What kind of stories do you want to see?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Bush Impeachment hearings…period, end of sentence.
Yep, I have to agree. That’s the main thing I’m looking for! And anything that advances public understanding about the evil nature of the current American government and its threat to completely destroy American democracy.
I could go for a few Bush=Antichrist articles too! <g>
I want to see that Cheney died of a heart attack when he walked in on George doing his wife in the Oval office, and then Laura walked in and shot both George and Condi.
How’s that?
An announcement from Specter that Impeachment hearings were commencing is ok too I suppose ;o)
I thought today was a really good day on the front page. You had 1 “traditional media” story, 2 Foreign Policy (Iraq) stories, 1 story/open thread on the SCOTUS case that came down today; and a couple of domestic stories (scalito and NSA). It was something for everyone.
And yesterday’s live blogging of the Gore speech was great. I appreciated it while I was at work and unable to participate.
I think people are really into the domestic stories right now, but its important to have the foreign stories front paged too — they way this administration acts, you have to cover all fronts.
I don’t know about everyone else, but I really, really want to get back to the good old days of the 90’s when I could let the country run itself and do my job and not feel like I have to be so vigilant.
Me too.
I just want my life back.
Not going to stop volunteering or paying attention, but it can’t keep up much longer like this.
When you could just sit around and figure out how to add to the GNP when it was the real GNP!
I want my life and your life back. But it isn’t coming back until we TAKE IT BACK.
I’m not yelling. I’m just saying.
Oh hell … you just want the Giants winning on your teevee, a full beer in your hand, and …. what else?
P.S. I’d like some dirty jokes around here once in a while!
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Soil who?
Soylent Green, that’s who…
How’s that? 🙂 Pretty lame huh?
It’s not dirty, it’s soily… soil, soil, soil…
Here’s one!
on the major TV networks.
The very first being the retelling of the first fundamental conceptual advance in the Constitutional system, which established and protected a democratic commons in the realm of information.
Can you repeat that using one syllable words?
Gooserock’s comments: Read them 2 or 3 times. I always do. But they’re always very good when I get it.
This one is denser than most – it refers back to other Gooserock comments such a this one.
It is disgraceful the way this important story has been ignored by this blog. I don’t believe I have seen one single picture of Joran and the Kalpoe brothers on the front page, and no one ever posts anything about how great Beth’s hair looks.
There are some other stories I would like to see, but to detail them would violate the Patriot Act.
I gave you a 4 … but it made me feel … dirty.
I’m rather ashamed to see from your post that you, too, have spent … HOURS … mindlessly enthralled by that crap.
I keep thinking…Arthur Gilroy is crazy, but he’s right. It may be necessary to completely withdraw from the heroin (and subliminal messages) of corporate TV before being able to think straight.
Even Al Gore said basically that yesterday.
He is increasingly impossible to have as background noise, too many nights one has a choice of Psychic Secrets of the Stars or the Natalee Holloway Show with your host Rita Cosby.
Fox is always too loud to have as background noise, even with the volume turned way down.
And I have to have one of them on, just in case somebody slips up and they cover some real breaking news.
That Sandra Day O’Connor rescinds her resignation until Jan 2009. Tells Alito to pack his CAP.
And as much other info on it as possible. Such as wtf is going to be done about it! We really need a single payer health care system in this country!
I would like to read more stories about modern day Daniel Ellsbergs and Mark Felts, about principled and forthright politicians standing up for principle even when doing so might put their electoral chances in jeopardy.
I’d like to read more stories about journalists in the corporate media who are organizing their reporting around the facts rather than around the kind of “he said he said” rhetorical cleverness so much of the media indulges in today.
Sadly, there’s precious little of this happening these days, and in those rare instances where a journalist does really write a great and informative and accurate piece on an important issue, we treat it almost as though it’s a miracle, when in fact such excellence should be the norm, rather than the exception. With politicians, the same thing. Someone who stands up for his beliefs is treated like a hero instead of as someone with basic integrity just doing their job.
This is a sign of how far we’ve fallen, when we regard as exceptional what should be the norm, when we are so hgungry for honor and integrity in our public officials and the press that we often celebrate imagined victories too soon, basing our optimism on one-off instances of accurate reporting or compelling speechifying which, in the current environment, all to soon lose their power to actually move the public discourse forward.
And, I’d like to see more open threads on the frontpage, spanning those long periods between diaries.
Sad to say, but I think you have to read the history books for that!
But not the history books they’re using in American high schools. <i<Lies My Teachers Told Me,</i> by James W. Loewen. (It’s the next BooBooks selection. If you’re interested, we’ll be discussing it on Sat., Feb. 11.)
day after my birthay!
Ditto to all of that.
I’d like to see stories about kinky sex, political patronage, kinky sex, criminal conspiracy, kinky sex, maniacal power grabs and kinky sex. Basically, more exposes of the Republican party.
I don’t think there’s a lot of kinky sex going on with the Repubs. In fact, it may be the lack of sex that makes them so angry, aggressive and irrational.
My ex-hubby and now best friend again once resigned from a hostile school board in a letter… His last line was something like ‘You should all make love before coming to these meetings. I think that would make you all more civil to deal with…’ He is definitely one to tell it like it is. I just hope his letter got formally published somewhere, and is in the record. Hahaha. 🙂
I’ve heard live broadcasts of local school board meetings on publiuc radio and I can certainly see how your former husband/ now best friend’s remarks would be appropriate.Nothing like orgasm to keep the mind from escending into a state of petty, mean-spirited bickering.
One of my all time favorites. Loved the “Orgasmatron”.
confuse exfoliation mitts with popular Middle Eastern sandwiches.
Perhaps some kind-hearted social service org could offer them a class…
Yes! Linking either loofahs or falafel with erotica might plausibly lead to pretty unsatisfying sexual activity, generating even more frustration, (perhaps even abrasions), that might make them even more disturbed.
underestimate the erotic potential of the almighty chick-pea.
Maybe O’Reilly will write a book of fava bean/chick pea erotica.
And maybe Coulter and Malkin and O’Bierne and Schlafly and Noonan will all read it, find some new techniques, and get mellow.
Just keep doing what you’re doing. One of these days “Don’t Be A Prick” will become a popular bumper sticker.
I just saw the movie tonight. I could not watch some of the scenes. It was hard to follow, more like a collage that a formal plot. But it has increased my outrage and cynism more than anything. Recommended.