Everyone who opposes George W. Bush and the authoritarians who have taken over the U.S. government MUST carefully listen to Al Gore’s brilliant speech given today in Washington! It was the best speech I’ve ever seen in almost 50 years of following politics. I’m in awe.

Fuck the media!!! Let’s say that again:  FUCK THE MEDIA!!! If they don’t have the IQ or the courage to recognize an important statement like Gore’s today, then what . . . Arthur Gilroy is mainly right, I’m sorry to say. We just have to turn them off. Stop watching TV. Stop reading newspapers. It’s our country. We still have the Internet. The current media should all be destroyed.

I’m not an organizer. I’m a lawyer in his 50s who has suffered so much from the destruction of the rule of law over the last five years that … I’m starting to think a lot about crazy, desperate actions, like moving to New Zealand, or acts of anger.

Al Gore’s speech today was the most beautiful thing I’ve heard in many years. I’m going to do my own pitiful part to make sure lots of people hear what he said, and I hope you all will do the same. It could not possibly be more important.

And I hope people get together to draft him for president. God almighty how good it would be going to sleep at night knowing a smart and decent man was in the White House!!!!!

I often think: How could this country have sunk so low from its founders? How could we be blessed by so many truly blessed men, and end up with a little shit like George Bush? How could any adult human being watch the debates between Gore and Bush or Kerry and Bush and vote for Bush??? It really boggles my mind.

But watch Gore’s speech today. You’ll see a real mind at work, someone who doesn’t just mouth-breath and parrot someone else’s words like Bush, but a real thinker who is also a real, deep patriot. Damn! Watch it. It was a truly great speech, much much better than I’d expected.

And another thing about it…my wife and I watched it on C-SPAN, and we were blown away. One thing that was amazing was Gore’s deep, strong, resonant voice. He projected power and genuine majesty. I’ve heard a few clips on the radio and TV today, and somehow they have it mixed so that the strength of his voice does not come through, almost as if they’ve deliberately put on some kind of castration filter. That sounds paranoid, but I found the contrast striking in the radio this afternoon. Don’t just listen to an Internet feed. Try to get a good copy of the C-SPAN feed. (I’m looking for that myself tonight.)

You might be surprised. This is not something that should just sink into oblivion. This was a REALLY great speech, which is connected to the fact that is’s a real act of courage to give it. I hope Mr. Gore does not fly in any small planes for the next few years.