As the acts, overt and covert, emerge from the warped minds of Bush and his cronies, I sat wondering why we see a lack of outrgae on the part of ordinary citizens.Even the tarring of a honorable veteran like John Murtha has failed to provoke any outrage, while the staged weeping of Alito’s wife has provoked staged outrage from the paid propagandists of the right.

Here is my diagnosis.As our lives continue to get coarser and coarser,under the assaults of global corporations and making ends meet becomes a struggle, almost a war of all against all,one needs all one’s wits just to survive.We have, as a result, become a nation of improvisers;we invent new tales of ourselves to sell ourselves to the marketplace.This is why a patently absurd con man like Bush is recognizable to all of us.We have indeed met the enemy and it is us.

I have even heard the rationale from a wise old friend of mine that Bush is trying to survive with what little resources he has.Do I laugh or cry?

Here is my haiku to describe our current zeitgeist:

    A President who is a fake
    A Congress on the take
    A nation of con men on the make.