Froggy Bottom Lounge – and TV-palooza!
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May the 4’s be with you
I’m going to be a very inattentive host for a while. Don’t you hate when total crap is on TV for weeks at a time and suddenly you’ve got 2 or 3 things you want to watch at the same time? I need Tivo.
I’m switching it back and forth between 24, Golden Globes and Wife Swap.
Well, if this year is good as last year I’ll stick with 24.
Tonight was one of those times when one TiVo wasn’t enough. Gore’s speech was being re-aired on CSPAN. Hockey was on OLN. Keith Olberman was doing his show on MSNBC. A new Antiques Roadshow was on our PBS affiliate. And it was all happening at 8 o’clock.
It’s like when they decided to put Veronica Mars and Lost on opposite each other.
I love Antiques Roadshow! Do you think 100 years from now people will be finding those little Happy Meal toys in their attics and they’ll be worth like $20K?
Yeah, I imagine that they will only be worth that if the burger and fries are in mint condition though and they are in their original packaging. The question that remains though is what will $20K be worth. About 1 Yuan.
The scary thing is that a 100 year old happy meal might very well remain in mint condition.
And it will go so well with your 150 year old Twinkie.
and you’ve got a point — OLN’s hockey coverage totally blows IMNSHO.
At least my Sharks won though. ๐ Listened to practically the whole game while at dinner; spouse and I must’ve looked awfully weird high-fiving each other across the table at Sweet Tomatoes (but we look awfully weird on a regular basis, so we’re used to it ๐ )…
It’s a horse-drawn drill. Drill = machine that has a box that holds the grain and meters it slowly into the seed bed as the machine moves ahead.
The handles sticking up were held by the driver who operated the machine.
The long V shaped box was wood and has pretty much rotted away, and out of sight, making id-ing more difficult…
Aha! Mystery solved. Will this be a weekly series, NDD?
only if the random nature of the cosmos so ordains.
Helps to have some material to work with too, which I’m running low on.
I thought it looked too wide to be a drill. Maybe it was the angle of the picture. (or maybe I’ve only seen ones that aren’t so wide).
at least popular in E ND, is an air seeder, JD’s available up to 43ft width.
Picture of an air seeder
More here
The air system vacuums the seed from the tank trailing behind, delivers it through the tubes to the groove being made in the soil… (Never had one of those, so can’t tell you a whole lot more without consulting my “authorities.”)
And, without a doubt, farms in South Dakota are BIGGER than southern Missouri farms. Too many hills down here! Plus, I only see farm equipment from a distance, being a city girl.
South Dakota aacckkkk!!!
North, North, North, North Dakota
As Eric Severaid once said, “North Dakota is a rectangular blank spot in the nation’s mind.”
I spent a half hour talking with a park ranger one time about this ND/SD thing, and when I left he says, “Have a good trip back to sssooo… I mean North Dakota.”
btw I have a high school class mate (one of eight) who farms some 75+ quarters, (qtr = 1/4 section = 160 Acres), which would be some 12,000 acres.
Another guy I know farms 7 quarters organically.
Most of the chemical farmers I know probably average 20-30 quarters.
However, I’m not a fan of large farms, that’s just the way it is here.
oops sorry, I think I’m just tired. OF COURSE I know you’re in North Dakota.
Feel free to think I’m from Illinois in retribution.
A (what?) Family Dinner!
How did it go? I presume there were no weenies present.
It went fine, it was two sisters, a brother in law, a nephew and our mom & dad. I picked up a take out lasagna & salad & bread and my sister brought wine.
We raved about Gore’s speech, my DC sister missed it because she was on the plane (but she had heard part of it when I gave it at a party last week – isn’t that weird?) and ranted about Bush. And fretted about the new Bankruptcy bill that our local Democratic Congressman voted for.
It was nice.
None of us had seconds. So, there was plenty for me to take home for mister & me!
Lasagna is even better the next day! I’ve been so bad today with birthday cake and not really eating a regular meal…just pick pick pick all day. The boys and I are tearing up wallpaper and putting up wainscoting and repainting the family room.
Just can’t leave it alone, can you?
What time tomorrow?
I was just sending you a message!! But, I’ll say it here. Julie’s getting there at 7am, and so are the volunteers. We can get there then if we want. Or we could get there at 7:30 (which is what I told her we’d do).
She’ll introduce us to Governor Dean, she said. Should I bring my camera?
7:30 (where is this place anyway?)
7:30 sounds MUCH better than 7.
Is it at the Uptown? That’s on the southwest corner of 37th and Broadway. Big marquee with the name Uptown in big letters. You’ll probably have to park in the shopping center parking lot across the street, although there’s usually also street parking around there.
I’ll meet you inside, in the lobby.
Are you going to wear the pink pants suit? Or the green?
It is at the Uptown, right?
Oh (I was still chuckling). Yes it is (from
Kansas City Democracy Bond-Holder Meeting
When: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 – 8:00 A.M. to 9:30 A.M.
Where: Uptown Theater
You Can Still Buy a Bond and Attend
RSVP If You Already Own a Bond
I’m really looking forward to it. It takes you and Howard Dean to get me going that early in the morning. It’s sure not the donuts.
I wish it was in the afternoon instead of the morning. And that I could have taken the day off. I wish I was self-employed so I could set my own schedule. I wish I could take a vacation without going out of town.
I wish.
I wonder what the best way is of getting there in the morning? And how long it’ll take?
Nice photo of a QuarterHorse
heh, heh. I thought I saw two legs, wouldn’t that make him half a horse?
I think it went according to the length of the horse.
You are such a sick person. And such a funny one.
Such compliments… may I put a gold star on my calendar for this date?
You may! And red letters.
That is really freaky looking.
yeah, no doubt…
It seems I caught some bug on Nov 3, 2004 and have not yet purged it from my system…
Just won a Golden Globe!
Didn’t thank his editor, I notice.
Yeah — he has no appreciation for who it was that made him look good.
I got to see an early version of a movie with Ben Affleck. He was terrible in that film (I thought), acting wooden and stiff, just terrible. Then I saw the final version. And it wasn’t best actor quality, but it was respectable. He was fine. And it was just about all in the editing. Because his work in that early version was terrible.
It makes sense. Good editing can grab the best shots and give the actor depth. (Although I suppose the director also has a say on which shots are used.)
Anthony Hopkins made a point tonight to thank all of the production people who work behind the scenes — but he didn’t name any of the post production people like editors.
I’ve never seen him before…but he really looks like my husband! Freaky.
Katiebire — NBC — Philip Seymoujr Hoffman just won again.
I saw!!
I’m glad you were already watching. I couldn’t move fast enough!
The funnest thing about the last week is “watching” these shows with you!
I was wondering where you were over on the official GG thread on the front page. But, dinner with family trumps TV everytime, right?
I saw that thread, but it had about 85 comments by the time I got home. And this cafe had 1. And it feels like home here.
Yay for your brother-in-law’s movie!
I’m off to bed, or at least to read in bed.
‘Night, all.
Great hosting today, SN!
good night. Get your beauty rest for Howard.
Thanks, kansas. I’m off to bed too. I don’t know if it’s from all the birthday cake or the plywood fumes, but I’m real sleeeeeeepy.
Carry on.
I’m going to wait up to see if they cover Gore’s speech on my local news. Award show over — back to reality.
Don’t hold your breath. It’s not like he’s blonde and missing.
I just spit a mouthful of water — LOL.
We’re 15 minutes into the news and they still haven’t covered it.
had some excerpts from Al’s speech tonight during his interview with James Risen, who broke the spying on Americans story, wrote State of War; The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration.
Al was just awesome I thought. When he says,”Storm the Bastille” I’ll be out the door.
Wait… I think he did say something like that…
Tomorrow I’ll call my Senators and my lone Rep and see whether they’re for democracy or against it.
If you missed the speech there’s audio and video avail on C-Span
and the text is posted at Raw Story.
NDD, the 1/4 horse is very bizarre…:{)
For further amusement check out OBL’s latest video…cartoon out-takes.
ackk! I’ve already got a PhD in that.
However, looks like a few interesting surfing trails, for when I decide to take a sabbatical from FBC
My IE has suddenly lost the ability to connect to video links. I was trying to show Puget4 Gore’s speech but clicking on the C-SPAN video clip link–or any of theirs–I instantly get the
The page cannot be displayed
Puget4’s can get the link but it’d be a pain to run our audio cable over to hear machine so we can both hear. I’d sort of like to be able to see web videos ever again. Any ideas where to start?
try going through google to access the link… one of my computers refuses what I type into the address line, but going through google works fine… I’m suspicious some sort of spy ware has screwed things up…
and got the same message. A great sign I’d say if they’re swamped and can’t deal with all the requests. Not so great a sign if they’ve been sabotaged…
Have you tried the trouble shooting link on c-span?…it’s below the player icons, mid page. I’m mac w/ safari and I have to use the WMP player for mac to view them…so can’t help w/ IE.
Good Luck, it’s a real “stemwinder” of a speech.
I’ve just upgraded to the recommended Realplayer 10 so naturally it wasn’t configured to work.
We’re watching & listening now.
I’m getting error messages accessing CSPAN’s links on both IE and Firefox.
Good Morning!!
I’m jealous of you and kansas today. Kewl kids, as Andi would say.
Does it help that we have to leave our houses in about 15 minutes? (and you know me — I’m still in my pajamas, YIKES!)
Get dressed! Have fun!
I’m sure I’m too late for this but just in case (and for you too, SN). Come back and tell us all about your day with Dean.
I’ll tell you about it when I get back to night (my just 4 today pledge is to stay focused at work today).
I just realized that the dress I’m wearing practically hits the floor. So, I can wear my comfortable shoes. No one is going to see them barely peaking out under my dress.
(Whew!) Now for the makeup (I want to get a photo of me with H. Dean — And I don’t want to look like a convict)
I like Howard too. But makeup? Next you’re going to tell us you shaved your legs.
in winter!?! Never!
It’s not for Howard, silly! It’s for the photograph!
Hmmm… At first glance, I thought the steam was elephant trunks sipping the coffee. I wonder what that means? ๐
It means you need coffee.
well, the Rs do seem to be a tad “steamed” up today… for some reason…
Hello Tribbers! Hope you guys are doing well.
Hey deano, how’s Boston?
Pretty good thanks, just had a test for a night class I’m taking. How are you?