I’m no genius but I can usually get a hint when someone is trying to pull a fast one. I’m not always right on it and I can be very dupable if the deception falls in line with what I want to believe. Good deception always includes some truth in it. Maybe it’s a matter of what we don’t want to believe that sets us up as suckers or an easy mark. Some people feel intimaidated by confidence, others by education, money or stature. I’m sure the fear of doubting those who are supposed to be more knowledgeable can also be a factor.
One thing that enables a deception is denying common sense. The con can make any far-fetched claim somehow sound believable. Stretch the truth until it’s ready to snap and the victim will rush to rescue the liar when the con’s hurt shows from the victim’s waning loyalty. Another effective method is to shame or insult someone into submission.
It’s a matter of being played for a fool. The manipulation of the victim’s feelings cover a wide range of guilt, false compliments, laying out breadcrumbs so the dupe will proudly discover the prize at the end of the trail.
Do you ever bother to question the value of the goal and whether or not you’re being duped into pursuing something totally false?
Do you ever stop to consider how gullible you are?
I’m insanely gullible. But I know it. So I compensate by secretly trusting no one. 😉
You are not paranoid–everyone is just out to get you! Me too! LOL
Yup, that’s about where I find myself. I can be so easily tricked by my soft-heartedness that the best defense is to trust nothing.
I’m learning from StreetKid to be more skeptical.
Makes anyone believe there is gold in yonder mountain!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Hey, that’s pretty dangerous stuff in that link. I’m glad you showed it to me. Send me your passwords and I’ll get the incriminating evidence scrubbed from your hard drive for you.
Don’t you scare me now, I’ve had my belly full of such references lately!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
No, Oui,…heh, sounds indecisive, doesn’t it?
Nothing dangerous at that site except for a few ideas but only if they fall into the hands of nefarious naysayers.
Whenever I get close to deciding to leave the frogpond, I post an irrelevant diary instead, to vent a little. I get frustrated for the many subjects folks seem to want to avoid but ignoring them allows negativity to get a better foundation. I’m glad the waters are calming down again. I hated to see that happen to you.
from all the people who appreciate you. One person called you a bad name, and it has been my experience that this happens when you make someone think who is not accustomed to it.
Have some chocolate covered marshmallows!
What you have had is a great outpouring of love
- definitely and much appreciated!
One for the road – accusation by affiliation :: Et tu Brutus
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Not very! At this point in my life cynicism has taken over. I don’t believe anything I read or hear, and only half of what I see with my own eyes.
Not a particularly appreciated coping mechanism, but one that works quite well for me…assuming I keep my mouth shut long enough to sort it out.
What are the warning signals for you? Is it apparent contradiction or something that goes against common sense? Do you have any inherent trust left for institutions of authority?
I’m not sure if I want to ask if you trust me. I would like to think you do but if you say yes, I’d be inclined to think either you are humoring me or possibly establishing a false confidence after reading your comment above.
You do know, don’t you, that the word “gullible” isn’t really in the dictionary.
That’ll teach me to trust those public school teachers. I could’ve sworn that it was. Was it one of the words on the list in ’97 that were petitioned for removal? The age of political correctness is upon us. I can understand removing the ‘n’ word on revised editions. That ugly word has been nonexistent to me since I was barely old enough to know better.
Do you think the resurrection of the Fairness Doctrine stands a chance?
…and what the hell is the deal about green M&Ms anyway?
Main Entry: gull·ible
Variant(s): also gull·able (‘g&-l&-b&l)
Function: adjective
: easily duped or cheated
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
they took gullible out of the dictionary?
Those bastards!
Have you checked yet?
When I’m in doubt and feel that piece of wool coming down over my eyes I ask Scotty for the real skinny.
For example:
Scotty says Bin Laden is on the run and under pressure from Bush’s War on Terror.
Just ask other Al Qaeda leaders he says.
The most important one he missed … the jerk!
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I’m willing to put money down that before the next election, Helen Thomas whups Scottie’s ass for being nonresponsive and then goes out drags ObL back by the ear.
Hey, anyone see the lady who was hit by a suspect in pursuit? The police were using their mandatory deadly force and this lady jumps out of the car, pounds on his window and after checking on her baby, was ready to drag him out of his car.
The actions and attitudes of many police forces are losing a lot of respect for the police.