Fun & Games Sunday!
Newbies, Lurkers, Aliens Welcome!

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
So what do you think the deal is with the Benjamin Stove ad to the left? Froggybottom read somewhere today that it’s an internet game.
What games do you love. . .or wish you didn’t?
Uh, sometimes to the left. Sometimes to the right.
To the right for me. π Might be a game, but it’s not interesting to me at the moment. I more like Tetris and Freecell and such. I’m drowning my sorrows at the Colts loss right now, and need to hit the store pretty soon. Jasper needs some food, as do I! π
Ah, the deadly Freecell. Sorry about your team!
Thanks Kansas!! I just appreciate good football when I see it, that’s why I’ve liked them. Oh well, it’s just a game.
You’re making me feel guilty that I’m not upset. But I’ve got an excuse — all those years when Indy didn’t have a team and I was a Bears fan.
Here’s a little game I play about this time every year – “why don’t these kids f-ing study?!*”
I don’t like this game and it makes me feel like a bad teacher, but I feel compelled to still play it.
I feel your pain.
I went for a walk and took some pictures, including some macro shots of ice.
Looks like a crop circle. Or crop boomerang.
That’s really cool, so to speak, Andi. I would never in a million years have guessed ice.
Thanks. I really like taking macro shots of ice. The patterns are endlessly fascinating (well, to me and too bad for everybody else). Maybe if I work at it, one day I can be “The Olivia of Ice”.
Ice is nice dear, but to me you are Andi of the forest, and sometimes of the creek and the dogs. If you keep working at it, you can only get better – thanks for always bringing your artwork to the cafe, it’s a treat.
And very nice of you to say. I have a lot of fun taking them so it’s very nice to know that they bring pleasure to others.
And, of course, the ice is just momentary (and seasonal) while the forest (and the dogs) are always here.
Well, greeting to you AndiF from one who’s been “on ice” for a while (thin? Little bit….been busy working to make up for the time the stark wars cost me, just taking a little breather here to see who’s hanging around, wish everyone a HAPPY New Year [in spite of it all]).
How’s everyone (anyone?) doin?
As there doesn’t seem to be many people around tonight, I guess I will stand in for “everyone” and doin’ fine.
At first I thought it was a satellite photo… but of what???
Neat! I’m always getting new ideas from you guys… now all I’ve got to do is go get some shots worth a show-and-tell.
and used this to play your ‘what is it’ game.
The birds have finally re-discovered our birdfeeders as you suggested they would. So far we’ve got chickadees, juncos, titmice, nuthatches, and yellow finches. It’s fun to have them back.
next time AndiF!!! Great that the birds showed up. They’re wonderful entertainment. Are you set up for some photos… that can be a challenge…
Now I’ve got to go google “titmice” the rest I’m familiar with.
Bird Songs and calls
That is a great site. Thanks for linking to it.
We have a glass door from which I can watch the bird feeder but it is too far away for me to shoot with my camera. I’d have to use Jim’s Nikon which I don’t like to use. Hasn’t been a problem thus far though because they don’t stay on the perches long enough to get a picture.
I don’t remember seeing these guys, so I must be out of their normal range.
I think if I was to make a bonifide attempt to photograph the birds I’d start with as design with the camera in mind first, and do a whole blind set up. And with an acceptable background. Maybe have a remote switch, etc.
Yeah our whole set up is lousy for photography but it’s very nice for watching.
…as the perfect opportunity to learn how to use the Nikon! I’m sure Jim has a telephoto lens that would take some pretty awesome shots of the birds living in your wonderful surroundings…
I’ve watched Jim try to get good pictures of birds — it’s really, really hard. I think I’ll stick to stuff that doesn’t move.
…your pictures of water! Water moves — technically. See, you can do it … No? Alright, I’m off to bed. No more nagging about the Nikon. Sweet dreams you two!
No I don’t, but I know just the one that would over at the photo shop in Bloomington, Andi. Do you want me to bring one home?
jf (Ducking now)
I’m off to bed before I potentially create any further domestic disturbances!
That is a great site. Thanks for tracking it down. One summer, I volunteered at the nearby state park in the nature center. We had to log all the questions we were asked. The most common question was what was that little gray bird. The question was abbreviated in the log as “LGB?”. That site would have given us a little better chance of answering the LGB questions.
And so to bed,
Holey Moley! That’s amazing! Wonderful! Thanks for sharing, AndiF
One thing I definitely learned from Olivia’s and your pictures is the photo fair are the pleasures to be found in looking closely.
Thanks Andi … Just for that,
Andi’s Flower (view large)
I love your photos — you have amazing scope. π
Oh I do love that rose, Olivia. And you deserve the compliment.
It’s not me that has the scope — it’s the glorious woods I live in.
Very cool shot.
Thanks. I take it from you comment upthread that the grading hasn’t been going to well. I’ve certainly heard many similar rants from Jim over the years; I know it drives him crazy.
I probably made my test about five questions too long. It only had 41 questions. But, just the same, there are students in all the classes that did well. The problem is that I let them use the book and they wasted too much time trying to fine the exact spot in each story. They knew that they could use the book and I bet that many of them did not bother to study.
Well you can file this away as yet another encouragement to go back to school and get that Library Science degree.
I’m just waiting for the packet to come in the mail. I’ll apply right away. Actually, my husband and I were just talking about it – I’m kind of excited about the whole prospect of working in a library.
Will you be getting a Masters or is this a specific program that adds an endorsement to your license?
In Michigan, the requirement is to complete the whole Masters program. At least that’s the way I read it from Wayne State’s web-site. I would love it if it were a shorter process then that.
As a former academic advisor, I’d have to recommend talking to someone in my long-ago line of work.
Oh, I’ll talk to someone. Due to NCLB, the requirements have changed, so I have to keep that in mind if I am talking to a veteran librarian. Just as soon as I receive the packet, I’ll make an appointment at the university.
I am trying to keep it hush, hush in my building. Everyone will be talking about it, if I don’t.
In which department did you advise and where?
This was a branch campus that was a combined venture of both Indiana and Purdue Universities so I was handled everybody and then determined who else they should see. We had professors on campus who handled the majors in their departments and staff from other disciplines would come down on a regularly scheduled basis.
I also taught Composition and Creative Writing. I enjoyed it but it paid shit and so after a few years I left it for the better-paying corporate world.
Hope everyone’s doing well — I apologize for giving the Kiss of Death to the Colts and Bears by picking them to win today. π
Installing iLife ’06 right now; looking forward to playing with all the cool stuff. π Did a little bit with the old version of iMovie earlier, was confused but quite intrigued, and excited about the possibilities…
Going to have a lot of fun in the near future… π
DH got a digital video camera for Christmas, so we’ll have to delve into iMovie soon.
Our Broncos certainly looked spiffy winning yesterday. But who is that homeless guy who keeps showing up in Jake Plummer’s uniform? π
I don’t mind Scruffy Jake. Elway always looked as though he’d already been cast in bronze–just too damned perfect.
I must confess, though, that I don’t give more than half a rat’s ass about football, even though I can see the Invesco Field lights from my living room window. Chalk it up to spending my undergrad years at Northwestern back in the days when their football teams were pitiful to the point of irrelevancy. I did go to a couple of NU games just because the cheers were so entertaining: “Library, library, let’s go study!” “Our SATs are higher!”
I ordered iLife and iWork today. I hope my old G4 will not find them too taxing.
I played a cool game a little while ago.
It’s called hide the hot Dutch Apple Pie under the Vanilla Ice Cream.
Best part was making it all dissappear in to thin air with a de-emphasis on the thin ;o)
I played something similar with chocolate pudding. A very fun game.
The only problem is it never really disappears ;o)
…w/ ice cream. Mmmm — yummy game! π
I’m off to sleep folks. Have a lovely evening.
I’m off… Enjoy. π
“nite Shermanesqe ;o)
Nite Sweetie… Mmmm….
Eureka, I have finally found the answer to that age old question of who came first:
A chicken and an egg are lying in bed. The chicken is smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on it’s face and the egg is frowning and looking put out. The egg mutters to no one in particular, “I guess we answered THAT question.”
Oh you’re baad LOL
That’s a great joke — perfect end of the day so I think I’ll head off to bed.
Cute CI.
I’m off to bed as well. Night all!
Lights out here too
Pleasant dreams frogs ;o)
…sweet dreams!
Sweet dreams to everyone and while I’m not off to bed I am getting ready to eat my late as usual dinner and read…and maybe smoke a cigarette.