Matthews’ eyes lit up, and his voice rose in excitement as he pitched:
MATTHEWS: Let me tell you something. I‘ll say it here a thousandth time. Watch Rudolph Giuliani. Watch him. Security is the issue in this country. Whoever is the next president is going to be seen as more on the ball than even this president on security and terrorism. This country is not going soft on terrorism. We are going to get smarter on it is my hunch.
And Rudy is the guy to do it. And he can be an SOB in many ways. But this country may really want an SOB, a really tough cop as the next president. So watch Rudy, I‘m saying it. (MSNBC Hardball Transcript, Jan. 25, 2006)
Dana Milbank’s shootdown was a bit hilarious:
MATTHEWS: First, Rudolph Giuliani, the pro-choice, pro-gay rights, former mayor spent today, or the day in Orlando speaking to a conference of Evangelicals.
[CHRIS GETTING NEARLY BREATHLESS HERE] Dana, he‘s up to it, isn‘t he? This is below the radar. This is Rudy campaigning for president in the south.
MILBANK: This is about as convincing as Jerry Falwell at the gay pride parade.
So what’s my problem with Chris? Tweety seems to have a big-time, hard-on thaaaaaaang for tough-guy, rough-’em-up, big-hat-bigger-fist-biggest-balls-ever politicians. And, some leftie bloggers are righteously pissed off at being compared by Matthews to Osama bin Laden, and have organized a campaign and boycott:
Chris Matthews has repeatedly compared Americans who are concerned about the war in Iraq to Osama bin Liden. We are asking companies to refrain from advertising on Matthews’ MSNBC TV show “Hardball” until he publicly apologizes and promises to stop his right-wing bias. READ MORE
At the “Open Letter to Chris Matthews” site, you can sign up your blog, and you can post a letter to Matthews. This effort has been endorsed by Peter Daou of Daou Report and many familiar bloggers. Peter Daou perhaps summed up the reasoning behind this the best:
To understand the methodology of the story-telling media, look no further than two situations currently occupying the energy of netroots activists: Chris Matthews’ equating of bin Laden and Michael Moore and Tim Russert’s racially-tinged, guilt-by-association line of questioning in a recent interview with Barack Obama. … continued below ….
"Flip-flop" took hold as an anti-Kerry theme because it was repeated ad nauseum in the press. And mind you, reporters are far too sophisticated to simply deliver the meme as an accusation; they frame it as a question, they toss it in as an offhanded remark, they run a caption that says it for them, they use the language of Democratic duality and Republican unity, they use polls for cover, they play false equivalency games, they allow Republicans to repeat the narrative unhindered, and so on. This despite the fact that Bush contradicted himself on major policy issues and was a master ‘flip-flopper’ himself. Had the media fact-checked the assertion every time it popped up and had they called Bush a flip-flopper with the same brutal, methodical intensity, the race might have ended differently. One of the few chances Americans got to test the flip-flop meme was the debates, and we all know how those turned out.
The same holds true for the Swift-boat sliming of Kerry: much has been made of the Kerry campaign’s response or lack thereof, but there’s another angle less discussed: the story was a cable staple for days and weeks, unchecked. Had the cable nets and other media outlets covered that story with more balance, more dignity, more judiciousness, more responsibility, it would have been a sideshow. And this has nothing to do with deflecting blame – the Kerry campaign should have known that their enemy wasn’t a vindictive crackpot like John O’Neill, but the many ‘journalists’ and media outlets who rammed the story down our collective gullets.
Similarly, the media helped reframe John Murtha’s call for a dramatic shift in strategy in Iraq as a policy of “cut and run” versus Bush’s “steadfastness.” Once again, the storyline trumps the story.
To illustrate the power of the media to shape public opinion, simply imagine what would happen if the cable nets and the print media and the elite punditocracy treated the warrantless spying scandal with the same round-the-clock intensity as the Swift-boating of Kerry or the Natalee Holloway disappearance. Suppose Lewinsky-style headlines blared about impeachment and presidential law-breaking. Suppose the question of the day on every cable net was, “Should Bush be impeached for violating the Constitution?” The media can create a crisis — and can squelch one. The media can deliver narratives, they can frame events, they can shape the way Americans see the political landscape. A disproportionate amount of power is wielded by a handful of opinion-shapers, and when these individuals tell America a story that favors the right and marginalizes the left, the remedies are few.
Progressive bloggers and the millions of online activists whose conversations they shepherd are fighting to close the triangle. Sadly, Democrats will resist, out of fear. And the press will fight back, hard. Not to mention the anticipated wrath of the rightwing machine, built on the "liberal media" myth. Still, the latent power of the netroots is ignored at the political and media establishment’s peril.
And Kos, a co-sponsor of the Matthews Letter blog, has weighed in with a hat tip to Digby’s great rant on Chris Matthews and Deborah Howell:
Great post by Digby. I don’t even know where to start excerpting, so go read it all. But here’s something to whet your appetite:
This is why we out in the hinterland are alarmed by people like Deborah Howell and Chris Matthews. These are people who are not open partisans. Yet by “gentlemean’s agreement” they take for granted certain negative assumptions about Democrats and pump them out into the body politic. It has been so internalized that they seem to not even know they are doing it. In a world where toxic liberal-eliminationist rhetoric is openly celebrated as “mainstream” and where liberals are commonly derided as cowardly and denounced as treasonous, this is very disturbing indeed.
Check out the Matthews letter blog site.
waaaay too much time on “Countdown” with Keith — I think the Olbermann snark is rubbing off on him. 😉
Matthews wants to play both sides of the fence, so that he doesn’t lose his access to the Powers That Be; if the Democrats were in power, he’d probably be making snide remarks about congressional Republicans. Rather than go after the advertisers, I’d just rather people turn off his show (and make damn sure they turn it on for Keith!), and let the ratings rule. (Speaking of ratings, who the hell chooses the Nielsen/Arbitron families? The spouse and I have never had one of their damn diaries…yet it seemed like my mom was filling one out every other month, and she was a mega-right-winger…)
These contacts for Chris Matthews advertisers at Americablog.
I honestly think Matthews is “in love” with Bush–I mean that literally. When he talks about Bush he sounds like a lovesick schoolgirl. I just can’t watch him anymore at all.
But I believe listening to him causes ear damage.
Yep! That’s why I do my major political news gathering here and at at a few other progressive blogs. Gave up on televised MSM nearly totally after Nov 04, Terry Schaivo, and the Downing Street Minutes. I’ll watch briefly to get the first reports on a real breaking story like Al Gore’s recent speech, but that is it. (Katrina coverage got me watching Anderson Cooper for about one week). Matthews, Dobbs, and all the rest to me are just different flavors of the same uh… stuff.
In addition, I look through two local newspapers, and a couple of magazines, Newsweek and The Nation. So I think I have been boycotting TV news outlets for some time now. Don’t miss them much either.
Recently Andrew Sullivan coined the term “fellatial” to describe the adoration expressed by Fred Barnes toward Bush in his book about him.
Clearly Matthews has this same adoring, “fellatial” sentiment towards Guiliani and also toward McCain. And when the last pope was dying he had it for him too.
Tweety is a pathetic caricature of his former self, and I can barely listen to his pontificationsor faux “tough guy” type interrogation style anymore.
FUCK Chris Matthews.
Which I suppose would be alright if said PermaGov wasn’t totally anti-human in its goals and tactics.
You know those Hollywood sci-fi flicks about a future where machines take over and use humans as tools?
They are not fiction, and this IS the future.
Wake the fuck up.
Do not collaborate with the enemy. And the primary tool of this “enemy” is false information. Let them use their tool on you…and it is a very effective and very subtle tool, by the way, so do not fool yourself into thinking that you are somehow immune because you’re so fucking evloved, because you are not…let them work on your subconcious with iot and you are a goner. Left, right OR center. rich or poor.
A goner.
As in gone.
Outta here.
Without leave.
Without even LEAVING.
You CANNOT reform this enemy.
You cannot reason with it.
And you cannot cut off one of its tentacles and think that you have won, because it will simply replace that tentacle with another, more effective one.
There are a THOUSAND Chris Matthews/Katie Courics/Rut Limpboughs etc. waiting in the minor leagues, ready and waiting to play ball with the machines for a dollar three-eighty more than the average wage earned by the reast of the peasants.
They are our house niggers, working for the overseers who are in turn working for the man (The machine, in this case. The REAL Superman/Ubermensch), and we are the field slaves.
Time to burn down the mansion.
O-F-F off!!!
NEWSTRIKE!!!, goddamnit.
It is the ONLY answer.
Your point — rather lengthy — is well-taken.
But it is vital to monitor these “house niggers” because they are who most Americans hear.
Most Americans 1) don’t have the time or 2) the inclination to do the digging necessary to come up with your perspective, Arthur. Sad but true. They BELIEVE what they hear on their AM raadio and TEEVEEEs.
One GOOD THING about Chris Matthews: He does have Amy Goodman on fairly often, and he lets her talk. It’s an outstanding program when he does. And Amy doesn’t play their game at all … she lays it all out. It’s beautiful to watch her go eyeball-to-eyeball with a Repug.
If it is “beautiful” to watch Amy Goodman in a situation like that…it is beautiful in the same manner as it is to watch a fine athlete on a consistently losing team.
It’s not working, Susan.
I wish that it was.
They include a token truth-teller as part of their scam.
As a sop to people…well-meaning, good people…like yourself.
They include those tokens in a small enough (And nudge nudge,wink wink enough…”Aren’t those wacky liberals just so CUTE sometimes, Henry!!!”) setting so that they they do NOTHING to change a single media-tranced out mind.
One piece of truth surrounded by 960 lies.
The truth of the matter simply gets lost in the clutter.
The empty chatter.
Sorry Susan…we have to dismantle this media system.
Any which way we can.
Or it is going to destroy us.
We are aleady to some degree the slaves of this machine. We are being progressively more often used simply as gofers. Technicians who help to keep the machine running instead of vice-versa. More mobile than robots…so far…we fight and die to provide the blood that runs this mega-machine.(Oil at the moment, but if that runs out we can fry ourselves with radiation as far as the machine is concerned. As long as there are enough of us left to help keep it running.)
Our lives, our finances, entire cultures are in thrall to the machine, Susan.
Gotta stop somewhere.
May as well be now.
And the corporate media is the tool the machine uses to keep us working for ITS goals rather than for the good of living creatures.
Is it a “sentient” machine?
No, I suppose not.
Not yet, anyway.
Is a pride of lions “sentient”?
No…but does it really matter to the prey?
Are we to be the hyenas and jackals for this machine?
Those who clean up the scraps it leaves behind?
The antelopes and water buffalo it eats in its own self-interest?
That’s where it’s headed, Susan, and Amy Goodman be DAMNED.
She’s smart; she’s clever; she means well…and she’s not getting ANYTHING done.
Who’s in charge here, again?
Who’s headed for the Supreme Court?
Who’s dying in a Blood For Oil War?
Whose lives, jobs, education and culture have literally disappeared in a mechanical haze of automatic questions and answers?
Since JFK was killed…HOW MANY ADMINISTRATIONS HAVE BEEN EVEN DEMOCRATIC, let alone standing in clear opposition to this corporate machine that transforms men and women into faceless functionaries?
Maybe some of Carter…what he could manage before the machine got rid of him… and whatever Clinton could manage and still (barely) survive two whole terms? As opposed to a LOT of Nixon/Ford/Reagan/BushI/BushII, their Rumsfeldian minions and whatever is about to happen if we do not find a way to stop this media movement from maintaning its hypnotic hold on the minds and souls of the vast majority of Americans.
When I say “Wake the Fuck UP!!!”…I am not just whistlin’ Dixie here, Susan.
More like Taps if we’re not careful.
RIP, Homo Sapiens.
That’s wehere it’s headed, m’dear…
I’d say “BET on it”, but…who’d be there to collect if I am right?
Fight, fight against the synthesis of the light.
P.S.I have been in Holland, now. And the UK. For a couple of weeks. MUCH better here in Europe. Their anti-machine checks and balances are working. MUCH better than those in the U.S. Much less trance-state going on.
That you CAN bet on.
Just look in peoples’ eyes.
They look back at you instead of seeing you as some sort of television image. They listen to what you are saying, too.
All you have to do is keep a critical mass of people free of this thing and it begins to break down. Not even a majority. Just enough.
Let’s try it.
What have we got to lose but our credit cards?
And what stands to be gained in exchange?
Read my sig.
Replace the word “Power” with the words “The machine”.
The machine concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.-Arthur Gilroy
The only effective “demand” of which I personally can conceive…one that would run an end-around play on the mass hypnosis system…is a media boycott. A NEWSTRIKE!!! The larger the number of people who turned the machine OFF in their own lives, the less influence it would have…and the less money (power) it would garner as well, if the boycott was indeed truly sucessful. Reach a critcal mass, and it would fall.
Anyone with a better idea…one other than storming the WMD-protected barricades waving ploughshares and imaginary sanmurai swords or trying to talk the media into recognizining its own error (and it is NOT in error if its goal is the protection of the machine rather than the protection of humans)…anyone with a better idea, feel free to chime right in here.
I’m all ears.