Meet Sven and Olga

This is an Unhosted Cafe.
Coffee & Tea under the window.
Goodies on the platters.
Goodies on the platters.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier)
May the 4’s be with you
Morning all!
Just 4 Today is posted over at Eat 4 Today.
I’ve just about finished my coffee and cereal & it’s 33 degrees
outside. I can’t remember if this is supposed to be a cold day or
a warm day.
Snow/sleet possible today. Snow likely tonight. 35 degrees today, 25 degrees tonight. And probably 70 next week, what with the crazy way the weather has been going. Do you know our normal ave. for this month is 35 degrees and as of a few days ago, we were averaging something like 51?
I could be more boring, but it would take more effort that it’s worth. 🙂
There has not been a single day this winter that I could not walk out to the mailbox in my bare feet. I’m loving it. But I sure hope it doesn’t mean that this coming summer is even more hellishly hot than normal.
I have a theory that Missouri is going to end up with bugs the size of those in Florida next summer if we don’t start having some hard freezes.
One time after I had been to Fort Lauderdale, I opened my suitcase when I came home, and one of their “Palmetto bugs” flew out. I thought, “Omg! It’s the end of midwestern civilization as we know it!”
(A Palmetto bug, for anybody not yet lucky enough to have met one, is a huge flying cockroach.)
My sister lived in Tallahassee for about a year and she HATES bugs with a passion. I went to visit her. We were hanging out watching TV and she asked me if I wanted any pretzels. I said sure and she brought them out. They were ice cold. She kept every single piece of food in the refrigerator unless it was canned so she didn’t have to worry about bugs.
As you know, I grew up in Miami. My mom used to be so freaked out by the roaches that if she got up to get water in the middle of the night and saw one, she’d run screaming through the house for me to get out of bed and come and kill it. As a result of this early life trauma and my big fat liberal heart that really hates to kill anything, I now faithfully practice a “catch and release” bug program in my house. 🙂
Twice since I have lived down here this exact same scenario has happened. Middle of the night, 2 AM or so, I feel something tickling my thigh. Not so bad actually, and I’m kinda enjoying it til I wake up a little more and realize my husband is still on his side of the bed! So I scream, jump out of bed and fling back the covers and find…nothing. My husband says “I” didn’t feel anything it’s your imagination” so I get back into bed and about 10 seconds later *he jumps up screaming (oh yeah, men don’t scream) and we fling back the covers again and begin the hunt and chase for the huge ass palmetto bug…no fooling, 2 to 3 inches long.
They are common visitors in our house in the summer and winter is usually a welcome respite, but last night I met one in the bathroom in the middle of the night. No more joyous trips to the darkened bathroom for me…it’s lights on no matter what time it is.
Hmm…all that bold. How did that happen…oh well.
I’m totally horrified by that.
Along tangentially similar lines, I think I was visited by the ghost of my cat the other night. It was particularly cold here (it finally snowed), and in the middle of the night I felt a sudden weight on my trunk, the same way I used to when the 22lb cat would leap up (okay, kinda lurch up) onto the bed in the middle of the night with her typical reckless disregard for my comfort. When I rolled over and tried to kick teh weight off of me — similar reckless disregard for her comfort — I felt something bite me, which was her usual response to that. It was about then that my asleep-brain remembered: Holy shit the cat died last year, so I shot up in bed and found…nothing there.
PS. I think the bolding happens when you use asterisks but I’m not sure about that.
That beats my cat by about 4 lbs. BTW, I am picking up my new kitten tomorrow from the shelter. She’s being spayed today. I went there with the intention of adopting a dog but seeing them sitting there surrounded by their own giant piles of crap (sad) made me have second thoughts.
I need a name for this cat. I was actually thinking of Indy but my boys don’t think it’s that cool.
Skater Boy
People cannot give an animal a name, especially in advance. All animals know what name they want and people need to be patient enough to let the animal make them aware of the desired name.
my psychic powers to make a list of names that this particular kitten might possibly want.
If I were going to believe that anyone in your family had psychic powers it would be Madame Fatwa — since I’m sure she would need them to keep up with a rascal like you.
We were actually thinking of Spike since all of our cats have been females with ultrafeminine people names; Annie, Emma, Abby, Maggie, Isabelle.
I guess I should wait and see what her personality type is. Then I’ll post her picture and ask you guys again.
Was the name of one of my best friends big, and i mean big, black cat. Very cool as far as cats go and the terror of the neighborhood dogs…they dared not come into the yard if he was out.
Unfortunately, his bravado didn’t work to well on the coyotes when they moved into the foothills.
cats feel so good to touch. Hey, how about Microfleece?
lol! And if there were two, they could be The Captain and Chenille.
Cool! And spooky. Just so you’ll know you’re not alone in that crazy corner–after my most beloved dog died, I “felt” her jump up on the bed as she used to do.
Good Morning!
Here’s your morning brew. How are you today?
I’m getting tired of the image. I think I need to find a new one.
Fine! And you?
Other than not enjoying the work I’m going to be doing for the next six weeks or so, I’m fine.
I don’t think you have to worry about me hurting myself by falling on a walk. With all the rain and snow, the ground is so saturated that I’m more likely to drown.
Gonna get our hiking trip in March planned this weekend. So many great hikes, so little time.
Good morning all! Andi, have you ever been to see the Goosenecks State Park in southern Utah? Spectacular!
Yup. The San Juan River is a real scene maker, isn’t it. I don’t have any pictures of the goosenecks online but this was shot from the Honaker Trail which isn’t too far from the park.
Hey I camped out there one night. Very interesting scenery.
Which one — Honaker Trail or Goosenecks of the San Juan?
Goose Necks, and obviously there’s no campsites there, but I had a self contained home-made pickup camper unit. No cell phone service from there either.
Got to take the auto in for a shower and a blood tranfusion. See ya later in the day.
Earth is just such an amazing planet!
After 6 days of scraping wallpaper, sanding, patching, putting up wainscoting over some earlier (uglier) wainscoting (turned out the wainscoting was the wall, there was nothing under it so we couldn’t remove it and had to put the new stuff over it)priming and taping, we’re finally at the point where I have to decide what color to paint the walls.
Put on your designer’s thinking caps. The wainscoting is white, my furniture is a milk chocolate color which I’m stuck with and the room has a tendency to be very dark, especially in the summer when the trees are leafed out.
I’m stuck between a buttery yellow (the combo with the brown furniture is somewhat unappealing to me, but I like yellow) and a grayish bluish aqua which is called rainwater or something like that. I like the brown-blue combo, but blue seems so bedroomlike to me and I’ve tended towards green in most of the other rooms.
OMG, I’m doing a creamy yellowish goldish color on my built-in bookcases with robin’s egg aqua in the back.
I love the aqua and brown combo…
I do too, but I’m so damn indecisive! I think I could accessorize (my how wealthy that sounds!) better with those colors than with brown and yellow, which strikes me as, forgive me, sort of potty colors.
I think I’m going to use aqua, a limey (but not bright) green, and a little bit of cranberry red in the rest of the room.
The aqua is way more fun than the yellow, IMO. And I’ve seen so much neat stuff in aqua lately. I wanted half the stuff in Crate and Barrel when I breezed through there the other day.
Interesting colors! I have to figure out what to do with the built-in bookcase next. Maybe I’ll steal your colors.
I’ve noticed that aqua and brown is a very popular color combination this year — I like it a lot.
Would peach be a possibility? Either very delicate or very rich?
I hadn’t thought of peach but it would be nice with the brown upholstery. One time, long ago, I tried to paint a room peach and it ended up drying and looking like Pepto-Bismal. I’ve been afraid to try it again.
Ha! No wonder you never dared try it again. Sounds as if it was way too pinky. Maybe you need to go more toward the orange end of the scale. There are fabulous shades of peach. You’d need a touch of a third color, like a dab of Olivia Rose Yellow, or something, may in a pillow or some such.
I like the chocolate and aqua idea. Use several shades of aqua for more contrast or accessorizing…and of course just to make it sound more chichi..say your decorating with cocoa and aqua. When I was in very bad shape about 5 years ago and couldn’t walk I spent all my time watching the decorating shows..paint really is the cheapest way to decorate and change a rooms appearance..even if you are just painting tables or accessories and not the walls. Painting a fake marble finish on a table is the easiest damn thing to do but looks like you took a lot of time and effort..I know cause I went crazy when I got to feeling better and painted half dozen surfaces in the fake marble look.
mostly work on updating our house, I know that the chocolate and blue combo is very up to date as well as deep yellows. My husband’s new Handyman magazine has a cover about bathroom renovating and the bathroom they are showing is painted “curry”. If the room is known to be dark I would go for the yellow and look for places to add the blue as in accessorizing. Perhaps a small table painted in the blue, and or Debbie Travis does a lot of painting something that looks like a faux panel on walls. Maybe a small square of the blue framing one or a couple of your favorite pictures where you will be hanging them.
evil nine
yummmy! if you like hip hop, that is…
I defer to Cabingirl on music.
Kronos Quartet – Pieces of Africa
trust me!
On last night’s cafe I said I had gone to a weird night of films at the Missouri Historical society, all films from the St. Louis Public School vaults. They were the kind of films that we saw in the 1960’s and were shown on the old fashioned projector and everything. It really brought back memories even though I had never seen these particular films before.
Here’s the ad for it:
Last night’s theme was “Motion and Growth”. Here’s what we saw:
Pas De Deux (1968); Barges (Year Unknown); Johnny Learns His Manners (1977);
The Living Soil (Year Unknown); How Does a Rainbow Feel?(1972); Ballet Adagio (1972)
Andi — not only did they not show the Disney movie on menstruation — I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it. But I WAS sorry they didn’t show us “Donald in Math Magic Land” which I swear I saw at least 10 times while I was in school.
And no classics like Duck and Cover.
I might go next month — they’re showing another two I never saw (that I remember)
Hemo the Magnificent (1957) — Directed by Frank Capra, this film won an Emmy Award for Cinematography for Television in 1958;
The Red Balloon (1956) — Winner of the Academy Award for Best Short Film
I’ve seen both of those. Hemo I saw as a kid and it may have great cinematography but I just remember as a better than average educational film.
OTOH, The Red Balloon is a wonderful. It’s completely silent; it’s all mood and imagery and symbolism — you can take it on any level you want. (Aside: we used to go to a restaurant in Skokie called the Red Balloon that I loved because there were images from the movie on all the walls. And they had really good french toast, too.)
Back In The Day, there were kids’ shows that were more than just advertisements/tie-ins for the latest hot toy du jour…if we ever see a show called Ian and His Magic iPod, I’ll know the apocalypse is upon us. 😉
I remember some menstruation related flick back in elementary school — and I remembered being very upset that while the boys got to go out and play at an extra recess, the girls had to sit inside and watch the movie and get our Free Gift Packet from Kotex…
“The Living Soil” was produced by shell oil and the underlying message was “pesticides are good”. So even back in the day we were being sold — just not on consumer goods.
Pretty please remember to rec cafes, esp. on slow days. Thanks, on behalf of froggybottoms everywhere. There’s nothing worse than a slipping froggybottom.
That’s what I just did kansas. Sometimes I, um, forget. Oops. 🙂
This is just the weirdest plant. It’s bursting all over with these waxy, goldfish-shaped flowers (hence the name). You can see right into them through their open ‘mouths.’ It’s not the most beautiful flower I’ve seen. It’s colourful though.
Goldfish plant, taken 11.13.2005 (view large)
I have one of those! I just walked over to look atthe flowers to be sure. I’d forgotten the name of it. It’s really colorful.
So yours is ‘spawning’ also kansas. 🙂
They certainly are bright and cheery … and weird!
Even for flowers which are highly suggestive, that is a remarkably suggestive.
And a beautiful photo.
It is interesting in its composition… 😉
one of my favorite plants though I don’t have one right now. Have been replenishing my plants since moving.
I’m glad that I posted it now. If you lived close, I would come by w/ some cuttings. 🙂
I’m a cutting fiend. Most of my plants in the past have been from cuttings or other military wives who were leaving and knew that I liked plants. I haven’t had a chance to make many friends here yet…..I see the military beginning to limit their internal friendships because Iraq causes so much pain whether it is your spouse going or somebody elses going. I think because we are all afraid to speak our minds also that we are insulating ourselves from each other because under all the stress we are all going to have our moments of saying stuff. We don’t know who we can trust and sometimes the wrong things said getting back to certain people can be detrimental to jobs and marriages and just about everything.
She’s had her 3 days of ‘away job’ so yesterday and today she’s here working with me on her ‘home job.’
It about broke my heart to watch a short video by the head of state proudly describing a country I’d so much like to think could have been mine. Of course he’s not our head of state, he’s yours, Canadians.
My point here is a comparison of two societies, not Canadian politics, so I won’t comment on that. But it was brutal to realize that a description this positive can never apply to the United States any time for the rest of my life.
Click to watch Paul Martin: Values, Hopes, Dreams
You two are just about the sweetest couple ever. I really admire your relationship. Um, I mean you & Puget4, of course, not you & Paul Martin.
interview w/ paul craig roberts;sid=2006/1/20/10452/7156
Technology Day here in the household; after breakfast I’ll see if I can get the new printer hooked up and working, so we can take the cardboard box out to recycling this weekend with all the other recyclables. (Our apartment has recycling bins for cans/bottles and newspapers, but we have to trek the cardboard, styrofoam and plastic bags out ourselves.) Rain taken out of the weekend forecast, so we’ll be able to get the stuff out without getting damp around the edges.
Pet peeve of the day: the plastic wrapping and sticky plastic labels on CDs. Bought five Beatles CDs yesterday, and just finished wrestling with the damned stuff so I can get the music into iTunes and on my new iPod; before I get to work I hope to make it over to the exercise room for a brief session, and could use some more good tunes.
Hope everyone has a great day…
fight to get back on her feet passed today 🙁 I hate losing that battle. The other three that were looking poorly are back in the saddle and the four Republicans Are being Spied On! I have even started a little Database on them!
That’s really tough — I’d probably still be crying. I hardly ever get weepy over people no matter how bad I feel but I’ll cry for almost any animal (except maybe a guinea hen).
I have to move from feeding her and keeping her warm on my tummy and attempting to cycle her back in with the litter from time to time. Her mum wanted her body and soul, but I think she just slipped a little to far away when she had the seizure to come all the way back.
I’m sorry you lost her.
(((Tracy and Soffie)))
Oh, I’m so sorry. It’s hard when a little one dies. I’m glad the other progressives are doing better though.
On no! {{{Hugs Tracy}}}
I am so sorry for you and her pupdog family. As soon as you can take time from caring for them, do take time for yourself to mourn her, and I want to say the mother dog should do this also but maybe she will do that by extra licking of the other puppies. Everything has a spirit, and the spirit of this little creature will always be on hand to help her brothers and sisters grow.
Come on over!