Al Gore really told them what for…
For sure the Repubs are now sore!
So they’ll set out to impugn,
Funded by Sun Myung Moon;
Troubadours with lickspittle spoor…
six more after the fold!
John Ashcroft, a blast from the past…
His legal usurping quite vast.
But just today the Supremes,
Smacked the “Culture of Life” memes;
Now dignified death’s not harassed…
`Twas scut work for the FBI guys,
Tracking fruit from Bush/NSA lies.
Though they uncovered no plot,
It just may help them a lot,
In dismissing the bribe alibis…
It now seems that George Bush has been sued,
O’er your rights that his thugs have eschewed,
Once in Detroit would be nice,
Ah, but New York makes it twice!
Make popcorn while it all comes unglued…
The Republicans want ethics? What fun!
They now stand blind in the light they once shunned…
Clumsily giving back bribes,
From the Jack Abramoff tribes,
Does this amend the misdeeds they have done?
Beware of the “Trade Center Cough”,
You heroes that Bush will cast off…
An unending disaster,
The inhaling of plaster,
With health care a drained, bitter quaff…
Captain Kirk’s sold his old kidney stone…
Now just why’s this poor taste been condoned?
Seems Shatner wants to espouse,
Habitat’s building a house,
What next… maybe some ashes from Bones?
An art form some choose to ignore
While others will further explore
With a price on his head
Jack’s now worthless instead
Cause his lobby has no exit door.
…almost forgot, here, have a four.
Appropos to nothing:
There was a blogger named Bood,
His limericks, they were quite rude.
Then one fine day,
the NSA came his way.
Now Bood has become unglued.
In observance of poor agent Mike,
Whose work hours did recently spike.
Seems his surveillance of Bood,
Filled him with new attitude,
To help topple the evil Bush Reich…
There was a blogger named Bood,
His limericks, they were quite rude.
Then one fine day,
the NSA came his way.
Now Bood has become unglued.
When the rude nsa tapped the bood
Finding bood’s a belligerent mood
Spy to spy said “Oh my!”
If we’re caught I’ll deny
But you gotta hear this attitude.
I’m hiding under my bed
a pillow wrapped ’round my head
afraid of my connection to Dood
or maybe it is Bood
Cuz “Come out now!” the NSA must have said.