There wasn’t one up for today, so here y’all go!
About The Author
Knoxville Progressive
47, an environmental scientist, Italian-American, married, 2 sons, originally a Catholic from Philly, now a Taoist ecophilosopher in the South due to job transfer. Enjoy jazz, hockey, good food and hikes in the woods.
Today’s top story – Planet heating chaotically; economy screwed, “Fortune” magazine reports:
As Gomer Pyle would say, “Sur-prise, sur-prise, sur-prise:” A disturbing consensus is emerging among the scientists who study global warming: Climate change may bring more violent swings than they ever thought, and it may set in sooner. Reported in Fortune, which serves up the following food for thought:
The author goes on to detail the effects on the economy of a rapidly changing and volatile climate. The bottom line? We’re screwed. His closing thoughts:
Other News
Scientists have pinpointed the heart-healthy compound in cocoa by studying a tribe of native people that live on islands off the Panama coast. The tribesmen drank 3-4 cups of cocoa per day. The compound was found to relax blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and easing blood flow.
California’s ambitious plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions could create tens of thousands of new jobs and dramatically boost the economy in coming years, according to two new independent analyses. Reported in the LA Times (registration required).
Evolution in action: Killifish adapt to polluted New Bedford, MA harbor; other species die off.
“I’m shocked, shocked:” Halliburton contaminated water supply to US base in Iraq, and didn’t tell anyone. (As they used to say out West: “Somebody get a rope!”)
Now this makes me proud to be an Amurkan: A study by Yale and Columbia Universities, ranked the US 28th over all in environmental performance, behind most of Western Europe, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Costa Rica and Chile, but ahead of Russia and South Korea. But it was reported in the NY Times, trusted by neither right nor left, so there’s nothing to see here folks, listen to Officer Wiggum and move along, move along…
British alternate fuels 1: British turn to waste cooking oil – it’s cheaper than diesel, but they get hit for tax evasion!
British alternate fuels 2: Delmarva chicken producer adopting British technology to burn chicken poop as fuel.
Maine gets it: A first-in-the-nation law went into effect Wednesday in Maine, requiring makers of televisions and computer monitors to pick up the tab to recycle and safely dispose of their products once they are discarded.
Glad you posted one for us!
CG, if you’re interested in that newsletter thang, please send me an e-mail. thanks.
Global Warmen? AWW… don’t know nuff bout it, gonna hav to study it more. Don’t think I know anybody from HalliBurton?! Don’t got me in pictures with any of em, do ya?
First Word Glaxo Wellcome
From Aftenposten (Norway):
As reported by BBC – Envoy issues Sri Lanka peace call
Michael Hayden is on C-Span now, answering questions….live, I think.
I watched this and as far as I am in concern, he was in CYA mode. He failed on all points to answer the questions of the audience appropriately, IMHO. This man is a farce and rouse.
Blackberry users beware:
The judge has set a February 1 deadline for filings on the injunction issue.
I’d look for a last minute settlement.
Haven’t nearly all of the patents been ruled invalid on Patent Office review? I’ve been trying to figure what strength NTP has besides favor with the original court in this.
Here’s a Bloomberg story from December saying that ONE of the patents had been thrown out but the other patent reviews were still ongoing and might not be resolved for years. link
I haven’t followed the story that closely — since I don’t use a blackberry.
NTP Co-founder on BlackBerry: “We should have taken the money when we had the chance”
Let me first say that Don Stout, co-founder of NTP, didn’t actually say that NTP should have taken the money when they had the chance, however, I guarantee you that the thought has run across his mind. Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20. As the days go by, it looks like all Mr. Stout and NTP are going to get from Research in Motion is a stack of lawyer bills and maybe a free BlackBerry 8700c from
In 2003 Research in Motion was found guilty on 5 counts of patent infringement and has been entrenched in a length appeals process the may force the BlackBerry maker to pay a settlement to NTP that some analysts estimate to be over $1 billion or face being shutdown in the United States. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is reviewing the patents and in an initial review and a second (but still not final) review, the USPTO has claimed the the NTP patents are invalid.
The USPTO has actually told both NTP and RIM that they fully expect the NTP patents to be invalidated on final review which complicates the separate patent infringe proceedings even further. The 30 day extension gives NTP more time to prepare their defense of their patents, however, they say that hey will not take the entire 30 days to respond. The USPTO plans to have the review process completed in the next 10 weeks.
Part of the problem is in the patent creation process in the US. Nearly anything is allowed pending legal challenges that are always expected to come.
Interesting. The U.S. patent system IS all screwed up but I don’t know enough about this case to be able to form an opinion on these patents. I just know all my friends with Blackberries are hoping service won’t be interrupted. I’m willing to lay good odds that it won’t be — for one reason or another.
From what I’ve seen, RIM has been dedicated to keeping the service regardless of what it cost them. By the owner’s (NTP) own description, NTP is nothing more that a filing cabinet in an office in VA. The ingenuity of aquiring questionable patent rights for virtually pennies and then gambling on infringement suits has been lucrative for some of his suits. Most of these suits seem to be settled to avoid the hassle whether or not the suit has merit.
Interestingly, RIM/Blackberry is in the plans for a partnership of sorts with Google….sorry, Bill.
It’s election day here in Canada. Should be an interesting — and scary — night. Weather-friendly day for election.
Interesting development in the Pakistan air strike: Expulsion of U.S. ambassador demanded in Pakistan.
This is certainly terrible news: Alberta cow tests positive for mad cow: CFIA.
An interesting article on secularism and fundamentalism and their influence in politics: The New Secularism: Cultivating A Sober Tone of Doubt (Rick Salutin). How’s this for a teaser: “Alongside Afghanistan under the Taliban and the Iran of the mullahs, the U.S. is that rare nation that defines the left-right political spectrum in terms of the secular and the religious.”
I’m glad when Democratic candidates for Senate stick to party message. link
Seems there was some doubt as to whether Claire McCaskill would oppose Alito if she were a senator right now. She erased that doubt.
It’s hard living in a state with two moronic Republican senators like Kit Bond and Jim Talent(less)who will vote Republican party line no matter what.
PLEASE DON’T SPAM THIS THREAD JUDY — I’VE CALLED THEM BOTH. It will do no good, but I’ve called them and asked everyone else that I know to call them. The only real solution is to defeat Talent and get McCaskill into the senate. Polling over the weekend was good — they are running neck and neck and haven’t really started spending money yet. But Talent has raised a lot of money, so it will be an uphill battle.
“The Republican System” (hat tip Corrente)
This is a must read even for those who think they’ve read all there’s on the scandal and those who missed it; Sidney Blumenthal’s chronicle connects the dots on Abramoff-Bush-Delay-Hastert-K Street over the decade. It details Republicans at work ‘the lobbying and the politics.’
Btw, for those who can’t recall knowing or ‘having met’ Abramoff this should bring on the chills.
Waaaah. just wonderin’ if there’s a photo ablum to complete the dossier. Ya think?
Ooops, my bad. Here’s the missing link to “The Republican system”, by Sidney Blumenthal
Here’s some good news about marriage equality:
Tradition is not a legitimate vehicle for the state to use to discriminate against an entire class of people. Nice to hear someone from the bench say that. ::happy dance::
Y-A-A-AY-Y-Y-Y! I will join you (virtually) in a happy dance!
Well, I just woke up, don’t really have anything, but wanted to give the heads-up that Amy Goodman will have the Canadian reporter, Anthony Fenton, on to talk about the NED & Haiti. He’s the reporterwho broke the story about the AP reporter, Regine Alexandre, who was also working as a consultant for the State Department funded NED.
More good news here in Red State Missouri.
There was a roughly even split among respondants over the illegal spying program, which sounds ridiculous (how can you be in favor of spying on americans) — but as the pollster said
but look at the drop in Bush’s approvals — its HUGE:
And on whether the country is headed in the wrong direction:
Here in MO — we celebrate every small victory.
‘Oldtimers’ will remember Susanhu’s challenge to the community last May regarding the 10 most ignored stories of the world.
Nanette covered the one on Fistula
Just came across this link:
OK, trying again.
Here is the link to the article.
Wow! Now that’s great mothering. What a lucky kid her daughter is.
More I. Lewis Libby trial news.
I’m sure reddhead at Firedoglake will analyze this soon.