Wishing Everyone a Pleasant Day

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Thanks for that, froggybottom. You’re tops.
Not yet sunrise here…
The cat is sleeping and I’m off to another day of painting. Maybe next weekend if the weather is good – a little hiking off the Marin Headlands…the hills on the far side of the Bridge.
Weather is cold and clear for the moment in No. CA…have a great day everyone!
Lucky, lucky, lucky — That’s one of the big reasons I want to move to SF. I want to go to the Marin Headlands every Sunday.
(sighing with envy)
Richmond San Rafael Bridge
Facing east for sunrise from Mt. Tamalpais…wooded and marvellous hikes anytime except when rainy.
BTW – that far left jog of land in the front of the picture is China Camp State Park…I live about 2 miles inland from there. There is great hiking on that little peninsula and sea kayaking in the Bay along there.
Come out anytime and we’ll show you the local hills and woods.
SallyCat — I know them well. I grew up at the foot of Mt. Tam (well, my cousins did & I was at their house every weekend – I was in Lucas Valley).
We’re hoping to go back this summer for a family reunion in Carmel. And I’m hoping to go early to spend a week in the Bay Area. Maybe camp at Samuel P. Taylor Park (where we used to spend our summer vacations).
But, I would love for you to show me your favorite spots! I’m sure they’re completely different than mine. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could get together?
My favorite do nothing place!
We go regularly on those super hot days we get a few days a year. We load up picnic lunches, a stack of books, camping chairs and napping pads….and spend a day doing nothing by the water!
I’m having a mid-winter need to get out mood this morning. Too muddy for Cataract Falls but the run off would be spectacular…
I’d love to go hiking with you!
Please take a camera and show us your “slides” — I’d love to see them.
froggybottom — I really, really like this photograph!
It was my reward for being a good child. I had my camera with me when I was going to my mom’s because I had the idea of making her a cell phone how-to document by taking pictures of her cell phone and when I got down the hill into the little valley, there was this pretty picture of the farm.
Andi, that photo you posted over at katiebird’s blog today may be my favorite of any you’ve ever shown us.
Thanks kansas (I said this over there too so I’m just wallowing in graciousness today).
I really like that picture because it’s one of the few I’ve gotten that has all 3 dogs in it (though Hopeful just shows up as a white blob).
work when they are in a post but not when they are in a comment.
I just did a test from the test site.
The photo could so be a scene right around here, don’t you think so, kb? It reminds me of the road from KC to Parkville.
YES! It did, I was thinking that it was the kind of scene I was looking for when I took that photo for my brother. I never saw anything this perfect, though.
that you can see farms wherever you look. Around here you only seem them in the very few large flat valleys.
One of my cats is so funny. He will NOT drink out of an official water bowl. Stamps little feet, pouts, flicks tail and stalks away. He wants a cup or glass like MOM has, which accounts for several broken ones that he tried to drink out of and managed to knock off counters.
The magic solution? I finally gave him his own coffee cup filled to the brim with water and put it in a dish holder on one side of the sink so he can’t do any damage with it. It’s now the only thing he’ll use, and the little stinker hasn’t knocked it over once.
I am pretty well trained, but it’s slow work for him.
My big cat has several weird habits from her kittyhood that are so funny to watch. She can’t lap water like a regular cat does, using her tongue to scoop it up. She just can’t do it effectively, it’s like her mother never showed her how to do it. So she sticks her paw in the water dish over and over and licks it off. And she must move the bowl first, to a location only she determines is the right one. Sometimes it’s off the placemat, sometimes its halfway across the kitchen until she finds just the right place. I switched to a very large and heavy dog bowl to try to keep her from doing this, but she somehow manages to move it and spill the water all over the place.
Hmm. My cat also does a lot of that paw-licking thing, and his mom (cat mom)died when he was tiny. So maybe neither of our cats got taught the usual cat drinking behavior. (My two cats are Animal Haven babies. Their mom and all their bros and sisters died from some kind of virus. They fought hard to survive and have never had a sick day since! The only reminder of their rough childhood is that the “water cat” has only one eye, the other one lost to the virus.)
My cat was one of a litter where the mom died before they were a couple weeks old, and the shelter bottle-fed them for weeks.
She’s now very clever and resourceful as a result. Another thing she does is try to change her dry, weight-control food into moist cat food. She gets 1/4 of one of those tiny cans of fancy feast at 5 pm every night (and boy can she tell time!)…but the rest of the time it’s dry food for her. So she paws a single piece at a time from her food bowl into her water bowl and then counts to, oh, I don’t know, 8 or 9, then scoops it out onto the floor and eats it.
It’s a precise timing formula, much like Oreos in milk. Too short and they’re too crunchy, too long and they’re too mushy.
What a discriminating pootie! Reminds me of a standard poodle I know who will not eat supper until her slaves mix a bit of their leftovers into it, not enough to harm her, but just enough to flavor it. Until they do that, she stands over her dish and barks at them.
My late, fabulous cat named Andy was diabetic. He used to go stand by the refrigerator and wait there if I was late getting out the insulin and giving him his shot.
And speaking of Oreos, my Girl Scout cookies arrived yesterday!
My Girl Scout cookies arrived andI’mgoingtogivethemallaway!!
The temperature has plummeted 30+ degrees since yesterday…
Oh that is spectacular!
It reminds of waterskiing just after sunrise in Utah as a teenager…water like glass….
Now I’d rather take an inflatable kayak out and just sit quietly with my coffee in the stillness!
That’s the view from our vacation rental…with my kayak waiting right there for me.
wonderful viewing. And just perfect for Sunday daydreaming.
Good morning CG and all,
This reminds me of a weekend away some years ago at a close friends Upstate (NY) cabin. It sat on this pristine little lake that was up a mountain just on the west side of Lake George. I can’t remember the name now.
Anyway, me being the early riser that I am, I got up before everyone else on our last day there and made myself some coffee and headed out onto the lake in the rowboat. They had a sunfish there too which became my best friend for the weekend. Water, wind, sails of any kind, and supersoling make a combination that’s irresistable to me ;o)
It was so quiet on the lake that morning that the oars were making what seemed like a giant racket as the sounds bounced around the lake and off the hills around it.
There was one other person on the lake at the same time who was fishing. I could hear his lure hitting the water from all the way across the other side :o)
That place and my time there, as short as it was, were so regenerating for my spirit.
Mountain Temples do that for me :o)
That’s what I love about Ocracoke…every night after dinner, I head out into the sound to watch the big red ball of the sun melt away into the horizon…peace and quiet.
Good morning everyone! Mr. Nature left for Las Vegas this morning on a 6 AM flight, so I was up from 4:30 to about 6 and then like a lazy schmuck I went back to bed until nearly 8:30! It was the latest I’ve slept in quite awhile.
Yesterday was brisk and overcast and very windy; in short, the kind of weather I really miss! This morning is clear and cold and still a little breezy…everything just sparkles outside. I’d show a picture but I can’t find my camera anywhere and it’s giving me fits. Usually in cases like this it turns out one of the kids has taken it and forgotten about it, and they let me turn the house inside out shaking my head about the early onset of Alzheimers before they suddenly say “hey..waaaaaaiit a minute….”
I want everything to be like my cell phone — can’t find the damn thing, just call it.
I’m going to walk 1.5 miles, what about you?
I’m going to try to paint the family room while my husband is away this week. It’s got some nasty old grasscloth on the walls from the 80’s and I’m not sure what to do with what’s underneath…a kind of thin paper sizing that’s too thin to peel off and too thick to paint over. Do I just sand it? Does anyone know?
Just sand it? The idea of sanding all the walls of a room would keep me from doing that project every. Here’s what I would do instead — I’d put new wallboard over it! Not really, but that’s how horrible I think it would be to sand walls.
And actually I did do that once in a kitchen with 2 or 3 hundred layers of wallpaper.
I’m pretty sure this is the original wallpaper from when the house was built in the 80’s. The wall surface seems okay to paint, but there’s seams that bug me.
Oh, the seams, yes — even I could sand those. (This is my standard: would a lazy slob like me do it? Then I will.)
That seems like a standard that I can live up to then.
I’m going to do laps around the ice rink for an hour or two if it’s not too crowded and then do some school work I’ve been putting off.
Thanks for asking.
So, tell me–is that entire time going to be a pleasure, because of the kind of exercise you’re doing? Or will it, too, end up feeling like “exercise??
Skating is my exercise when it is too cold to ride my bike. I love both of them. Skating never feels like work. When biking does, it means I need to take some time off and go walk with Andi and the dogs for a day or two.
Because this is an unhosted cafe we can eat with our elbows on the table?
Just keep one foot on the floor!
you can always eat with your elbows on the table and pick up your food with your fingers.
Better yet, eat with your fingers on the table and pick up your food with your elbows.
Even better still….
be sophisticated like me and just slap your whole face right into your food and chow like the pig that I am.
Gooney Goo Goo
This is my kinda contest, lol.
Then you’re my kind of “Lady” ;o)
Damn good thing you used those quote marks! 🙂
In this cafe we use dogs and pooties as dishwashers.
Hee-hee. Ain’t that the truth!
Good morning, gotta go shovel snow!
It’s going to be 65 degrees here today–and snow tomorrow.
You’re kidding, right? My sister is flying in for the Howard Dean event — the last time she flew in was in the middle of that last snow storm. (spooky!)
No problem during the day, and snow only possible tomorrow night. Here’s what they say right now: Monday Night…Cloudy with a 50 percent chance of snow. Breezy… Colder. Lows in the upper 20s.
That’s nice — maybe it’ll all be cleared off by the time we have to leave to “meet the chairman”
It was in the 50’s here yesterday and then dropped 20 or more degrees. Global warming effects?
We’ve had 40 degree drops here when Alberta clippers go through so I tend to think of these big changes as “winter”.
As we march towards breaking Noah’s rainfall record, the Pac North Wet weather folks have allowed us a brief peek through the sky this morning.
(Could we get you back for a few weeks Dr. King?)
This is a very special morning in the North Wet. We haven’t seen the mountains like this for 27+ days and last night we saw the full moon and stars. Also hidden for 27+ days (of rain and clouds).
The earth is startling in its beauty all the time but the startle really hits you when you’ve been cut off for a while.
Great picture plus everything that Puget4 said.
Morning all. How ’bout them Seahawks and Broncos? I’ll be rooting for the Steelers and the Bears today…esp Pittsburg…Indy owns the Broncos IMO.
Here’s another farm shot from 11.23.05, somewhere in north central Ks.
winter wheat
Considered yourselves 4’d as something’s screwy with my ability to actually do it. ???
Just thought I’d pop in to share the news. My daughter had a healthy baby boy on Saturday – Aidyn Daniel – my 2nd grandchild.
May he find peace in his life and joy to fill his heart in this crazy world we live in. He’s off to a great start – surrounded by so much love and happiness.
Kudos to all of you who work so hard to make this world a better place to live for all of the children born into these times. May their future be filled with wonder and excitement along with the support and encouragement from their elders that they all need to thrive.
“Despite all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.”
– Desiderata
Congratulations, Catnip! We miss you here!
that’s wonderful news. Congratulations to you and your family!!
Wonderful news! Congratulations to you and your family.
Congratulations to everyone!
and a round of cheesecake on me.
Congratulations to your daughter and her Mom ;o)
hoping all is well with you.
Congratulations! Such wonderful and happy news, how sweet.
Lovely to hear he is healthy and surrounded by love. Congratulations to all.
I can’t take this. 🙂 Finally, the Colts are showing some life… Eight more yards, come on…
You can take it.
See? One more yard and it’s a game ;o)
Darn flags… OK, now it’s three. And 2 minutes. Ack!! 🙂
Time to go to the store for supplies.
I’ll be back for moral support ;o)
3 points is a score so be patient ;o)
OK. I think I’ll go shovel during halftime. Thanks sweetie. 🙂
I’ll give your QB this:
He has nerve going for it on 4th and 2 from his own 35 yd. line.
That’s confidence and this game is soooo far from over ;o)
Booman has a football open thread up front
I saw that, thank you again sweetie. 😉
They can move fast when they need to, so I’m still hopeful. 🙂 TOUCHDOWN!!! See?
see what I mean?
Game time!