Earlier today, there were more recorded in favor of Gore’s speech, so I fear this poll has been freeped:
Do you agree with Gore’s comments about Bush’s domestic spying?
No 49%
Yes 48%
I need to know more 3%
Total Votes: 125,198
Let’s bring the numbers back up.
Any other polls that require our input?
I appreciate your efforts but how about we Freep Washington instead?
that were possible!
Come join us – this Sunday, the 22nd, on the Capitol steps.
Wish I could, but I’m on the other side of the continent.
Will have to continue to do my freeping from the keyboard.
That is too bad 🙁
Thanks for all you have done.
I cannot be there because of a commitment to my grand daughter. What can I do to help from here? Seriously you guys. I feel so conflicted. I want to be there.