Everyone who opposes George W. Bush and the authoritarians who have taken over the U.S. government MUST carefully listen to Al Gore’s brilliant speech given today in Washington! It was the best speech I’ve ever seen in almost 50 years of following politics. I’m in awe.
Fuck the media!!! Let’s say that again: FUCK THE MEDIA!!! If they don’t have the IQ or the courage to recognize an important statement like Gore’s today, then what . . . Arthur Gilroy is mainly right, I’m sorry to say. We just have to turn them off. Stop watching TV. Stop reading newspapers. It’s our country. We still have the Internet. The current media should all be destroyed.
I’m not an organizer. I’m a lawyer in his 50s who has suffered so much from the destruction of the rule of law over the last five years that … I’m starting to think a lot about crazy, desperate actions, like moving to New Zealand, or acts of anger.
Al Gore’s speech today was the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in many years. I’m going to do my own pitiful part to make sure lots of people hear what he said, and I hope you all will do the same. It could not possibly be more important.
And I hope people get together to draft him for president. God almighty how good it would be going to sleep at night knowing a smart and decent man was in the White House!!!!!
I often think: How could this country have sunk so low from its founders? How could we be blessed by so many truly blessed men, and end up with a little shit like George Bush? How could any adult human being watch the debates between Gore and Bush or Kerry and Bush and vote for Bush??? It really boggles my mind.
But watch Gore’s speech today. You’ll see a real mind at work, someone who doesn’t just mouth-breath and parrot someone else’s words like Bush, but a real thinker who is also a real, deep patriot. Damn! Watch it. It was a truly great speech, much much better than I’d expected.
And another thing about it…my wife and I watched it on C-SPAN, and we were blown away. One thing that was amazing was Gore’s deep, strong, resonant voice. He projected power and genuine majesty. I’ve heard a few clips on the radio and TV today, and somehow they have it mixed so that the strength of his voice does not come through, almost as if they’ve deliberately put on some kind of castration filter. That sounds paranoid, but I found the contrast striking in the radio this afternoon. Don’t just listen to an Internet feed. Try to get a good copy of the C-SPAN feed. (I’m looking for that myself tonight.)
You might be surprised. This is not something that should just sink into oblivion. This was a REALLY great speech, which is connected to the fact that is’s a real act of courage to give it. I hope Mr. Gore does not fly in any small planes for the next few years.
With all due respect.
This is how far we have let ourselves fall. Things are so bad, and we’re so desperate that we’re ready to repeat a debacle.
The establishment doesn’t care about you. Gore is the establishment. Where was this Al in 2000?
Some of us saw the rot and corruption that infesteed Washington in 2000 and made a choice to add our names and our votes to a call for reform. True reform.
As much as I respect and understand this desire to turn back the clocks and wipe away the last five years, this nostgalgic call for Gore to be drafted for President is an example of how insidious and effective politicians can be. I don’t presume to know Gore’s 2006 heart. Maybe he is distressed and disturbed like the rest of us but speeches won’t cut it anymore.
No! You are totally wrong! It is just absolutely fucked up and naive to say that Gore “is the establishment.” You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. In contrast, I DO know what the fuck I’m talking about, having lived in a political family in Washington, D.C. since the mid-50s. Bush is the establishment. Kerry is the establishment (I’ve had some grave doubts about whether his Skull & Bones link to Bush at Yale didn’t help him keel over after the last election theft.)
But you can’t fucking say that about Al Gore!
I’m just going to put this objection on the record. I’m not in a mood to prove it. But it’s provable.
Cynics of the left. Assholes. Give me some idealistic Young Republicans for Christ. I have a better time reaching them with my message of old school Rule of Law democracy.
I might be an asshole, in fact in this discussion I am, but there’s a difference between being cynical and being realistic.
Al Gore not the establishment? Only in so far as he no longer holds any title. Perhaps that’s why he finds it easier to speak out now. He has nothing left to lose does he? That’s not courage. He should have displayed this courage in 2000 when he failed to fight for the Presidency that was rightfully his and yours.
Check the headlines this morning. The Golden Globe Awards are the top story. Gore is being dismissed by Gonzalez way down the list.
You can call me a naive asshole all you want but my eyes are open to reality. You go ahead and hitch your second wagon to that dead horse.
Sorry, I don’t mean to be calling YOU an asshole! I’m inclined to think I can get along with EVERYBODY in this little backwater, unlike Big Orange. I apologize for being so heated–gosh I take this stuff seriously these days.
That’s alright. I can be an asshole.
You and I disagree about Gore, but we agree that our country is going down the tubes and threatening to take the rest of humanity with it.
Some of us will be on the Capitol steps on Sunday morning at 10 am. If you still live in DC why don’t you join us. I’ll stand with you any day of the week Arminius. Just say the word.
Thank you kindly for this invitation. I’m too far in time and distance (75 miles) and I’m already booked for that time. But I’ll be there in spirit. (In practice, that means I have just instructed myself to remember the meeting in prayer that day, and most of the time I remember such thoughts.)
The rot and corruption in Washington? Little did we know in 2000…
If Gore was so rotten corrupt in 2000, why did he have those ugly problems with the media? He couldn’t buy any favourable coverage back then, everything was “balanced” against him.
Archived – Audio and video are now up @ C-Span.. I have sent the link to everyone I know as well as my Senators and Representative and encourage others to do likewise. It’s obvious that the MSM is not going to play this up, if they play it at all. The GOPhuck spin is already getting more attention.
This was the most powerful political speech I have ever had the opportunity to see/hear. He is a very effective orator and, I for one, hope he decides to run again.
Whether he runs or not, it is my belief that he could assume the mantle of “President in Exile”, if you will, and become a powerful rallying voice for restoring the ideals and aspirations of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
I only hope that he doesn’t, once again, withdraw from active participation.
I agree, it was an incredible speech. I was ready to march on Washington or do whatever I could do when it was over. His words, his voice, the entire delivery was the personification of leader and statesman.
And the MSM is ignoring it. The White House is calling it ‘sour grapes’. Remember the part in his speech where he spoke of how the people of the country read the Federalist Papers and were involved in writing the constitution? And he compared the political ignorance of people today to the Medieval Dark Ages? It is so true. It makes me sick to think about it.
To those that say “where was this Gore in 2000”–
I think that Al listened too much to ‘handlers’ and other advisors. And in my mind he did win, and if Nader hadn’t screwed things up it never would have been close enough for Bush to steal.
But I don’t want to re-open that can of worms. I think that Gore has also grown, as we all have. I also believe that when he agreed to accept the Supreme Court decision on the election (illegal decision I feel) he was trying to behave for the ‘good of the country’.
I think Gore’s nightmare is that if he had any idea of what Bush would have done to this country he would have fought those election results tooth and nail.
He’s back now, trying to lead us to a place where we can fix the mess we are in now. We can’t undo the past, but we all should have learned from it.
I’m 51, tail end of the anti-war generation. I foolishly thought we had resolved all the issues that are popping up now back in the ’70’s.
We had Civil Rights established, Roe vs. Wade, abolished the draft, got out of Viet Nam and began acknowledging our mistakes there, and reined in an Imperial President.
Here we are now–and things seem even worse than the seventies. Ironically at a time when my generation are the people now in power. Without the internet I don’t know if there would be any real voice of opposition. We certainly don’t see the younger generation protesting–perhaps because there is no military draft.
Someone mentioned that he shouldn’t fly in small planes any time soon. You know I was thinking the same thing while I was listening. I guess growing up watching the most inspiring speakers assassinated–Kennedy, Kennedy, King–
and seeing how evil and corrupt our government has become… I kept thinking that this speech of a lifetime might mean the end of his life if there is a groundswell of support for him.
Am I paranoid? Has this country gotten that bad? I don’t know. MLK gave his greatest speech the day before he was shot. We don’t treat catalysts of change very well today either.
But it doesn’t matter, I don’t want to live in a country that mocks it’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. I don’t mean I’m going to leave. I just mean if they’re going to start shooting protesters I’ll be out there protesting.
You already opened that can of worms. If, if, if.
If Gore had shown half the political courage and passion as he did today he would have won in a landslide. If he listened to his handlers in spite of his heart then he wasn’t fit to be President in the first place. Who do you blame for 2004’s handler listener?
Please, open that can of worms.
Our candidates need to stop listening so hard to their “handlers” and more to the folks they want to represent…
IF he had stepped up in 2000 …
I do NOT distrust him the way I distrust Hillary
– I honestly do NOT think she’d accomplish shit, other than big important meetings with big important people,
but, I just don’t trust the guy.
It was a great speech.
doing anything for the Dem party right now feels like I am getting totally screwed – just cuz bushco are appalling fascists doesn’t mean that my little bit of time and money should be pissed away on people who’ve dropping the political ball since … before 1984?
I do NOT know the solution to fixing the drunken uncle, I DO now that giving him $100 is just delaying the day of reckoning.
Amen! I’m also 51. I said I’ve been listening to American speeches for almost 50 years because I was born in Washington, D.C. to a very political family and it is literally true.
Gore has definitely grown. The first poster in this thread obviously hasn’t actually listened to the speech.
I watched the entire speech on C-SPAN today. Thank God for C-SPAN at least. I constantly had the thought: when is he going to be suddenly struck down by gunfire? Gore has now literally put his life on the line.
What am I going to go? I’m drinking beer tonight, surfing the net, getting more and more upset that a major speech like that can just disappear into the fluff.
This is not serious. Fighting out of this matrix of nonsense is almost impossible, but I must try.
Of course, my 80 year old Dad the wingnut thinks I’m nuts. “Sore Gore” he says, ha ha ha ha ha.
I’m sorry. This is pathetic. I’m very close to suicide over the state of my country. Like the six suicides in my family before me in the last 20 years.
You’re right. I didn’t watch it. But I was paying attention to it here today. I’ve heard similar speeches of his recently. He sounds like a constitutional scholar and he sounds pissed. Good for him. I don’t blame him. But you yourself say how frustrating it is to see this speech disappear into the ether. You even talk about suicide.
Why don’t you get out in the street and let them know how pissed you are that they’re not covering it. Because that’s what it’s going to take. Not speeches from reformed politicians on C-Span, or posts on blogs.
I would kindly encourage you watch it, as I read some about it here first also, then caught the 7pm CST CSPAN replay.
And I can tell you that I was not physically shaking from… emotion… excitement from reading about it. But I did need two hands on my coffee cup several times during the CSPAN version.
If Al would have said, “Storm the Bastille tonight.” They’d have had to call back the NG from Iraq.
Actually, he did say, in effect, to storm the Bastille, I’m just waiting to hear the how and when of it.
I read the speech yesterday, and set my alarm for 2:45 AM to watch the C-SPAN rebroadcast.
I’m sixty years old, and have been a political junky for almost 50 years.
Al Gore’s speech rivals any I have heard in my life.
As fine as this speech is to read, nothing prepared me for the power of Gore’s presence and his love for our country, for the Constitution, for Congress, and for the rule of law. This was not some pandering, touchy-feely propaganda. It was a mature, clear eyed call for Americans to correct this disasterous course.
And sorry about the suicide comment. Geez. It’s a true comment. For two years I’ve been very miserable most of the time with extreme anxieties about this country’s descent into fascism. I sometimes think I’m too sensitive, like a canary in a coal mine. But of course suicidal and desperate is no way to advance truth and restoration. The thing that struck me hardest about Al Gore’s speech yesterday was his clear-eyed, measured optimism. I want to be like that.
Michael – trust me when I say this was genuinely different from any other speech he’s given – or any other speech I’ve seen in real time. It truly gave me chills.
Throughout the 2004 presidential race, I openly cringed each time someone suggested that Gore should return as the Dem’s candidate. But yesterday, as I watched him on C-SPAN with tears streaming down my face – I viewed Al Gore as the leader and statesman I desperately want as the Commander in Chief.
As mentioned by others, the clips and the transcripts don’t give justice to the powerful, moving speech itself. And as I sat transfixed to the TV – clasping my husband’s hand – I couldn’t help but wonder out loud – “What if”?
In 2004, I supported Kerry – but no matter how hard I tried, none of my friends bought it. They had witnessed my passion and investment in Howard Dean (and Independence Party candidates on the local level in MN) and it was obvious to them I was just phoning it in for Kerry. The same could be said about Gore in 2000 – but given the current options, I’d support his candidacy with a great deal of commitment. Kerry? Not a chance. Clinton? Meh. Biden? No comment. Et tu?
Thank you. That’s exactly my story.
I gave a lot more money to Kerry than I did to Gore (of course, things had changed). I regret that.
I’m serious about drafting Al Gore. That speech proved to me that he is by far the noblest politician in the United States. If a man like that could speak regularly on the national media–and he’d have to be president to do that–he could turn things around.
He almost feels like a last hope. Because we are already inside a dictatorship. It’s like a black hole event horizon–you cross the line of last escape long, long before you realize there is no turning back.
God I’m paranoid and depressed these days! What are the odds that Al Gore survives the next two years?
I strongly agree with Zesty’s take here. I’ve heard it said that Gore took a bullet for the Constitution on 2000. I don’t know if I agree, but I can understand that view.
And I also think that Gore would not have made that decision if he’d had any clue just how beyond the pale BushCo would be. He’s alluded to this at times.
Further, every one of the major speeches he’s made since…2002, I’m going to say – have been brilliant. Really. He laid out his opposition to the Iraq war when no other major political figure had anything much to say about it. He had a wonderful speech on the politics of fear. Remember the one speaking out against Abu Ghraib and Bush’s torture prisons? And of course the global warming speech, which is being made into a documentary.
I know these are “just speeches,” but they are also evidence of a man who sees things clearly and articulates them with passion.
The best reason for Gore 08? We are going to need someone who can hit the ground running if we are to have any hope of getting this country back on the right track after 8 years of Bush. Gore has the executive experience (he was responsible for a lot of heavy lifting in the Clinton years, as I understand it) and he understands how Congress works.
You’d better believe that if we do manage to elect a Democrat in 08, the Republicans are going to do everything they can to actively sabotage him/her. I’m betting it will make what happened to Clinton look like a little schoolyard rumble by comparison.
As Gore put it, what’s happening now is something outside the normal cycle of constitutional crises.
And yeah, I hope he avoids small planes too.
Great post, Lisa.
While everything in our current environment is viewed in terms of “post 9/11”, the environment of the near future will be viewed in terms of “post neocon”.
And in that new environment, we’ll need a president who meets the unique challenges of the times. You’ve laid out the argument for Gore quite nicely. Add to that – his recent years outside of DC can only benefit his global perspectives.
(As a native Minnesotan, the comments about small planes are hitting a little too close to home. sigh . . .)
Thanks, Anom!
drafting al gore has to wait until he answers some questions. we want to know where was this al gore in 2000? why didn’t he tell shrum to piss off? why didn’t he just call out bush on his bullshit then? why didn’t he fight for the correct count in florida? if he can answer those questions and i am convinced that it’s al gore v2006 instead of al gore v2000, then maybe we should start supporting him for president in 2008, but not until he answers his questions and convinces us that he has learned from his mistakes.
With all due respect. Direct your anger in the right direction. Whatever failings you perceive in Al Gore in 2000, or 2006 pales in comparison to the leadership we have endured for the last five plus years. IMO Gore is one of the good guys. He can read, write, and talk too! He said yesterday what our elected leaders have not said, but everybody in their right mind knows is true. So, don’t whip him for that.
In 2006 the Democrats are the only viable alternative to the wingnuts who have been screwing things up on all fronts. We can talk about whimpy Democrats all we want, but that will not achieve the desired result. The Green party, and the Libertarians, and Ralph Nader cannot win a majority in Congress this fall. Democrats (with our help) can. That is what is important in this year to me personally. Retake the Congress, then the White House in 08.
Thanks for listening. I really do feel the frustration from Snappy and Supersoling, and appreciate the honesty of emotion expressed here. At times, I have similar thoughts. I keep coming back to Nov. 06. Democrats are the only other game in town. Make them better.
A big amen and a 4 for you.
ok maybe i didn’t come across like i wanted. i’m not angry. i just think he’s destined to fail again unless he has learned from his past mistakes, and i don’t want to support him unless i can believe that he has learned. does that make sense? as it stands, he seems to be one of the better options for 2008 and i want to believe that he would run a better campaign, but i’m not convinced yet.
Yep it makes sense. All I’m saying is don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Al Gore will probably solve our problem by not running again anyway!
we want to know where was this al gore in 2000?
Well . . . are you the same person with the same views and beliefs about politics that you were five years ago? I’m not. I would never have believed that Bush and his crew would be capable of what they have done. I suspect AG didn’t believe it either. But now he has seen it, and wants to fight it. And, me too.
So yes, ask that question, but I think I know what the answer is.
Yes, I am the same person politically only my disgust and distrust are fueled by steroids now.
I have a hard time believing that Gore is the answer. There’s a reason why I voted Green in 2000 and contrary to many attacks I’ve had directed at me because of my vote, I take that vote extremely seriously. I still believe in the ideal that our representatives work for us, not for corporations and lobbyists. I’m commited to third parties. it’s the only way, imo, to hold politician’s feet to the fire and force them to remember who it is they work for. Sorta the way Gore is reaching out now.
Listen, I don’t dislike Al Gore. His environmental record is very good.
If this is truly the real Gore then my ears are open, but the second he starts pandering to the middle again, or alighns himself with democratic traitors like Lieberman, I’ll write him off again.
In the mean time there are more pressing matters.
And ya know . . . maybe . . . just maybe – I desperately needed a leader – a true leader from any party to speak up right now.
And maybe it just happened to be Al Gore at the right time with the right words.
Whatever it was – it made me cry for a lost democracy.
I share your tears for our lost democracy.
Maybe it is Al Gore but I’m not so ready to give him my passion. I voted for Kerry. Where did that get us? And if all of a sudden Kerry steps up and starts speaking the truth like Gore are we going to draft him too? I desperately want the same thing you do Anomolous (insert real name here), a leader. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he is the one. But he has a long way to go before he gets my passionate support. See now you made me all soft here. Or maybe it’s the ass kicking I’ve gotten on this thread ;o)
“Or maybe it’s the ass kicking I’ve gotten on this thread ;o)”
Ah c’mon. No one kicked your ass (too hard ;^). In retrospect, had you mentioned your affiliation with the Green party in your first comment, I think folks might have had a better understanding of the depth of your frustration.
From my perspective, third party devotees gave up a lot more than most during the 2004 elections. Like your principles. And selflessly supporting another party in an attempt to remove this administration for the good of the global community.
I respect your decision to do so, and I understand your frustration in not wanting to compromise your principles yet again. Heck – yesterday Mr. A caught me way off guard by wishing that Dennis Kucinich had been elected. (This probably won’t fly too well on this site, but I had to disagree with my husband. I think Kucinich would have dissembled the military a bit too far – and with all the global hatred toward our nation, I’d like to make sure we’re sufficiently protected from attacks. On the other hand, I’d support his Department of Peace in a heartbeat.)
When all is said and done, you’ll be able to look yourself in the mirror and look directly in the eyes of your grandchildren – knowing you’ve invested so much of yourself in trying to alter the direction of things for the good of humankind.
Good day, m’dear!
I shared your anger for a long time.
And, er, uh, ducking tomatoes, I didn’t even vote for him in 2000. (Save your finger pointing. I live in a blue state. He got my vote.)
But here’s how I see it. Not only is he doing the right thing NOW; he is dynamic.
Look at all the Dems who’ve been putzes for the last 6 years, and who show no signs of not being putzes in the future. How many Dems to you know who did the wrong thing, saw the horrible effect their decision had on the country, and have devoted their time since to speaking truth to power?
He’s a gem, I tell ya. A gem!
“How many Dems to you know who did the wrong thing, saw the horrible effect their decision had on the country, and have devoted their time since to speaking truth to power?”
And still there are the ones who did the wrong things, saw the horrible effect of their decisions and have devoted their time since in defending those positions. And they need to go. (cough Lieberman cough)
for Al, even on the lefty blogs. Yes, he got buffaloed for a thousand reasons in 2,000, and it would be nice to dream that he would have taken things to a crisis in that year. But we have to live in reality, and the reality is that for all his faults Al Gore currently has the clearest voice of all the Democrats. Some people learn from injustice.
I agree that one speech does not make a movement. But after a speech that was this brilliant, I hope to hear that he’s very active again.
You really need to listen to this one before commenting on it. It’s not the same old stuff.
Yes, he got buffaloed for a thousand reasons in 2,000, and it would be nice to dream that he would have taken things to a crisis in that year[snip]
Arminius, pardon the pun on the ‘buffalo-ed’ Some of us think he got even, gave it back.
Can’t help it. Over at The WashingtonNote, Steve Clemons’ headliner is:
“Al Gore Gores Bush: What a President He Might Have Been”
well Steve, there’s certainly 2009 coming into focus. Catch Steve’s post here, worth a read.
I campaigned for Gore in 2000. He won. But legally could not ask for a recount. As a lawyer maybe you could help change some laws? And please do not commit suicide over politics. I understand the feeling- my mantra has been ‘stop the world, I want to get off’ but I have a grandson to educate.
I am not sure I would support another Gore campaign but I want everyone to remember one very important fact. He WON the 2000 election!!! No matter what anyone thought of the 2000 Gore or his handlers…HE WON!! It is the MEDIA that is fucking this county over…NOW in 2006. If we sit at thier headquarters doors they CANNOT ignore us. Just my crappy 2 cents worth.
And one more thing folks, I don’t care who it is speaking out with the truth to power, we need every freaken voice that gets even a minute of air time. Every body, heart, soul and voice to take the Cabal of Fascists in the White House out of power. This is the fight of our lives and the time is NOW.
I welcome ANYONE who is speaking out-better late than ever.
Even Hillary gave a great speech on MLK day saying many of the same things that Gore etc., are starting to shout about!
I think we are a culture of needing and expecting instant gratification so expected more action from the Big Wheels sooner. They probably needed to regroup and ‘get on the same page’ and are now starting to roll the wheels of Democracy back to sanity.
I hope( fingers crossed etc.,)
The thing that bothers me with the Hillary speech is that it came after Gore. She tends to wait to see which way the f’ing wind is blowing THEN says something. I appreciate her voice but really have little respect for her.
I’m in. Al Gore and Gov. Werner of VA, a winning ticket in ’08.
Allow me a little rant here. Gore stepped up to the plate, gave some courage to Dems. This speech burns especially when you look at who sits in the Oval Office.
Geeez. All those upthread who are asking where was Al Gore in 2000? Imho, that’s like shooting the messenger even when you like the message.
And btw, It’s President Gore, svp. Remember, the Supremes aiding and abetting to steal his victory? And not just the Supremes, there were those, supposedly on our side who deserted in the heat of battle that his fight, (unlike hightailing Kerry), that ‘[it] didn’t look good…Let’s just go along to get along.’
Well life happens. In the wilderness these years, Gore has found his passion. He’s a stronger man. I watch C-Span and for me it was a JFK moment. Refreshing too, my hearing didn’t hurt.
But I suppose there are those who prefer moronic, arrogance and ineptitude puppetry over intelligence, leadership and a willingness to learn, reason and accept expert advice.
Draft Al Gore and Tipper
How about Gore/Obama ’08???
Now THAT is a ticket worth working for!
Am I crazy?
I get excited just thinking about it…
Gore is the best hope we have in ’08, and I’m ready to start working for him tomorrow. Does anyone know what is the best source of REAL information about what he is thinking/doing in terms of a run? You can’t tell me he isn’t considering it very carefully. Does he have a staff? A PAC?
after the rave reception he’ll receive on this delivery! Oh my, I hope he’ll reconsider and accept a draft.
Now we’ve not had a good old fashion draft in decades, but a ground swell could just get Gore’s juices flowing. A draft is what it’ll take. I’m just saying this could be my political heaven.
And btw, I can’t write into public cyberspace what the thought of Gore’s 09 inuaguration does to me. I could be censored. But it’s beyond sweet revenge and curlies.
Anyone noticed the WH and Abu Gonzo’s response? Ya think maybe they’re feeling the heat?
Could you please explain a little further how that link (which I’m studying) responds to this particular thread?
Good morning, Arminius – It took me a few moments to figure this out as well. It’s not the link – it’s the subject line. (“RE-elect)
The speech was truly great, but I have to say that Al Gore has given many truly great speeches since his presidency was stolen and this country was hijacked by the band of lying criminals commonly referred to as “this administration.” I voted for Al in 2000 and am still a great fan, but feel that he has abandoned me and everyone else in this country by refusing to run again. I wish I knew the reasoning behind this, though I can understand how way-beyond devastating it must be to have your presidency stolen right out from underneath you with SCOTUS actually upholding a ban against COUNTING THE VOTES! EVerything turned on its head for me at that moment. It’s enough to make anyone give up on this country, but I believe that Al Gore has a right to the presidency that was stolen from him and wish that he would fight the good fight to get it back again. IMHO this country needs Al Gore oh-so-bad and he is one of the only people who can unite the Democratic Party and bring down the Crooks and Liars who are destroying our country.
I’m open. With this speech, Al Gore can inspire even the jaded among us. Goodness knows, we could use a president who can understand and fully appreciate the Constitution, rather than a myopic shmuck who treats it as if it were a set of annoying club rules, finagling end-runs around it, suggesting inappropriate amendments, and insulting the bar and bench with embarrassing appointments.
I watched because of comments on this blog. Much grass, C-SPAN.
… to the speech, anybody? I want to email it to my son and it’s hard to find a link to the text of the speech.
Here you go:
Raw Story
Thanks kindly, S.
Oddly, when I selected the “Print This” option, and subsequently hit “Print” – I only got a picture of the advertisement and no text. It’s probably just me . . . but it only worked when I highlighted the entire speech and hit “Print Selection”. (FWIW)
Good day – I hope you’re doing really well!
Here’s a link to ePluribus Media’s fact-checked script of the speech.