Sun’s Down. Must Be Happy Hour!

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Drinks Both Hot & Cold
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
What a gorgeous photo, froggy. And thanks for the BooBooks reminder.
Hey, why are the silos leaning? At least they are leaning to the left.
We all know the photographer leans to the left. π
You wanna hear some irony? I posted a diary last night wherein I said that Shumer’s hypocrisy at the Alito hearings made me nauseous. Hopefully, you all understand the reference.
Today, Bob Casey Jr. bought a premium ad.
Drinking liberally obviously is good for business.
maybe so, but it sure is hard to see how me having a drink with Chuck Pennacchio and bashing Schumer is leading to $$ from Casey.
I think it’s hilarious.
I thought so.
of trying to buy love — especially when you can’t give it away?
Let’s brainstorm about who else we need to send you drinking with. If you’re so good at getting ads through drinking, the site might be able to work a travel budget in there for you.
Need a tall glass right now anyway …
I’m bushwacked replying to recent antagonistic comments!
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence. Everywhere I look I see women being mistreated and their oppression justified in the name of religion.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Please don’t let them drive you to drink!
I feel a need to buy IndyLib a drink (are you here?) since we’ve been having an earnest discussion that has exhausted me. Time for lightness and silly chat!
I’ll have a Bass ale please and thanks, maryb2004. Class act, you are, for a lawyer. ;p
(I KID! I have a tremensous respect for your profession, actually; I know how hard it can be, and the most honest guy I ever knew was a lawyer, so I’m not an anti-lawyerite. /semi-obscure Seinfeld reference)
If I had a clue how to do pictures (no comments Andi) I would serve one up for you. But if someone else will serve it — put it on my tab.
You know, I’m not a REAL lawyer. REAL lawyers go to court and I hope to god I never have to go to court. That means I’ve screwed up somebody’s contract! I just went to lawschool because they wouldn’t let me do M&A in a law firm without a law degree. So don’t hold the profession against me. When I win the lottery I’m going to open a little book store that only sells books that I like and loses lots of money.
Did you swipe my business plan?
Selling only books I like…with a reading space so people can relax…oh yeah – I guess I should sell some also!
Great minds and all that – we’ll do wonderful losing money and reading good books!
In 1979 I had this idea of opening a bookstore with a cafe in it. Everyone thought I was out of my mind. And now … its mainstream.
I know where everything is around here. π
Funny you should say that about the bookstore, I am currently toying with the idea of starting up a small publishing house for queer fiction. I expect to lose my ass, if I wind up doing it, but my only hope is that I can make enough to stop worrying about living on SSDI.
Benefits of lesbianism #597250: We can make it any size we want it. ;p
“Creative Writhing” π
You have the keys to the liquor cabinet?
I don’t know anything about the practicalities of publishing but I’ve always thought it sounded rewarding. You get to seek out works that you like and try to get them out to the public (and hopefully make a living while you do it.) It seems like it would be easier to start up a small house now in this computerized age than it was before, but then as I said, I don’t know much about the practicalities of it.
I know next to nothing about it. But I know good writing and I know what I like. I’m going to spend a few months later this year doing deep research and seeing if I can develop a workable business plan, take it from there. It would be a dream job for me, if I could make it work.
I think you might be surprised at how much is out there already… is my friend!
The nice thing about people that read – we read just about everything. Go to the partner link…type in “gay lesbian fiction” – they have 2,674 books available…some may be duplicate titles but that’s a pretty good bunch!
Let us know who you publish and of course we’ll buy!
I’m very familiar with what’s on the market, actually — I just don’t know much about how it works from the inside. The drive to start my own house is because imo the queer publishers themselves (of which there are only a handful) are under-serving a particular segment of the community. If I can fill that niche, it might work to serve the market as well as me personally.
Thanks for the support & encouragement! π
You might want to visit Nicola Griffith’s website. Besides her novels (which are fantastic), she has done several queer fiction anthologies (e.g., Bending the landscape: Science Fiction). The website has a place you can ask her questions and you might be able to get a conversation going.
Thanks, Andi, I’ll check it out. I’m still not really ready to engage people in conversations yet because I’m too ignorant to have formulated good questions. But I’m keeping a list of bookmarks for resource gathering to delve into after I finish getting across the country.
I’ll be back later. I’m having dinner with a friend who actually is in the publishing business — so I’ll pick her brain. She’s an atheist who is an editor of for a Catholic publishing group, which I find hysterically funny (as does she).
Hey, thanks. And have fun!
Can I join you? I have to head down to school for a meeting in a bit, and I don’t feel like going…maybe that would improve my attitude?
well, you chugged that one. feeling better?
Sunset isn’t for a couple hours yet here on the left coast….
Busy, busy, busy…time for a cup of afternoon coffee!
Eat4Today – I didn’t get to post the last couple of days but our ‘walk for wellness’ group is scheduled for at least 20 minutes 3 lunch times a week. I’m getting a pedometer and we are going to check the distance of this building including up and down one flight of stairs in case of rain. It felt really good to walk briskly for 20 minutes with friendly co-workers!
My fugly mugly broke the old cafe. I knew it! LOL
Tomorrow’s my regular hosting day, and I will be able to post the first one in the morning, but I just found out I have to go out of town to a meeting after that. Could froggybottom please watch out for over-crowding and launch new cafes as needed until I get back?
Thanks in advance!
meeting Dunkie?
Like I”m going to tell you!
Why don’t you open the cafe as froggybottom then so we can close it if we need to.
You are very smart. That’s what I’ll do.
The snow we had was one where the snow sticks to everything, so that everywhere I looked there was another pretty picture to take.
Was it one of those heavy snows that brings down tree branches? I love hearing snow fall off of tree limbs and branches cracking from the weight (as long as I’m not under them like Mrs. Boran2). But heavy wet snow really gets in the dogs paws.
It was that kind of snow but it was only four inches so it didn’t really weigh things down but we’ve had plenty of those in years we’ve lived out here. One 15 inch wet heavy snow brought down so much stuff that it took six hours to cut our way out of our 1000 ft. driveway with a chainsaw.
The worst is ice storms. We get a lot of those. The thing is — they are beautiful. They coat everything in a shimmering glaze and it’s magical — until all the tree branches start falling on the power lines and you have no electricity.
That happened to us in December of 03. All night long you could hear tree limbs snapping off and they sounded like shotguns going off. Then there were the transformers blowing and you could see the flashes for miles. We lost electricity and didn’t get it back for 8 days! What a pain in the ass! At one point we had to park our car on the front lawn and aim the highbeams into the living room window so we could see our way around to pack a few things for our escape.
I think that’s a fucken brilliant idea and one whose time has come so to speak…Can we start thinking of names for this endeavor?
“Creative Writhing”? π
ha..that’s a good start and I have absolutely zero ideas.
That would be a great label for the erotica department or an erotica anthology, lol.
“Tease R Us” π
I hope I can make enough money to hire you, witty girl.
but untill you become a zillionairre… I’ll work pro-boner for ya π
I think my one of my favorite erotica books is titled “The Good Parts”
Thanks, Chocolate Ink. There are a few queer publishing houses around, but just one or two long-termers I think. A lot of the upstarts struggle hard and then fold within a couple of years, but that’s also true for small publishing houses in general, so I don’t know how much of it is just about the nature of the industry itself and/or the lack of business talents on behalf of the owner-operators.
I just had this idea like a week or so ago, so I’m still rolling it around in my mouth, trying to gauge how much I like the taste of it. I know it will be an outrageous amount of work. But you know better than most how damn scary it is to face the prospect of your whole life on SSDI, so I think some it’s worth risking some of the capital I have in the bank while I still have it on something I believe in. Like I said upthread, I plan to spend several months later this year in a serious attempt to develop a detailed business plan to see how much of a chance this thing might have to get off the ground.
But all you guys offering your support and encouragement is so very cool, I can’t thank you all enough. π
Best American Erotica, edited by Susie Bright. The Best American Erotica
I’ve read her books… oddly most of the “American” writers are actually Canadian.
But.. I’m a fuhreak for short stories/compilations. She always has something for everyone.
Even a story from Chuck Pu… the dude who wrote Fight Club.
I’ll wait to submit mine to you π
in my short life… I’ve found never be surprised about who reads erotica and be even less surprised at who writes it π
I just started dabbling in erotica writing myself. I mean, I always wrote sexy stuff in my novels, it just wasn’t the main theme of the work. Writing sex just for the sake of making it hot is a lot harder than it looks, lol. Given my background interests in philosophy and consciousness phenomenology stuff, what I wound up with was sort-of…intelliporn.
“intelliporn” – oh my that sounds too good to be true!
Intelligence and sex at the same time – I want some of that!
lol, me too! That’s where the urge to write it came from. I’d read a couple of erotica anthologies recently and there was nothing that spoke to the brainiacs/geeks, so I wrote it. π It shocked me, really, that it wasn’t in the lesbian erotica anthologies already — there are a lot of lesbian geeks.
Whoops… I was just scrolling through, and look what catches my eye! I’m so bad… π
You just need to be sure that at some point in the fascinating and erudite philosophical discussion, you have one character who says “You know there is more than one way to use that tongue.”
Heh, smarmy!
There is actually not much dialogue in it. It’s narrative-heavy, yeah, but it’s light on dialogue. I didn’t even give my characters names. Who needs names?
Just think of the verbal exchange of ways to use that tongue – could be some “hot” writing!
Is it warm in here?
hot enough to toast a falafel
I ever start a blog, I’ll have to get up the cojones to publish my one/only attempt at erotica.
The story is called “Made To Order”, and it’s about a housewife who gets a job selling custom-fitted…er, dildos. (Or is it “dildoes”? I’m having a Dan Quayle moment…) It actually got published online many many moons ago, in the monthly newsletter of the ERWA (Erotica Readers and Writers Association). It’s humorous erotica, which is what I tend to enjoy.
I think you ladies (and some of the more twisted gentlemen) would enjoy it… π
This just sounds like such a cool idea. I know that anything though to do with publishing-books/magazines, whatever is always an iffy deal. If you want to make a statement for a name how bout ‘Queer Ink.’…
I hadn’t seen what you posted up thread before I posted my whole name Indy’s business…so didn’t mean it as trying to get you to talk about this until you’re ready or not if it doesn’t pan out.
I like that! Even better that it would always make me think of you. π
I did a quick google of that and it shows up a few places. Best one was a tattoo parlor. No publishers, though.
You mean you don’t already? I know when I ended up with my ‘chocolate ink’ name that’s pretty much how I came up with it-I adore chocolate and ink reminds me of books/reading which can be devoured also and it just seemed rather descriptive of me.
IL, that sounds so great! I’ve been wanting to start a sex blog myself, for months, but I can’t figure out Moveable Type… If there’s any other type of blog platform like that, I’d love to hear about it! Thankfully, I found a job to do in the interim.
Good luck to you! Go for it, I say! π
Thanks sherm. My general plan for it is more literature oriented, but if my market research turns up the fact that the money’s to be found in selling sex, then I’m not opposed to becoming a purveyor of porn. π
Congrats on the job!
You got it. I’d link to ya! π I’d just be talking more of personal experiences and realizations and such. I’ve got several now like that that I check out. I’d do it anonymously, definitely, but would share the link with a few specific folks. It wouldn’t be something I’d want to necessarily link up with my ‘political’ self per se…
When I was unemployed, I spent about three days engrossed in this one sub’s blog… Tee-hee. How fun and enlightening. π
Oh my thing will be print industry, paper & ink. Old skool. π
But if you get yours online, I hope you’d consider emailing me the link. I’ll be mindful of your privacy, and I’d be interested to read your stuff. Good work is hard to come by.
I’d of course email you the link, if you’d like. It’s still a few months away, I think, but I’d love to get it up and running. In addition to sex, I’d be talking about relationship dynamics and such… I’ve got a lot in my mind that I can’t wait to get out, but it’ll still be awhile, unfortunately. Email me if you like… I love to talk! π
Actually, I have the domain name already. Of course, I thought of a better one about three minutes after I registered the first one, but it will do. Like I have the time to do that, but it’s a fun topic, so I think I could fit it in. π
who aren’t dealing with nasty schmast haircuts from hell!
Kids are home, homework is done and I can maybe take a 3 minute shower and see if I can AGAIN make this hair thang work LOL
Ciao for Niao!
Thanks for the daily dose of smiles, courage and kick in the ass. π
Have a good night with the kids. And just think of the haircut as a radical splitendectomy and the next couple weeks as the recovery period.
I managed to wash out whatever gunk she put in it and it’s not “all over the place” as much. I have to wear it totally flattened down though to make it look half-assed though.
FYI… I can do a trick π
I can totally take off my jeans WITHOUT unbuttoning and unzipping them π It’s like two sizes off!
I love three flights of stairs~
I have decided to give myself a break for a couple of days and I have no papers to grade. That will last until tomorrow when two of my classes have a quiz, but that’s not so bad.
Just for conversation..but has anyone ever eaten “frog legs”?
Not I.
I was a child of Sesame Street which was basically “hosted” by Kermit the Frog. Who then went on to “The Muppets Show” which then went on to “The Muppet Movie”. π
I’ve eaten numerous other things though. Octopi soup, even.
Me neither. But I recently discovered that I love sushi! DJ, weren’t you going to bed or something? π
I said I was jumping in the shower for a bit. π Awaiting the Mr to show so we can order out.
I love sushi, too, Sherm! π
Not sure of my justification for not eating froglegs though. I mean, I grew up with Big Bird… but I still eat chicken. Miss Piggy, I LOVE bacon.
I dunno. I’m conflicted now. π
It took me 19 years to consent to try escargot, so frog entree is probably not happening any time soon. π
They taste kind of like fish-dipped chicken.
Fried alligator, on the other hand, is delicious, and I wish I had a big plateful of it right now. With hot sauce.
fish-dipped chicken.
Okay, let me just say: Eeeewwwww.
except.. slugs, endangered species, sharks, whales… animals that can fly… cats dogs…
I had a date with a jerk. He thought it was such a big daddy by not telling me what I was eating. Big. Mistake. I thought the “onion rings” had been in fish oil.
Ruined my first taste of squid for me.
No more not knowing or being told “we’ll etll you later”.
Turns out I LOVE CALAMARI! Especially in beer batter with chilies and garlic.
Had a boss from Nippon who would bring me in all sorts of fancies to try out. I don’t know who loved it more. Me. Or him. He said he’d met very few Americans who had a bold stomach. π He never tried to gross me out.. he just loved sharing authentic Japanese cuisine. But he always told me beforehand.
after chewing your onion ring for twenty minutes with no perceptible results?
I was trying to be oh so polite about it, too. A date.
He had said they were onion rings… I was a stupid 17 year old girl. Plus it’s a place where I doubt they knew how to cook anything other than frozen french fries.
But I learned a valuable lesson… always know whats going into your mouth π And order your own damn meals.
I have had some really great fried calamari that isn’t rubbery. Even state-side.
Greatest new food time for me was overseas and two American DJs and I (the airline I worked for had helped with the bringing over Thai Chefs for a food festival) but I sat between these two crazy DJs eating HOT and NEW food. They were daring each other while watching me as I was eating and learning from some of the top food critics. π
But I’m not above eating some octopussies:
The bright red bits.
Spent 4 months in South Carolina and Georgia when I was in the Army many years ago….had to try all the southern treats.
Frogs legs, crawdads, southern bbq and sweet tea….
Frog legs – it’s all in the sauce…tasty with bbq sauce – like buffalo wings…at least my recollection. Can’t stand sweet tea…too much sweet.
Alright, it’s 5 minutes ’til
Lost comes on, so I’ll see all you perverts on the flip side. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.
I fell asleep right before it started. So mister set the tape machine and we’re watching Celebrity Skaters until Lost is over so we can watch it from the beginning. At least I hope that’s what we’re doing!
“grind”! π Night darling!
Good Evening everyone. Why am I falling asleep after work this week? I’m losing valuable Cafe time!
But your gaining all that dream time. I hope you are putting it to good use.
I’d rather not dream, thanks anyway. What I like is that Sprint “I’m sticking it too the man” commercial. It makes me laugh and laugh. Those two guys are great together.
I don’t watch enough tv to know many commercials. I don’t recognize that one.
BTW, I’ve opened a new cafe if you’re planning on hanging out for awhile.
I’m there! I was waiting with words in clipboard for that very instant!
Hi, just on for a sec at my daughters house….still do not have internet at home, was supposed to be today but of course everything went wrong including my computer went fitz and had to bring in a replacement, now the ethernet adapter does not work on it and I may have no hair soon if things keep going this way.
I hope someday to be back on the internet….sigh….it’s getting really hard.
Hope to talk to you all soon.
Glad to see you pop into the cafe. Don’t worry, you’ll get everything settled soon. We’ll pitch in for a wig if necessary. π
Glad you dropped by….big hugs and a fidget thingamabob so you’ll leave your hair alone!
We’ll still be here and VB when you get on line.
Let the cleaning staff clear the tables and come on over to the All Night Cafe.