Where are you going today?

Welcome newcomers! Please introduce yourself
Come on in!
Coffee & Tea under the window, platters of treats on every table
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend (and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from yesterday)
May the 4’s be with you
Can I get you something?
possibly a cup of
or perhaps an
A fried egg sandwich would be wonderful, but I’ll have a bowl of Cheerios and a cup of coffee, thanks.
Wait, you have to have your morning coffee with me — it’s a tradition.
BTW, this is our favorite cup from a organized bike ride we do, which always has a cow theme. We like this one because the bicyclist/cow’s eyes drawing is so good.
She brought the coffee and cereal a half-hour ago. I’ve been tapping my foot waiting for you to show up (you promised last night!).
Ah, Look! She’s left a pot of fresh coffee right here:
Sorry, I was off doing my Tour De Blogs and checking back periodically (and it was only 20 minutes between the cafe opening and my comment — so there).
And kansas, stop lurking and talk to us.
You’ll be sorry. Ha. Caught me being morning zombie.
After I wrote that sentence it occurred to me that by using ‘and’ instead of ‘hey’ it made it sound more like a command than a whine (which is how I meant it to come across). It’s probably a little early for a discussion of the intricacies of language and communication on the internet but since you’re a zombie you can’t complain.
BTW, I’ve been reading Storm Warnings gradually (I prefer to read short story collections a one or two at a time) and I’ve just finished Storm Warnings — definitely my favorite so far — beautiful character development in a few swift strokes and a great narrative combination of feeling of inexorable movement and tension at the unknown.
Don’t worry, I know whining when I read it. 🙂
Thank you for the kind words about the stories. I look at that collection now and can’t quite figure out why I put in certain stories and didn’t put in others that I think are better. Oh, well.
Say, do you and Jim know where you will be going on your next Big Hike?
Hi kansas, What are you going to do today?
Hmm, seems like I do have a plan for ll:30.
You do!? Really?
Made the plane reservations yesterday so we are definitely going to southern Utah. We haven’t decided up exactly where we’re going to hike but we’re pretty firm that we’ll be going to the Paria Wilderness and the Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monument. Thinking about joining us?
I wish! I love hiking, but haven’t done any for years. So maybe I don’t love it as much as I claim?
I look forward to glorious photos.
Is that red rock country?
We look forward to taking them 🙂
And yes, it is definitely red rock country.
Oh man, haven’t had a fried egg sandwhich in so long..with tabasco on it. Then again I only buy real eggs usually at Thanskgiving and Christmas time to make deviled eggs…
in the woods (what a surprise) and then to the library — another exciting day in my ever-so exciting life 😉
Snow’s all gone now but it was pretty while it lasted.
Good morning pond dwellers :o)
I’m off for Washington in a half hour to meet Tampopo at the Capitol Building tomorrow.
Shycat hooked me up with a room at the corner of 14th St. and K St. NW in Georgetown. Too high class for me but somehow I’ll manage. I have my son’s new Apple Powerbook. And I have an attitude so I’m all set ;o)
Thanks to Tampopo for meeting me to oppose Alito and many thanks to Shycat for the fine digs :o)
I’ll check in tonight.
Wow! Goodluck and have fun and do-good!
Thank you.
I really appreciate Tampopo’s and your efforts.
Oddly,enough,that was the best deal in the city this weekend-Who knew?
Hey super and tampopo…have fun and stay safe.
What are you going to do today? Come to Eat 4 Today and tell us about it.
Just about to get the shopping list together, then wake up sleepyhead spouse (he was on the computer too damn late again) so we can have breakfast out today. Local restaurant chain (Hobee’s) does all you can eat oatmeal till 10:30am, and I’m in the mood for good fiber; we’ll probably split an order of chicken-apple sausage to have some protein, as well as sharing a fruit plate (I’ve been trying to wean us both off of too much juice in the morning; fresh fruit is healthier, no added sugars and you’ve got the fruit fiber).
After the grocery shopping, we need to come home and do some serious cleaning, but the spouse also wants to go run a couple of errands — mentioned one last night that I know we have to do today because the place isn’t open Sunday, but damned if I can remember what it was he needs! Oh, that’s right, some cotton gloves; he gets some really dry skin on his hands during the cold weather, so he puts on some special cream at night and wears cotton gloves over his hands.
Just realized I forgot to make my second cruise payment yesterday, so better head over to the website and take care of that…talk to you folks later…
Hi Cali! Your day sounds just like the one I envision for myself over at Eat 4 Today
(shameless blog-whoring and no apologies)
but you aren’t stuck with a spouse that stays up till 2am or thereabouts, then is impossible to get moving on Saturday morning…
Okay, time to head for the shower… 🙂
No, he was in bed by 1:45 last night.
It is such a pleasure to once again visit the cafe after my long absense, well it seems long to me.
I am sitting here pretty cold in socal, (it’s a chilly day, for us) with gloves on typing as I only have an electric heater and it’s trying mightily to heat this place, but it’s hard.
Good morning everyone and is there any hot chocolate?
Yep —
Thanks Katie, and the mug bearer has gloves on too, perfect.
I am sooo hungry, have to go fix something to eat with that cocoa….you are the best hostess, you know and the tip I leave will be substantial.
I sent the waitress over with gloves as a special comfort for you. I’m glad you noticed!
Going nowhere-it’s icky out.
Hub just discovered the septic tank-either that or a small grave- can a septic tank be only 4X6????
Actually ,that would be a LARGE grave, now that I think about it. (must consult kansas on grave matters).
Andi, I just read over at katiebird’s site that you have to drive 21 miles to get to a library! I will certainly value your participation in BooBooks even more now, knowing you have such a long trek to get your copy.
Speaking of the BooBook (Lies My Teachers Told Me), it’s pretty overwhelming so far. There’s a long section on the period between Reconstruction and the modern Civil Rights movement that shows that the wide streak of bigoted meanness that runs so deep in this country really can win for a long, long time and really can set progress back by long cruel decades.
I haven’t started “Lies” yet because I need to read the book for my “live” group on Wednesday night — which I only started this morning.
I’m looking forward to “Lies”. Last year I read “Freedom Just Around the Corner: A New American History 1585-1828” by Walter A. McDougall. His prologue is called American Archtypes: What some Great Novels Tell us about Ourselves. That really hooked me.
His thesis (or one of them) is that Freedom in America really means the freedom to manipulate the system to gain advantage.
It’s an interesting perspective. I’ll be interested in what Loewen’s persective of the American character is — if he has any, that is.
Since the town with the library I like to frequent (in Indiana for a small fee you can use most public libraries) is the home of a major university (IU), there are plenty of other reasons to take the drive over there. So you don’t have to be quiet as impressed 😉
My copy of Lies My Teacher Told Me just arrived yesterday, so will start looking at that this weekend. (Part of me is reluctant to have some of my illusions shattered, I think… oh, well!)
And I just got Seven Steps on the Writer’s Path too, which looks VERY interesting…
Puget4 has undergone quite a reawakening of late. She’s been a lifelong ‘accumulator’ but has begun a purging process, first starting with boxes of surplus matter in the garage, and last week a major sweep through her closet and dressers as her weight has come down lately.
She does the books for our craft biz. As trade has increased, she’s itching for a more orderly desk setup.

The flat panel was a wonderful relief. But she needs an assortment of in/out bins for correspondence, supplier issues, customer orders and all that sort of stuff.
Then of course that clears away our kitchen table with a picture window above it, for her to practice some of her artsy interests.
So I’ll be helping her out as needed. Spouse happy–house happy, as she often reminds me!
I’m almost inspired to organize my little work area!
Heh. I think it’s a major achievement when some of my actual desktop is showing…and I even have 48 inch lateral filing cabinets to store all my reference materials in…
KB, Gooserock says your Just 4 Today theme works for our clean out process. Just 4 Today I’ll cleanup/purgeout one area.
It’s worked really well when we applied it to our 3 separate shop areas and the desk area. Any job can be handled if it’s small. Voila!! Success experiences all over the place!
I’ll take that one step farther and say an addition to my motto will be:
Just 4 Today, I’ll file everything away.
(That will have to be AFTER I get it all purged)
Puget4, I’m going to try that too…”just 4 today, I will file one pile”. 🙂
or Target, or if no other alternative, the dreaded Wal-Mart. I have seen little basket things lately that are excellent for this purpose, and not at all unsightly or “office looking.” If you do not like the natural rattan or whatever plant material is used, you can always spray paint them according to your desire.
I got some at the dollar store, but there is no guarantee that your dollar store will have them.
Dollar Store, maybe; Target, none close; Wal-Mart, never! We do go to K-Mart occasionally, but the closest one is 1 hour away.
Little wicker baskets? Sounds good. Thanks.
Well, we’re off on our Saturday rounds: Dog walk on one of the beaches; groceries; fresh fish store; start the pursuit of a new/different desk.
See ya’ll in a bit.
Thrift shops are a great place to find baskets of all kinds at almost no cost. At one time you could say I had a basket fetish and had over 30 various baskets in my small apartment. Also a cheap way to decorate the walls with baskets of various sizes but handy when you needed one. I finally got rid of half of them but still have quite a few-holding magazine, books,bills, and of course junk. I have painted some of them also to match decor..
Chocolate, we must be twins, I knew it…I have the basket fetish too and use them for everything.
Hi, I missed you in the last two weeks…
glad to see you back online..hope your hands are getting warmed up. I’ve got a little heater going here also-set by the computer to warm up my legs mostly-just take off the chill in the apartment.
The fun thing about getting baskets at the thrift shop of course is if you get tired of one-it probably only cost 25 cents or at most a few dollars so I don’t feel guilty about getting rid of one and getting a ‘new’ one that captures my fancy.
An easy way to get rid of them is to fill them with baked goods and/or fruit, ladies might fill them with perfumes and powders, add a ribbon and you have a gift basket to present to people who will be delighted with your thoughtfulness and never suspect that you just wanted to get rid of an old basket.
Thanks to you, DT, I’m now a fan of the Dollar Stores. The only ones I’d been in before had been dirty and depressing, but after you sang their praises I searched out a couple of others and they were lovely–big, clean, with a glorious variety of really good stuff. Thanks! If you had a dollar for every dollar the rest of us have spent at dollar stores because of you, you might not shop at dollar stores again. 🙂
I think Dollar Tree is the best one, if they have those where you are. They are large, well-lit, and more clean and pleasant than some more than a dollar stores I have been in, and the selection and quality of merchandise is better, too. Plus they take plastic, unlike the smaller funkier ones, who have their points, and their finds, but — I guess Dollar Tree should be sending me some of those dollars! 😀
Truth to tell (TtT), I’ve never paid any attention to the names, but now I will. If I find a Dollar Tree I’ll ask them to be sure you get your commish. 🙂
if this is any indication…
Beautiful cold day in the foothills w/ @ 6″ of fresh snow on the ground and a bright sun to clear the streets.
Late shower and off on errands…consider yerself’s 4’d ’cause once the comments shift to dynamic threading my rating ability vanishes???
Welcome back Diane…missed ya!
A diarist at the orange place has turned a comment of mine into a message action plan: sending monopoly money to elected reps. There’s even a way to print the money from online.
I would never guess anyone as brilliant as you would make and voluntarily eat chili made with mackerel.
{Shaking my head in wonder as I go off to expropriate abandoned monopoly games of assorted descendants}
Found some smelts today to go along with my obligatory two Saturday oysters. Plus some smoked fish.
Trouble is, the usual prep for smelts is breading and deep fry. Puget4’s going to have to come up with something a lot more heart-healthy than that.
I suppose we can always broil them and eat them that way or work them into another combination dish.
And don’t forget to send a few fake dollars to the reps you want to influence!
Soak them in buttermilk (you can get low fat 1% blue buttermilk) and lemon juice for a while, then roll them in breadcrumbs made from Nature’s own whole grain sugar free bread, or any bread that you think is OK, or you can crush pecans to a powder, mix in some salt, pepper and cayenne and garlic, (easiest is to put all this in a bag, dump in the smelts, hold the top of the bag tight, and shake. Or if you want to have exercise, hold the bag still and jump up and down for a few minutes.
Then spray your pan with the spray emollient of your choice, lay the smelts in, and put them in the oven.
so I think today will be errand day and tomorrow will be cleaning day — weather a bit drippy for making the recycling run anyway…
him even though he is having a shower today?
good try at the cup is half full (not half empty) routine — but we sense your frustration.
I can no longer go to any links found by Google. A second or two after clicking on a searched link, a period appears at the upper left corner of my screen, and then a badly corrup ‘find’ from some other web site pops up.
It’s the same for every link.
However I can tediously paste all the search result links into a .txt document and drop the link into my address bar and get to it.
I presume I”ve had a cookie planted or something. Anyone familiar with this?
This is what I’m searching Google for:
+diy +cnc +(9×20 OR “9 x 20”)
In other words, do it yourself cnc machine equipment with the parenthetical number string. It refers to a size of lathes.
This is the page that comes up when I click on every link found by Google:
They’re on to you and your funny money…
Mine’s working fine…
LOL Dada, that’s hilarious!!
browser hijack program has gotten into your computer.
The safest thing to do is have a nerd get it out and put software on your computer to protect you from such things in the future.
We’re running McAfee Anti-Spyware and Anti-virus already. Is there something else just for hijackers?
Besides Mirco-soft spyware, and Symantec AntiVirus, I’m running Ad-Aware SE Professional Build 1.06 here, they seem to be taking care of the hijackings.
Also tried McAfee once without consulting my guru. Big mistake. Might have got rid of something, but also might have got rid of too much as I was unable to boot up at all. And had to spend the afternoon driving 80 miles for the fix. Had a nice visit with the guru though… a good lefty.
various protection programs, which are best, etc. For this reason it is best to get a nerd to do it. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. I have said too much already.
Good thing I took the pictures of the iris yesterday. Because this is what they look like this morning.
And this….

And lastly, this….
There was a distinct lack of purple in the flower pots. Deer had passed through during the night. The rascals had very carefully taken ONLY the purple flower parts, leaving (thank goodness) the buds still to come. Amazing discrimination in chewing.
BTW these flower pots are 5 feet from our front door and 2 feet from the totos yard. That’s what I call Brass!
The cone in the foreground of the 3rd photo is that of a Douglas Fir. They are about 2.5 inches long.
Those pictures are — ummm — interesting. I think yesterday’s were definitely more appealing 🙂
When they bloom, please take some Olivia inspired shots. Are Douglas firs the trees that produce the foot-long cones, or are those Ponderosa pines?
Take a look at my link to my photos in yesterday’s cafe. Also, the Doug Fir cones are only 2.5 inches long.
Blind needle-nosed frog fatally stabs toxic necktie.
I live for your sight-challenged descriptions of posted photos. You’re much more interesting without your spectacles.
Anybody around? How was your day? What did you do? What are you getting ready to do? I’m getting ready to go to the symphony — Mozart festival starting.
The day was excellent. Conversation with the coffee klatchers around noon, then some shopping around town, capped by a wonderful Cajun shrimp stir-fry on brown rice, with a Pacifico for dessert.
Getting ready to have another cerveza, and keep on blogging.
Mozart festival sounds like great fun for the evening. In my youth, I didn’t used to appreciate my mother’s classical music the day after the night before, but some of it must have lodged somewhere in the cranial cavity as I certainly appreciate it now. (Thanks Mom)
I just finished writing this article for Eat 4 Today, Meet Christina Jones, author and inspiration. Which has a little more of the background behind how I came to create the site.
seeming to float in mid air, investigators have come to a quite different view of the puzzling circumstances leading to the unusual image depicted here:
As Sherlock has recently related;
“At approximately the hour of 9PM CST, the evening prior, a substantial increase in wind velocity affected the movement of frost covered tree limbs, bring them into contact with high voltage lines of the local power company.
As the lights died in the dwelling, the residents scurried about lighting oil lamps and candles. Unbeknownst to the occupants, one of the expired wooden matches fell from the surface of the old Singer sewing machine.
The following afternoon, of the day in question, the residents of the dwelling noticed a small wand, seeming to float in mid air. They immediately called us in to investigate the strange phenomenon.
Dr Watson has captured the results of our investigation with his trusty Nikon Coopix.
No further discussion seems warranted at this point. Other than to say that as we left the dwelling the Missus was explaining the finer points of housecleaning to the Mr, on whom the cleaning duties had rested on the day in question.”
Come have a Night on the Town