Ben Nelson just pooped all over the Democrats’ success in stalling the Alito vote for a week by choosing to announce TODAY — just like the whole wide world was waiting for him to let us know — that he’ll vote for Alito’s confirmation.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Ben Nelson of Nebraska on Tuesday became the first Senate Democrat to announce his support of conservative Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, who is expected to be confirmed later this month by the full Republican-led Senate. […]
“I came to this decision after careful consideration of his impeccable judicial credentials, the American Bar Association’s strong recommendation and his pledge that he would not bring a political agenda to the court,” Nelson said.
Thanks, Ben. We were ALL waiting anxiously to hear your opinions, especially today. Oh, and you’re the first! BEN NELSON: Today’s party pooper-on-er of the day (or something like that). And Alito’s pledge … oh yeah … that sealed the deal for me too, Ben! You can believe those guys when they say that stuff. (Dumb ass.)
Next up, Mark Pryor of Nebraska. Even Landrieu might vote for him.
And, I wouldn’t be surprised if Biden made a self-serving strategic decision to confirm him also.
Some of these people are predictable, but why do they have to break into the news cycle and spoil the tiny victory we got by delaying the vote a week?
They’re glory hounds, looking for prominence for themselves in the news cycle. Anything they can do to get more media “face time” they deem as good for their careers.
I’d be willing to bet we’ll have an announcement from Pryor by the end of the week declaring his support for Alito too.
Small,ambitious, self absorbed and second-rate minds hungry for power and influence. Always a bad combination.
IMO, they are just trying to appease people altough they will cave again!
At least we have the premiere of “Love Monkey” to look forward to tonight at 10pm on CBS.
Thank goodness, it I can make it til ten. Jeez…
What is the point of having a caucus when its members refuse to wait to see what their fellow members have to say?
While it’s totally expected, I hope Nelson receives some fire from Reid. If I’m not mistaken, he asked all Senators to refrain from giving the media their vote decision until after the caucus gathered. So much for that…
Let them know where you stand: if Repug, tell them “No” to Alito; if Democrat: FILIBUSTER!
John Edwards has endorsed this petition for FILIBUSTER!
Phone, fax, and email addresses for the Judiciary Committee.
People for the American Way has collected over 60,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours:Save the Court Petition
Move’s Stop Alito petition
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it, please sign: Planned Parenthood Petition
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
Urge Congress to support Plan B
National Coalition for Disability Rights
Brady Campaign
Human Rights Campaign
National Abortion Federation
National Council of Jewish Women
National Family Planning and Reproductive Health Association
National Organization for Women
National Partnership for Women and Families
National Women’s Law Center
Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice
US Action
Cheer up. Alito can be CAPped. The fat, fat lady has yet to sing. And, we’re still riding the news cycle. It’s Gore v. Bush, Round 1V.
Read Gore’s statement, released late afternoon, in response to Bush’s Scottie smearing his speech that he exihibited ‘hypocrisy’ in calling for a Special Prosecutor. (via Atrios/rawstory)
Does a heart good.
Asshole indeed. They are all fuckers and we need them OUT!
You got that right! I have had it w/the dems. All they do is sting everyone along, then cave to the repubs. Do they actually believe that anyone will fall for this stalling tactic? Jesus Christ, wtf is next?
Ben ought to get together with Lieberman. Birds of a feather.
How sad that Ben Nelson will not follow a simple request from his party leader to wait until AFTER tomorrows caucus.
Looks like I have to call Schumer’s office again, and “rant” about why Ben Nelson should not receive a dime of DSCC funds for his campaign this year.
what a worthless party are the dems …
over 80% of the country supports, IF you ask the question the right way, NO dobsons on bedrooms, Reliable and affordable and accessable health care, education, retirement, retraining, roads, food …
=> we ARE a progressive country as long as you call it moderate
=> WHY are spending any bandwidth on worthless sacks of shit like this ?????????
cuz there ain’t any other fucking leaders but … howard a few others?
Shit, if anything, we are the ones who are leading, only those idiots in Congress are too stupid to realize it. Seriously, we are the real media too. I just had a real scary thought: wtf shape would this country be in if it weren’t for people like us?
And once again, we see how voting for the Republican lite Democratic candidate will serve our interests.
Oh, wait… It won’t? Huh. Maybe we shouldn’t vote for them, then!
People like Nelson will never be affected by any supreme decision, so it is not important for them who is on the court. At the end of the day all people like Nelson care about is themself.