Luxury: Reading a Book And
Eating Cookies in Bed
This is an Unhosted Cafe.
We’re fully stocked but it is self-serve tonight.
Newspapers are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend
(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
Should I blow my reputation?
uh, HI Katiebird, how ARE YOU, we weren’t, I mean we didn’t, I mean …. uh
ATRIOS made us do it!
Click on this if you know a Girl Scout and want to schedule a treat.
OMG Janet got to you and turned you to the dark side?
It’s one of the popular pages at our website. Which probably shouldn’t be a surprise.
That Damn Janet-what will she do next?
Remember valid for use with SCHEDULED treats only.
Absolutely, completely agree, would never THINK to do otherwise …. will never never NEVER listen to ATRIOS again (it WAS all his fault, really).
I feel bad because that doesn’t entice me at all. I don’t like mints and I’m not particularly fond of chocolate.
But I feel worse because I thought I was going to get something a lot juicier from your blown reputation than a gooey recipe π
Sorry Andi — It really belonged with the Thin Mint thread, but I knew that was about to shut down.
Time for my nap!
I can see how you might have wanted to juice up your rep after that thread — otherwise, the next you know they’d be calling you Sister Mary Katiebird and expecting you to slap their hands with a ruler π
It was all in fun — I figured that by this time of night you were either lurking or would be joining us shortly.
I thought it was fun too — that’s why I contributed the recipe.
I’m not into that slapping and spanking stuff.
KatieBird can always come after me with a feather boa though π
“Nothing taste as good as thin feels” π
(janet!) good.
I want to get back down to my pre-quitsmoking weight. Hell, I weighed more at the march than I did when preggers. (I used to be really really thin… skinny) and then I gave up smoking. ACK!
Iknow I’ll never be sticks again so I want Salma Hayack booty π
When I get back down (already have lost 8 pounds) since moving here in Dec due to just the three flights of stairs π .. I want to try out for RHPS
π and no not Janet Weis π
Hi little waving fist-buckles!
Psst: I need some diary help. I need to run a CodePink alert/action. A woman is still IN a TEXAS Jail for holding up a fucking banner to protest Cheney. Anyways.
<div style=”display: inline; color: #FF66CC; font-weight:bold; font-size:large;”>BOLD MAGENTA PINK</div>
<div style=”display: inline; color: #FF3399; font-weight:bold; font-size:large;”>BOLD MAGENTA PINK</div>
now if wanted regular text:::
Whoot thanks!!
Holy Cookie Dough, I thought I had posted the link to that photo not the photo itself.
Ha! you are NOT sorry. The cloven hooves are showing again!
Oh my halo, where did it go?
Holy Cookie Dough, I thought I had posted the link to that photo not the photo itself.
And anyone who believes that probably voted for Bush.
photobucket makes it so easy to do the linky thingy π
For some strange reason – none of the men would eat those cookies.
Nobody was gay?
Sadly there were only two men there and both are hetero. π It was one of those Passion Parties and the men seemed to chicken out of the invite.
Looking for something to watch tonight? PBS has a program on John and Abigail Adams. If they do nothing but quote from their letters to each other it will be great.
9:00 central time.
Psst. Is Andi here? I still don’t have the right car for her, but I thought that I would stop by anyway.
I thought that little convertible you picked out for her was darling. I don’t know what she didn’t like about it.
it didn’t have a really great anti-Bush bumpersticker on it : )
My niece had a W sticker on her vans back window. My 80-year-old mother took a razor blade and went out and scraped it off. She told her that if she showed up with another one she would do it again. I can’t count the times she said she would like to get bush, chenny and rumsfeld together and do a three stooges slap on them.
Good for your Mom!!
Thanks – I’ll tell her she has more fans than just me. Actually I wish I could get her on the web because she is way more vocal about bush and repug than I am.
Nifty, Fast, British Racing Green ::sniff::
with a picture of Andrew.
By the way, we were all going to come camp out on the floor of Andrew’s room for Superbowl. You don’t mind do you?
Andrew’s reaction?
aaaaaaaaaw Andrew! (You won’t be smiling kid when we all start snoring.)
He won’t hear your snoring over his own. I swear he sounds like Darth Vader on the monitor.
Wait till he finds out they are a bunch of mint cookie addicts.
(Okay, this let’s you off the hook for the car.)
They’ll have to bring their own cookies, as payment for the room.
G rated there’s is a minor in the house π
And later in life (like middle school aged) he will wonder why he is soooo attracted to girl scouts.
Toni, you distracted us with a picture of Andrew while you were over ogling the Howard Dean beefcake! I wondered if that was really him too. It has an almost Bruce Springsteen quality to his eyes.
As I said in those comments, I will say it again – Damn, he was fine!
Yep, I can just picture him jogging along the paths of Vermont when he was younger. Sigh.
I just heard from an old friend of mine today, out of the blue. I hadn’t heard of her in a couple of years and it turns out that she moved to Vermont with her kids! I told her that I was jealous that she was living in progressive Vermont while I was still in red state Missouri with the red necks.
it’s a convertible and BRG…
trust me. The wheels just keep coming off. Methinks it’s a Ford…
why, you are too kind but if I’m going for an older car, this would be it:
TC”s are cool, but I’ve always lusted after one of these
Who thinks that Karl Rove might have made a secret deal with Fitzgerald? It just seems so wierd how that whole thing just completely dropped off the radar, suddenly Fitz is just too busy with other things.
Fitzgerald has a lot of balls in the air but I don’t think he’ll let Karl off the hook unless its in exchange for something really good — and even then Karl will have to do some time.
I was in Chicago last weekend. I got in on Friday evening, later than expected because of weather. So I basically ate something and got in bed and turned on the news. There was Fitzgerald indicting the City Clerk of Chicago — they had been working this case for a LONG time and he finally brought the indictment.
The guy has a full time job besides the special counsel gig.
So don’t lose hope just because there’s been no news.
Thanks for the reply! I’ll keep my hopes up… π
I actually know some people who work with Fitzgerald in Chicago and they speak very highly of him, both his work ethic and his personal ethics. And they confirm that he is relentless. So keep heart.
He certainly seems that way to me, but I can’t imagine what it must be like to be up against Darth Rover himself. May the force be with Fitz!
Of course, using paper ballots, it’ll probably be months and months and months before we have an official total.
“it’ll probably be months and months and months before”
14 minutes.
Where’s the Canadian Supreme Court, where are the months of recounts, where are the rioting lobbiests? Oh, the humanity.
Night folks. See everyone tomorrow.
Time for John and Abbie. But I’ll keep checking in here too.
Well that was really good and if you all didn’t see it — try and catch it when it repeats on PBS. Joseph Ellis and David McCulloch were among those interviewed. Abigail Adams was a remarkable woman, especially for her time.
Last words of David McCollough: “Real love isn’t gazing into each other’s eyes; real love is gazing out together in the same direction.”
high time! for John Prine and Abbie Hoffman. I miss those guys!
See my diary here