Ben Nelson just pooped all over the Democrats’ success in stalling the Alito vote for a week by choosing to announce TODAY — just like the whole wide world was waiting for him to let us know — that he’ll vote for Alito’s confirmation.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Ben Nelson of Nebraska on Tuesday became the first Senate Democrat to announce his support of conservative Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, who is expected to be confirmed later this month by the full Republican-led Senate. […]

“I came to this decision after careful consideration of his impeccable judicial credentials, the American Bar Association’s strong recommendation and his pledge that he would not bring a political agenda to the court,” Nelson said.

Thanks, Ben. We were ALL waiting anxiously to hear your opinions, especially today. Oh, and you’re the first! BEN NELSON: Today’s party pooper-on-er of the day (or something like that). And Alito’s pledge … oh yeah … that sealed the deal for me too, Ben! You can believe those guys when they say that stuff. (Dumb ass.)