I’m a wreck because my Seahawks are not favored to win today, and because I watched HBO’s NFL preview, saw some footage of the Carolina Panthers and said out loud, “OH SHIT!” (I’m gonna root for Denver over the Steelers cuz the Broncos are Steven D’s team, and Steven D is a real team player, a sharp man, and his family has all kinds of health issues today.) But, hell’s bells, the Seahawks is only about football, and I have far more serious issues to worry about.
I’m also a wreck because someone I know — but just barely, and it was years ago — was one of the “eco-terrorists” whose arrest Alberto Gonzales proudly trumpeted to the press, in an OBVIOUS attempt to show that domestic spying works. I’m not quite ready to rationally write about this yet, and I want to interview his sister and his wife first. He lives these days in Southern Oregon, and the local paper has done a great job covering his plight, and the angers of locals over his arrest. For all I know, he’s guilty, but the only thing I know is how bravely and selflessly he’s lived his life trying to save wildlife, to educate children about saving whales, endangered his own life to save whales from being harpooned, and living a eco-efficient, vegan lifestyle.
I’m very depressed about this. I’m almost afraid to say that I ever had communications with him and his wife. It’s incredible how this government can make one fearful. (Yes, I am ashamed of my fear, but I can’t help but feel it.) But I need to find the strength to do this. The last time I ever had any contact was by e-mail and phone, and that was because they paid me to help create their anti-whaling Web site. I never met either Jonathan or his wife in “real life.” One thing I particularly admired about Jonathan and Tami was that they attended the IWC (International Whaling Commission) hearings every year, at their own expense, wherever it was held: Tokyo, London, Australia, and on and on. They were there solely to fight for the whales, but were snubbed constantly by the official U.S. delegation.
The only non-MSM article I’ve found so far is an IndyMedia rant. (I find such haranques unhelpful, even if much of the report may be true.) My acquaintance’s name is Jonathan Paul, his wife’s name is Tamara Drake-Miller Paul (PHOTO ABOVE RIGHT — middle person), and Jonathan’s sister’s name is Alexandra Paul, most famous for starring in Bay Watch for five years but also an activist so dedicated that the ACLU named her Activist of the Year (2005).
I’ll write more … I promise … I need to sort this all out in my mind and get over my fear of getting involved (damn it all).
PHOTO RIGHT CAPTION: Tamara Drake waits outside the federal courthouse in Medford Thursday for a glimpse of her husband, Jonathan Paul, who was arraigned on federal charges of arson in the 1997 firebombing of a meatpacking plant in Redmond.
in having contact with these people. If you care about the environment though and get together with people who have environmental goals everybody isn’t going to agree on how to best achieve those goals. Thank you for your candor!
I have something to say about it all though……..if this is the best fucking “terrorist” that Alberto can come up with after four years of looking up my ass with a scope he needs to kiss same ass! Oh Yeah, and one more thing…..FUCK YOU YOU POLICE STATE BASTARDS!
It hasn’t been a mystery for a really long time that ELF has been involved in arson and vandalism. It isn’t as if they don’t leave a big fucking E.L.F. painted on shit. So once again, if this is the best “terrorist” that Alberto can come up with after four years of looking up my ass with a scope then KISS MY FUCKING ASS!
You know what my creepy suspicion is? That half the time that that painted sign E.L.F. is found, the feds have done it. Donald Segretti tricksters live on.
There actually was an episode of one of those network TV shows you don’t watch (LOL) based on that very premise. So apparently you and I aren’t the only ones with that suspicion. Can’t remember which show it was (one of the CSIs?) – when it first started it looked like it was going to be about “ecoterrorism” and I told Mrs. K.P. “I’m not going to watch this propaganda.” When she found me blogging away later, she said it turned out it was a local fireman trying to frame the ELF-type group, or some such plot twist.
I’ll say something else too: I am opposed to violence and arson. I would never dream of doing such a thing.
In a small defense of those actions, I will say that extreme care is taken to never harm a human being or any animal that might be inside.
In fact, there is no record of any person dying as a result of eco-terrorism.
I’d also like to say that reading Princeton philosophy professor’s seminal book — “Animal Liberation” (ONLY $4.50 at Powell’s) — will forever more change anyone who reads it. It’s immensely readable — even though he’s a superb academic recruited from Australia by Princeton.
I had the good fortune of meeting Peter Singer when I headed a save-the-whales event at the Seattle Aquarium. He was a magnificent speaker, and he authographed my copy of his book. (It’s also the night I met Darcy’s father, a veterinarian, because he stayed behind to help me put away the chairs, which impressed me to no end.)
hey susan, hope you get to feeling better and not so overwhelmed by this whole thing..as I was reading this I was also thinking of Boston Joe’s book ‘Direct Actions’ as this was basically the theme of his book.
Joe sent me his book, and I’m ashamed to say I haven’t read it yet … I will, I promise.
Terrorism: violent or destructive behavior by those who are not members of the ruling class. When used by members of the ruling class, this behavior is called Enhancing Shareholder Value or (oddly enough) fighting the war on terrorism or whatever.
“In fact, there is no record of any person dying as a result of eco-terrorism.”
Well, then. What makes it different from vandalism? The fact that it has political motivations? If that’s the justification, where do you draw the line? Will we see the FBI rounding up graffiti artists next? Michael Moore? I’m sure he’s hurting somebody’s shareholder value.
I certainly don’t mean to rant at you, Susan; it’s just that this issue has been sitting for a long time like a land mine in my mind, and you happened to step on it, LOL.
Funny thing – when I have those secret fears you mentioned, I’m just afraid, but when I hear YOU talk about having them it makes me good and mad!
Susan – Just after posting the comment above I got a call from the DNC, asking for $$$ and talking about Howard Dean’s 50-state strategy. So I gave them $50 in lieu of sending you flowers to cheer you up! 😀
harms what the enemy values.
Please take care of yourself, susan. If you can arrange to have your daughter or a friend come and stay with you for a while, please consider it. You have had a heavy load lately.
In any event, be sure to always carry a cell phone wherever you go. (I am not referring to the danger of being seized by warlords, but your fall in the woods. I think if the warlords were interested in you, they would have contacted you before seizing the activists. They got the “get” they wanted for the press conference.)
Some priorities Gonzales and gang have don’t they. They think environmental and animal activists-excuse me terrorists-are their highest priority no wonder we are so screwed domestically.
Maybe they ought to check out domestic groups like white supremacists, the KKK, fucken anti-gay hating groups like that asshole Fred Phelps who shows up at military funerals and all other sick-ass groups like that…those should be their number one priority.
Susan –
Terribly sorry to hear that you’re feeling affected by this. That fear is part of the insidious nature of what’s happening to us today. Fear to even write an email with “eco-terror” in its subject-line. Do remember that your acquaintance, like all others charged, is innocent ’til proved otherwise.
When you are ready to write on this, there are two articles in Counterpunch by Michael Donnelley that questions the role of gov’t informants & agents provocateurs in this case. Let’s not forget that whoever tried to bomb Judi Bari & Daryl Cherney still remains unidentified & at large.
The first, written last month, is The Paralyzing Shadow of Accusation: “Eco-Terrorism”: Cui Bono?:
The second is Tapes and Snitches: Feds Hand Down Eco-Sabotage Indictments from this weekend’s edition:
Not receiving anywhere near the same amount of press attention are three arrests here in Sacramento, along similar lines: ELF/ALF affiliation, wiretaps & surveleillance, and a 20 year old informant & possible provocateur. The FBI also rented a house used by defendants, and one of the laptops seized as evidence is FBI property. FBI: Trio scouted targets: Nimbus Dam among sites visited by the eco-terror suspects, affidavit says:
At a bail hearing Friday, FBI Special Agent Nasson Walker testified:
Looking at a google list of articles yesterday, the only paper that didn’t use “eco-terror” in its title was, surprisingly, the NY Times. They used eco-sabotage, I think, though of course did work the “T” word in the body of the article. While I have problems with property damage as a tactic, there is something terribly wrong with conflating this stuff with terrorism.
I’m sorry about this, the fear and sorrow as well as the targeting of evironment and animal rights advocates. There is also the case of the Huntingdon 7-who are facing serious time and fines. There is a good article on them in Mother Jones:
Also the spying and infiltration of Green Peace, I don’t have a link handy but there was a good interview about it on Flashpoints on KPFA Thursday evening I believe, the show is archived online if anyone is interested.
I think it’s only going to get uglier, I wish I didn’t feel that way but with people in charge who love destruction and enjoy cruelty I can’t see much hope until we get them out of power.