascist tendencies sets the ludicrous tone for the rest of this Diary. Tell me, do Germans tend toward fascism culturally, ethnically or genetically?
Cuturally. That is a historical fact. Once a nation is fascist it becomes part of their history. It cannot be erased. Maybe you don’t understand what culture is. It isn’t something that develops over nite. It isn’t something that can be changed easily. It’s a character trait of the people who to one degree or another are exposed to it from an early age. THere are of course variations and exceptions. But most people who learn a language incorporate all the things that that language implies in their character.
The United States has a long history of enslaving people for profit. That is part of our culture. It exists today in various forms under the title of exploitation. There are fascist tendencies in our nation too.
Ludicrous? You are concerned with tone because it may be you do not understand the content. Are you interested or a proponent of framing?
Word play. How about the goddamn truth, plain spoken without being too cute?
…fascism and has had 60 years of democracy.
Oh, that’s not true. Fascism in the 30 and 40’s didn’t begin there, it began long ago. Centuries. That’s just a word, fascism ….to describe state control. I mean that’s the norm throughout most of western civilization from our current perspective. Throughout much of human history.
I don’t mean to pick on Germany. All Western Cultures are disturbed, they are deeply flawed and unsound. All of them. All of us are trapped in these cultures whose perception is uneven, contradictory and utlimatelly not very good for human life.
It’s very simple, human beings have the capactiy to feed everyone, to live in peace and we choose instead self destruction. Some people blame religion, or greed or whatever. We as individuals as beings are flawed and it becomes part of our cultures collectively. But somewhere in history, it got really bad ….and it is represented by the idea of one God for us in the West. That’s not the cause….that’s the representation of the problem when people learned how to manipulate other people on a deep emotional level.
You know they say there were matriarchal societies where women were revered becasue they gave birth, and that it wasn’t clear that men had anything to do with it. When it did become clear, men took over. Sensation was replaced by “logic” and “thought”.
We exist primarily as sentient (meaning feeling,sensing) beings, not intellectually. Does it ever occur to anyone that when people complain about things they are complaining about how things might make them feel and now how things make them think? Thinking has little power. Sensation is everything and it goes far beyond typical emotions. Sensations are directive, helpful and understanding does not require a thought process, it can be sensed.
The problem is the two (sensation and thought) have been separated for purposes of control, manipulation and generation after gerneration pass on this distorted view. Sensation and thought have to be integrated otherwise nothing is real to the being. We can do that but it’s like uraveling a ball of twine.Very difficult and there is tremendous pressure all around not to do it.
…take here. We can discuss those matriarchies sometime. And whether it’s just relatively recent Western culture that is massively self-destructive.
But if you’re going to call fascism centuries old, then we’re talking about too different things. In my opinion, you should pick a better word than fascism – which has very specific (although disputed) meanings – to describe what you’re talking about.
Well isn’t facism a kind of religion of the state? That’s pretty common in history, it’s just called someithing different in earliier times. Holy roman empire for example.