Feel like goofing off?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
- Day 21: The Fascist Regime Screws Farmers, Tries to Sabotage U.S. Bonds
More like offing some goofs in D.C.
(I suppose you heard Geroge Clooney’s acceptance speech for his Golden Globe for best supporting actor in “Syriana”? “I’d like to thank Jack Abramoff … now why would someone name their kid Jack with a name ending in “off”?)
ha..yeah I did. As for the NSA….I figure after that weird FBI visit I got almost 2 years ago they figure I’m just some old lady who signs petitions online or something and can’t be taken too seriously..certainly can’t wiretap my phone..I don’t think I’ve used my phone in over 2 months or more and no cell phone …However if they are reading this I’m not going to off anyone…it’s a peaceful revolution I want baby! Well, maybe not so peaceful but no one getting killed, just have their asses dragged out of the WH and Congress, ok.
a package.
I’ve heard Barack Obama several times today and I’m getting panicky. In addition to not correcting assertions that Democrats have taken considerable Abramoff related money, he’s actually volunteering that Democrats share in the corruption problem. On Good Morning America he said Dems must not get on a “high horse” over this.
Way to lead the charge, Democrat!
If this is how the Democrats lead against corruption, there is no planet in this universe where they’d oppose Alito.
Saw that too.
Very dissapointing.
Perhaps he is just too damned optimistic and sharing and caring at this time. Those burly nasty boys and girls will kick his ass a few times, spit on him a few times in public and private, and throw him to the lions times two of that and he’ll either quit or his actions and I.Q. will start matching up! Booman has liberated my own head numerous times so I can have some empathy for the man, not much though.
Gosh almighty do I feel like goofing off… sheesh you said it.
I’m about tired of chasing down stuff related to this administration. I mean I am tired, tired, tirrrred.
It’s like the day Bush got elected, all these closet fascists came out of the woodwork and they keep pushing the envelope to see jeeeeest how far they can go. It’s like they’re waiting for someone to catch ’em at it, or maybe not.
I often wonder what would’ve happen if someone, like a neighbor perhaps, caught little George blowing up those frogs. Would he’ve been ashamed? Would he’ve been upset that they were ruining his fun?
Ole Bush sure can’t string two sentences together but I tell you what, he sure doesn’t waver from his vision. He will tell bald-faced lies but he isn’t acting, he really BELIEVES what he is doing is right.
Look at him every time he says the word “killers” (referring to terrorists), he always looks a little shocked, like people just don’t GET IT that they’re effing killers so anything and everything is now justified!
Reminds me of that sheriff in Cool Hand Luke telling Paul Newman, “it’s for yer own good” and meaning it too.
Somehow it’s like there was all this pent-up neocon rage that the egghead liberals were ruining the world and now that they’ve got the stick by gum they’re gonna use it.
Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war and all that, and damned be he who first cries, “hold, the constitution doth not allow it!”.
Makes me tired… really, really, really tired. Couple more years of this bullsh*t and we’re gonna be writing diaries on Booman explaining why drinking the blood of babies is morally wrong AND illegal.
Ah well… I’m off to bed.
Hope you sleep like the little angel you are … you’re a priceless part of our gaggle of goof-offs.
It’s been a long and hectic day. I’m done (as in overdone).
Goofing off is tempting. But I’m heading home soon to go to our local Drinking Liberally tonight (unless you coinsider that goofing off). First meeting in our locality in 3 months.
Ask, where is that? I am in your area and haven’t heard of it. Not that I could get there in time tonight.
Hi there, TW,
Just back now. This is the Hoboken chapter, actually hosted by the founder, as I understand it (though he is moving to the city soon).
Here is the link to Drinking Liberally, look for your location (hopefully there is one close by for all of you) and sign up for mailing list.
This was my second time. Some 8-9 people (about the same number as last). Good people, good discussions – though I sense that my orientation is significantly to the left of the crowd (our Kos meet-ups in NYC have had participation that I consider much more to the left compared to this). But I don’t mind at all to throw in some radical questions and ideas with the group – listen to responses and expand on topic.
My fav way to goof off — take a break — is to play Age of Empires II (got it really cheap because it’s the old version).
I just wish I could play the Moderate or Hard version. I’m only up to playing the Standard or Easy versions…. i’m just not a very good warrior, I guess. But it’s fun and keeps me busy growing crops, fishing, mining golf, chopping down trees! And bombing the enemies’ cities!
I wish I could find some cheats for it though … so I could fight George Bush’s army or something like that. It was so much fun to play DOOM when we got the add-ons that turned the monsters into Barney.
lately I’ve been playing this silly game that came pre loaded on my Mac. It’s Nanosaur II: Hatchling. The objective is to fly around picking up dinosaur eggs, while avoiding various things that shoot at you. I have not been able to even get out of kiddie mode where all the shooting things are not even active, yet I’ve managed to trigger a flare up of of my RSI playing the thing!
when you work alone at home
On a report on Lou Dobbs about a protest in Costa Mesa regarding a plan to allow local law enforcement to act as border patrol, I just heard the reporter characterize the protesters as “illegal alien apologists.”
Since when does a news reporter use such loaded phrases? This is pure Fox news stuff. I don’t know, I don’t watch TV news regulalry, but I am shocked at what I’m seeing on CNN. I knew it was bad, but this bad?
Has there been a management shake-up there or what?
And now I’m watching Lou Dobbs castigate a priest for having the nerve to state that the church has an obligation to defend illegal immigrants as part of protecting human dignity. Dobbs actually had the nerve to hold up the U.S. as an example of human rights policy.
What? has he not seen the photos?
Oh now, even more fascism, an ad for Alito talking about how horrible and mean those Democrats were, because they asked the man some questions.
Jesus Christ, I am feeling hopeless today.
That is really goofing off. The next episode of Lost, the ABC TV drama, is on at 9 P.M. tonight. Of course I could be going to Drinking Liberally, if Ask tells me where it is. What is more important to save? My liver, or my political consciousness?
Sjct, where are you? The only other Bootribber Lost addict I know of.
if you have MSNBC, turn it on. David Gregory and Andrea Mitchell are both fiesty tonight.
Read Let’s Just Knock Him On His Ass at Eat 4 Today. Ductape’s rants knock me on my ass!
I’ll be there (and here) all week.
Try the frog legs.