Here is the math. The Dems have 44 Senators, plus Jim Jeffords, an independent. That is 45 votes. In order to maintain a filibuster they must keep 41 Senators in support.
Senators Tim Johnson (SD), Robert Byrd (WV), and Ben Nelson (NE), have all indicated that they will vote for Judge Alito. That puts us at 42. Senators Ken Salazar (CO) and Mary Landrieu (LA) have indicated that they will not support a filibuster. That puts us at 40. Forty is not good enough.
Unless we can change the mind of one of these Senators, or win over at least one Republican, Judge Alito will receive an up or down vote. And he will be confirmed.
There is no reason to give up. Please continue to send your letters, faxes, and to place your phone calls. But, things are looking very bleak.
Update [2006-1-26 15:54:31 by BooMan]: Via Kos, this may explain why Byrd caved in.
WTF is with Byrd?
Byrd can take his little pocket Constitution and shove it up his ass. He fucking couldn’t do what’s right for the Party?
And not just the Party – the fucking country???!!?? I know he’s going to drop dead sooner rather than later, but does he want Alito to be his legacy?
I’d say that we sould focus our energies on four individuals.
Landrieu and Salazar should be lobbied to change their minds on a filibuster. Chafee and Snowe should be encouraged to support a filibuster.
It’s not much to work with, but I think it is all we have left.
Landrieu better be up for a filibuster since she just got a huge New Orleans buyback bill rejected by the WH yesterday. You’d think she’d be up for a payback.
CALL YOUR SENATORS! (And those who need a spine implant):
If Repug, tell them “No” to Alito; if Democrat: FILIBUSTER!
If the Washington lines are busy, the Senators’ home office numbers and fax are listed here: CONTACT YOUR SENATORS (Click here)
While we have to generate the pressure on all Senators, the decision to filibuster (or not) will also be a leadership decision.
Call the Leadership Offices!
Harry Reid, NV Democratic Leader (202) 224-3542
Dick Durbin, IL Assistant Democratic Leader (202) 224-2152
Patrick Leahy, VT Ranking Member Judiciary Committee (202) 224-4242
For extra credit, use the same numbers to call all the 2008 Presidential candidates who are sitting Senators – Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold – and tell them to either LEAD THE FILIBUSTER or FORGET ABOUT YOUR SUPPORT. You can also send that message to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (202-224-2447) and the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000).
Polls and public opinion are another way to apply pressure — get word out about why Alito needs to be filibustered:
Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. (Click here)
People for the American Way has collected nearly 65,000 signatures to send to the Senate, please add yours: Save the Court Petition
John Kerry has endorsed this anti-Alito petition, signers’ names will be read into the Congressional Record:
Everytime I try to use my new Salazar it breaks!
His business interests also include The Dominion Post of Morgantown, the West Virginia Radio Corp., which owns 15 radio stations, and the MetroNews radio network serving 56 stations.
So this guy controls the media in WV. That would be an interesting race to watch. Or not watch if he blankets the coverage within his state.
‘ve had enough.
So Robert Byrd, the “historian” of the Senate, the one who is most passionate in his Constitution-based arguments, one of the most vociferious anti-Bush Administration Senators, is supporting Alito because he is afraid it will jeopardize his re-election chances.
When Alito ascends to the Supreme Court, I will be become convinced of something that up until that point I thought was only a mere possibility: that the Democratic Party, or more accurately, the Democrats in both houses of Congress, is nothing more than the “straight man” in this grotesque burlesque show that is American democracy. They are only window dressing, providing the fig leaf necessary to cover the flaccid phallus of neocon tyranny.
Senate Democrats have no spine, no principles, and no shame.
I pity you, Sen. Byrd. I thought we could count on you.
We are all fucked.
The only thing that stays consistent is that, when push come to shove, they will do whatever they deem necessary to stay in office.
I don’t think it can possibly be true.
What is speculation? That Byrd is supporting Alito or that the Democrats are a bunch of spineless wusses?
That the reason Byrd is voting Yes is because he’s afraid of an challenger. I think he has too much integrity for that and must have some other reason, although I can’t say I have the slightest idea what it might be.
feeling utterly demoralized by Byrd’s defection. I don’t want to believe this. My heart is hurting, really physically hurting.
That’s it for me too.
In those dark days following November 2004, when there seemed to be no hope and the country was doomed to descend into right wing tyranny, I was told to take heart in the fact that the Dems still had an ace up their sleeve. They had the votes they needed to protect the Judiciary and keep the extremists off the bench.
Yup, they had the votes. Only trouble is, they aren’t using them.
Can someone tell me why we have a Democratic party? Because I don’t see the point anymore.
For chrissake – even Lieberman voted with the Dems.
What a sad, sad legacy for Byrd.
him the tongue every time he kissed him!
Ewwwwww – indeed!
Tracy, as I much as I love ya – that comment needs to get mega-trolled into oblivion before you destroy any more beautiful minds with that thought!
you know the idea of Lieberman and Bush making out is HOT!!
Double Ewwwwww!!!
uck, cough, uckk cough cough
(that was me throwing up at the thought)
I have no words. Luckily Happy Bunny does.
That is my favorite happy bunny…
FSM knows we need it today…
Tracy you’re priceless! On a day when I thought a laugh was impossible you got me to crack smile and half a guffaw, which I’d define as a tragic-comedic-laugh.
Byrd has caved because he’s got a wealthy challenger. Isn’t his support in his state based on his Elder Statesman support for the Constitution — and whatever pork he brings home? What’s his challenger going to say? Byrd voted against a man who’s going to end abortion? Couldn’t Byrd counter with, I voted against a man who would (will) turn presidents into kings?
And if that challenger owns all the media in WV, isn’t Byrd going to lose anyway? Shouldn’t he want to seal his legacy with a last stand for his principles?
I must say this saddens me deeply. I know, Arthur Gilroy, I know: it’s all just a charade, staged theater for the masses. But this is a cruel little plot twist indeed.
I’m not buying that explanation at all.
What Byrd’s aide told me when I called to register my disappointment:
Byrd met with him, lengthy heart-to-heart, believes Alito understands separation of powers and will support…blah blah blah.
I cut him off and said that Alito had already showed in the past that he would lie to the senators to receive an appointment.
The aide sighed and sounded just as disappointed.
I want to quit. I want to withdraw from caring about any of this. I want to join the large portion of Americans that just don’t pay attention. I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.
I was thinking of you when I heard the news. As you can see from my comments, I’m bitterly disappointed and I’m not even his constituent.
I’m with you on the “ignorance is bliss” feeling right now.
I got up from the computer and started dinner feeling the same way, still disbelieving and disheartened. Then, I came back, hoping to find it was just rumor and speculation, and saw Byrd’s statement. I feel heavy and numb. One would think that Byrd would be too wise to be deceived by Alito…
You know, Carnacki, I think that once we’ve moved from ‘the dead zone’ in terms of caring, in terms of knowing, it’s impossible to go back.
The important thing, however — to my mind — is that we do what we must do to sustain ourselves, retain our vision & learn to walk it through, however possible, in whatever capacities we have, in whatever arenas remain for us to work in.
Withdrawal for balance, a breather, an adjustment of the sphere of vision? Sure. Back to the land of nod? I simply don’t think it’s possible — & frankly, do we really want to be the types of folks who don’t know Dick Cheney from Dick Clark?
Harry Reid met with progressive lobbyists on Tuesday and told them he has nearly 44 votes against Alito, but there are 8 Democratic Senators who will not support a filibuster.
Only 41 votes are needed for a filibuster. If Reid has nearly 44 votes against Alito, every one of those Senators should support a filibuster or their vote against Alito is meaningless.
So call the Democrats who are leading this battle and demand a united Democratic filibuster:
Harry Reid (NV)
Dick Durbin (IL)
Chuch Schumer (NY)
Debbie Stabenow (MI)
Pat Leahy (VT)
Use these toll free numbers to call the Capitol: 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641.
Reid would not name the “Alito 8” who are blocking a Democratic filibuster – so we need to identify them and tell them not to betray the Democrats who funded them and voted for them.
The most likely suspects are the “Red State” Democrats:
Tom Carper (DE)
Kent Conrad (ND)
Byron Dorgan (ND)
Tim Johnson (SD)
Mary Landrieu (LA)
Blanche Lincoln (AR)
Mark Pryor (AR)
Also call these “Blue State” and pro-choice Republicans:
Lincoln Chafee (RI)
Susan Collins (ME)
Lisa Murkowsky (AK)
Bob Smith (OR)
Olympia Snowe (ME)
Ted Stevens (AK)
For extra credit, call all the 2008 Presidential candidates who are sitting Senators – Evan Bayh, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, and John Kerry – and tell them to either LEAD THE FILIBUSTER or FORGET ABOUT YOUR SUPPORT.
You can also send that message to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (202-224-2447) and the Democratic National Committee (202-863-8000).
Share what you learn with members here:
despondent at the moment. I think georgia10 over there said it best with “Fuck, fuckity fuck fuck”. My sentiments exactly…
My letter to my own Dem Senator here. (shameless pimping of my own diary.)
Two people have just contacted me with the following information: “I just called Kerry’s office (202) 224-2742 and they confirmed that’s he’s trying to round up support among his colleagues for a filibuster.”
over at dKos is reporting that Kerry is going to publicly call for a filibuster.
I have to think that Reid is working feverishly behind the scenes to get the votes, and that Kerry is the spokesman on this one.
Is it possible they’ve swayed some of the Republican moderates?
CNN Link
It is a sad but historically indisputable fact that it is only after a democracy has been destroyed that the majority realizes the threat was real and that they should have done everything they could to oppose the destroyers.
I am physically ill right now. I don’t think I can do anymore. I am ready to crawl in that big darl hole of apathy and just say fuck it. You can kiss democracy good bye folks. Unless Kerry can pull one out of the hat we are fucked.
I haven’t lost it, yet, pretty damn close sometimes though. I’m hoping that the dems will kick the shit out of those fucking yes voters, really. Not literally, but… Why can we not have the party unity that those other assholes have? Huh??
I feel like I’m watching the Colts and Steelers game all over again this afternoon. Argh!
You can’t crawl into a hole-We need you to keep calling and faxing or emailing those holdouts…you can cry later if you want, but not now.
Yep, no cryin until its over — then you can cry with relief or in rage, depending on the outcome.
Ok, ok I will try to keep the faith gals but man it is difficult to say the least. I really want to just scream a big f you to the lameheads in the party and then slap the crap out of them. Ok…got that off my chest. Thanks for the space to do so. Carry on!
Well, heck. Here’s despair. However, I second Boo’s opinion that we keep in contact with our esteemed senators & let them know how we feel.
FYI: additional phone numbers (district offices) can be found at
Thank goodness. For a second there, I thought you were supporting BooMan’s opinion of the Bush/Lieberman liaison :^)