Update [2006-1-20 5:30AM PST by Oui]:

I’m blushing now!

Thank you for all kind words and expressions of confidence.
The criticism added by some will be taken at heart.
It’s when a community reaches out and shows a close knit that warmth spreads.
(((hugs))) to all!

I don’t accept a smear of my integrity, it’s become very personal and I repeat: “I take great offense to this bullshit on BooMan Tribune and European Tribune”. If you have no judgement of character after some 200 written diaries and thousands of comments, there is no place for someone attacking my character and sticking by it.

Accusation by MarekNYC: Oui is

“Completely unreliable as a source on anything dealing with Israel, Jews, Zionism, or antisemitism.”

My problem with Oui (3.00 / 4)

Over on Booman Tribune Oui posted a diary attacking Pat Lang’s piece on Iran and the Holocaust conference. He then added a comment with multiple links attacking Israel from a site entitled Revisionist History with the question added on ‘Is this antisemitism.’ Well gee, if the name of the site didn’t clue him in then perhaps a glance at some of the stuff there would have –

Just two weeks ago Oui linked to this crap and when I objected said that some people might object to the anti-Zionism [sic] and said that he saw it as just another ‘Jewish point of view.’

Eventually he apologized but now he’s done it again. At the very least Oui is clearly incapable of distinguishing between honest criticism of Israel and that motivated by racism. Or he doesn’t have any problem with racism, or he is a racist himself. I don’t know which it is.

What I do know is that I find it highly objectionable to have white supremacist sites linked to as reliable sources and that even if he is simply unable to recognize the difference between racism and criticism, he is completely unreliable as a source on anything dealing with Israel, Jews, Zionism, or antisemitism.  It also happens to make him a perfect poster child for the canard that criticism of Israel equals antisemitism or that those who criticize it are either indifferent to antisemitism or racists themselves.

by MarekNYC on Tue Jan 17th, 2006 at 04:20:11 PM PDT

Just a bit below the fold …
Manipulation of the facts to smear me because:

  1. The diary I wrote was a rebuttal to a diary by Pat Lang on Iran. I made an objection to the generalizations for the Islamic World and Arab nations, which leads to a demonization of a large population. The holocaust discussion was a diversion by MarekNYC’s comments. A nice hijack of the discussion intended for my diary.
  2. MarekNYC’s objection was for links I used in a comment. The intent of the comment was clear and I did not need the support of linked articles to make a statement. It’s a normal practise of mine to add a number of links to articles I find through google or yahoo.
  3. The pages MarekNYC has astutely presented ARE NOT the pages of my links. I was unaware of the extended pages on the site and through the first hit combined several articles on assassinations led by the Israeli government and the Mossad agency, the topic of my comment. See the version of the same content but with the links prepared from other sources in diary published a day later at European Tribune, the content was my focus.
  4. The “this crap” link was removed from a diary a few weeks ago, I apologized and the apology was accepted. The vengeance apparently was not settled. So I get a renewed punishment.
  5. The fact that I am not aware of a Hoffman or ever heard of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be to my credit, as I have never bothered in the past with any anti-semite propaganda.  

See the original links in my comment where MarekNYC searched the site for complete different pages.

Result of this bullshit is a smear of my character, which will last for months within a small community we’re blogging. I do understand the hesitation of Soj to even speak out on the topic relating to Israel in Pat Lang’s diary.

As I don’t intend to be chased away from BooMan’s Place by some nitwit, I do find it more than annoying that such a smear is left without a sanction or warning. Persons have been reprimanded for less!

I sincerely appreciate the support of many here at BooMan”s Place and the specific comment from BooMan personally.

Previous diary of mine on the same topic ::

NYT & Patrick Lang Beating the War Drums ¶ Exacerbates Fear of Iran


There you have another example of Oui, the racist and anti-semite!

Israel Democracy Day ¶ Keep A Date June 17
by Oui
Wed Jun 15th, 2005 at 03:24:22 AM PST

Courage to Refuse

"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence. Everywhere I look I see women being mistreated and their oppression justified in the name of religion."