Can we drop Monday from the weekly cycle?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Iran’s government banned CNN journalists from working in the country after a “translation error” broadcast by CNN mistakenly quoted Iran’s president as saying his nation has the right to build nuclear weapons, the state-run news agency said.
≈ Cross-posted from my diary —
NYT & Patrick Lang Beating the War Drums ¶ Exacerbates Fear of Iran ≈
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
they deserve it.
Now if we could just get them banned here we’d be accomplishing something.
F*ckin’-a right.
If you’ve got time tonight I’d recommend reading Fallows Atlantic article Will Iran Be Next?, Dec. 04. They have made the entire article available online. Conclusion:
7 days in a row makes one weak. I vote for the Mondayless week.
By the way, I wanted to support your comments in another thread about seeking the stronger Democrat candidates as opposed to voice by no-vote or disorganization,….so far, anyway. I come down hard on the Dem party but it’s only as an attempt to help bring about some positive change.
Another thought…as I seek out opposing opinions I generally surf many conservative sites. It’s amazing the amount of moderate Rep/Cons that are against Alito’s confirmation. The Dems could gain some respect with a positive action or at least an attempt.
I was wondering about moderate Reps/Cons/Libertarians – I figured they must also be heartsick.
Three questions:
Do they have petitions going?
And can you provide some links?
Do you see anyway we could work with them?
Yea, I know how it sounds, but it’s true. Some cartoonist could have a field day with it.
Retired USAF Lt. Colonel Charles D. Brown is running as a Democratic against Delay buddy John Doolittle California’s 4th congressional district, a very conservative republican stronghold (near 50%). He’s been a proud participant in every military engangement from Vietnam through Desert Storm & has a son serving a thrid rotation in Iraq today.
He’s also an Attacking Doolittle, one of Newt Gingrich’s original gang of six, and the republicans for having broken their ‘Contract with America’ through rampant corruption, not accepting term limits, voting for massive deficits and accepting banned political favors, this ex-republican is pitching his campaign towards moderate republicans, democrats & independents in the area.
He recently appeared in Sacramento with Cindy Sheehan at an Out of Iraq event & is a Sierra club member. Not the kind of politician I’d get excited about necessarily, but he seems like a decent guy & could well give a Hackett like challenge here with some chance of success. These aren’t normal times.
It’s an important race.
Brown for COngress
what races like this are showing is a movement of the center. Some people are down on ‘fighting dems’ and are mistrustful of former intelligence officers runnings as Dems. That’s valid.
But it is symptomatic of a seismic shift in the center. What is has the potential to do is begin pulling a new generation of Rockefeller/Eisenhower republicans into the Democratic fold.
These people are still going to be more anti-labor and more pro-empire than most of us really want, but we should not push them away.
This fight is too big to get overly picky about who our allies are. The battlefield has shifted.
We should welcome people like Charles Brown in districts that are considered bright red, but we should not turn to them in purple districts when we have more progressive candidates.
how your affiliate programs are working — apparently the frog baker is on backorder, but I got my minifrog today:
And got the book I ordered from Alibris about a week earlier than they quoted — quite awesome. 🙂
Hey you. Where’d you get that cute lil froggy? I don’t see him on the ads… I’ve had my eye on that frog baker now for about two weeks or so. I think I may just have to get it. 🙂
it’s available on the Sur La Table link; you can order it to go along with the frog baker (which I think will be just the right size for the chicken-rice casserole recipe I discovered in some old files from my Weight Watchers days…).
Yes, he’s a very cute froggy — he’s sitting on top of the bookcase till I find a permanent location…
Cool! Thank you Cali!
Report, please! As soon as you get your frog baker, cook up something yummy and let us know how it is.
If you kick Monday out of the week, Tuesday just becomes the new Monday.
See, it’s not so much that it’s Monday per se, it’s that it follows a weekend. So, the only way to fix this particular situation is to abolish working.
And if Mondays are getting you down, may I recommend Manic Mondays, a podcast dedicated to making your week suck just a little bit less. Don’t expect me to try to describe it. Just fire up your podcast client and o give it a listen. You’ll be glad you did. (No, I don’t make money off of this, I just happen to think that the guy who does this is incredibly talented and clever, even if his chosen medium is rap, a genre I normally dislike. I’m sure I’d get more of his jokes if I knew more about the urban music scene.)
the real problem is that Mondays are that much bleaker without the Sunday Griot…hope the load lightens soon, my friend.
(And spouse and I plan to be in Seattle for a few days come June…)
Yeah, I hope to do at least a couple of one-shots sometime soon. Without getting into too many details, I don’t have as much time on Sunday mornings to put it all together as I used to. I’m hoping to figure out a different schedule that will allow me to resume, but the Sunday stuff has impacted my Saturdays as well.
Just like Emily Latella said, it’s always somethin’.
for a twice a month schedule…trouble is, your stories got us all spoiled rotten…(then again, I was already a spoiled brat, so didn’t take much…)
Instead, why not just make it a 3rd weekend day?
Like in “The Godfather”: Tuesday,Thursday,Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday, Sunday.!? Works for me!
A schoolyard shooter offered that as a reason for her shooting at kids, and inspired this song:
The silicon chip inside her head
gets switched to overload
and nobody’s gonna go to school today
she’s gonna make them stay at home
And Daddy doesn’t understand it
He always said she was good as gold
And he can see no reason
Cos there are no reasons
What reasons do you need to be shown
Tell me why
I don’t like Mondays
I want to shoot
The whole day down
The telex machine is kept so clean
and it types to a waiting world.
And Mother feels so shocked
Father’s world is rocked
And their thoughts turn to
Their own little girl
Sweet 16 ain’t that peachy keen
No it ain’t so neat to admit defeat,
They can see no reasons
Cos there are no reasons
What reasons do you need
Repeat Chorus
All the playing’s stopped in the playground now
She wants to play with her toys awhile
And school’s out early and soon we’ll be learning
That the lesson today is how to die
And then the bullhorn crackles
And the captain tackles
With the problems and the how’s and why’s
And he can see no reasons
Cos there are no reasons
What reasons do you need to die
And the silicon chip inside her head
gets switched to overload
and nobody’s gonna go to school today
she’s gonna make them stay at home
And Daddy doesn’t understand it
He always said she was good as gold
And he can see no reason
Cos there are no reasons
What reasons do you need to be shown
Repeat Chorus
lyrics and music by Bob Geldof
taken from the album “The Fine Art of Surfacing”
Chad in Seattle just posted a diary here.
I just spent a fortune linking to Powells from here so that I could buy the books for our next 7 months of book group. I hope you get a percentage of the take, and not just once for the link.
In case anyone’s interested, this month we’re reading Ken Wilber’s “No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth.” Its incredibly powerful, but I don’t think I’ve absorbed it all yet.
Then, here are our selections for the next seven months:
“Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of Mass Media” by Herman and Chomsky
“The Curious Incident of the Dog in Nightime” by Haddon
“The Chalice and the Blade” by Eisler
“The Good Earth” by Buck
“The Feminine Mystique” by Friedan
“The Fugitive Wife” by Brown (the author is a friend of some book group members and he will join us for the discussion)
“Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life” by Hollis
I just love the variety of what we choose to read!
The sales haven’t shown up yet (we only see titles), but that’s often true … it can take up to a day for them to show up.
does it take for iTunes Music Store sales to show up? I just bought a shitload of Celtic Women, my new passion…
A book group I belong to recently read, The Curious Incident of the Dog… with some of us also reading, Thinking in Pictures: And Other Reports from My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin.
The discussion ranged from the fiction to the factual. Grandin’s first chapters were worth reading to get a better understanding of the variety of forms autism can take.
If you live in the NY city area AND you think there are some serious political problems that need to be tackled than this may be for you!
Monday, like Sunday, was bitter cold, with howling winds. Every time I went out, to dog walk or whatever, I had to struggle into what seemed like full Arctic survival gear.
But I got even. I’m still in my jammies. Nothing like wallowing around the house all of a cold winter’s day wrapped up in nice, warm flannel.